Thursday, January 2, 2014

የመቀለ ወጣቶች ከህወሓት መሪዎች ጋር ተጋጩ

የመቀሌ ከተማ (ፎቶ ፋይል)

አብርሃ ደስታ በፌስቡክ ገጹ እንደዘገበው፦
ዛሬ ሐሙስ ታህሳስ 24, 2006 ዓም በኮብልስቶን ስራ የተሰማሩና (ለመሰማራት በማህበራት የተደራጁየመቀለ ወጣቶች በመቀለ ከተማማዘጋጃቤት አዳራሽ ተሰብስበው ነበር። የተሰበሰቡበት ምክንያት በጨረታ የተወዳደሩበት የኮብልስቶን ግንባታ መሰረዙ ሊነገራቸው ተብሎነበር።
ባለፈው ዓመት በኮብልስቶን ስራ የተሰማሩ ወጣቶች አብዛኞቹ መክሰራቸው ይታወሳል። የከሰሩበት ምክንያት ደግሞ ለኮብልስቶን ስራተብሎ ከዓለም ባንክ የተከኘ ገንዘብ በሐላፊዎች አለ አግባብ መመዝበሩ ነበር። የኮብልስቶን ገንዘብ የሰረቁ ባለስልጣናት መታሰራቸውይታወሳል።
አሁን በወጣው ጨረታ መሰረት ግን ለስርቅ የሚሆን የሚተርፍ የኮብልስቶን ገንዘብ አይኖርም። በዚህ ምክንያት የህወሓት መሪዎችጨረታው ለመሰረዝና ሌላ አዲስ ጨረታ ለመክፈት ወስነዋል። ወጣቶቹም የህወሓት መሪዎች የወሰዱት እርምጃ ክፉኛ ተቃውሞውታል።ወጣቶቹ ለጠየቁት ጥያቄ ተገቢ መልስ ባለመግኘታቸው ስብሰባው ረግጠው ወጥተዋል። የአደራሹ በር በመዝጋት ስብሰባው ረግጠውእንዳይወጡ ጥረት የተደረገ ቢሆንም አልተሳካም።
ወጣቶቹ ነገ ጠዋት (ዓርብወደ ክልል ቢሮ ተሰባስበው ይሄዳሉ። የክልል መንግስት መፍትሔ ካልሰጣቸው የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ እስከማድረግይደርሳሉ።
ይህ የኮብልስቶን ጉዳይ ባብዛኞቹ የትግራይ ክልል ከተሞች ትልቅ አጀንዳ ሁኗል።

Public Meeting in Seattle with Tamagne Beyene

On Sunday, January 5, 2014, activist and artist Tamagne Beyene, representing the Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia, will be in Seattle when we remember the victims of the Saudi violence.

Seattle public meeting with Tamagne Beyene

Discovery of mass grave rocked TPLF warlords and shocked Ethiopians

The Horn Times Newsletter
Report compiled by Getahune Bekele-South Africa
*Number of exhumed remains rising…
On Tuesday morning 31 December 2013, mortified Army chief-of-staff Gen Samora and Deputy PM D. Mekonen were spotted leaving the third battalion barracks, TPLF’s secret execution site for many years.Ethiopian regime secret execution site
Despite the regime’s massive cover up campaign, intimidation and open threat of secondary mass grave for the accidentally exhumed corpses in order to avoid investigation or to conceal evidence of the mass murder; Ethiopians winced in terror when the news of the discovery of mass grave in Addis Ababa travelled across the vast nation exposing the savagery; atrocities and duplicity of the current ruling minority junta, – largely of Tigre coterie.
The gruesome discovery was made on Friday 27 December and Saturday 28 December 2013, between Sidist- Kilo and Ferensay- legasion areas at Jan-Meda, inside the barracks of the third army battalion when an excavator working for road expansion project pulled out two corpses wrapped in same color blankets and again another four corpses each wrapped in blankets of identical colors.
Eyewitnesses who got to the area and took the photos before the federal police cordoned off the vicinity told reporters that two of the corpses were still in hand-cuffs and one of the victims had his hands tied behind his back.
“I jumped into the ditch driven by emotion and although the remains were dismembered and co-mingled, I have counted four corpses on Saturday, all shot to the base of the skull. That is, as we all know a Bolshevik style execution practiced by the Stalinist TPLF warlords for years. These remains are undoubtedly victims of 22 years of TPLF repression and terror. The blankets, manufactured by the Debre Birhan blanket factory did not lose their original colors and labels. That indicates the executions were not carried out that long ago. ” A retired medical doctor living in Jan-Meda area of Addis Ababa told reporters, sobbing silently.
When contacted by an undercover reporter on January 1, 2014, the Debre Birhan blanket factory’s sales and customer service manager who gave his first name as Negasi, admitted supplying the correctional service authority of Ethiopia with more than 200,000 blankets similar both in color and design to those found in the mass grave in 2005, 2006 and 2007 financial years.
According to Negasi, the factory did so after legally won tenders.
The sales clerk’s admission is a damning proof beyond any reasonable doubt to journalists that the dead tyrant Meles Zenawi’s homicide squad known as the Agazit executed detainees and committed the war crime during the 2005 nation-wide anti TPLF insurrection.
“Well, grim reminders of the Meles Zenawi era, but how many more mass graves are we going to uncover in the coming years in this city purged by Tigre People Liberation Front with unparalleled audacity? It would be the biggest flagrant miscarriage of justice if the ICC chief prosecutor Madam Fatou B let the panicking TPLF warlords off the hook. It is incumbent up on her to send a team of investigators to Addis Ababa without any delay.
“ This blood curdling discovery has exposed the nation’s festering wounds and further complicated the dreadful ethnic fault line created by the ruling Tigre People Liberation Front/TPLF in May 1991. I personally know that then federal police boss; the snarling evil Workeneh Gebeyhu used the third infantry battalion compound as the headquarters of operations in 2005. He quit the post last year and where is he today? The nation is crying for justice.” A political analyst who is following events for the Horn Times from Addis Ababa explained.
“TPLF warlords thought they found a safe spot to store remains of the barbarically executed non-combatant, peaceful protesters. Mass grave right under the nose of the international community and the people of Ethiopia. This crime scene is full of the telltale fingerprints of the dead former ruler Meles Zenawi….” The political analyst added.
In addition, after getting fresh reports about the exhumation of more skeletons on Monday 30 December 2013, the Horn Times’ attempt to get comment from the junta’s top spin-doctor Shimeles Kemal regrettably proved unsuccessful. Moreover, as it is a norm in a totalitarian regime where the flow of information is government controlled, dreading being indicted for war crimes and extermination,   not even ordinary federal police officials were willing to comment on this very sensitive matter with far- reaching consequences.
Currently, the army, using corrugated sheet has fenced off the killing spot. The public no longer observes the exhumation; hence, no one knows the exact numbers of corpuses recovered up to so far. According to a journalist the Horn times spoke to minutes before posting this piece, the Jan-Meda neighborhood remains tense with heavily armed federal police and the military manning several roadblocks in the area.
Shell-shocked residents nonetheless, are unanimous in their call on the ICC, the International Criminal Court to investigate the senseless genocide, a result of two decades of tempestuous minority junta rule in Ethiopia.
“Members of IAGS, International Association of Genocide Scholars, must rush to the crime scene to help with recovery and identification of the remains of possibly the 2005 election massacre victims, a dark chapter in our history.” Another resident of the area told the Horn Times reporter asking not to be named for security reasons.
Democracy has been a conglomeration of violence and brutal repression to the long-suffering people of Ethiopia. According to the opinions of several prominent Ethiopians, for the nation to move forward, western powers must disown the genocidal minority junta now and let justice take its course.

ኣወይ ጉዴ ወይ መላ ጉዴ (ሄኖክ የሺጥላ)

ሄኖክ የሺጥላ
ኣወይ ጉዴ ወይ መላ ጉዴ
ብቸኛው ልቤ ሰው  በመውደዴ
ነው  ያለው ኣረጋሃኝ ወራሽ ኣሁን እንደሱ ልፋትና ጥረት ቢሆን ኖሮ የኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ የት በደረሰ። ለነገሩ ይሄ ትውልድ የተሰራውን ሁሉ በመናድ : የተጣፈውን ሁሉ በመካድ ነው የሚታወቀው። እኔ እንኳ በዘመኔ ስንት ኣየሁ። ኣሁን ማን ይሙት ኣደይ ትርሃስ በፍራሽ መዋጥ ለሁለት ዕየከፈሉ ያጸኑት ሹሩባ የሚረሳ ሆኖ ነው “ቢዮንሴ ሄር ስታይለር ምናምን ምንምን በሚል ሰጋቱራ ሃገሩን ያጥለቀለቅነው።” እስኪ ኣሁን ምን ትውልድ ኣለ። ድሮ ቡና እንኩዋ እስከ ሶስተኛ ነበር የሚጠጣው፤ ኣሁን ግን ኢኮኖሚው በ ፲፩ ፐርሰንት ኣድጎ ቡና እንኩዋ የሚያቆመው ሰባተኛ ምናምን ላይ ነው። በውነት ፕሮፌሰር ኣልማርያም እንደሚሉት ይሄ ትውልድ ኣቦ ሸማኔ ሳይሆን ኣቦል ሸማኔ ነው። ኣያቶቻችን ለኣድዋ ጦርነት ምታ ነጋሪት ክተት ሰራዊት ሲሉ፤ መለከት: ጥሩንባ ሲነፉ  ነው ታሪክ የሚነግረን። ዛሬ ግን የመለከት እና የእንቢልታ ሪሚክስ  በየ ስርጣ ስርጡ ሺሻ መንፋት ሆኖዋል ግብራችን። የሰሞኑ መፈክር ኪንግ ኣብደላ ሼም ኦን ዩ፤ ሼም ሼም ሼም፤ ነበር ኣይደል፤ ምነው ሺሻው ተረሳ ታዲያ፤  ኣጎቶቻችን  ባርነትና ውርደት ብቻ ሳይሆን ሱሰኝነቱንም ኣወረሱን።Ethiopian poet Henok Yeshitla
እንግሊዚኣዊው  ጋዜጠኛና ጠሃፊ Grham Hancook The sign and the Seal (The Quest for The Lost Arc of the Covenant)  በሚለው መጥሃፉ ላይ The Ethiopian slept a thousand years forgetting the world by whom they were forgotten by  ይላል :: በነገራችን ላይ የላይኛውን የኣነባበብ ዘዬ (style ) ኣንድ ነገርን ኣስታወሰኝ :: ባንድ ወቅት በስድስት ኪሎ (university ) ያስተምሩ የነበሩ መምህር  ስለ ጆነፍ ኬንዲ ሞት ለተማሪዎቻቸው ሲያስተምሩ (During the time and death of Jonneif Kennedy everybody was shocken) ኣሉ በዚህን ጊዜ ኣንድ የቅዱስ ዮሴፍ ተማሪ ሳቁን ለሞአቆጣጠር ሲታገል  ያስተዋሉ እኝሁ መምህር በነገሩ በስጨት ይሉና “ምን ያስቅሃል ሾካካ!!!” ኣሉ ኣሉ። እንግዲህ ያዙልኝ ሾክን ሾካካ ከሚለው ነው የመጣው ማለት ነው። እሺ ይሁን  ሾክንስ ከሾካካ ነው እንበል፤ ኣድርባይነት፤ ባንዳነት፤ ሆዳምነት፤ ታሪክ ሸቃይነት፤ እነዚህስ?  ኣንድ ወዳጄን በጣም በስጨት ብዬ ኣረ ባክህ እኔ ኣልገባኝም ይሄ ኢትዮጵያንና ኢትዮጵያዊነትን መናቅ ከየት የመጣ ባህል ነው ስለው፤ ፈገግ ብሎ በርግጠኝነት ከቻይና ኣይደለም፤ ከቻይና ቢሆን ይህን ሁሉ ዘመን ኣብሮን ኣይቆይም ነበር፤ ማናልባት ከጣልያን ይሆን እንዴ ኣለኝ። ወይ ኢትዮጵይ፤ ልጆችሽ ተከብረሽ የኖርሽው ባባቶቻችን ደም የሚለውን ዘፈን  በየስብሰባው እና ሰላማዊ ሰልፉ ላይ ደጋግመው በማቀንቀናቸው ዘፈኑ ራሱ ሰልችቶት ልጆቼ ሃያ ሶስት ኣመት ደከመኝ ሰለቸኝ ሳልል ተዘፈንኩላችሁ በሉ ኣሁን ሌላ ዘፈን ፈልጉ፤ እናንተን እንዳየሁዋችሁ ከሆነ ፤ እኔን እንደ ልደት ዘፈን በሻማ ከባችሁ ከማልቀስ ውጪ  ምንም የምታመጡ ኣይመስለኝም፤ እና ጡረታዬን ጠብቁልኝና እስኪ ደሞ ይቺ የቀረችው ጊዜዬን እፎይ ብዬ ልኑር ኣለ ኣሉታዲያ ምን ይዋጠን፤ ኣንቺም ዜሮ ዜሮ እንዳንል ዘፋኙ እንጀራው ላይ የቅንድብ ጠጉር ተገኝቶበት ገበያውን ገደለው፤ ምን ይበጀን፤ ምን ይሻለን።  ከማቀንቀን ውጪ ሌላ ነገር ለማድረግ ዛሬም በቅጡ የተዘጋጁ ኣይመስልም፤ በየ ዝግጅቱ ላይ ኣበው ኣባቶቻችንን በ ፩ ደቂቃ የህሊና ጸሎት ከማሰብ ውጪ ሰምሮላቸው የተሻለ ነገር ሲያደርጉ ዛሬም ኣናይም።
ወደ ግራሃም ሃንኩክ ልመለስ…ኣዎ “The Ethiopian Slept…. A 1000 years forgetting the world by whom they were forgotten by.”
(ይህንን ፈረንጅኛ በኣማርኛ ብናራምደው ወይም ወደ ኣማርኛ ብንቀዳው) ኢትዮጵያዊያኖች ኣለምን ረስተው ኣለምም እነሱን ረስታ ለሺ ኣመተታት ኣንቀላፉ)ማለት ይሆናል።  ታዲያ የዚህን ሰውዬ ኣባባል የነብይ ግብር ለመስጠት ኢስቲመስል ድረስ ዛሬ ሃገሪቱ ኣልጋ በኣልጋ ሆናላች። ኣዎ ለኢሃዲግ መራዡ (ይቅርታ መራሹ መንግስት ኣልጋ ባልጋ) ከዚህ ካለሁበት ኣማሪካም ይሁን ከኣውሮጳና ከሩቅ ምስራቅ ሃገራት ለሳምንታት ተንፍሰው መምጣት ለሚፈልጉት  ኣቦ ሸማኔዎችም ኣልጋ በኣልጋ። ኣንቺ ሃገር ያለው ዘፋኝ ማን ነበር። ማንስ ቢሆን ምን ዋጋ ኣለው።
ታላቁ የኢሃዲግ መንግስት ከሚከበርበትና ከሚወደስበት የቀለበት መንገድ በተጨማሪ (ግድቢ ኣደይ ሃዳስ (የእማማ  ሃዳስ ግድብ) (ለመሃል ኣገር ሰው ይስማማ ዘንድ የህዳሴውን ግድብ እየተባለ የሚነገረውን  ሳይጨምር…) ከሚታወቅበት ኣንዱ እንቅልፍን ያለ ገደብ መፍቀዱ ነው።  በነገራችን ላይ ያባይ ቦንድ የብዙ ኣባወራዎችን ትዳር በማፍረሱ ያባይ ቦንብ የሚል ስም ሊሰጠው እንደሆነ ጥቃት ያደረሱትም ጥቃት የደረሰባቸውም እየተናገሩ ነው:: የዚህ ያባይ ቦንብ የሽብር ጥቃት ሰለባ የሆኑት ሰዋች እንደሚሉት ከሆነ ኣማሪካ ቢሆን disability  ክሌም ኣርገን እንደ ኣካፋ ዝቆ በሚያነሳ ኣውቶብስ ፈልሰስ እያልን እንኖር ነበር፤  እኛ ግን ከጥቃታችን ሳናገግም፤ ተገድቦ የት ያደርሰናል ያልነው ኣባይ ጉሮሮዋችንን ገድቦ ይስረቀረቃል ብለዋል። ለነገሩ ኣባይ ኣፍ የለውም እንጂ ቢጠይቁት የደደቢት ድርዬዎች ሃንግ ኣረጉኝ ብሎ ለኣውሽና ቦርከና ይናገር ነበር። ምን ያረጋል ታዲያ ኣባይ እንኩዋን ኣፍ ማደሪያ የለውም። ኣባይ በስምሽ ስንት ታሪክ ተሰራ። ትገርሚያለሽ፤ በቃ ግንዱ ኣልበቃ ብሎሽ የዲያስቦራን ዶላር ትጠርጊ ጀመር፤ ለነገሩ ኣንቺ ምን ታረጊ፤ ሆዶ ነው ቁም ነገረኛ ያረገሽ እዚህ ዛሬ ከኛ ጋ ተቃውሞ ማታ ደሞ እትዮጵያ ደውሎ፤ እንዴት ነው ቦንዱ፤ ግድቡ እያለቀ ነው፤ ምን ይጠበቅብኛል ጌቶች የሚለው፤ ይሄ ሁለት ቢላ ህዝብ ኣባይዬ በናትህ በጣና ይሁንብህ፤ ይህንንማ ውስክስክ ላፍልኝ፤ መቅኖ ኣስቀረው፤ ኣላርፍ ያለ ዲያስፖራ ያባይ ቦንድ ይገዛል ኣሉ።
የጎጃም ገበሬ እንኩዋ  ዛሬ ቦንድ ካልገዛህ ኣባይ ኣጠገብ ዋሽንት መንፋት ኣትችልም ሊባል እንደሆነ ሰምቼኣለሁ፤ ዋሽንቱስ ይሁን፤ ቢያንስ ውሃ ሽንት ይፍቀዱላቸው።
በኣባይ ቦንድ መሸወዳቸው የገባቸው ኣንዳንድ ግለሰቦች በኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቪዥን ቀርበው  ሲናገሩ እንደሰማነው ከሆነ “ቦምብን በቦንድ ስም መንግስት ሲያስታጥቀን ዝም ብሎ የተመለከተው ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ይጠየቅልን ብለዋል።” ጉዳዩን ሲከታተል የነበረው መንግስትም ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ከዚህ ኣፍራሽ ድርጊቱ ካልተቆተበ ኣሸባሪ ተብሎ ከነግንቦት ሰባትና መሰል ድርጅቶች ተርታ ሊፈረጅ እንደሚችል ኣስምሮበት ኣልፉዋል ይልቁንም ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ በኣባይ ቦንድ እና በመሰል ጉዳዮች ዙሪያ ኣስተያየት ከመስጠት ታቅቦ፤ ልማታዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ ቢያተኩር በማለት የመንግስት ቃል ኣቀባይ የሆኑት ኣቶ ኣከሌ ተናግረዋል (ኣከሌ ያልኩበት ምክንያት ከመለስ ሞት ወዲህ ሰው ኣጥፊ ብቻ ሳይሆን ኣላፊና ጠፊ እንደህነ ስለተረዳሁ ነው)፤ ኣያይዘውም ሰማያዊ ስሙ ከኦርቶዶክስ ክርስትና እምነት ጋም የተያያዘ ስለሆነ፤ የህገ-መንገስት የበላይነት እና የእምነት እኩልነት በሰፈነበት ሃገር ፓርቲያቸው ኢሃዲግ እንዲህ ኣይነት መድሎ ስለማይቀበል፤ ሰማያዊ በሚለው ላይ ተቀጽላ ጨምሮ (ሰማያዊ ኣል ረካት) ብሎ እንዲያስተካክለው እናሳስባለን፤ ይህ ባይሆን ግን ፤ ህገ መንግስቱ በሚፈቀደው መሰረት፤ ህጋዊ እርምጃ እንደምንወስድ እናሳስባለን። በነገረችን ላይ ይሄ የኣሸባሪነት ህግ ከመጠን በላይ መናፈስ በጀመረበት ዘመን የልጅ ልጃቸውን ማየት የቻሉ ኣያት፤ ልጃቸው እማ ልጄን ማን ልበልው ብላ ለጠየቀቻቸው ጥያቄ መልስ ሲሰጡ፤ ማንስ ብትይው ምን ዋጋ ኣለው፤  ገና ሳይወልድ እኮ ነው መንግስት ስም ያወጣለት፤ ስለዚህ ኣድጎ ግራ ከሚገባው ኣንድ ፊቱን ኣሸብር በይው ኣሉዋት። ኣረ እቴ፦
በነገራችን ላይ የጎጃም ገበሬ ነው ኣሉ፤ ስለ ኣዲሱ የኣደይ ሃዳስ ግድብ  ወይም ህዳሴ ግድብ ከጋዜጠኛ ለቀረበለት ጥያቄ ሲመልስ፤ እናንተ የኢትዮጵያን ባህልና ወግ ለመናድ ስትታገሉ፤ ኣባይ ደሞ የኣማራ ኣፈርን ሲንድ፤ ነው የማወቀው፤ እንግዲህ ዛሬ ኣባይ ከዚህ ጸያፍ ድርጊቱ ታቅቦ፤ እንደ ሴተኛ ኣዳሪ እዚህም እዚያም ከማስካካት እናንተ ባበጃችሁለት ቦይ ለመንዶልዶል መወሰኑ ጥሩ ጅምር ነው፤ ዋናው ቁም ነገር ግን መንግስት ከዚህ ግድብ ምን ይማራል ነው፤ ይህ የሺህ ኣመት ቦዘኔ፤ ጨርቄን ማቄን ሳይል፤ ጉዋዙን ጠቅሎ  እዚሁ የተፈጠረበት ሃገር ለመስተር መሞከሩ፤ መንግስትን ምን ያስተምረዋል፤ የገዛ ሃገራቸውን ኣንጡራ ሃብት ለባ፤ኣዳን የሚቸበችቡ ኣሻጥረኞች ከዚህ ምን ይማራሉ ነው። ብሎ ኣስተያየቱን ሰትቶ ኣልፎዋል።
ሲታረስ ሳያምር ሲታጨድ ሳያምር
ዋራን ኣሳመረው የድንጋይ ቤት ክምር
ያለው ማን ነበር
ሲነገር ሳያምር ሲወራ ሳያምር
ደለል ሻኛ ሆነው የጭቃ ቤት ክምር
ብለን ለኣባይ መሳ ግጥም ገጥመን እንለፋ።
እና ስለ እንቅልፍ ተመልሰን እናውራ….
እናላችሁ  መተኛት ለሚፈልግ ከምግብና መጠጥ ሌላ ሁሉም ይሞዋላለታል። እንኩዋን ሰዉ ዛፍ እንኩዋ እንቅልፍ ለምዱዋል። መወዛወዝ የል፤ ቅርንጫፍ ማፋጨት የለ፤ ዘነበ ኣልዘነብ የለ፤ ከሰው ጉንጭ ውስጥ ገብቶ ለጥ። ማ ወንድ ነው የዘንድሮን ዛፍ የሚቀሰቅሰው። ስሙስ ቢሆን ኣሱም እንደ ቢዮንሴ ሄር ስታይለር …ተቀይሮ። ድሮ ኣባቶቻችን ሰለ ዛፍ ሲያወሩ፤ ዝግባ፤ ዋንዛ፤ ቀርቀሮ፤ ጥድ፤ የባህር ዛፍ፤ ወይራ፤ ኣር ስንቱ፤ የዘንድሮ ዛፍ ለስለስ ያለ ስም ነው ያለው፤ ለስለስ ያለ እጅም ነው የሚይዘው። የዘንድሮ ዛፍ ምንጣፍ ተነጥፎለት ነው ቤት የሚገባው እንጂ በኣህያ ጀርባ ተጭኖም ኣይደል። ከትግራይ ውጭ በኣራቱም ማእዘናት ይበላል፤ ኣወዳይ ወይም በፈረንጅኛው  (I will die) ገለምሶ፤ በለጬ ፤ ጉራጌ ገለመኔ ነው ስሙ። የዚህ የእንቅልፋም  ትውልድ ቀርቀሮና ዝግባ።  ይሄ ትውልድ በእውነትም እንቅልፋም ነው።
ደጉ መንግስቴ በክርስትና ስሙ (የዘመናት ብሶት የወረሰው፤ ወይም የወረረው) (በዳቦ ስሙ ባለ ራእዩ መንግስቴ)…  የኣቡነ ጴጥሮስን ሃውልት ኣፍርሶ (ነቅሎ)፤ ቁልቁል ሲንደረደር በተኛበት ቤቱ የፈረሰበት ሰው ነው ኣሉ እንዴ ይሄ ባቡር ሳይገባ ገጭቶ የጨረሰን ሲገባ ምን ልንሆን ነው ኣለ ኣሉ። ሲገባማ ምን ችግር ኣለው፤ ያባልነት መታወቂያ ከያዝክ እንቅልፍህን ትራንሰፈር ታደርገው ዘንድ በርህ ላይ ቆሜ እየጠበቑ ነው የሚል ኣይመስልሕም።
ባለ ራአይ ስል…. የቀድሞ የሳውዝ ኣፍሪካ ፕሬዝዳንት የሆኑት ኔልሰን ማንዴላን የቀብር ስነ ስርኣት በተሌቪዥን ሲከታተል የነበረ  ኣንድ ታጋይ (በሃደግ)ለማንዴላ እንደኛ ባለ ሯዩ መሪ የጎዳና ተዳዳሪዎችና ሴተኛ ኣዳሪዎች ያላለቁሱለት ለምንድን ነው ኣለ ኣሉ። ስላልወለዳቸው እናም ስላላገባቸው ልበልህ። ምን ልበል እኛ በህግ የተመዘገበ፤  ህገ መንግሱ የሚያውቃት ልጃቸው ቢሊየነሩዋን ሰማኸል መለስን ነበር፤ ታዲያ ጆቢራው ሲሞት ባንዴ (ባሌ ባሌ፥ ኣባቴ ኣባቴ ባዩ መብዛቱ) ድሮም  ሾፌርና የእንትን ወንድ ይሉ ነበር ዘመዶቼ::
ማን ነበር ሎዚች ጦላ ሎጦሞቆ ሴት ሙተኛት ነበር ያለው። ኣይ ሃገር፤ ቡና ቤት ኣረጉሽ፤ ኣይ ትውልድ ቁመን ኣየንሽ።
ሲታረስ ሳያምር ሲታጨድ ሳያምር
ዋራን ኣሳመረው የድንጋይ ቤት ክምር
ያለው ማን ነበር
ሲፈጥረው ሳያምር
ሲገለው ሳያምር
ክፋት ግብር ሆነው የደደቢት ንስር።
ብዬ ለኣባባ መልስ እኔ ወዲ ሃድጊው በጎዳ ልጆች ስም ግጥም ባበረክትስ።
ቸር ይግጠመን

The Diaspora Ethiopian – keeper of the faith

by Yilma Bekele
It is a new year and it is always nice to take stock of the damage after another year of trials and tribulations that is testing our endurance as a Nation and people.  2013 has not been a good year. Our children are still migrating out of the homeland in every direction. For all those who make it to a safe destination there are plenty that have perished in silence. May they rest in peace.
We will never forget the Lampedusa shipwreck that resulted in over 360 dead. The recent shame and humiliation of our young people in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not be forgotten easy.It is a new year and it is always nice to take stock of the damage
The forced exodus was painful to watch let alone experience. Today there are thousands that are held in chattel slavery all over the Middle East and thousands in Yemen abandoned in the desert and with no place to go to. There are Ethiopians jailed in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia for travelling without valid paper.  There are Ethiopians in the Sinai, in Libya and Egypt stranded, running or hiding in their hundreds if not thousands. It is anybody’s guess.
It is with all this in mind that as is customary to honor someone or something that has made a profound impression for better or worse in the preceding year I choose the Diaspora Ethiopian as the person of the year.
The Diaspora numbering in the millions is scattered all over the planet. We are a formidable force. We are the lucky ones that have survived. Although most of us reside thousands of miles away from home the umbilical cord that connects us to our land and people is still strong and alive.
Today there is Ethiopian Air Lines flight from DC via Europe to Addis Abeba mainly to transport the Diaspora. Ethiopian Airlines flights to the Gulf, West Africa and Southern Africa is following the route blazed by the Diaspora.
Overall the Diaspora has played a positive role in the life of our country. Be it economical, intellectual or political it is fair to say the Diaspora in general has in its own way tried to make our country a better place.
In the economic sphere so many have withdrawn their life savings from their adopted countries and invested in Ethiopia. Small business is the most important factor driving any economy and the Diaspora’s injection of capital and knowhow is real and vital. It is also true that due to the culture of corruption and absence of justice many have suffered while trying to do good.
Despite the many unnecessary rules, regulations promulgated to frustrate and encourage bribery the Diaspora’s involvement in the education field is nothing but impressive. There are plenty of professors and teachers trying their best under difficult circumstances. There are plenty that are running orphanages, schools and welfare organizations without whose help thousands will be left out in the cold.
The political sphere has been a very vibrant and interesting area where the Diaspora has played a central role. Naturally residing in free lands has managed to give the Diaspora wider latitude to operate and make their presence felt. It is reasonable to conclude that due to its economic muscle and loud voice the Diaspora is a force to be reckoned with by any administration in Ethiopia.
Since the General Elections of 2005 things are not the way they used to be. The Ethiopian government that was operating in the dark and with impunity was exposed by its criminal act in the aftermath of the elections. It was a wakeup call for the Diaspora. Any political party worth its weight is now forced to consult with, pay attention and create a working relationship with the Diaspora.
The Diaspora has responded in a fantastic manner. Kinijit, Andenet, Ginbot 7 and now Semayawi party have managed to cultivate a positive dialogue with their brethren outside of the homeland. The Diaspora has been super generous in its support with money, expertise and solidarity work all over the world. Not a single case of injustice committed by the minority regime has gone unnoticed by the Diaspora.
Our crown achievement other than forcing the release of Kinijit leaders, winning freedom for Chairman Bertukan Mideksa from Woyane jail, getting the trust of OLF and agreeing to the commonality of our struggle in our attempt to build a fair and equal society is none other than our independent media ESAT. Information is power. The minority regime keeps our people in the dark by controlling the flow of information. ESAT is our response. It is also true that our Independent Web sites have elevated our political discourse to higher level.
The Diaspora has also been active in lobbying political leaders in various countries to pressure the minority regime to curb its abuse. Only a few other immigrant groups have managed to convince the US Congress and the European Union to hold a hearing regarding the issue of democracy and human rights in their native land. The Ethiopian Diaspora has been a proud active and important ally of their people. We are indeed a very resourceful people.
The vast majority of the Diaspora are country loving patriotic and constantly worried about the deteriorating economic and political situation in the mother land. It is difficult to spot a Diaspora that does not send a few hundred dollars to family and friends at home. If it was not for the generosity of the Diaspora a big percentage of our people would be going to bed hungry.
Most of us leave our home with no marketable skill and are forced to adapt fast to survive. Learning an alien language, programing our brain to a new way of thinking while at the same time trying to fit in in a strange land is not an easy matter. Despite all the handicap we always manage to start with absolutely nothing and build some of the most fantastic life one could dream of. This is where that little psychological advantage of being from an old and proud nation comes into play and lifts the spirit of the Diaspora to aim high and never give up no matter the hardship.
It does not mean we operate together like a well-oiled machine. We biker, we fight but in the end if the idea is safe and sound we always manage to come together as one. The above examples I mentioned are the products of thousands of Ethiopians. It is you that went out on a protest march or bought a ticket and a raffle to help the cause of peace and democracy, contributed to ESAT and other opposition parties’ and fronts, signed a petition on line and called your Representative, it is all of us that kept the call of freedom and equality alive.
There are many rivers to cross but every year our voice is getting louder and our ability to teach and unite our people behind the cause of freedom is becoming clear. As much as the Diaspora is working harder to help our people a few always work against the common interest. It is mostly due to lack of clear understanding and being swindled but it is also due to failure on our part for not raising the consciousness of our mostly young people.
The only job that the Woyane regime excels at is the management of land. Thanks to the land policy carried about by Mengistu and friends the TPLF regime inherited all of Ethiopia. Think of it Meles Zenawi and friends own all the land in Ethiopia. There is not even one square inch of land in Ethiopia that Woyane wants and can’t have.
They have been selling our land piece by piece ever since they assumed power. The Woyane economy is all based on land. They sell it to each other, they sell it to their rich friends, they sell it to Arab Sheiks, they sell it to the Chines and they sell it to the Indians. They also sell it back to us. A few have no qualms about buying their parents property back while some ‘buy’ the land of course after paying compensation to the farmer. We have work to do.
There is no question the Diaspora in its resourcefulness will find the key. Based on what has been achieved in such a short time it is fair to assume we are up to the task.
There is not much we can do to stop the crazy among us. Politics is a very strange game and it makes some folks behave in ways that bring sadness and pain to our poor people. A perfect example of such nihilistic and self-destructive behavior is practiced by none other than the so called ‘Oromo First’ campaign currently waged on social media.
It is not the first time in our long history. Meles Zenawi with all the resources under him failed to make us deny Ethiopia. What makes you think his children would fare any better? The one thing they are sure to cause is side track our movement on issues of no relevance for the period we are entering.
Despite twenty long years under a government based on single ethnic group and fanning hate using every media they control our people have not blamed the many for the destructive work of a few. There is not one ethnic based organization that is considered worthy of our support. For anyone to think that he could divide us among ethnic lines we have a surprise for you. We are beyond that. Some of us visualize a horn of Africa union compromising Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia and it is sad to see some go provincial on us. We are not amused.
The problem as I mentioned earlier it is digressions like this is what wastes our time and effort and creates division so we do not stand as one. They weaken our collective power to bring positive change. How in the world can we work on the important question of freedom and democracy if we waste our energy on fighting over ethnicity and religion?
We should allow them to wallow in the make believe world they have managed to create. It is when we pay attention to what we must do and ignore the back ground noise that we have been able to accomplish so much. Those that are trying to distract us are weak, without roots and full of hate that turns a lot of people off. We have to be careful not to be like them. We Ethiopians are not that ugly. Ask the Italians, ask Derg, ask Meles-they would tell you we are honorable people that have lived for thousands of years together. Like all other Nations we fought, we conquered; we intermarried and built the Ethiopia we see today. We have nothing to apologize for.
The Ethiopian people are the only ones that can change the conditions in their country. They have survived war, natural calamity self-inflicted wounds and really it is a waste of time to worry about the demise of our beautiful land. We are too strong for that to happen. I believe we their children in the Diaspora have taken our responsibility to heart. The work will never end. Let us resolve to start new and build up on the wonderful job we have been doing. We shall overcome. God bless Ethiopia and her children.

Five activists punished by their governments for speaking out

By Alice Kirkland / 2 January, 2014

Activists are continually harassed and punished for standing up and speaking out about social and political issues they feel are unjust in their country. Here are five activists whose government didn’t quite like what they had to say.


Raif Badawi- Saudi blogger punished after calling for ‘day of liberalism’

It would seem absurd to most people that “liking” a Facebook page could land you in jail. However, that was one of the crimes charged against Raif Badawi after he “liked” an Arab Christian page on the social networking site. The young co-founder of the Liberal Saudi Network, a website that has since been shut down, was arrested in June 2012 for “insulting Islam through electronic channels”, including insulting Islam and portraying disobedience.

In January, a court had refused to hear apostasy charges against Badawi, concluding that there was no case. Apostasy carries the death sentence in Saudi Arabia. He has since been sentenced to 600 lashes and seven years in jail.

Eskinder Nega- Ethiopian blogger

Eskinder Nega is a well-known name in Ethiopia whose journalism has been recognised by major organisations globally; he is currently serving 18 years in jail for supposedly violating the country’s anti-terrorism legislation.

Nega was arrested in September 2011 after publishing, somewhat ironically, an article criticising his government’s detainment of journalists as suspected terrorists, in particular the arrest of Ethiopian actor and government critic Debebe Eshetu . Along with 23 others, he was then convicted of having links with US-based opposition group Ginbot Seven, an organisation Ethiopia had recently added to its list of terrorists.

This is not the first time Nega has been imprisoned for speaking out in defense human rights. Meles Zenawi’s government handed him a total of eight sentences over the past decade. He is also not the only journalist to face prosecution under the Ethiopian government. According to the Amnesty Annual Report 2013 a number of journalists and political opposition members were sentenced to lengthy prison terms on terrorism charges for calling for reform, criticizing the government, or for links with peaceful protest movements. Much of the evidence used against these individuals consisted of examples of them exercising their rights to freedom of expression and association.

Shi Tao- Stung by Yahoo in China

2013 was a good year for Shi Tao; the Chinese reporter was finally released after documents leaked by Yahoo to his government saw him spend the past eight and a half years behind bars.

Tao sent details of a government memo about restrictions on news coverage of the Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary to a human rights forum in the United States. He was subsequently arrested in 2004 and sentenced the following year charged with disclosing state secrets.

Reporters Without Borders said the branch of Yahoo in Hong Kong assisted the Chinese government in linking Shi Tao’s email account to the message containing the information he had sent abroad. Yahoo was heavily criticised at the time by human rights activists and U.S. legislators with Jerry Yang, co-founder of Yahoo, publicly apologising to Shi Tao’s family.

Tao was released 15 months before the end of us 10 year restriction. It is unclear why his early release occurred.

Ngo Hao- Vietnamese blogger

You’re never too old to go to prison as 65-year-old activist Ngo Hao found out after he was handed 15 year sentence earlier this year on charges of attempting to overthrow the Vietnamese government. Accused of writing and circulating false and defamatory information about his government and its leaders, Hao was arrested in February. Further accusations included a peaceful attempt to instil an Arab Spring-style revolution and of working with dissident group Bloc 8406.

Reporters Without Borders criticised Hao’s trial for a lack of his right to a fair defence and the unwillingness to allow any family members to attend the hearing asides from his son.

Just weeks before an appeal court in the south of the country also sentenced two bloggers, Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha. This takes the estimated total of bloggers behind bars in Vietnam to 36.

Jabeur Mejri- Tunisian blogger seven and a half years for posting on Facebook

After the 2011 Arab Spring many Tunisian bloggers were able to express themselves freely; a stark contrast to the censorship, arrest and jail they had come to expect under the rule of former President Ben Ali. One such blogger was Jabeur Mejri who, in March 2012, posted a cartoon of the Prophet Mohamed on his Facebook page, a post that sentenced the blogger to over seven years in jail for “attacking sacred values through actions or words” and “undermining public morals”.

The rise of ‘opinion trials’ has become a concern to many with Mejri being the first person sent to jail under the procedure. Lina Ben Mhenni told Amnesty International: “You can go to jail for a word or an idea. ‘Opinion trials’ have become part of our daily lives. As in many other countries, Tunisia’s taboo topics are religion and politics. You can’t criticize the government in general or the Islamists in particular.”

የወያኔን “አንድ ለአምስቶች” ወያኔን ለማዳከም እንጠቀምባቸው


January 2, 2014
ወያኔ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ለመቆጣጠር እንዲያመቸው በ“አንድ ለአምስት” አደረጃጀት እያደራጀው ነው። ይህ አደረጃጀት ስታሊን ለሠላሳ ዓመታት ሶቭየት ኅብረትን፤ ኤንቨር ሆዣ ደግሞ ለአርባ ዓመታት አልባኒያን ጠፍረው የገዙበት ስልት ነው። በዚህ የአገዛዝ ስልት መሠረት እያንዳንዱ ሰው በመዋቅር ተይዞ አራቱ ለአንዱ መረጃ የሚያቀብሉበት ሥርዓት ይዘረጋል።
ሕዝብን በድርጅት አባልነት ስም በመዋቅር ማስገባት ለአንባገነኖች የሚሰጠው ዋነኛ ጥቅም የማኅበረሰብን ስነልቦና መስበሩ ነው። ይህ አወቃቀር ዜጎች የአምባገነኑን መንግሥት ኃይል ከመጠን በላይ አግዝፈው፤ እራሳቸውን ደግሞ አንኳሰው እንዲመለከቱ ያደርጋቸዋል። ዜጎች፣ “መንግሥት እያንዳንዱን ነገር አብጠርጥሮ ያውቃል” በሚል የፍራቻ ቆፈን እንዲያዙ ያደርጋቸዋል። እያንዳንዱ ሰው ጓደኛውን እንዲጠረጥር በማድረግ አምባገነኖች የስለላ ተቋማቸዉ ጠንካራና ሁሉን-አዋቂ እንዲመስል ያደርጉታል።
ይሁን እንጂ የማኅበረሰብ ስነልቦና ካልተሰበረ፤ በፍራቻ ፋንታ በራስ መተማመን ከዳበረ ማንም ያደራጀው ማን ነፃ ህሊና ያላቸው አባላት ድርጅቱን ራሳቸውን ነፃ ለማውጣት ይጠቀሙበታል። አሁን በደረስንበት ሁኔታ ይህንን በአገራችን ተግባራዊ የማድረግ ሰፊ እድል አለን። የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ከወያኔ ፍራቻ እራሱን ነፃ እያወጣ ነው። ወያኔ ከስታሊንም ሆነ ከኤንቨር ሆዣ በተለየ መንገድየአመለካከትና የርዕዮተዓለም ጉዳይ የሚያሳስበዉ ሀይል አይደለም።ቢያሳስበውም የሕዝብን ቀልብ የሚይይዝበት ምንም ነገር የለውም። ይህ ባህሪይዉ ነዉ ነው ወያኔ በእጅጉ የተጠላ ኃይል እንዲሆን ያደረገው።
እንዲህ በግዴታ እንጂ በእምነት ያልተሰባሰቡ ሰዎች ባሉበት ሁኔታ ተመሳሳይ ፀረ-ወያኔ አቋም ያላቸው ሰዎች በአንድ “አንድ ለአምስት” ሕዋስ ውስጥ የመገኘታቸው አጋጣሚ የጎላ ነው። እነዚህ አባላት በግልጽ ከተነጋገሩበት ሕዋሱን ለፀረ-ወያኔ ትግል ሊጠቀሙበት ይችላሉ። በመሆኑም ወያኔን ለመጨቆኛ መሣሪያነት ያዋቀረውን “አንድ ለአምስት” ራሱ ወያኔን መታገያ ብሎም ማዳከሚያ መሣሪያ ማድረግ ይቻላል። “አንድ ለአምስትን” በሽፋንነት በመጠቀም ውስጥ ውስጡን መጀራጀት በስፋት ልንይዘዉና ልንሰራበት የሚገባ ስትራቴጄ ነው።
የወያኔ “አንድ ለአምስት” የኑሯችን አካል እየሆነ መጥቷል። በአንዳንድ ቦታዎች አለመደራጀት ሥራ የሚያሳጣ እየሆነ ነው። በማናቸውም ምክንያት ራሳቸውን ወያኔ ጉያ ውስጥ ያገኙ የሕዝብ ወገኖች ካሁን በኋላ መሥራት ያለባቸው ወያኔን ከውስጥ ሆኖ የማዳከምን ሥራ ማፋጠን ነው። ለዚህ ደግሞ እንደ “አንድ ለአምስት” አመቺ የሆነ መዋቅር አይገኝም።
በአሁኑ ሰዓት ግንቦት 7 ሕዋሳቶቹን በሁሉም ቦታ ለማዋቀር ከፍተኛ ጥረት እያደረገ ይገኛል፤በዚህም መሠረት የግንቦት 7 ሕዋሶች በሁሉም የአገሪቱ አካባቢ ባልተማከለ መልኩ በብዛት እየተመሠረቱ ነው። ከዚህ ህዋሳቶችን ከመዘርጋት ሥራ ጎን ለጎን ህዝቡ በያለበት የወያኔንየራሱንመዋቅር በመጠቀም ወያኔንና ስርዐቱን መገዝገዝ አለበት።
ይህንን ለማድረግ የግንቦት 7ን መመሪያ መጠበቅ አያስፈልግም። እያንዳንዱ ኢትዮጵያዊ በራሱ መንገድ ተግባራዊ ሊያደርገው የ የሚችለዉ ነገር ነው።
በመሆኑም ግንቦት 7፡ የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ የወያኔ “አንድ ለአምስቶችን” ወያኔን ለማዳከም እንጠቀምባቸው የሚል ጥሪ ያቀርባል።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!!