Monday, December 16, 2013

Legacy of African Leaders: Meles Zenawi Versus Nelson Mandela

by dula

Over 100 heads of states including Obama and Castro were present for Mandela’s funeral service, while a handful of African leaders like Al-Bashir  of Sudan, Museveni of Uganda were present for Meles’ funeral.  Mandela state funeral  appeared more genuine, spontaneous, full of  love and celebration  unlike that of  Zenawi  which was shrouded with secrecy (cause of death still unknown) and appeared orchestrated and staged managed by the party. Mandela stands out in many ways.While Mandela fought to end  Bastustanization and oppression in  South Africa, Zenawi on the other hand was the architect of Bastustanization in Ethiopia driving schism and wedges among Ethiopians.Nelson Mandela glorified Ethiopia in these immortal words
Mandela gave up power peacefully, while Zenawi did everything in his power to keep it including voiding election, jailing opposition leaders, and killing peaceful demonstrators against rigged election.
Mandela brought very diverse people together, while Zenawi  broke the long standing unity and nationalism that made Ethiopia unique and  that  withstood Western colonialism into a breaking point.
A writer for Aljazeera expressed Meles’s legacy as follows ” The late Meles Zenawi ……practically reduced Ethiopia into a landlocked, bantustanized, and impoverished country thanks to his Stalinist organization in the name of TPLF. “ Aljazeera, December 9, 2013 “Ethiopia and Eritrea: Brothers at ware no more” Ethiopia and Eritrea: Brother’s at War
The World and South Africans will dearly miss Mandela, I am not sure that will be said of  Meles by those who really know his true legacy.
Zenawi was given bigger than life farewell at the end by his supporters and some citizens, despite his tarnished legacy. By force or by volition, Ethiopians throughout the country were engaged in praising, wailing, and crying for Zenawi,  The wailing and the crying for Meles was primarily due to the fact that most dictators become father figures for the majority of the people, especially for the youth, with the help of the state controlled media, where such leaders are lionized on a daily basis. So anxiety and fear set in because a vacuum is created by the death of a dictator in Ethiopia or North Korea. This is primarily true when the state controls the media; nobody knows the true state of affairs in the country.
For a country as poor as Ethiopia, the parade, the display and the ceremony  for Zenawi was excessive. The attempt was to rebrand, redefine and humanize Zenawi  to justify continued control by the ruling party. Zenawi was praised for everything in the world, but not for his wrongs, such as for genocide he committed, for the war he waged to make Ethiopia landlocked, for creating ethnic gerrymandering or for excessive control of the economy by his ethnic party and his cronies.
Though no dictator is lionized after death to the extent Zenawi was, however, thanks to re-branding by a well organized party, TPLF, Zenawi’s profile looked better in death than in life. Those who might have expected the TPLF machine to self-destruct after the passing of Zenawi should have a second thought because the machine is highly organized, and exceedingly efficient in manipulating the Ethiopian state in any shape or form it wishes. In a manner similar to a cult, the regime has finessed how to manipulate the media and get the people organized to behave accordingly. A farewell of such depth, organization, fanfare is only possible under a dictatorial regime.
Zenawi was rebranded as a great leader instead of an ethnic or Marxist dictator, as the opposition has often called him. So the idea of worrying about ones legacy  doing the right thing may go out the window provided if one has a well organized party like Meles did. Overall, in life or death, Meles or his party succeeded in hoodwinking many people in Ethiopia and around the world by creating a different persona.
For  three months, the system in Ethiopia was completely shut, no business license was issued, even no wedding ceremonies were held, millions of dollars was spent to materialize Zenawi’s after-life grandiose with burst out of a 21-gun salute. Most leaders in his shoe, such as Benito Mussolini, Nikita Khrushchev, or Joseph Stalin, did not get such honorable departure.
During his reign, Zenawi never met ordinary citizens in public; never traveled without massive security, and if he did, streets were closed, and he was completely isolated from public view. However, in death, he was lionized by ordinary people that he tried to shun for security reasons.
In Ethiopia most people cannot afford Aslekash or hired help to instigate crying or mourning for the dead. However, the rich, kings and dictators, can afford to hire such people, as it appears Zenawi benefited from such practice where hundreds of people were employed to show case his invented  popularity to foreigners and Ethiopians. Would this manufactured and manipulated ceremony dissipate as the public and the world knows the real legacy of Zenawi?
Zenawi’s Ethiopia is a landlocked and impoverished country. At last the world gets a chance to see its true state of affairs, world leaders who praised Meles without checking the facts will be put to shame.
Innocent students were massacred at Addis Abeba University for opposing the secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia; hundreds of people were killed in the aftermath of the 2005 election, and hundreds of thousands of people were imprisoned during the same period. During the last 22 years, hundreds of other innocent people were killed in other parts of the country due to ethnic policy of the regime, and the recent killing of Ethiopian Muslims for asking their freedom to worship without government interference has to be also mentioned.
Although Ethiopians throughout the Diaspora held a memorial service for the thousands of victims of Meles Zenawi, but they were given no media coverage, while Zenawi was memorialized in grand scale for weeks by his party and those who benefited during his 22 years of rule. The grand finale for Meles was beyond expectation and more than deserved by a leader who used force to take power and to stay in power.
Zenawi ruled Ethiopia with an iron fist and bloody hand. According to Human Rights Watch, “Ethiopia’s citizens are unable to speak freely, organize political activities, and challenge their government’s policies – through peaceful protest, voting, or publishing their views – without fear of reprisal.” Despite these abhorrent statistics, and dire economic conditions for two (2) decades, resembling other dictatorial regimes such as North Korea or China, Meles Zenawi dared to claim that he received 99.6% of the vote in the last fake election.
Zenawi was a dictator par excellence in applying the Machiavellian system of divide and rule. Unlike other dictators, he carved out a positive image abroad by partnering with top PR firms, opportunistic and ill-informed Americans, despite being highly-detested at home and abroad by the majority of Ethiopians. Like other dictators, he controlled the army, the police, 100% of the land mass, industry, and denied Ethiopians access to technology, thus forcing the greater number of Ethiopians to eke out a meager living, often with the help of Western food aid or flee the country to places like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, South Africa and other places despite facing real and present danger as refugees.
So why is Zenawi memorialized? Like North Korea, his supporters want to maintain the current system by giving one of the bloodiest dictators a facelift and by rebranding him as a great leader. By giving him a humane face, his supporters believe that they can justify staying in power for years to carry the torch of their great leader.
Zenawi’s critics were jailed, killed or chased out of the country. Ethiopia has more journalists exiled or in prison than any country according to New York-based Human Rights Foundation. In addition, Ethiopia was found to be one of the failed states following countries like Somalia, Chad, and ranks 174 out of 180 countries in terms of human development index.
Given these facts, Zenawi should be remembered just as another dictator, except he was exceptionally good in hoodwinking the world to the contrary. In the meantime, he left Ethiopia totally unprepared and desperately behind the curve in access to technology, human and economic development.
In the end Zenawi was just a tyrant beyond comparison who employed voodoo economics to exaggerate his economic achievement, denied Ethiopians their basic freedom, rigged elections, and humiliated and desecrated their religion, history, identity and humanity.
All said and done, the West has to bear some responsibility for piling praises on a dictator without unveiling his dark secret, genocide in Gambella, cyber jamming, and the strangulation and evisceration of the Ethiopian media, intellectuals, as well as monopolizing the economy by his clan.
At the end, the world may find out that Zenawi may have hoodwinked the West, eviscerated the Ethiopian economy, it nationalism,  and its institutions.  If all this is true, unlike Mandela,  Zenawi will eventually be remembered as nothing but a charlatan
The article was based on “Legacy of Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia (1991-2012) by the same author.

የማለዳ ወግ … ስደተኛው ዘፋኝ በሳውዲ በርሃ …(ከጋዜጠኛ ነብዩ ሲራክ)

የእንጀራ ነገር ሆኖብኝ እጓዛለሁ ፣ እጓዛለሁ ፣ እጓዛለሁ … እንደጨው ተበትነናልና ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ወገኖቸን በየሔድኩበት ከተማ ፣ እግር በጣለኝ የሳውዲ የቀለጡ በርሃዎች ወንድም እህቶቸን አገኛለሁ ። ላፍታም ቢሆን ጊዜ ሰጥቸ እየኑሩት ስላለው ኑሮ ፣ እየገፉት ስላለው ክፉም ደግ ተሞክሮ እጠይቃቸዋለሁ አንድም ሳይደብቁ የሆድ የሆዳቸውን ያጫውቱኛል …
እለተ ቅዳሜ በማለዳው ያቀናሁት በያንቦና በጅዳ መካከል በምትገኝ የዋዲ በርሃ ዙሪያ ነበር ። አየሩ ተቀያይሯል ፣ ከዚህ ቀደም ወደዚህ ቦታ ሳመራ እንደ እሳት ነበልባል የሚጋረፈው ሙቀት ዛሬ የለም ። ለስራ ወዳቀናሁበት በድቅድቁ በርሃ ላይ በተሰራው የድንጋይ መከስከሻ ፋብሪካ እንደደረስኩ አንድ መልከ መልካም ወንድም የግቢውን በር ከፍቶልኝ ለመግባት ወዴት መሄድ እንደምፈልግ የጠየቀኝ ወጣት ሃበሻ ለመሆኑ ቅንጣት ያህል አልተጠራጠርኩምና የሚጠይቀኝን ትቸ እኔው ጠየቅኩት “ሃበሻ ነህ! ” ነበር ያልኩ ። ይህን ስጠይቀው እንደ መሽኮርመም እና እንደመሳቅ እያለ “አዎ ሃበሻ ነኝ ፣ ኢትዮጵያዊ! ” ሲል መለሰልኝ! ብዙ ሃበሾች አላችሁ? ስል ጥያቄየን ቀጠልኩ “አዎ አምስት ሃበሾች አለን! ” አለኝ ፈገግ እያለ … በአሻጋሪ መምጣቴን የሚጠብቅ የፋብሪካው ሃላፊ “አስገባው ፣ አስገባው! ” ሲል ፍልቅልቁ ወንድም ተደናግጦ በወራጅ ብረት እንደነገሩ የተዘጋውን የግቢ ብረት አጥር ከፍቶልን እኔና የስራ ባልደረባ ረዳቴ የፊሊፒን ዜጋው ግላዲ ወደ ግቢው ስንገባ በመስኮት በኩል አንገቴን ወጣ አድርጌ ስራየን ከዋውኘ እንደማገኘው ቃል ገብቸለት ወደ ውስጥ ገባሁ …Saudi Arabia, Nebyu Sirak
ሱዳኑ የፋብሪካ ሃላፊ ከድንጋዩ መፍጫ የቅርብ ርቀት ካለው ጋራጅ አጠገብ ከተሰራች ባለሁለትና ሶስት ዛኒጋባ ቆርቆሮ ቤት ወጥቶ ሞቅ ያለ ሰላምታ ሰጥቶ ተቀበለን ። ድንጋዩን እየከሰከሰ ጠጠር የሚያደርገው ፋብሪካ ነጭ አመድ ወደ ሰማይ እየተፋ የጓራል …ዲንጋው እየተፈጨ ጠጠር እየተሰራ መሆኑ ነው! የመንገድ መደልደያ ፣ የምንገድ መጥረጊያ እና የመንገድ ማለስለሻ ዳምጤ ከባባድ የኮንስትራክሽን መኪኖችን ጨምሮ ጥገና የሚያስፈልጋቸው መኪኖች ጋራጁን አጨናንቀውታል … ከጋራጁ ጀርባ ደግሞ እኛ መመርመር ያከብን የተሽከርካሪ ጎማ መአት ተከምሯል። …አምስት የተባሉትን ሃበሾች አግኝቸ እስካዎጋቸው ቋምጫለሁ …የፊት የፊቱን እያስቀረብኩ ለፊሊፒኑ አጋሬ ምን መስራት እንዳለበት በማሳወቅ ስራውን አጣድፊ ግን በአግባቡ መርምሬ እንደጨረስኩት ሌሎች ሁለት ሃበሾች ሃበሻ ወንድማቸው መምጣቴን ሰምተው ኖሮ በፈገግታ እየተፍለቀለቁ መጥተው ሰላምታ ተለዋዎጥን …
ሃበሻ ዝር በማይልበት በርሃ ያገኙኝን ወንድም እነርሱም ሊያስተናግዱ ሊያጫውቱኝ እንደቋመጡ አልጠፋኝም … በተንቀሳቃሽ ኮንቴነር በፋይዚት ግሩም ሆና የተሰራቸው ማረፊያ ቤት ከጋራጁ የቅርብ ርቀር ትገኛለች ። አቧራ የጎረሰውን እጀን ሳልተጠብ በበርሃው ወዳገኘኋቸው ወንድሞች ማረፊያ ቤት አመራሁ … ረመድ ረመድ እያልኩ ከመድረሴ ወንድሞቸ በደስታ እየተፍለቀለቁ ግማሽ መንገድ ላይ ተቀበሉኝ ! ጠባቧ ቤት ማረፊያ ቤት ብቻ እንዳልሆነች ከበር የተደረደሩትን ጫማዎች ስመለከት ገባኝና ጫማየን አውልቄ “ቤት ለእንቦሳ! ” ብየ ዘው ብየ ገባሁ… ቤቷ ጽድት ያለች ናት … ሶስት አልጋዎች በሶስቱ የቤቱ ማዕዘኖች ጥግ ይዘው ተዘርግተዋል ። የተቀበሉኝ ወንድሞቸ ሶስት ሲሆኑ ዘግየት ብሎ ሌላ ወንድም ገባ … አምስተኛው ወንድም የት እንዳለ ስጠይቅ እሱ ስራ ላይ እንደሆነ ገለጹልኝ። ሁላችንም የምናወራው ከአልጋዎች ላይ ተቀምጠን ነው ። እንደገባኝ ከሆነ አልጋዎች ይተኛባቸዋል ብቻ ሳይሆን በመቀመጫነት ያገለግላሉ! … ጫዎታችን ከመጀመራችን በፊት እጀን ለመታጠብ ውሃ ቢጤ ስጠይቅ ድምጹ ጎርነን ያለው “ሸዋንግዛው እባላለሁ!” ብሎ የተዋወቀኝ ወንድም በእጅ ከምትያዝ ማቀዝቀዣ ውሃ ይዞ ወደ ” በር ላይ ላስታጥብህ! ” ብሎ ግማሽ ጎኔን ከበሩበወጣ አድርጌ እንደነገሩ ጣቶችን ውሃ አስነካሁ ብል ይሻላል ፣ ብቻ ታጠብኩ ።
ወጋችን የጀመርነው በድፍኑ አበሻ ሁኘ እንጅ ማንነቴን የተረዳ ሰው የለም! ብዙ የህይወት ልምዳቸውንና ስለስራቸው ስለተመለከቱት የቴክኒክ ስራየ ፣ ሱዳኑበሲጠራኝ ስለሰሙት የእንጀራ ስሜና ስለ አጠቃላይ የሳውዲ ህይወት እንዳንፈራራ ፣ እንዳንደባበቅ ፣ እንደ መተዋወቂያ አወራን … ጋዜጠኛ መሆኔን ትንፍሽ ሳልል “ራዲዮ ትሰማላችሁ ፣ ኢንተርኔት ፊስ ቡክ ትከታተላላችሁ? ” በማለት ደጋግሜ ጠየቅኳቸው! አዎንታቸወን ገለጹልኝ ። ስሜን የእኔ ነው ሳልል ታውቁታላችሁ? ስላቸው አዎንታቸውን በዝርዝር ገለጹልኝ! ስገባ በር የከፈተልኝ እያሱና የቀሩት ሁለት ያህሉ የፊስ ቡክ ጓደኛው እንደሆኑ በኩራት በመግለጽ በቅትቡ የለቀቃቸውን የራዲዮ መጠይቆች እያነሱ የሚያውቁትን ሰው ስም ስላነሳሁላቸው በደስታ ብዙ አወሩኝ! … እንዲህ ጥቂት ከቀጠልን በኋላ ግን እነርሱ እዚህ ስላደረሳቸው መንገድ መጠየቅ ጀመርኩ ! ሁሉም የሆነውን ሁሉ ሲያጫውቱኝ ጫፍጫፉን ያወጋኝ ታሪክ ሳበኝ! ” አበባ ተሸልሜ በጭብጨባ የተሸኘሁ ዘፋኝ ነበርኩ !” ያለኝ ድምጸ ጎርናናው የሸዋንግዛው ታሪክ ልቤን ነካው … ብዙም ሳልቆይ ግን የእውነተኛው አለም ማንነቴን ገላልጨ ሳጫውታቸው ነገሮት ተቀያየሩ! … በጣም ተገረሙ! ብዙ ተጫወትን … ለዛሬ እንዳላደክማችሁ በሚል በሳውዲ በርሃ ስላገኘሁት ወንድም ትኩረቴን ላድርግና ላጫውታችሁ …
ሸዋንግዛው እና ከቀሩት ጓደኞቹ ሃገር ቤት አይተዋወቁም ። ዳሩ ግን ድህነት ፣ የኑሮ ውድነት ፣ የማደግ የመመንደግ ፍላጎት በቁንጮዋ ነዳጅ አምራች ሀገር በሳውዲ አንድ በርሃ ሳውዲ በርሃ ላይ አገናኝቷቸዋል ! … ከሁሉም ወንድሞች ይልቅ ዘፋኙን ስደተኛ ሸዋንግዛውን እዚህ ያደረሰ መንገድ ለማወቅ ጓጉቻለሁ! እናም ላፍታ ከዘፋኙ ወንድም ጋር የሆድ የሆዳችን እድሉን አገኝንና ላፍታ አወጋን … ከሸዋንግዛው ንጉሱ ይባላል ፣ እድሜው በአርባወቹ ውስጥ እንጅ ከዚያ የማይዘል ዘፋኝ መሆኑን ሲያንጎራጉር ከተቀረጻቸው ድምጾች ብቻ ሳይሆነ የተለቀቀውን ነጠላ ዜማ ሰምቸ ለመረዳት ጊዜ አልወሰደብኝም … “ዘመኑ የዘፋኝ ነው” በሚባልበት ዘመን ድምጸ መረዋውን ዘፋኝ ወደ ሳውዲ ምን አመጣው ? በሚል ባለጉዳዩ ስደተኛ ዘፋኝ ጠየቅኩት … መልሶልኛል ….
ሸዋንግዛው ንጉሴ በቀድሞው የአርሲ ክፍለ ከሃገር ሎዴ ኤዶሳ በሚባል አከቀባቢ በአንድ መንደር ተወለደ። የሙዚቃ ጥበብ ገና በብላቴና እድሜው የለከፈችው ሸዋንግዛው በሎዴ አንደኛና መለስተኛ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ትምህርቱን ሲከታተል ጥበብ አብራው አደገች ። በሎዴ የትምህርይ ቤት ኪነት ለመመረጠረም ተሰጥኦ ያደለው ተርገብጋቢ ድምጽ ተሰጥኦውን ደገፈው እናም የቀደሙትን ዜማ እያነሳሳ ሲለው የራሱን እየገጠመና እያንጎራጎረ ህይወት በፈለገችው መንገድ ትጓዝ ዘንድ ሸዋ ብርታት አገኘ። ብዙም ሳይቆይ ታዳጊው ሽዋንዳኝ ከትምህት ቤት ወደ ወረዳ ኪነት ከፍ እያለ ሄደ … ከወርቁ ቢቂላ ( በኋላ ከሃይሌ ገ/ስላሴ ጋር አለም አቀፍ ሩጫን ይሮጥ ነበር) ታዳጊ እያለ የሙዚቃ ዝንባሌ ስለነበረው በአርሲ ሎዴ የወረዳ ኪነት አብረው እንደሰሩ ሸዋ ሩቅ ተጉዞ ዘርዘር ያለ ትዝታውን በአስደሳቹ ፈገግ እያለ በአስደሳቹ ትዝታ ፈገግ እያለ አጫውቶኛል … ሸዋንዳንኝ በወረዳው ኪነት ቡድን ተግቶ እየሰራ ባለበት ወቅትም ወደ ክፍለ ሃገር ኪነት ቡድን ለመምረጥ በተደረገ ውድድር ከወረዳ ወደ አርሲ ክፍለ ሃገር ቢመረጥም የወረዳው ሃላፊዎች በቅንነት “ልጃችን አሰልጥለን አንሰጥም !” በማለታቸው ወጣቱ በሙያው ርቆ የመሄድ ስሜቱ ተጎዳ ! እናም በብስጭት ወደ ውትድርና አለም ገባ ።
ሸዋንግዛው ማንጎራጎሩን ባንድ በኩል በሌላ በኩል ሳይወድ በተጎዳ ስሜት ገፋፊነት የገባበትን የውትድርና ስልጠና ወሰደ። ቀን ቀንን ሲወልድ ግን ውትድርናው ወደ ጦር ሜዳ ሳይሆን ወደ አሳደገው የሙዚቃ ጥበብ ዶለው ! በብስጭት የተጎዳኘው የውትድርና ስልጠና እንደጨረሰ የባሌ ሸዌ የጦር እዝ ማዕከል የኪነት ቡድን አባል ለመሆን ጊዜ አልፈጀበትም ። በጦሩ የኪነት ቡድን በመስራት ላይ እንዳለ የደርግን ስርአት የሚታገለው የኢህአዴግ ጦር ወደ ከተማዎች እየገፋ ሲመጣ የኪነት ቡድኑ ወደ ሲዳሞ በመሄድ ሌላ ተጨማሪ የመከላከል ስልጠና እንዲያደርግ ሲታዘዝ ከጓዶቹ ጋር ስልጠናውን ወሰደ። ከዚያም ድልድሉ ወደ ሞያሌ ሆነና ወደ ዚያው አመራ። በጭንቁ ቀን ያልተለየው የጥበብ አውሌ ማንጎራጎሩን ስላላስቆመው እንቅስቃሴውን ያዩ የሰራዊቱ አባላት ሸዋንግዛው የደቡብ እዝ ኦርኬስትራ ቡድን እንዲቀላቀል ግፊት አድርገው እንዲመረጥ ቢያደርጉም አሁንም የጦር አዛዡ ” ሸዋግዛውን ወደ ደቡብ እዝ አልለቀውም! ” በማለታቸው እድሉ ተጨናገፈ። ይህም ሲሆን ዳግም እክል የገጠመው ዘፋኙ ወጣት ተስፋ አልቆረጠም። ሙዚቃው እንቢ ቢለው በልጅነት ወደ ሚወደው ሌላ ሙያ አጋደለ። ባለበት ብርጌድ የእግር ኳስ ብቃቱን አስመስክሮ እግር ኳስ መጫወቱን በደስታ ተቀላቀለ ! በወቅቱ ኳሱም ተሳክቶለት ኮከብ ኳስ አግቢ በመሆን ተመርጦ እንደነበረ ሲያጫውተኝ ህይወት በትግል እንደምትፈተን አሸንፎም መውጣት ግዴታ እንደሆነ በፈገግታ እየገለጸልኝ ነበር ። ኢህአዴግ መላ ሃገሯን ሲቆጣጠር ጦሩ ፈረሰና ከሞያሌ ወደ ኬንያ የገባው ሸዋንግዛው እና የቀረው ስደተኛው በቀይ መስቀል ትብብር ወደ ሃገር ቤት ሲገባ ቤተሰቦቹን ከጠየቀ በኋላ ወደ አዲስ አበባ ገባ ።
አዲስ አበባ ለአርሲው ተወላጅ ለሸዋንግዛው የተመቸች ነበረች። በተለይም በልጅነት የተለከፋት ሙዚቃ የሚያጎለብትበት ብቸኛ እድል አገኘ ። እናም በየምሺት ቤቶች “ከተፋ ቤቶች” ተሰማርቶ ምሽቱን እያደመቀ እና ራሱንና ቤተሰቦቹን በመርዳት መስራት ጀመረ ። ባለትዳር የሆነው ሸዋንዳኝ በምሽት ስራው በአሁኑ ሰአት ታዋቂ ከሆኑ ዘፋኞች ጋር እኩል ድምጽ ማጉያን ተጋርቶ በጥበብ ተናኝቷል !
ይህም ሁሉ ሆኖ ፣ ይህንን የከበደ መንገድ ተጉዶ ሸዋንዳኝ ከልጅነት እስከ እውቀት ሙጥኝ ያላት የተለከፈባት ጥበብ አዳብሮ የራሱን ወጥ ዘፈን ለማውጣት አልሆንልህ እያለው መቸገሩ አልቀረም። ሸዋንግዛው እንዲህ እየሆነ ህይወትን ሲገፋ ለማደግ የሚያደርገው ግብግብ ባያሸበርከውም እንዳደከመው ሳይደብቅ አጫውቶኛል። የጥበብ አውሌ ብቻዋን ከተዘፈቀበት ድህነት ራሱን ቀና አላደረገችውም! ይህ እንዳይሆን ፣ በሰው ሰራሽ በጥበብ ላይ የሚሰራ ደባ እየደሰቀው መፈናፈኛ እንዳሳጣው ሸዋንግዛው ይናገራል ! በተለይም “ከከተፋው” ዘፋኝነት ጎን ለጎን ብዙዎችን ዘፋኞች ያሳወቀውን ነጠላ ዜማ ግጥምና ዜማውን ራሱ ደርሶ ቢያወጣም ሃገር ስራውን እንዳያውቅለት ጫና ፈጣሪዎች አላገዙትምና ድንቅ የባህል ዘፈኑ ሳይደመጥለት እንደቀረ ዜማዋን እንድሰማት በመጋበዝ ሸዋ ብዙ አጫወተኝ። በሙዚቀኞች መካከል ውስጥ ለውስጥ የሚሰራውን “የቲፎዞ ” ድጋፍ ፣ አንዳንድ የሃገር ቤት ኤፍ ኤም ራዲዮ ጋዜጠኞችን ሙስና የማይለየው ድጋፍ ግልጥልጥ አድርገው ካወሩት ጉዳዩ ብዙ እንደሆነ ከዚህ በፊት የማውቀውን ታሪክ ሸዋንግዛው መትቶታልና በግላጭ አጫውቶኛል! …
ሸዋን ሳውዲ አረቢያ ስላደረሰው መንገድ እና የወደፊት ህልሙ እንዲያጫውተኝ ጠይቄው እንዲህ አለኝ ” ነጠላ ዜማው አልሳካ ሲለኝ ድህነቱንና የኑሮ ውድነቱን ለማሸነፍ እንዳልቻልኩ የገባት ጅዳ የምትኖረው እህቴ በኮንትራት ስራ እንድመጣ አመቻቸችልኝ። ተሳክቶም ልክ የዛሬ 11 ወር ወደ ሳውደሀ አረቢያ በኮንትራት ስራ መጣሁ ። በዘፈን ብዙዎች ይሳላካላቸዋል ። እኔ የእድል ጉዳይ ሆኖ አልተሳካልኝም ። ይህ ደግሞ የእግዚአብሔር ፈቃድ ነው ። የመጣውን መቀበል እንጅ አላማርረውም። አሁን የምሰራው ሮለር በሃገራችን ዳምጤ የሚባለው የኮንስትራክሽን መኪና እየነዳሁ በርሃውን ማቅመናት ነው ። በቃ ህይዎት እዚህ አድርሶኛል! እንደኔ ሃሳብና ህልም ከሆነ እንደምንም የሁለት አመት ኮንትራቴን ጨርሸና ገንዘቤን ሰብስቤ እግዚአብሄር ብሎ የሙዚቃዋ አድባር ከጠራችኝ ወደ ሙዚቃው መመለስ ነው ሃሳቤ፣ ካልሆነ የማገኛትን ይዠ ቤተሰቤንና ራሴን እየረዳሁ በሃገሬ መኖር ነው የምፈልገው! ለእስካሁኑ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን! ወደፊትም እሱ ያውቃል! ” በማለት መልሶልኛል።
ሸዋንግዛው “ይሻላል እንደሁ! ” ብሎ ስራውን በኮንትራት ከመጣ ቀን ጀምሮ ስራውን የበርሃውን ቃጠሎ ተቋቁሞ ከጓደኞቹ ጋር እየሰራ ቢሆንም ደመወዝ አከፋፈሉ ቅሬታ አንዳለው ፈተና እንደሆነበት ገልጾልኛል። ከሸዋንግዛው ጋር በነበረን ቆይታ በበርሃው ውሎ አዳር ስለሚለከታቸው በእረኝነት ተቀጥረው ስለሚገፉ ኢትዮጵያውያን ይዞታ ሲያጫውተኝ ” የእኛን ተወው ደህና ነው ፣ የእረኛ ወንድሞቻችነወ ህይወት ብታየው ያሳዝናል፣ ሃበሾችን ከሩቅ ታውቃቸዋለህ። ስናናግራቸው ደስተኛ እንዳልሆኑ ይገልጹልናል። ወደ ሃገር ቤት እንዳይመለሱ ከድህነትና ኑሮ ውድነቱ በተጨማሪ ያላቸውን ቅሪት አንጠፍጥፈው ተሰደዋልና ምነወ ይዘን እንግባ ? ይሉሃል ! ምን ትላቸዋለህ? ያ ያ ስላለ እንጅ ከኢትዮጵያ መጥተህ በበርሃው ውሃ እየተጠማህ የመንጋ በግ ፍየልና ግመል እረኛ ሆነህ ኑሮን መግፋት ይከብዳል። ታለቅሳለህ! ” ሲል ፊቱን በሃዘን ክችመወ አድርጎ አዘወኖ አሳዘነኝ … አዎ እኔም በአካል ተገኘወቸ ያየሁትና ዛሬ በርሃ ላይ ባገኘሁት ዘፋኝ የተገለጸልኝ ህይወት በእርግጥም ያሳዝናል! ያማል! ስሜትን የሚገለወጸው አይሆንም …ብቻ በባለጸጋ አረቦች ሃገር ከአረቦቹ ጓዳ ፣ እስከ ደራው ከተማና በርሃው የእኛ ህይዎት ሲሰሙት ውለው ቢያድሩ ተነግሮ አያልቅምና በዚሁ ልግታው ወደ በርሃው ውሎ የመጨረሻ ምዕራፍ ላቅና…
ከሸዋንዳኝና ከጓደኞቹ የነበረኝ አጭር ቆይታ ታለቅ የጽናትን እና ዥጉርጉሩን ህይዎት የተረዳሁበት መልካም አጋጣሚ ሆኗልና እዚያው ውየ ባድር ደስታየ በሆነ ነበር … ያ እንዳይሆን የእንጀራ እና የህይወት ጉዳይ አልፈቀደልኝም! እናም መለያየት ግድ ሆነ በሳውዲ ራብቅ በርሃ ላይ ያገኘሁትን ዘፋኙን ሸዋንዳኝ እና ጓኞቹን ስለያቸው በፍቅር ተሳስቀን እና ተቃቅፈን ተሳስመን ነበር ደግሜ ልጎበኛቸው ቃል በመግባት … ሸዋንዳኝን ስለየው ያቀበለኝን ባንድ ወቅት ሰርቷት በህዝብ ጀሮ ያልደረሰችውን “ሸዋ ጥበብ ያውቃል! ” ነጠላ ዜማው እየኮመኮምኩ በርሃውን ለቅቄ ወደ ጅዳ መገስገስ ጀመርኩ … በሸዋ ” ሸዋ ጥበብ ያውቃል !” ደምቄ …
” ከወዲያ ከወዲህ ስታንገላታኝ
ይህች የመንዝ ልጅ አስራ ልትፈታኝ
ቃሌ አይታጠፍም የመጣው ቢመጣ
እንዳሻት ታድርገኝ አላበዛም ጣጣ ” ይለዋል … በጥበቡ የሸዋን ጉብል የከበደ ፍቅር ሲገልጸው ….
ምንጃርኛውን ያሚያስደስተው ሞቅ ደመቅ ባለው ቅንብርና ዜማ የታጀበ ብቻ በመሆኑ አይደለም! የሸዋ ግጥሞች መልዕክት አላቸው …
የእንጀራ ነገር ሆኖብኝ እጓዛለሁ ፣ እጓዛለሁ ፣ እጓዛለሁ … እንደጨው ተበትነናልና ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ወገኖቸን በየሔድኩበት ከተማ ፣ በቀለጡ በርሃዎች እና መንደሮችም ወንድም እህቶቸን አገኛለሁ ! እንዲህ በማለዳ ወጌ ወጋወጉን ለተሞክሮ ሳካፍላችሁ ደግሞ ደስታ ይሰማኛል ! ህይዎት እንዲህ ይኖራል …
ነቢዩ ሲራክ

As things stand TPLF leaders is nowhere to hide, nowhere to go except paying foreign journalist to propagate TPLF wishes about Ethiopia under TPLF rule

by Bora Pawlos
Historically unprecedented threat that is being waged by this unlawful regime chance of having a peaceful and democratic rule has long evaporated for good. Our people are not only forced to be subjugated, their basic rights trampled upon, families disintegrated, forced to leave their motherland to be servants of unmerciful lords of the rich Arabic countries, killed, maimed, thrown in jail to the point where our people feel and question whether they are living in their own country.For the regime in Ethiopia we are all terrorists. So be it.
So now, for this regime we are all terrorists. So be it. I stood in awe as I was watching YouTube, those brave Ethiopians with unwavering bravery standing as a shield for those voiceless, raped tortured Citizens of Ethiopia, speaking truth to arrogant and blunt power, during that political discussion with those 2 EPRDF self elected officials. We owe it to them, they are carrying the whole weight on their shoulders and it is time for all Ethiopians to take charge and show our unwavering support and take some of the weight off of these brave and heroic Ethiopian shoulders.
Who is to blame the Ethiopians if they start defending themselves while this barbaric regime kills, robs their livelihood etc? Who is to blame the Ethiopians if they stand up and say enough is enough? Well folks we are on the way to show the gangs of TPLF how Ethiopians fight when they are oppressed and dehumanized and it will come the day sooner, where TPLF can no longer hide in this world. In today’s world TPLF bandas can no longer stays continuously ruling Ethiopia, Whatever these paid journalist says about TPLF Ethiopia, the Ethiopia people will never be fooled again and again.
To us TPLF is the cause of our all pain

Attempted Coup in South Sudan: Heavy gunfire in the capital Juba

AP – A South Sudanese official says a group of disgruntled soldiers and politicians led by a former vice president have attempted to overthrow the government.South Sudan president has ordered a dawn to dusk curfew.
South Sudanese Foreign Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin said Monday some troops within the main army base raided the weapons store and were repulsed. Benjamin says casualties from fighting Monday morning are still unknown.
He says some politicians have been arrested but could not confirm if former Vice President Riek Machar, who he said led the attempt, was among them.
The president has ordered a dawn to dusk curfew. Tension has been mounting in the world’s youngest nation since South Sudan President Salva Kiir fired Machar as his deputy in July. Machar has expressed a willingness to contest the presidency in 2015.

Ethiopia Workers Return From Saudi Arabia

Bloomberg News
by William Davison

At least 115,465 Ethiopians have been repatriated from Saudi Arabia
Ethiopian immigrants returning from Saudi Arabia arrive at Addis Ababas Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Dec. 10, 2013. Photographer: Jenny Vaughan/AFP/Getty Images
Teklai Hagos says he watched in horror as Saudi Arabian police beat Ethiopian migrants protesting against the alleged kidnapping and rapes of Ethiopian women by young Saudi men.
“When we said stop, then the police started hitting us,” the 30-year-old former pipe-factory worker in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, recalled in an interview in Addis Ababa.
Teklai is among more than 100,000 Ethiopians repatriated from Saudi Arabia since the kingdom began deporting illegal migrants in November. It’s a crackdown Teklai and New York-based Human Rights Watch say involved beatings by Saudi police and rape and murder by vigilantes. Saudi Interior Ministry spokesman General Mansour al-Turki denied the claims.
The Arab world’s biggest economy has taken action against illegal workers as it pushes to create more jobs for Saudi citizens and stave off the unrest that has toppled leaders across the Middle East since 2011.
At least 115,465 Ethiopians have been repatriated, according to the International Organization for Migration, or IOM. Hundreds of thousands of Asian migrants are also being deported from the oil-producing nation, which was home to about 9 million foreign workers in a population of 29.9 million, according to Saudi government statistics.
Ethiopia’s government said three nationals were killed in clashes with police in Riyadh that started Nov. 9. Ejected workers say rioting occurred after Ethiopians were angered by the rape of Ethiopian women at apartments in the Manfouha district.

Machete Attacks

Ethiopians said Saudi citizens armed with sticks, machetes and firearms attacked foreigners in Manfouha on Nov. 9, according to Human Rights Watch.
One 30-year-old witness saw the bodies of two Ethiopians who’d been beaten to death and one who’d been shot, it said. Another had a video that “appeared” to show a Saudi man raping an Ethiopian woman, the advocacy group said Dec. 1 in an e-mailed statement.
Mohammed Shime was near the area’s Al Rajhi Bank after a Saudi man was killed in clashes. The 22-year-old says he saw six Ethiopians stabbed to death when they fought back against Saudi youth — shabaab in Arabic — who arrived in cars.
“Four come to you and start cutting you and asking for your phone,” he said in an interview in Addis Ababa on Nov. 26. “Then other shabaab come with their knives shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’”

‘False’ Claims

The claims of abuse by police and vigilantes are “false” and deportation camps are open to diplomats and human rights monitors, al-Turki said in a reply to questions sent by text message on Dec. 5. He accused illegal Ethiopian migrants of instigating violence in Riyadh as well as in the Saudi cities of Jeddah and Medina.
Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom chastised Muslim Saudi Arabia for its treatment of citizens from his country, which he said gave refuge to followers of the Prophet Mohammed fleeing persecution in the 7th century.
The “last 10 days have been the most tragic in my life,” he said on Nov. 18.
Ethiopia, Africa’s second-most populous nation, may face difficulties resettling workers, many of whom went abroad because of limited job opportunities at home.
While the economy registered Africa’s fastest growth over the past five years, with average expansion rates of 10.3 percent, the maximum monthly earnings for a laborer are about $80.

Journey Home

For two years, Mohammed worked on a building site earning 1,500 Saudi riyals ($400) a month.
Most of those returning to Addis Ababa are bussed from Bole International Airport to a compound run by IOM. From there, coaches take them home, in Mohammed’s case to Kemissie in Ethiopia’s Amhara region, 227 kilometers (141 miles) north of the capital.
His trip to the kingdom was very different. Along with tens of thousands of others every year, Mohammed paid traffickers 20,000 Ethiopian birr ($1,050) to take him him to neighboring Djibouti and then across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen.
Others work in the kingdom legally. In the 12 months through July 7 last year, 160,000 Ethiopian women flew to Saudi, the majority to work as maids, joining thousands already there. Many are being deported because they changed jobs without employer permission, making their new work illegal, Human Rights Watch said.

Physical Abuse

Mental, physical and sexual abuse are frequent complaints made by Ethiopian domestic workers in Saudi Arabia, according to Human Rights Watch. Ethiopia temporarily stopped issuing permits for unskilled work abroad in October, mainly because of mistreatment.
“The returning migrants are arriving in desperate condition,” the Geneva-based IOM said in an e-mailed statement on Dec. 6. “They are traumatized, tired, anxious and some seriously sick.”
Some returnees with psychological problems are given refuge by the Addis Ababa-based charity Good Samaritan Association, which rents a two-story villa on the eucalyptus-covered hills above the capital.
One new resident, Zeina Mussa, 18, clasps a black headscarf over her face and says that although she’d been working in Saudi Arabia as a maid for about eight months, she doesn’t know which city she was in.
Mohammed saved 20,000 riyals during his two years, money he says will help him become a businessman. He’s advising other Ethiopians from seeking riches abroad even as he plans to invest his savings.
“In Saudi Arabia the money is good,” he said. “But it’s useless if you’ve money and no life.”