Friday, May 2, 2014

የትግል አቅጣጫውን ያላወቀ እና በማእበል ላይ ያለ ጀልባ አንድ ናቸው!!

ህወሃት ወያኔ በተደናገጠ ወይም በበረገገ ቁጥር አዲስ ነገር ይዞ ብቅ ማለቱ የተለመደ ነው። በተለይም ህዝብ ከህዝብ ከፋፍሎ እና አጋጭቶም ሆነ ከትውልድ ስፋራው እያፈናቀለና እየገደለም ቢሆን የስልጣነ መንበሩን መነቃነቅ ባሸተተ ቁጥር ሁሌም ዛሬም ነገም ከዚህ አደጋ የሚወጣበትን መንገድ መፈልፈሉ የሚታወቅ ሃቅ ነው። እንደ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም አሁን በተለይም በቅርብ ጊዜ ካየናቸው የፖለቲካ ትግሉን አቅጣጫ ለማስለወጥ ሟቹ አምባገነኑ መለስ ዜናዊ በአንድ ጀምበር ከተኙበት ባነው “አባይን መገደብ አለብን ህዝቤ ሆይ ተከተለኝ፣ አባይን የደፈረ… ብላችሁም ዘምሩልኝ” በሚል የአረቡ አለም የነጻነት አቢዎት በግብጽ፣ ሊቢያ እና ቱኒዚያ የተጀመረው አምባገነኖችን ጠራርጎ የወሰደው የነጻነት ወራጅ ውሃ እንዳይወስደው ግድብ ሊያበጅለት ዘንድ የአባይን ሳይሆን የነጻነት ጩኸትን ሊገድብ ዘዴ ፈጠረ። በዚህም የዲያስፖራውንና የሀገሩን ውስጥ ህዜብን ይህ እኮ ሀገራዊ ጉዳይ ነው በፖለቲካ ብንለያይ በአባይ ላይ ግን አንድ ነን በሚል ብልጣብልጥ ዘዴ ንጹሃንን የሚያስርበት፣ የሚገድልበት ገንዘብ ነገር ግን በአባይ ስም ልመና ሞከረ አልተሳካም እንዴውም በውጪ ለስብሰባ አዳራሽና ለባለስልጣኑ ትራንስፖርትና ሌሎች ተጨምረው ያወጣቸው ብሮች ለስራው ቢውል የተሻለ ነበር በሚል የውስጥ ወቀሳም ደረሰበት። ታዲያ ለጊዜውም ቢሆን survive ለማድረግ በመምሰል ቢንገዳገድም የገባበት አላማ ለእውነተኛ ግድብ ባለመሆኑ ዛሬ አለም አቀፍ ባለሙያዎች “ጥናት ያልተደረገበት ነውና ይደረግ” በሚል ሙያዊ ልገሳቸውን ቢሰጡም ይህን ችላ ብሎ ለሀገር ተቆርቋሪ በመመስል በሁሉም ዘርፍ የተጀመረበትን የትግሉን አቅጣጫ ለማስቀየር አሁንም እየሞከረ ነው።
በአንጻሩ ለሱዳን በጎንደር መተማ የነጻነት ሃይሎች የእምቢተኝነት ድምጻቸውን፣ ጉልበታቸውን አጠናክረው እንዳይመጡበት እጅ መንሻ ይሆን ዘንድ እንደ ፈረንጆች አቆጣጠር ስምምነት አደረግን በሚል May 21, 2008 መለስ ዜናዊ መሬት ለሱዳን መሰጠቱን እንዲህ ሲል ነገረን We, Ethiopia and Sudan, have signed an agreement not to displace any single individual from both sides to whom the demarcation benefits. We have given back this land, which was occupied in 1996. This land before 1996 belonged to Sudanese farmers. There is no single individual displaced at the boarder as it is being reported by some media. አቶ ስዪ አብርሃ በአንድ ወቅትም ይህ መሬት መሰጠቱን ለቪ.ኦ.ኤ ጋዜጠኛ እውነት መሆኑን አረጋግጠዋል። አሁን ደግሞ ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ቀጠሉበት። መከረኛ አማራው በየሄደበት መሬቱን እየለቀቀ እንዲሰደድም አደረጉ። ታዲያ ይህ እንግዲህ በጣም ቀላሉ ማንም የሚያውቀውን እውነት ነው።
ስለዚህ ይሄን ዘረኛ ሀገራዊ ራእይ የሌለው ቡድን ሁሌ በየጊዜው በሚሰጠን አጀንዳ እየታለልን ለምን የትግል መስመራችንን እንስታለን? ፖለቲከኞች የሚታገሉለትን እና የሚታገሉበትን ዘዴ በትክክል ይዘው ካልሄዱ፣ ባለሙያዎችም ይህን ተረድተው ብእራቸውን አስተካክለው መታገል ያለባቸውን ካላወቁ አውቀነውም ሆነ ሳናውቀው ለወያኔ የትግል ዘዴ እየተመቻችን ነው። ለዚህ አባባሌ ምክንያት የሆነኝ ሰሞኑን እነ ዶ/ር ሚንጋ ነጋሽ፣ ፕሮፌሰር ማሞ እና ዶ/ር ስይድ ስለ አባይ የጻፉት Misplaced Opposition to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam” ጽሁፍ ነው። በእኔ እምነት 50+ የሆነው ኢትዮጵያዊ ግድቡን አይቃወምም ነገር ግን መቅደም የሚገባውና መገደብ ያለበት የወያኔ የጥይት አፈሙዞች የሚተፉትን እሳት ነው። በመሆኑም ተቃዋሚው ጎራ የአባይ አጅንዳ የመጣው ለማደናበር መሆኑን በደንብ በተረዳበት ሰአት፤ በታቃዋሚው ጎራ የሚታወቁት ግለሰቦች ወያኔ እንኳን ከልቡ መገደብ ሳይፈልግና ብሄራዊ ተቆርቋሪ መስሎ ለመቅረብ ያሰበውን አጀንዳ ተቀብሎ ማጨብጨብ የትግሉን አቅጣጫ ማስለወጥ ተገቢ አይደለም። ሰሞኑን እንኳን ሰላማዊ ሰልፈኞችን ወደ 30 የሚያህሉ ንጹሃንን የገደለ መንግስት እንዴት ሆኖ ነው ብሄራዊነት የሚሰማው? እናም ብእራችሁ ማእበል ላይ ሆኖ መወዛዎዝ የለበትም። እናንተ የጻፍችሁት ጽሁፈ-ጥናት የወያኔ መንግስት የውጪ አምባሳደሮች ወይም የኢትዮጵያ ኢምባሲ በአሜሪካ ዌብሳይት ወይም አይጋ ፎረም ላይ የሚለጠፍ ጽሁፍ ሆኖ ነው ያገኘሁት። ስለዚህ በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እና ሏኡላዊነት የሚደርሰውን በደል ማስቀደም ከተማሩ ፖለቲከኞች የሚጠበቅ ነው። መጻፋችሁ ጥሩ ነው ነገር ግን እኛ እናንተን የምናውቃችሁ ደግሞ በተቃዋሚነት ነውና በማእበሉ ተናውጣችሁ ካልተቀየራችሁ በስተቀር እናንተ የኢትዮጵያን ልጆች ሃብት ናችሁ እና እባካችሁ የትግሉን አቅጣጫ አትለውጡት። የወገኖቻችሁ፣ የሀገራችሁ ህዝብ በመሬት ስንጠቃ፣ በግድብ ሰበብ ከቀዪው እየተፈናቀለ ነው እና ያንን እናተኩር። የዶ/ር አክሎግ ቢራራ ኢትዮጵያዊነትን አጥፍቶ አባይን መታደግ ይቻላልን? የሚለው ሙያዊ ገለጻ በሚገባ አስቀምጦታል። እርግጥም እንዳሉት ኢትዮጵያዊነትን አጥፍቶ አባይን መታደግ ይቻላልን? ባሉት ጽሁፋቸው “አባይ ፈንጅ የቀበረ ውሃ ነው”። እኛ የጠማን ውሃ ነው! እኛ ያጣነው መብራት ነው! ስለዚህ አባይ የኛ ነው!! ነገም ዛሬም ትላንትም! የኢትዮጵያ ሉዓላዊነት ለወያኔ የስልጣን መቆያ እንጅ መንሻ እንዲሆን አንፈልግም። ኢትዮጵያኖች በወያኔ አጅንዳ ውስጥ ገብተን አንዋኝም። አጥቂዎች እንጂ ተከላካዮች አይደለንም። እናም ግድ የለም እናንተ የምትሉትን እነሱው ካወቁበት በዲፕሎማሲ ቋንቋ በተለመደ ውሸታቸው ይበሉት። እናንተ ግን የእኛ ናችሁ። ተሳሳትሁ እንዴ?

The Third Rape of Ethiopia: Expect the noise of ethnic peddlers’ divide to escalate until Woyane bit the dust

Ethnic and religious divide of Ethiopians is as good as dead with the messenger Melse Zenawi. The damage is done and takes time to heal. But, why do our contemporary ethnic peddling elites keep trying the Nazi-Fascist’s fictitious narrative of tribalism and demonizing one Ethiopian against another?

by Teshome Debalke
Let’s face it my people; our contemporary ethnic elites are milking ethnic victimhood all the way to the bone. They literally took us hostage to the point where we couldn’t seat for our priceless tradition of coffee chat time let alone defeat the latest rapist of Ethiopia—Woyane to tend to the many facet of the political, economic and social problems our people. Sadly to say, the ethnic peddling elites appear replicating what Nazi-Fascist instigated ethnic divide to revenge its humiliating defeat in Adwa.
Ethnic and religious divide of Ethiopians is as good as dead with the messenger Melse Zenawi.
The self-proclaimed Tigrian elites running the Ethiopian regime with the seating-duck ethnic puppets that resembles the occupying Fascist’s administration of the 30s are pushing the divide louder than ever; so-much-so it is become second nature to them.
It is an old trick a typical tyranny use to keep the people in perpetual conflicts, suspicion and suspense to sustain illegitimate rule and economic extraction in the divide- conquer-rob strategy.
But, if truth must be told as it always should, the self-declared Tigre ethnic tyranny-Woyane or the self-appointed ethnic peddlers it hired to peddle division are busy doing their enablers job to destroy everything Ethiopian—unity, tolerance, diversity, co-expectance and Ethiopiawinet itself from the face of the earth by demonizing one group of Ethiopians against the other.
Naturally, searching for internal enemy has been EPLF-TPLF’s specialty to create victim and victimizer; thanks to Nazi-Fascist that introduced them with Amhras via the legendry Ethiopian King Menilk that inflected a humiliating defeat of Fascist Italy.
Never mind there was no an ethnic group called Amhara until Nazis-Fascists invented it to weaken Ethiopian’s unity. Nor there was Tigre ethnic group until TPLF-EPLF invented it for the same reason. Likewise, there was no language called neither Amarigna nor Tigrigna until both were born out of Geez; the former as the language of the Palace and the later for the rest. Forget there was no ethnic or religious divide when Ethiopians defeated Fascists or any invader before and after Fascism. Ignore the role the children of Fascist’s Ascaris — fanning ethnic division of Ethiopians and inventing Amhara King by rewriting the glories history of our people into a collection of ethnic victims of made-up enemy. Set aside what Arabs, including Egypt have done to undermine Ethiopians by fanning ethnic and religious groups and insurgency, including TPLF and EPLF.
The question is why our ethnic elites wanted to reduce our people’s history into victim and victimizer by demonizing the non-existed Amhara can only be appreciated when we explore who is behind them? Speculation aside, just asking who would gain most can answer most of the question why our contemporary ethnic peddling elites behave the way they do.
Amhara ethnic group was invented after the first invasion and the subsequent defeat of Fascist Italy in Adwa. The humiliation Fascist Italy endured by the unified Ethiopians was so unbearable; the occupied territory (Eritrea) and the inhabitant in it were used in the second rape of Ethiopia 1936. The ethnic divide intensified in hope of weakening Ethiopians unsuccessfully.
The Origin of Tribalisation of Ethiopian Politics: From Fascism to Fascism by Prof. Aleme Eshete quoted out of the book written by the Austrian Nazi, Baron Roman Prochazka titled “Abyssinia the Powder Barrel” (Vienna 1935). Prochazka was ‘posted for two years as Austrian Consul in Addis Ababa until his expulsion in February 1934’ and his book was published a year before the official Fascist invasion. The Italian translation of Prochazka book was titled Abissina Pericolo Nero meaning “Abyssinia the Black Threat or Danger”, according to the article. It says;
“The numerous peoples and tribes who inhabit the territory of the Ethiopian state, and which differ in race, language, culture and religion from the ruling minority of the Abyssinians proper, would long ago have thrown off the Abyssinian yoke if they had been given the right of self-determination. Instead, they are being forcibly kept cut off from European influences and from the advantages that progressive colonization could confer upon the country. The final aim of (Abyssinian) policy of antagonism to the white race, in co-operation with Japan, is nothing less than to act as the champions of all the colored peoples of Africa… It is incumbent on the legations of the civilized nations in Abyssinia to warn their governments to take a definite stand before the Abyssinians attack and destroy western culture and civilization in its entirety. There is no such thing as a united Abyssinian people. The greater part of the non-Christian tribes in Abyssinia has no more burning desire than to be freed from the tyranny of the Amharas… If they would vote freely they would certainly prefer a European protectorate to universally hated extortionists and slave drivers. This country is cracking at all its joints and has only been kept together up to the present by methods of ruthless coercion.”
Shockingly, it is identical with what our ethnic peddling elites led by self-proclaimed Tigre elites’ posed as TPLF-elected representative of the inhabitant Tigray Region talk about our people, particularly the author of Ethnic Federalism, Melse Zenawi. No wonder the apologist glamorize the little man and elevated him from the ashes history into greatness for fulfilling the dream of his family tradition of the Fascist’s Agenda.
It is highly recommended every living Ethiopian soul read the book and share a copy for every TPLF cadre and apologist to learn the true history of Nazi-Fascist and the similarity of TPLF from the ‘horses’ mouth’. In fact, it should be sent to every TPLF’s propaganda Media and dared to post the true history of Fascist, its defeat, the rise of the ‘Banda class’ and the ongoing ethnic division. A copy should also be advance for the sorry Prime Minster and the so called Regional Presidents…
Obviously, there is many more evidence to show what drives TPLF ethnic elites to divide Ethiopians. For example, when war crime charge was deliberated at the UN War Crime Commission against Fascist’s leaders, Baron Leijonhufvud, the Norwegian council representing Ethiopia findings illustrates what Fascist leaders had in mind to divide Ethiopians way before it is fashionable with our contemporary ethnic elites.
Richard Pankhurst book titled Italian Fascist War Crimes in Ethiopia: A History of Their Discussion, from the League of Nations to the United Nations (1936-1949) l
It says;
“A “close study” of the Graziani case, he declared, “gave an explanation of the whole Italian policy of systematic terrorism.” In support of this he produced evidence of Graziani’s self-admitted “intention to execute all Amharas,” and cited a telegram from Graziani to General Nasi, (General Guglielmo Nasi, Italian Governor of Harar) in which he had written, “Keep in mind also that I have already aimed at the total destruction of Abyssinian chiefs and notables and that this should be carried out completely in your territories”,
The ongoing Third Rape of Ethiopia is a continuation of the last two and appeared working when TPLF came up with yet with the same strategy ‘Amhara executing’ and creating Ethnic ‘Federalism’ led by ethnic warlords to do the dirty job.
The similarity of Ethnic Regions during Fascist occupation and TPLF ethnic segregation by Region also illustrate the origin. It worth to note, just like fascist, TPLF so called ‘Tigre’ people privilege extend in all Regions while other Ethiopians are confined in their Killil and ‘Amhara’ is the bogyman as if the grandchildren of Marshal Rodolfo Graziani are running Ethiopia all over again.
Don’t get me wrong my people, there is nothing wrong with Federalism like there is nothing wrong with Liberation from oppression as long we know foe what, who and how and as long as it is done with the free will of the people. But, it is not a secret the elites dividing our people by ethnicity, religion… are not innocent ‘liberator’ they claim to be. If you closely listen to their language you can see why they talk with both sides of their mouth. Their selective memory to demonize one Ethiopian group against the other or reduce one Ethiopian contribution to his/her country’s independence against the other,… you can see Ethiopians are dealing with another formidable foes backed up by foreign interest groups, possibly the defeated Fascist or some other force all over again.
For example, have you heard ethnic peddling elites led by TPLF talk about the damage the invading Fascist Italy caused on our people but demonize King Menilk that defeated it? Have you heard them take pride of the people that fought Fascist’s ambition to colonize their country but, how they were oppressed by their kin they refer as Amhras out of the mouth of Nazis-Fascists? Have you seen them protesting when Fascist Mussolini is glamorized in the 21st century for massacring millions of our people with poison gas and for pillaging an independent nation and her proud people while undermining their own leaders that defeated it?
Fast forward to 1990s; the United Nation Higher Commission for Refugee document titled, ‘Status of Amharas’ posted by Refugee World and published by United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services speaks volumes maintaining the Fascist narrative TPLF followed dividing Ethiopians by ethnicity via demonizing the nonexistent Amhara ethnic group.
Whoever was behind the document explain the present state of TPLF rule and the noise we have been hearing from ethnic peddling elites drumming up the divide and the sedge our people are under the Apartheid regime. If you pay close attention- nobody want to take responsibility of the document.
UNHCR put disclaimer on the document stating;
“This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.”
World Refugee put Disclaimers stating;
“The “Refworld Disclaimers” describe UNHCR’s non-endorsement for third party materials and limit UNHCR’s liability for the content made available in such material”.
So the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services states;
“The views expressed in Resource Information Center papers do not necessarily represent official U.S. Government opinion, nor do they reflect U.S. foreign policy concerns. This paper was written on the basis of publicly available information, analyses, and comment”.
The question is; who is behind this bizarre document that created a nonexistent Amhara ethnic group in Ethiopia following the Nazi Prochazka and the Fascist Graziani of the 1930’s?
And, why would Tigray People Liberation Front go through all the trouble segregating Ethiopians by Ethnic Regions and run around like drunken sailor in every region pillaging and killing in a cover of Federalism?
That brings me to the apologist masquerading as Free Press to divert the crimes of TPLF. The question is; are they Ethiopians or lookalikes and who finance them?
If you ask me, the self-proclaimed Tigray ethnic elites that drive the Third Rape of Ethiopia are as responsible as Marshal Pietro Badoglio (Commander-in-Chief of Italian forces in East Africa) and Marshal Rodolfo Graziani (Governor-General of Italian East Africa, and Viceroy of Ethiopia) and many more during the occupation. The question is who is going to make them responsible when Ethiopians are fallen victim for ethnic peddling collaborators serving them?
Putting the elites’ ethnic dived in the grave of the messenger Melse Zenawi
Well my people, there is a time and a place for everything. My armature assessment of our modern ethnic peddling elites led by TPLF can only be described as self-mutilation based on superficial knowledge and selective amnesia to reinforce the Colonialist’s narratives of history.
Therefore, their over inflated pride that came out of self-promoting propaganda is empty and when deflated by a few words of truth it turning them into loss cannon; as we are witnessing. Trapped in their self-imposed tribal prism and corruption they see danger in unity of Ethiopians and hostility in individual freedom and democracy–insulting Ethiopians’ sensibility and intelligence.
Otherwise, what is tribalism doing in a nation of vast diversity like Ethiopia in the 21st century? Obviously, it doesn’t require a ‘Ph.D’. to figure out tribalism was imposed from external force as illustrated above. Rather, the question to ask is; what ethnic peddling collaborators and apologists are doing legitimizing TPLF tribal rule?
Closer look at the officials of the three collaborating puppet ethnic parties led by Prime Minster Hailemariam Desalegen speaks for itself. Why would they collaborate with self-admitted minority ethnic party that commits heinous crime against the people of Ethiopia? The buck stops squarely on the weak collaborators that aid TPLF to commit more and more crimes for two decade. The sooner Ethiopians confront them the sooner the sorry TPLF rule ends.
Going back to our roots that defeat Fascism
What defeated Fascist Italy was the unity of Ethiopians. Likewise, what will defeat TPLF is the unity of Ethiopians again. Thus, it goes without saying, like Fascist, TPLF will do anything the Unity of Ethiopians never happens. That is why it encourages and assembles ethnic parties to feel bigger and relevant than its own empty propaganda.
Therefore, unlike our contemporary ethnic peddling elites, our traditional leaders had far superior wisdom and relevant knowledge to understand the cost of ethnic divide to reject it hands down. Because of it they were labelled Amaras by the Fascist then and by TPLF and its surrogates now and paid dearly.
The audacity of TPLF to challenge the ‘battle’ tested unity of Ethiopians that went through invasion, occupation and betrayal of collaborators of formidable enemies is disgraceful. More distasteful of all is it does it in the name of inhabitant of self-invented ethnic Tigray it confined in concentration camp called Tigray Region. Thus, the self-proclaimed Tigray elites’ historical crime on a nation and her people in the name of innocent Ethiopians confined in an open air prison called Tigray is unforgivable.
Likewise, associating Unity with the non-existent Amhara ethnic group is hideout to cover up using the inhabitant of “Tigray” as weapon of mass division and the region as a platform in the Third Rape of Ethiopia. It is clear, from educating the youth of Ethiopia in the name of Tigray to run TPLF’s Apartheid system all the way using ‘Amhara’ as punching bag to conceal a well-coordinated attack against Ethiopians’ unity is the third attempt to erase Ethiopia by turning us against each other.
Therefore, the formations of TPLF from the get go has nothing to do with liberation but, incrimination of Ethiopians in the invented ’Tigray Region’ to Rape Ethiopia again. It should not surprise anyone if the finger prints of the same enemies of Ethiopia, including the reminiscent of Fascist’s are found.
By now every Ethiopians understand the true nature of TPLF is to advance the Rape of Ethiopia. Therefore, expect more noises of ethnic, religion, gender… divide along ‘the terrorist…are coming’ propaganda to intensify by the usual suspects.
In the last hour, TPLF regime is banking on fanning more of the Oromo-Amahra and Christian-Muslim divide to sustain its rule and corruption and searching for more external enemies to divert attention — as we are witnessing on its operatives’ run ‘Medias. But, the muddy waters will clear up and most Ethiopians will come together in unity to put down the regime and bring about the lasting change we all yearn for. Simultaneously, the villains currently in power have no choice but to surrender for the will of the people. If they refuse to do so; as it appears, the outcomes can turn ugly and it is the sole responsibilities of the individuals in power that hide behind ethnic killil. Some might slip out to the west or east with the stolen money, wealth and treasure as they already are doing and will remain fugitives from justice until they get captured. Others will attempt to preserve the regime by technicality with foreign enablers; as we are observing the development crowd running their mouth as an excuse to preserve TPLF ethnic tyranny. The most important thing Ethiopians can do is unite and dismantle the institution of ethnic tyranny one by one including the concentration camp called Killil once and for all. And, the one thing Ethiopians shouldn’t do is bargaining with the ‘devil’ as an ethnic group.
Ethiopians once again will prove we are the master of our own destiny under all odds. What are missing are leaders in the calibre of our forefathers that appreciate our unity that sustained us for 1000s of years.
Therefore, the worst nightmare for Fascism then and TPLF now is Unity of Ethiopians. If the Nazi-Fascist’s invented Amhara ethnic groupmeans Unity, then we all are all Amharas. If TPLF invented Tigre ethnic group means division none of us are Tigre. If TPLF invented Muslim terrorist means division we are all Muslims. If TPLF invented Oromo terrorist means division we are all Oromos so on and on. That is what the essence of Ethiopiawinet is all about unlike the dividers wanted us to believe.
Those that want to make a victim-victimizer Ethiopians are peddling Fascist-TPLF led ethnic division. Those peddling any other ethnicity or religion among Ethiopians are not far behind in doing the bidding of TPLF. Taking TPLF’s elites’ self-proclaimed Tigre-Amhara-Oromo-Muslims… divide seriously is falling on the trap of TPLF. Berket Simon masquerading as Amhara proved us Woyane has no ethnicity, religion, region nor Ethiopawinet in its blood by its actions and inaction but using the divide as a hiding place to do Ethiopians.
Likewise, our contemporary elites’ lack of unity and resolve in the face of TPLF crime is reckless and dangerous if not an insult to our traditional leaders long forgotten by PHDs to nowhere. There is no whatsoever excuses not to stand up together to demand transparency and the surrender of TPLF led ethnic tyranny. Peddling for petty political interest under historical suffering of our people is a crime on its own.
If our traditional leaders can unite and defend our people and country from the much bigger formidable world powers for millenniums, how is it our contemporary leaders with all the credential they wave at us can’t unite to defend our people from second rated and corrupt self-declared ethnic Apartheid tyranny with identity crises? Worst yet, how is it they let it get away to make up our identity and history written by those that don’t want us to have identity or glories history we earned?
The only things Ethiopians are victim are tyranny and the divide and conquer of what Fascist started and TPLF followed in the Rape of Ethiopia. Anyone that tells you, you are ethnic victim is depriving you, your glories history and has something in store for you. Caution must also be taken on other hyenas waiting on the side-line from taking advantage of the chaos Woyane created (ግርግር ለሌባ ያመቻል)
Finally, if it gives any comfort for the self-proclaimed TPLF ethnic elites that claim to belong in the so called Tigre ethnic group in ‘Tigray Region’ TPLF invented, they should remember they are noting but, drummers of the Fascist narrative in exchange for the open perk provided for them to feel good about their false identity and TPLF’s crimes against Ethiopians. Covering it up by ‘photo-shopping’ your way out of your responsibility only prove you are willing collaborators of the crime against Ethiopians, particularly the people you held hostage in an open prison you call Tigray Region.
I rest my case
The article is dedicated to our forefathers fallen for their people and country during Fascist occupation that are reduced as tribal victims and victimizers by TPLF led tribalism — pushing Fascist’s propaganda. Your glories leadership that was the envy of the world is marginalized by modern tribal elites pushing the invaders’ narratives. The elite of the new generation betrayal of your sacrifices is unforgivable historical crime.

Ethiopians in Norway rally in Support of Semyawi party & UDJ’s peaceful struggle

Democratic Change in Ethiopia Norway Support Group held a protest in Norway on May Day, to show its support for UDJ and Semayawi party’s peaceful struggle in Ethiopia.

አንድነት ፓርቲ ሚያዝያ 26 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም በአዲስ አበባ “የእሪታ ቀን” በሚል ለሚያካሂደው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ይቀላቀሉ! (ግዛቸው ሽፈራው የአንድነት ለዲሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር)

ጤና ይስጥልኝ
ግዛቸው ሽፈራው እባላለሁ። የአንድነት ለዲሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ (አንድነት) ሊቀመንበር ነኝ። አንድነት በኢትዮጵያ ሕጋዊ ፍቃድ አግኘቶ፣ በአገሪቷ ባሉ ክልሎች ሁሉ ሰላማዊ በሆነ መንገድ የሚንቀሳቀሰ ድርጅት ነው። አንድነት ከማንም ኢትዮጵያዊና ድርጅት ጋር ፀብ የለዉም። የአንድነት ፖለቲካ የኢትዮጵያዊነት፣ የፍቅርና የመቻቻል ፖለቲካ ነው። አላማችን ፣ የበለፀገች፣ ልጆቿ፣ በዘር ፣ በሃይማኖት፣ በጾታ ልዩነት ሳይደርገባቸው እኩል የሆኑባት፣ አንድነቷና ሉዓላዊነቷ የተጠበቀ ኢትዮጵያን መመስረት ነው።
አሁን በስልጣን ላይ ያለው የኢሕአዴግ መራሹ መንግስት፣ ግልጽነት የጎድለው፣ ተጠያቂነት የሌለው፣ በሙስና የተዘፈቀና የመልካም አስተዳደር ችግር ያለበት እንደመሆኑ፣ በሕዝብ ላይ ትልቅ በደል እያደረሰ ይገኛል። የሚከተለው የተሳሳተና ጎጂ የመሬት ፖሊሲ፣ ዜጎች፣ በልማት ስም፣ በቂ ካሳ ሳይከፈላቸው፣ ከቤታቸው እና ከእርሻ ቦታቸው በኃይል እንዲፈናቀሉ እያደረገ ነው። የሰብአዊ መብት ረገጣው፣ ተማሪዎች፣ ጋዜጠኞች የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ አባላት ….. በግፍ መታሰራቸው፣ የኑሮ ዉድነቱ ሕዝቡ ከሚሸከመው በላይ እየሆነበት ነው።
ሕዝባችን ከዚህ የተሻለ ይገባዋል። ኢትዮጵያዉያን አሁን ያለውን አሳዛኝ ሁኔታ አንቀበለም በማለት፣ ለዉጥ መጠየቅ፣ ባለስልጣናትን ተጠያቂ ማድረግ ይኖርብናል።
ሕዝቡ ድምጹን ማሰማት የሚችልበት መድረክ ያገኝ ዘንድ፣ አንድነት፣ በሚመለከታቸው የመንግስት አካላት እውቅና ያገኘበት፣ ሁለት ታላላቅ ሰላማዊ ሰልፎች ፣ እሑድ ሚያዚያ 26 ቀን፣ በአዲስ አበባ እና በደቡክ ክልል በምትገኝ የድራሼ/ጊዶሌ አዘጋጅቷል። የአዲስ አበባ እና የጊዶሌ ነዋሪዎች፣ በነቂስ ወጥተው ድምጻቸውን እንዲያሰሙ በአክብሮት ጥሪ አቀርባለሁ። ነጻነት ነጻ አይደለም። ነጻነትን ከሌሎች አናገኝም። ነጻነትን እኛዉ እራሳችን ነን ለራሳችን ማወጅ የምንችለው። እራሳችንን በግል ካያነው፣ ምንም ማድረግ የማንችል፣ አንድ ተራ ሰው አድርገን ልንቆጠር እንችላለን። ነገር ግን ተራ ሰዎች፣ በሚሊዮን ሲቆጠሩ፣ እነርሱን ማነቃነቅ የሚችል ምንም ኃይል አይኖርም። እንነሳ። ሰልፍ እንዉጣ። ድምጻችንን እናሰማ። ከሚሊዮኖች አንዱ እንሁን ! እራሳችንን ነጻ በማወጣት አገራችንን ነጻ እናውጣ!
እንግዚአብሄር አገራችን ኢትይጵያን ይባርካት
ግዛቸው ሽፈራዉ
UDJ Addis Ababa demonstration on May 4

ሰበር ዜና- የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ (ኢጋመ) ፕሬዝደንት ጋዜጠኛ በትረ ያቆብ ተሰደደ

Journalist Betre Yakobከሳምንት በፊት የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ ፕሬዝዳንትና ምክትል ፕሬዝዳንት በአፍሪካ ህብረት ጋባዥነት የኢትዮጵያን ችግርና አፈና በተለይ በሚዲያው ላይ ያለውን ጫና እና ጋዜጠኞች ላይ የሚደርሰውን አፈና ለመግለጽ ወደ አንጎላ አቅንተው ነበር፡፡ በጉዳዩ ላይ ሰፊ ማብራሪያ የሰጡ ሲሆን ለአፍካ ህብረትም የመፍትሄ ሀሳብ ማቅረቡና ለሰብአዊ መብት ኮሚሽነሩም መልስ መስጠቱ ይታወቃል፡፡
ጋዜጠኛ በትረ ያቆብ ስብሰባው ከተጠናቀቀ በኋላ ወደ አገሩ ለመመለስ በሚዘጋጅበት ወቅት የዓለም አቀፍ የጋዜጠኛ ማህበራትን ጨምሮ ሌሎች የዓለም አቀፍ ተቋማት ሳይቀሩ እሱን ለማሰር የተደረገው ዝግጅት በተጨባጭ ማስረጃ ስላቀረቡለት መሰደዱን የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ገልጸዋል፡፡ የዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማሪዎች በታሰሩበት ወቅት ፖሊስ የበትረ ያቆብን ቤት በመፈተሸ ያገኘውን ወረቀት ሁሉ እንደወሰደም ምንጮቻችን ጨምረው ገልጸዋል፡፡
ጋዜጠኛ በትረ ያቆብ አንጎላ በተደረገው የአፍሪካ ህብረት ስብሰባ ኮሚሽነሩን በግል እንዳገኛቸውና ኮሚሽነሩም በቅርቡ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ እንደሚመጡ በመግለጽ እንዲሚያገኙት ቃል ገብተውለት እንደነበር ተገልጿል፡፡ በተጨማም ከበርካታ የአፍሪካ ህብረት ባለስልጣናት ጋር ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ወቅታዊ ሁኔታና በሚዲያው ላይ ስለሚደረገው ጫና የተወያዩ ሲሆን አብዛኛዎቹ በተለያዩ መንገዶች እገዛ ለማድረግ ቃል ገብተውለት እንደነበር ከታማኝ ምንጮች ያገኘነው መረጃ ያመለክታል፡፡ በስብሰባው ወቅት ኢትዮጵያንና የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታ የሚገልጹ ጽሁፎች ለተሰብሰብሳቢዎቹ ተበትነዋል፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ መቋቋም ያስፈራቸው ሌሎች የጋዜጠኞች ማህበራት በትረ ያቆብን ለሂውማን ራይትስ ዎች፣ ለሲፒጄ፣ ለአርቲክል 19ና ሌሎች የጋዜጠኞች ማህበራት ይሰራል፣ ይሰልላል፣ የእነዚህ ድርጅቶች ተላላኪ ነው፣ ሪፖርት ይጽፋል በሚል በመግለጫቸውና ‹‹የጋዜጠኞች ክብ ጠረጴዛ›› በተባለው ፕሮግራም ይከሱት እንደነበር ጋዜጠኛ በትረ ያቆብ አገር ውስጥ በነበረበት ወቅት ለነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ገልጻል፡፡
ነገረ ኢትዮጵያ / Negere Ethiopia

Arrests headline Ethiopia press freedom fears

Arrests of Ethiopian journalists and bloggers are part of what critics say is a ‘shocking’ crackdown.

by William Davison
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The arrest of six bloggers and three journalists by Ethiopia’s government last week, has led to widespread outcry in the Horn of Africa nation – even among those generally supportive of the ruling party’s policies.Map of Ethiopia
The detainees were unusually brought to court on Sunday, April 27 in the capital Addis Ababa where judges granted investigators more time to make their case. Authorities suspect the nine of working with foreign advocacy groups to try to create unrest using social media, according to local media reports. The next court hearings are May 7 and 8, when formal charges may be brought.
Ethiopia’s government, a staunch Western ally in a poor and violent region, has a track record of jailing journalists and political activists, often using a 2009 anti-terrorism law. While officials say no one has ever been imprisoned for expressing their opinion, rights groups accuse authorities of using the broad terms of the law to crush legitimate dissent.
Friends and readers portray the Zone 9 bloggers as young and principled activists pressuring Ethiopia’s government to respect the country’s liberal 1995 constitution.
“Most of the time they’re engaged in advocating freedom of expression and what they call Dreaming of a Better Ethiopia,” says Merkeb Negash, a politics lecturer from Jimma University in Ethiopia’s southwest. The group had recently started blogging again after a 7-month break and complaints of surveillance and harassment by security forces.
Merkeb believes Ethiopia’s state-centric development model, which critics accuse of being heavy-handed with dissidents, has delivered security, infrastructure and economic growth to a previously destitute, strife-torn country. However, these latest arrests are another indication that the victorious rebel group turned ruling coalition, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), doesn’t respect constitutional guarantees for freedom of expression, he said.
‘Shocking’ changes
The EPRDF came to power when it overthrew a military regime in 1991 and has governed ever since as a coalition of four ethnic parties. Its only serious challenge came in the 2005 elections, but it subsequently reasserted extensive control.
“Even people like me who were optimistic about the emergence of civilised debate and vibrant media and activism have been shocked by these detentions,” Merkeb said.
Mikias Sebsibe, a journalist who works for an EPRDF-affiliated media outlet, makes a similar point. “We need to ask the government why it keeps telling us that it upholds the right to freedom of expression but contradicts itself with its actions,” he said.
One person with particular reason to be shocked is Tsedale Lemma, the managing editor of Addis Standard, a monthly magazine that analyses current affairs in the region. She regularly received dispatches from Tesfalem Waldyes, one of the detained journalists. Diminutive and energetic, with a wide grin and oversized backpack, Tesfalem is familiar to many in Addis Ababa’s media community.
His detention is “very strange”, his editor said, as he is a “meticulous and professional” freelancer. Although he mixed socially with the independent Zone 9 activists, whose writings were more critical and provocative, he wasn’t a member, she explains. The other arrested journalists are Asmamaw Hailegeorgis of Addis Guday newspaper and Edom Kassaye, a freelancer.
A journalist and a friend of Tesfalem’s, Tsion Girma, is a neighbour in a low-cost apartment complex. She became aware of his plight late on Friday when she got “a massive knock at my door”.
“I opened and the guy screamed at me ‘Tesfalem is calling for you outside.’” When Tsion asked who was carting him off to the capital’s main investigation centre, known as Maekelawi, a man in plain clothes pointed at a uniformed official.
“Now you see they are policemen. That is all you need to know,” he said. A government spokesman, Shimeles Kemal, told Al Jazeera on Saturday he was not aware of the arrests. Getachew Reda, an adviser to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, said on Tuesday the group was suspected of criminality, without providing further details. Some of the arrested had “a penchant for incitement of violence and unrest”, Getachew said.
The plain-clothed individuals were probably from the National Intelligence and Security Services, which investigates political conspiracies. Tsedale worries that intelligence agents have too much power. “You feel that way over the weekend when you’re kept in the dark and they’re taken to court on Sunday. You feel this government has lost its centre of gravity,” she said.
“Is it random action by the security forces? Who is in the driving seat?” Now that a judicial process is under way other officials may not be able to intervene even if they want to, she said.
Ties to foreign groups
It’s believed that links between some or all of the arrested with a rights group, Article 19, are being used to justify the crackdown. The UK-registered organisation recently attempted to offer Ethiopian journalists and bloggers training in online journalism security, its East African and Kenyan director, Henry Maina, told Al Jazeera on Monday. But the early April mission to advise on privacy rights and how to prevent hacking ended in Article 19′s Patrick Mutahi being detained at Addis Ababa’s airport for 29 hours and then deported.
“Restricting our work shows the utter contempt the Ethiopian authorities hold for free speech, press freedom and fundamental human rights,” Maina said at the time. The group has worked constructively with the government in the past, offering training to lawyers and judges, he said.
Article 19, on Monday, called for the journalists’ “immediate and unconditional release”. The US State Department also called for them to be freed, in the same week that Secretary of State John Kerry visits Addis Ababa to meet PM Hailemariam.
“Yes, we may have engaged with some of those people,” Maina said. “But we need to ask which of those things we did is unlawful”. In April, law enforcement officials told Mutahi that Article 19 didn’t have the requisite permissions to operate in Ethiopia, the group said.
The EPRDF government, which welcomes American and European aid while tilting towards China, has long considered Western human rights groups as neo-liberal opponents bent on its overthrow, rather than just a nuisance. The young bloggers and journalists could be in custody because of their association with a group that has recently raised the ire of officials by focusing on electronic surveillance, one reporter believes.
Tsedale, whose magazine offers critiques of government policy, believes the arrests may be a preemptive strike on dissenters that could cause electoral problems for the EPRDF in next May’s polls. “My only guess is that the election is coming and these people were seen as becoming influential,” she says.
But while the EPRDF is notorious for a ruthless approach to democracy – last time out in 2010, it won all but two parliamentary seats out of 547 – commentators can see little reason for continuing this heavy-handedness. “There’s really no reason to feel threatened, there’s no viable opposition,” Tsedi said. “That’s what makes it really meaningless.”
One group that can testify to that is the Blue Party, a relatively new organisation that held a successful demonstration last year. They held another protest on Sunday, but preparations were disrupted as 28 of their members, including leaders and key organisers, were arrested late last week, its chairman, Yilkal Getnet, said.
“The political climate through time is becoming narrower and narrower,” Yilkal said. It’s not yet clear what connection, if any, there is between the arrest of the Blue Party members and the bloggers.
Analysts say despite its electoral strength the EPRDF is wise to ensure it remains the only game in town: Popular discontent over issues like the rising cost of living and poor administration could cause a sudden seismic shift if the opposition was galvanised.
Opinion is mixed on the broader significance of the arrests. Previous outrage at the closure of popular newspaper Addis Neger didn’t lead to changes, observers point out. What is clear, however, is the warning to other reporters.
“I’ve always known being a journalist in Ethiopia isn’t a secure job. What has rattled us and our colleagues is the scale of the arrests and the relative obscurity of most of the arrested,” an Ethiopian journalist explained to Al Jazeera on Facebook, after requesting anonymity. “It used to be the case that the one who was the most vocal and defiant tended to be arrested, but now even simple, obscure bloggers are behind bars.”

Arrests headline Ethiopia press freedom fears

Arrests of Ethiopian journalists and bloggers are part of what critics say is a ‘shocking’ crackdown

by William Davison

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The arrest of six bloggers and three journalists by Ethiopia’s government last week, has led to widespread outcry in the Horn of Africa nation – even among those generally supportive of the ruling party’s policies.Map of Ethiopia
The detainees were unusually brought to court on Sunday, April 27 in the capital Addis Ababa where judges granted investigators more time to make their case. Authorities suspect the nine of working with foreign advocacy groups to try to create unrest using social media, according to local media reports. The next court hearings are May 7 and 8, when formal charges may be brought.
Ethiopia’s government, a staunch Western ally in a poor and violent region, has a track record of jailing journalists and political activists, often using a 2009 anti-terrorism law. While officials say no one has ever been imprisoned for expressing their opinion, rights groups accuse authorities of using the broad terms of the law to crush legitimate dissent.
Friends and readers portray the Zone 9 bloggers as young and principled activists pressuring Ethiopia’s government to respect the country’s liberal 1995 constitution.
“Most of the time they’re engaged in advocating freedom of expression and what they call Dreaming of a Better Ethiopia,” says Merkeb Negash, a politics lecturer from Jimma University in Ethiopia’s southwest. The group had recently started blogging again after a 7-month break and complaints of surveillance and harassment by security forces.
Merkeb believes Ethiopia’s state-centric development model, which critics accuse of being heavy-handed with dissidents, has delivered security, infrastructure and economic growth to a previously destitute, strife-torn country. However, these latest arrests are another indication that the victorious rebel group turned ruling coalition, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), doesn’t respect constitutional guarantees for freedom of expression, he said.
‘Shocking’ changes
The EPRDF came to power when it overthrew a military regime in 1991 and has governed ever since as a coalition of four ethnic parties. Its only serious challenge came in the 2005 elections, but it subsequently reasserted extensive control.
“Even people like me who were optimistic about the emergence of civilised debate and vibrant media and activism have been shocked by these detentions,” Merkeb said.
Mikias Sebsibe, a journalist who works for an EPRDF-affiliated media outlet, makes a similar point. “We need to ask the government why it keeps telling us that it upholds the right to freedom of expression but contradicts itself with its actions,” he said.
One person with particular reason to be shocked is Tsedale Lemma, the managing editor of Addis Standard, a monthly magazine that analyses current affairs in the region. She regularly received dispatches from Tesfalem Waldyes, one of the detained journalists. Diminutive and energetic, with a wide grin and oversized backpack, Tesfalem is familiar to many in Addis Ababa’s media community.
His detention is “very strange”, his editor said, as he is a “meticulous and professional” freelancer. Although he mixed socially with the independent Zone 9 activists, whose writings were more critical and provocative, he wasn’t a member, she explains. The other arrested journalists are Asmamaw Hailegeorgis of Addis Guday newspaper and Edom Kassaye, a freelancer.
A journalist and a friend of Tesfalem’s, Tsion Girma, is a neighbour in a low-cost apartment complex. She became aware of his plight late on Friday when she got “a massive knock at my door”.
“I opened and the guy screamed at me ‘Tesfalem is calling for you outside.’” When Tsion asked who was carting him off to the capital’s main investigation centre, known as Maekelawi, a man in plain clothes pointed at a uniformed official.
“Now you see they are policemen. That is all you need to know,” he said. A government spokesman, Shimeles Kemal, told Al Jazeera on Saturday he was not aware of the arrests. Getachew Reda, an adviser to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, said on Tuesday the group was suspected of criminality, without providing further details. Some of the arrested had “a penchant for incitement of violence and unrest”, Getachew said.
The plain-clothed individuals were probably from the National Intelligence and Security Services, which investigates political conspiracies. Tsedale worries that intelligence agents have too much power. “You feel that way over the weekend when you’re kept in the dark and they’re taken to court on Sunday. You feel this government has lost its centre of gravity,” she said.
“Is it random action by the security forces? Who is in the driving seat?” Now that a judicial process is under way other officials may not be able to intervene even if they want to, she said.
Ties to foreign groups
It’s believed that links between some or all of the arrested with a rights group, Article 19, are being used to justify the crackdown. The UK-registered organisation recently attempted to offer Ethiopian journalists and bloggers training in online journalism security, its East African and Kenyan director, Henry Maina, told Al Jazeera on Monday. But the early April mission to advise on privacy rights and how to prevent hacking ended in Article 19′s Patrick Mutahi being detained at Addis Ababa’s airport for 29 hours and then deported.
“Restricting our work shows the utter contempt the Ethiopian authorities hold for free speech, press freedom and fundamental human rights,” Maina said at the time. The group has worked constructively with the government in the past, offering training to lawyers and judges, he said.
Article 19, on Monday, called for the journalists’ “immediate and unconditional release”. The US State Department also called for them to be freed, in the same week that Secretary of State John Kerry visits Addis Ababa to meet PM Hailemariam.
“Yes, we may have engaged with some of those people,” Maina said. “But we need to ask which of those things we did is unlawful”. In April, law enforcement officials told Mutahi that Article 19 didn’t have the requisite permissions to operate in Ethiopia, the group said.
The EPRDF government, which welcomes American and European aid while tilting towards China, has long considered Western human rights groups as neo-liberal opponents bent on its overthrow, rather than just a nuisance. The young bloggers and journalists could be in custody because of their association with a group that has recently raised the ire of officials by focusing on electronic surveillance, one reporter believes.
Tsedale, whose magazine offers critiques of government policy, believes the arrests may be a preemptive strike on dissenters that could cause electoral problems for the EPRDF in next May’s polls. “My only guess is that the election is coming and these people were seen as becoming influential,” she says.
But while the EPRDF is notorious for a ruthless approach to democracy – last time out in 2010, it won all but two parliamentary seats out of 547 – commentators can see little reason for continuing this heavy-handedness. “There’s really no reason to feel threatened, there’s no viable opposition,” Tsedi said. “That’s what makes it really meaningless.”
One group that can testify to that is the Blue Party, a relatively new organisation that held a successful demonstration last year. They held another protest on Sunday, but preparations were disrupted as 28 of their members, including leaders and key organisers, were arrested late last week, its chairman, Yilkal Getnet, said.
“The political climate through time is becoming narrower and narrower,” Yilkal said. It’s not yet clear what connection, if any, there is between the arrest of the Blue Party members and the bloggers.
Analysts say despite its electoral strength the EPRDF is wise to ensure it remains the only game in town: Popular discontent over issues like the rising cost of living and poor administration could cause a sudden seismic shift if the opposition was galvanised.
Opinion is mixed on the broader significance of the arrests. Previous outrage at the closure of popular newspaper Addis Neger didn’t lead to changes, observers point out. What is clear, however, is the warning to other reporters.
“I’ve always known being a journalist in Ethiopia isn’t a secure job. What has rattled us and our colleagues is the scale of the arrests and the relative obscurity of most of the arrested,” an Ethiopian journalist explained to Al Jazeera on Facebook, after requesting anonymity. “It used to be the case that the one who was the most vocal and defiant tended to be arrested, but now even simple, obscure bloggers are behind bars.”

Sec Kerry travels to Ethiopia: will he bring up press freedom?

by Tom Murphy
Secretary of State John Kerry is in the midst of a week-long trip to three sub-Saharan African nations: Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. There, he will focus on security in the region, especially as it pertains to the Congo. He does not forget an obligatory stop by programs that are a part of the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.John Kerry at Gandhi Memorial Hospital, in Addis Ababa
But will Kerry remember to press Ethiopia on its press crackdowns when talking to them about democracy?
Last week, six members of the Zone Nineblogging collective were arrested. The bloggers have been critical of the government and its programs. Reports indicate that they are being held in a detention center in Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa.
The group stand accused of inciting public violence through social media and working foreign organizations. The actions were quickly decried by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Human Rights Watch and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Kerry’s trip to Ethiopia is garnering attention from the rights groups.
“We hope that Secretary Kerry will recognize that peace and democracy are not compatible with censorship, intimidation, pervasive surveillance, and a crackdown on free expression and independent media,” wrote the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
The issue of press freedom is evidently on Sec Kerry’s radar. He responded to a tweet by New York Times journalist Nick Kristof regarding the recent arrests in Ethiopia.
The new developments are the latest in a series of harassment and arrests for Ethiopian press. Reeyot Alemu, was recently included in a list of notable imprisoned journalists around the world, by the Committee to Protect Journalists. She has spent the last five years in jail after being sentenced for terrorism.
The very same law was used to jail Eskinder Nega for 18 years. The journalist and blogger was sentenced in 2011 and the ruling was upheld two years later. He remained resolute after the appeal loss.
“The truth will set us free,” said Nega to the public following the ruling. “We want the Ethiopian public to know that the truth will reveal itself, it’s only a matter of time.”
The case did not escape the notice of the US. Then-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton deplored the actions taken by the Ethiopian government against the press, in 2012.
“When a free media is under attack anywhere, all human rights are under attack everywhere,” said Clinton.
Despite the rhetoric about upholding rights, Ethiopia still continues to crack down on its press, while receiving aid support from the US, World Bank and elsewhere. The extent with which Kerry will press on the Ethiopian government will have to be seen. The lack of press rights in the country remains an issue that some believe deserves far more attention.
“Intolerant, repressive societies are using anti-state charges and ‘terrorist’ labels to intimidate, detain, and imprison journalists,” explained Committee to Protect Journalists Executive Director Joel Simon.
Source: Humanosphere