Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ethiopia detains bloggers and journalist

Al Jazeera
Security forces arrest six bloggers and a journalist in latest crackdown on opposition voices.
The Ethiopian government has arrested six independent bloggers and a journalist in what human rights group Amnesty International has called a “suffocating grip on freedom of expression”.Ethiopian government has arrested six independent bloggers
Six members of independent blogger and activist group ‘Zone 9’ and a prominent Ethiopian journalist were arrested on Friday in the capital Addis Ababa.
All six bloggers were arrested at night by armed security forces and taken from their homes to the Federal Police Crime Investigation Sector ‘Maikelawi’, where political prisoners are alleged to be held in pre-trial, and sometimes arbitrary detention.
The Zone 9 group who are said to be very critical of government policy and have a strong following on social media had temporarily suspended their activities earlier this year after accusing the government of harassing their members.
Journalist Tesfalem Waldyes who writes independent commentary on political issues for a Ethiopian newspaper was also arrested.
According to Ethiopian journalist Simegnish Yekoye, Waldyes is being denied visitation by friends and family and it’s unclear what prompted his arrest and what charges he is being held under.
Simegnish Yekoye told Al Jazeera she was unaware of why the government had clamped down on journalists and their was growing fear on the future of a free press.
“I am very scared, I don’t know what’s going to happen next,” she said.
Ranked 143 in the 2014 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index, media watchdogs say 49 journalists fled the country between 2007 and 2012 to evade government persecution.
Human rights group Amesty International criticised the arrests, saying “these arrests appear to be yet another alarming round up of opposition or independent voices”.
“The Ethiopian government is tightening its suffocating grip on freedom of expression in a major crackdown which has seen the arrest of numerous independent, critical and opposition voices over the last two days”, Claire Beston, Ethiopia researcher at Amnesty International, said.
Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Adow reporting from Bahir Dar said it was unclear what will happen to the detained journalists.
“There are scores of journalists currently serving between 14 and 27 years in prison with some charged on terrorism offences.”

Dark secrets of foreign investment in Ethiopia and tears of the poor

by Nathnael Abate (Norway)
The rapid growth of world economy has resulted in strong partnership between countries, multinational companies and cooperates. This made the greatest gateway for international companies directly to involve in foreign investment process in the labor cheap countries. Since cheap labor forces produce very high profits. In most developing countries the priority of government is self-enrichment by all possible means but not fulfilling the interest of public. For sake of their own benefits both government and foreign cooperates increase the bond between them overtime. Eventually these foreign companies become the head masters of government because they nurture government with a lot of cash and the corrupted regimes are happy to have it in their pockets. Now the government is spokesman and servant of the companies or cooperatives rather than being the protectors of citizens. Cooperates controlled government will take all the measures against its own citizens in order to protect the interest and benefits of the foreign corporates, specially the dictator regimes such as the regime of Ethiopia.
Foreign investment by itself has no adverse impact on any society as long as it does not harm or violate the interests and tradition of locals, indigenous and citizens of the country where the investment takes place. But in most cases foreign investments in developing countries have suppressive, exploitative and long lasting impacts on the lives of local people. For example, foreign investments are highly destroying lives of indigenous people in western and southern Ethiopia. The Government is forcibly displacing the indigenous communities from their ancestral lands in order to supply land for foreign and local investors. These areas were rapidly being converted into commercial agricultural investment centers. The government is depriving small scale farming, pastoralists, fishing grounds and other life sustaining activities of indigenous people in the area.
oreign investments in developing countries
The corrupted TPLF regime backed transnational cooperatives in Ethiopia indirectly confiscating the land and other natural resources that have been home and food source for indigenous community for thousands of years. Interlocked partnership among the regime of Ethiopia and transnational companies have no short or long term benefits to the local community or the country. Industrial and agricultural products produced by these firms will be exported to other countries and profits will be transferred to home of their origin. Money from land lease or sell, tax and other sort of shares will furnish the pockets of dictator juntas. It will not benefit by any means the local communities. There are also violent tactics used against the locals (including rapes, intimidation, murder, harassment) as well as lack of consultation, compensation, legal redress and derogation of national and international laws intended to protect indigenous and pastoralists communities’ rights to own and use resources. In south Omo valley about 86% of land was occupied by the investors which used to be farming, hunting, fishing and grazing ground for natives. The successive Ethiopian regime has never cared for dark skinned Ethiopian indigenous people in south Omo valley and in Gambella (west Ethiopia) rather they were all referred as a second citizens and sub humans.
The selling and leasing of land that is home for native tribes in Gambella and South omo had severe consequences on locals. Many families were scattered searching for food, water and graze land and these interdependent tribes become hopeless and helpless. In the name of investment hidden corruption chain has taken newest paths in Ethiopia since recent years. In this corruption chain some participated directly and others indirectly. For instance the fertilizer potash company called YARA which is owned by Norwegians gives about 30% of its profit to Ethiopian regime. The interplay between the Yara and the Ethiopian Regime is that, YARA supplies the fertilizer to the regime and Ethiopian Government force farmers to use the fertilizer and pay for it. If the farmer is not willing to use the fertilizer soon he loses his land. Improper use of fertilizer could permanently damage the soil and the current use of fertilizer in most part of Ethiopia is improper. Government only focuses on selling large quantity of fertilizer and gaining profit from it but not the future severe consequences.
The symbolic human right guardian western rich countries which are also political, economic and social partners of dictator regimes increased and continued their aid for further deterioration of poor lives. Western foreign aid budgets are used as a driving force of human right violations in Africa particularly in Ethiopia. This devastating hidden exploitative system is wiping out poor, indigenous people, local communities, peasants, pastoralists and is causing permanent damage to land and other natural environment in the area. For large scale agriculture wide area of forest is cleared and which in turn increases massive emission of Co2 in to local climate. In addition to forest clearing also Ethiopia regimes main strategy of renewable energy source what is so called hydroelectric dams (“Reservoirs [created by large dam projects] are a significant contributor to climate change, and that hydropower schemes in some cases may have a greater impact on global warming than fossil fuel power stations.” ) . In South Omo, Gilgil Gibe and some other parts of the country many people were displaced without any compensation from their homes and property for dams’ construction. Research suggests that organic matter, decomposing vegetation and soil, in shallow reservoirs in warm tropical areas emits large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere and that even after the vegetation is fully decomposed, gases continue to be released. And yet hydro development is promoted as a ‘green’ alternative to fossil fuel.
The south and west Ethiopia natives are paying price for non-self-benefiting and biased development policy of the government. They are forcibly displaced from their ancestor’s grave land or possessions. This people have very little employment room to be employed in newly introduced sectors and sometimes may have access to physical labor with very low payments and bad treatments .Those employed in the sector are from Tigray and other regions. These communities are plunged further into poverty, environments are destroyed and irreparable harm is caused to this indigenous community.
There are also many houses of poor and shelters being demolished and demolishing going on in bigger cities(In Addis Ababa and regional cities) to sell the land without compensation for those who owns the land or shelter on the place. According to the December 26, 2013 report of Zegabi, people whose houses got demolished in capital Addis Ababa said “They (government officials ) did not even [allow] us enough time for [the] evacuation” with sorrow in their eyes and extreme fatigue on their face. “They immediately started to plow down all the houses with bulldozers for no consideration. All the houses turned into dust and rubble right there in front of our eyes. The place we used to call home was no more, a barren land in its place.” I enquired if they were given prior notice of the demolition.
many houses of poor and shelters being demolished
Their heartfelt and emotional answer was “They had told us that this place was going to be removed and plowed down three or four months ago. But there was no legal notice. It was just word of the mouth. And we were always asking for places to be given to us. And the people at the concerned offices always said that at one time one of the officials wasn’t around to decide or at another time the map for the place was not prepared. And now they are telling us to wait for our answers living outside. What kind of justice is that? There is no where we can apply to to get justice. The Sub city administration will not do anything for us and we have been trying to ask the Red Cross for help but it’s all bureaucratic.”
The land which is taken away either from the indigenous people of far rural area or poor of the cities will be sold to foreign investors or domestic riches. The money from selling and leasing land will be in the pockets of woyane officials to make their life joyful while leaving behind tears, sorrows, homelessness and poverty to the indigenous and poor people. They (our rulers) made us poor. We are crying and they are laughing.
Writer`s contact
Tweeter @nathysaint and facebook nathy de saint.
God bless Ethiopia

ከሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የሰልፍ አስተባባሪ ኮሚቴ በሃይማትታችሁ ጣልቃ ለተገባባችሁ ኢትዮጵያውያን በሙሉ የተደረገ ጥሪ!

ውድ ሃይማኖታችሁ ላይ ጣልቃ እየተገባባችሁ ያላችሁ ኢትዮጵያውያን በሙሉ፡- ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ኢትዮጵያውያን በነጻነት የፈለጉትን ሃይማኖት እንዲከተሉ፣ የፈለጉትን እምነት እንዲይዙ ባለው የጸና አቋም ገዥው ፓርቲ በሙስሊሙና በኦርቶዶክስ እምነት ተከታዮች ላይ እያደረገ ያለውን ጣልቃ ገብነት ሲቃወም ቆይቷል፡፡ የሙስሊሙ ማህበረሰብ ገዥው ፓርቲ በሐይማኖቱ ጣልቃ መግባቱን ተቃውሞ የሚያደርገውን ፍጹም ሰላማዊ እንቅስቃሴ በማድነቅ ገዥው ፓርቲ ከህገ ወጥ ተግባሩ እጁን እንዲሰበስብ ምክር ከመለገስ አልፎ በሰላማዊ ሰልፍም ድምጹን አሰምቷል፡፡ በተጨማሪም የሙስሊሙን መፍትሄ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴ አባላት ላይ የተወሰደው ህገ ወጥ እርምጃ እና በእስር ላይ እየደረሰባቸው ያለውን ስቃይም በጽኑ ሲቃወም ቆይቷል፡፡ ወደፊትም በዚሁ አቋሙ እንደሚቀጥል ይገልጻል፡፡Ethiopia's Semayawi (Blue) party logo
በተመሳሳይ በክርስቲያኖች በተለይም በኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ እምነት ተከታዮች ያለውን ጣልቃ ገብነትም በተመሳሳይ ሲቃወም ቆይቷል፡፡ ለአብነት ያህል በዋልድባ ገዳም ላይ የተወሰደውን ህገ ወጥ ተግባር በግልጽ ተቃውሟል፡፡ በአሁኑ ወቅትም ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ እምነት ተከታዮች በተለይም በማህበረ ቅዱሳን ላይ ጫና እየተደረገ እንደሚገኝ መረጃዎች እየጠቆሙ ነው፡፡ ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ በማህበሩ ላይ ሊደረግ የታሰበው ሴራ እየተከታተለ ይገኛል፡፡ በኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስትያንም ሆነ በማህበሩ ላይ እየተደረገ ያለውን ጫናም በጽኑ ይቃወማል፡፡
ውድ የሁለቱም እምነት ተከታዮች፡- ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ህወሓት/ኢህአዴግ የሚያደርገውን ጫና እና ጣልቃ ገብነት በጽኑ እየተቃወመ፣ ማንኛውም በሐይማኖታችሁ ላይ የሚደረግን ጫና በግልጽ እንድትቃወሙ ጥሪ ያቀርባል፡፡ የሁለቱም የእምነት መጽሃፍቶች በአንዳችን ላይ የሚደርሰው ግፍ በሌላኛው ላይም እንዳይሆን መፈለግ እንዳለብን እንደሚገልጹት የእናንተ ብቻ ሳይሆን ሌሎች ላይ የሚደረገውን ጣልቃ ገብነትና ጫናም በመቃወም ለመርህ እንድትቆሙ ማሳሰብ ይፈልጋል፡፡
ሃይማኖት ለአንድ ማህበረሰብ ማንነት መሰረት እንደመሆኑ በአገር ግንባታ ቀላል የማይባል ሚና እንዳለው እናምናለን፡፡ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሐይማኖታች ሳይገድበን ተረዳድተን፣ ተባብረንና ተፈቃቅረን ኖረናል፡፡ ለዚህ አብሮ መኖርና መቻቻልም ሃይማኖታችን የራሱ የሆነ ሚና እንዳለው እናምናለን፡፡ ገዥው ፓርቲ በአሁኑ ወቅት በተለያዩ ሃይማኖቶች መካከል ብቻ ሳይሆን አንድ ሐይማኖት ውስጥ የሚገኙትን የአገራችን ዜጎች በጠላትና በወዳጅነት በመከፋፈል ኢትዮጵያውያን እርስ በእርሳቸው እንዲጠራጠሩ፣ ግጭት ውስጥ እንዲገቡና ሃይማኖታቸውን በነጻነት እንዳይከተሉ እያደረገ ነው፡፡ ይህም ለቀጣይ የአገራችን ሁኔታ አሉታዊ አስተዋጽኦው የጎላ በመሆኑ ፓርቲያችን በጽናት ይቃወማል፡፡
ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ በዚህ ጽኑ አቋሙ አግባብ ያልሆኑ የተለያዩ ስሞች ተሰትቶታል፡፡ አመራሮቹና አባላቱም ታስረዋል፡፡ ተደብድበዋል፡፡ ከተነጠቁት መብቶች መካከል ይህን የእምነት ነጻነት መብት እንዲከበር የሚጠይቁ ጥያቄ ባነሳበት በአሁኑ ወቅት እንኳ ከ50 በላይ የፓርቲው አመራሮችና አባላት ማጎሪያ ቤት ውስጥ ይገኛሉ፡፡ የኢትዮጵያውያን መብት ይከበር ዘንድ የሚከፈለውን ዋጋ ለመክፈልም ቁርጠኛ መሆናችንን መግለጽ እንወዳለን፡፡
ገዥው ፓርቲ በሃይማኖታችን ላይ ጣልቃ በመግባት የዜጎቻችን አንዱንና ዋነኛውን መብት ቀምቷል፡፡ ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ይህን የኢትዮጵያውያን መብት ለማስመለስ ሚያዝያ 19 ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ጠርቷል፡፡ በመሆኑም ይህን የተቀማችሁትን መብት ለማስመለስ በዚህ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ እንድትሳተፉ ጥሪውን ያቀርብላችኋል፡፡
ኑ ራሳችን ነጻ በማውጣት የአገራችን እጣ ፋንታ እንወስን!
ኢትዮጵያ በክብር ለዘላለም ይኑር!

ከሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የሰላማዊ ሰልፍ አስተባባሪ ኮሚቴ ለሚዲያ ማህበረሰቡ የተላለፈ ጥሪ

ውድ የሚዲያ ማህበረሰብ አባላት፡- ባለፉት 23 ዓመታት ህወሓት/ኢህአዴግ በህገ መንግስቱ የሚዲያ ነጻነት እንደሚፈቀድ ቢደነግግም በተግባር ግን የራሱን ፕሮፖጋንዳ ከሚነዛባቸው ሚዲያዎች ውጭ ሌሎቹን ሲዘጋና ሲያሸማቅቅ ኖሯል፡፡ በአሁኑ ወቅትም ህዝባችን ከገዥው ፓርቲ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ውጭ አማራጭ መረጃ ማግኘት አልቻለም፡፡ ጋዜጠኞች እየታሰሩ፣ እየተሰደዱ፣ ሚዲያዎች እየተዘጉም ቢሆን የተቻላችሁን ያህል ለህዝብ መረጃ ለማድረስ የሚዲያው ማህበረሰብ አባላት ለምታደርጉት ሁሉ ከፍ ያለ ክብር አለን፡፡ የታፈነውን የህዝብ ድምጽ ለማሰማት የምታደርጉትን ጥረትም እናበረታታለን፡፡ ሆኖም አሁንም ቢሆን በገዥው ፓርቲ አፋኝነት ምክንያት ህዝባችን የሚገባውን መረጃ እያገኘ አይደለም፡፡ እናንተም በሰበብ አስባቡ ጫና እየደረሰባችሁ እንደሆነ ፓርቲያችን ይገነዘባል፡፡Ethiopia's Semayawi (Blue) party logo
ገዥው ፓርቲ ላይ የሰላ ትችት የሚያደርሱ ጋዜጠኞች ‹‹አሸባሪ›› ተብለው ታስረዋል፡፡ ጋዜጦችና መጽሄቶች በስርዓቱ ተዘግተዋል፡፡ በርካታ ጋዜጠኞች አገራቸውን ጥለው ተሰደዋል፡፡ ሌሎቹ ደግሞ ድብደባ፣ ማስፈራሪያና ዛቻ ደርሶባቸዋል፡፡ እየደረሰባቸውም ነው፡፡ ገዥው ፓርቲ በሚያደርስባቸው ቀጥተኛም ሆነ ተዘዋዋሪ ጫና ከገበያ ወጥተዋል፡፡ በአጠቃላይ በአሁኑ ወቅት ለህዝባችን አማራጭ መረጃ የሚያደርሱ ሚዲያዎችና የሚዲያው ማህበረሰብ መብቶቻቸውን ተነጥቀው አደጋ ላይ ወድቀዋል፡፡
አማራጭ መረጃ ለዴሞክራሲና ለልማት ቀዳሚውን ሚና እንደሚጫወት የሚያምነው ፓርቲያችን ይህን የመብት ረገጣና አፈና ሲቃወምና ሲታገል ቆይቷል፡፡ አሁንም በጠነከረ መልኩ ይቃወማል፡፡
ፓርቲያችን ሀሳብን በነጻነት የመግለጽን ጨምሮ የተነጠቁትን መብቶቻችን ለማስመለስ በመጣሩ አመራሮቹና አባላቱ በህገ ወጥ መንገደ እስር ቤት በሚገኙበት ተመሳሳይ ወቅት የዞን ዘጠኝ ወጣቶች በእስር ላይ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ይህም ከመቸውም ጊዜ በላይ ጭቆናው እንደመረረ እና ሁሉን ማህበረሰብ ያቀፈ ትግል እንደሚያስፈልግ ዋነኛ ማሳያ ነው፡፡ ከዚህ የመረረ ጭቆና ህዝባችንን ነጻ ማውጣት የምንችለው እኛ ህዝቡን ማደራጀትና ማንቀሳቀስ የሚዲያ ማህበረሰቡም መደረጃውን ለህዝባችን ማድረስ ሲችል ብቻ ነው፡፡
ፓርቲያችን ሚያዝያ 19/2006 ዓ.ም ሀሳብን በነጻነት የመግለጽ መብትን ጨምሮ ገዥው ፓርቲ ከኢትዮጵያውያን የነጠቃቸውን መብቶች ለማስመለስ ተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ጠርቷል፡፡ የሚዲያው ማህበረሰብ ይህን የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ሂደት ለህዝብ በማስተላለፍ ከፍተኛ ሚና እንዳለው የታመነ ነው፡፡ በመሆኑም መብቶቻችን በህዝብ ትግል ይመለሱ ዘንድ እናንተም የተለመደው የበኩላችሁን አስተዋጽኦ እንድታደርጉ ጥሪያችን እናስተላልፋለን፡፡
መረጃ ኃይል ነውና በአገር ውስጥም ሆነ በውጭ የምትገኙ የህትመትም ሆነ የብሮድካስት ውጤቶች የተነጠቁትን መብቶቻችን፣ የሰላማዊ ሰልፉን ሂደት፣ በሂደቱ በፓርቲያችንና በህዝቡ ላይ የሚደርሰውን በደል እና ሰላማዊ ሰልፉን ለህዝብ በማድረስ ግዴታችሁን እንድትወጡ አደራ እንላለን፡፡ በተለይ ሌሎች ሚደያዎች በታፈኑበት በአንጻራዊነት የህዝብ ድምጽ በመሆን ላይ በሚገኘው ፌስ ቡክ በኩል መረጃዎችን ለህዝብ በማድረስ ቀላል የማይባል ጫና መፍጠር የሚቻል በመሆኑ አጋጣሚውን በመጠቀም መብታችን ለማስመለስ እንድንታገልና በሰልፉም እንድንገኝ አደራችን እናስተላልፋለን፡፡
ኑ ራሳችን ነጻ በማውጣት የአገራችን እጣ ፈንታ እንወስን!
ኢትዮጵያ በክብር ለዘላለም ትኑር!

ከኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ(ኢጋመ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ፣ የጋዜጠኞቹና የአክቲቪስቶቹ እስር አሳሳቢ ነው፡

ትላንት ሚያዝያ 17 2006 አመሻሽ ላይ ዞን 9 በተሰኘ ድረ ገጽ (ብሎግ) ላይ በሳል ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ ትችቶችን በማቅረብ ከሚታወቁት ፀኀፍት መሀከል 7 ቱ (ማህሌት ፋንታሁን በፍቃዱ ሀይሉ Ethiopians journalists forumናትናኤል ፈለቀ ዘላለም ክብረት አጥናፍ ብርሀነ አቤል ዋበላ ኤዶም ካሳዬ) እና የአዲስ ነገር ባልደረባ የነበረው ጋዜጠኛ ተስፋለም ወልደየስ በመንግስት የጸጥታ ሀይሎች በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸዉ ይታወቃል፡፡ ግለሰቦቹ በተለያየ ቦታ በየስራ ገበታቸዉ ላይ እያሉ ሁሉም በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት በፀጥታ ሀይሎች ተይዘዉ ማዕከላዊ ምርመራ ማዕከል ታስረዉ የሚገኙ ሲሆን፤ የተለያዩ መረጃዎች እንደሚጠቁሙት እስሩ በደንብ የታሰበበት ነበር፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ ታሳሪዎቹ ታሰሩ ከተባለበት ሰዓትና ደቂቃ ጀምሮ የሚገኙበትን አጠቃላይ ሁኔታ ለማጣራት አየሰራ ሲሆን ፤ እስካሁን በሰበሰበዉ መረጃ መሰረት ልጆቹን ለእስር የሚያበቃ ምን አይነት ማስረጃ እንደተገኘባቸው ለማወቅ አልቻለም፡፡
ሆኖም ግን ለእስር ከመዳረጋቸው በፊት ከመንግስት ሲርስባቸዉ በነበረዉ ህገወጥ ድርጊቶች ምክንያት ለረጅም ጊዜ ስራቸዉን ካቋረጡ በኋላ በቅርቡ ወደ ስራ መመለሳቸዉን ይፋ አድርገው እንደነበር ከድረገጻቸው ላይ ለመረዳት ችለናል፡፡ ይህ ጉዳይ እስሩን ይበልጥ አሳሳቢ አድርጎብናል፡፡ ስለሆነም የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ መንግስት ታሳሪዎቹን ለማሰር ያበቃዉ ተጨባጭ ማስረጃ ካለ ለህዝብ ይፋ እንዲያደርግ፤ ያ ካልሆነ ግን እስረኞቹን በአስቸኳይ ያለምንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ እንዲለቅ እናሳስባለን፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ
አዲስ አበባ ኢትዮጵያ

ከሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የሰላማዊ ሰልፍ አስተባባሪ ኮሚቴ ለሚዲያ ማህበረሰቡ የተላለፈ ጥሪ

ውድ የሚዲያ ማህበረሰብ አባላት፡- ባለፉት 23 ዓመታት ህወሓት/ኢህአዴግ በህገ መንግስቱ የሚዲያ ነጻነት እንደሚፈቀድ ቢደነግግም በተግባር ግን የራሱን ፕሮፖጋንዳ ከሚነዛባቸው ሚዲያዎች ውጭ ሌሎቹን ሲዘጋና ሲያሸማቅቅ ኖሯል፡፡ በአሁኑ ወቅትም ህዝባችን ከገዥው ፓርቲ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ውጭ አማራጭ መረጃ ማግኘት አልቻለም፡፡ ጋዜጠኞች እየታሰሩ፣ እየተሰደዱ፣ ሚዲያዎች እየተዘጉም ቢሆን የተቻላችሁን ያህል ለህዝብ መረጃ ለማድረስ የሚዲያው ማህበረሰብ አባላት ለምታደርጉት ሁሉ ከፍ ያለ ክብር አለን፡፡ የታፈነውን የህዝብ ድምጽ ለማሰማት የምታደርጉትን ጥረትም እናበረታታለን፡፡ ሆኖም አሁንም ቢሆን በገዥው ፓርቲ አፋኝነት ምክንያት ህዝባችን የሚገባውን መረጃ እያገኘ አይደለም፡፡ እናንተም በሰበብ አስባቡ ጫና እየደረሰባችሁ እንደሆነ ፓርቲያችን ይገነዘባል፡፡Ethiopia's Semayawi (Blue) party logo
ገዥው ፓርቲ ላይ የሰላ ትችት የሚያደርሱ ጋዜጠኞች ‹‹አሸባሪ›› ተብለው ታስረዋል፡፡ ጋዜጦችና መጽሄቶች በስርዓቱ ተዘግተዋል፡፡ በርካታ ጋዜጠኞች አገራቸውን ጥለው ተሰደዋል፡፡ ሌሎቹ ደግሞ ድብደባ፣ ማስፈራሪያና ዛቻ ደርሶባቸዋል፡፡ እየደረሰባቸውም ነው፡፡ ገዥው ፓርቲ በሚያደርስባቸው ቀጥተኛም ሆነ ተዘዋዋሪ ጫና ከገበያ ወጥተዋል፡፡ በአጠቃላይ በአሁኑ ወቅት ለህዝባችን አማራጭ መረጃ የሚያደርሱ ሚዲያዎችና የሚዲያው ማህበረሰብ መብቶቻቸውን ተነጥቀው አደጋ ላይ ወድቀዋል፡፡
አማራጭ መረጃ ለዴሞክራሲና ለልማት ቀዳሚውን ሚና እንደሚጫወት የሚያምነው ፓርቲያችን ይህን የመብት ረገጣና አፈና ሲቃወምና ሲታገል ቆይቷል፡፡ አሁንም በጠነከረ መልኩ ይቃወማል፡፡
ፓርቲያችን ሀሳብን በነጻነት የመግለጽን ጨምሮ የተነጠቁትን መብቶቻችን ለማስመለስ በመጣሩ አመራሮቹና አባላቱ በህገ ወጥ መንገደ እስር ቤት በሚገኙበት ተመሳሳይ ወቅት የዞን ዘጠኝ ወጣቶች በእስር ላይ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ይህም ከመቸውም ጊዜ በላይ ጭቆናው እንደመረረ እና ሁሉን ማህበረሰብ ያቀፈ ትግል እንደሚያስፈልግ ዋነኛ ማሳያ ነው፡፡ ከዚህ የመረረ ጭቆና ህዝባችንን ነጻ ማውጣት የምንችለው እኛ ህዝቡን ማደራጀትና ማንቀሳቀስ የሚዲያ ማህበረሰቡም መደረጃውን ለህዝባችን ማድረስ ሲችል ብቻ ነው፡፡
ፓርቲያችን ሚያዝያ 19/2006 ዓ.ም ሀሳብን በነጻነት የመግለጽ መብትን ጨምሮ ገዥው ፓርቲ ከኢትዮጵያውያን የነጠቃቸውን መብቶች ለማስመለስ ተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ጠርቷል፡፡ የሚዲያው ማህበረሰብ ይህን የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ሂደት ለህዝብ በማስተላለፍ ከፍተኛ ሚና እንዳለው የታመነ ነው፡፡ በመሆኑም መብቶቻችን በህዝብ ትግል ይመለሱ ዘንድ እናንተም የተለመደው የበኩላችሁን አስተዋጽኦ እንድታደርጉ ጥሪያችን እናስተላልፋለን፡፡
መረጃ ኃይል ነውና በአገር ውስጥም ሆነ በውጭ የምትገኙ የህትመትም ሆነ የብሮድካስት ውጤቶች የተነጠቁትን መብቶቻችን፣ የሰላማዊ ሰልፉን ሂደት፣ በሂደቱ በፓርቲያችንና በህዝቡ ላይ የሚደርሰውን በደል እና ሰላማዊ ሰልፉን ለህዝብ በማድረስ ግዴታችሁን እንድትወጡ አደራ እንላለን፡፡ በተለይ ሌሎች ሚደያዎች በታፈኑበት በአንጻራዊነት የህዝብ ድምጽ በመሆን ላይ በሚገኘው ፌስ ቡክ በኩል መረጃዎችን ለህዝብ በማድረስ ቀላል የማይባል ጫና መፍጠር የሚቻል በመሆኑ አጋጣሚውን በመጠቀም መብታችን ለማስመለስ እንድንታገልና በሰልፉም እንድንገኝ አደራችን እናስተላልፋለን፡፡
ኑ ራሳችን ነጻ በማውጣት የአገራችን እጣ ፈንታ እንወስን!
ኢትዮጵያ በክብር ለዘላለም ትኑር!

Why are Some African Dictators coming to the USA?

by dula
Better late than never, as it relates to President Obama’s invitation of African leaders to USA for a roundtable discussion on Africa. Many Africans have argued that President Obama so far ignored Africa, while giving a strong attention to the Middle East and other hot spots. Even compared to former President George Bush, so far he has little to show in terms of rhetoric urging reform or concrete action like Bush did to fight AIDs in Africa.
What is bedeviling Africa is poor leadership and dictators. Africa has all the resources to be a politically stable and economically viable continent if it were not for the prevalence of corruption and dictators. Most of the conflicts are orchestrated by leaders or originate due to lack of good governance.
For example, ten of the poorest countries in the world are located in Sub Sahara Africa according to the latest U.N. report. From South Sudan, Central Africa to Ethiopia, the leaders have been poking ethnic tension in order to stay in power. While the U.S. is expanding its military bases throughout Africa, it finds it problematic to speak against countries where it has such bases such as Ethiopia. U.S. with 35 or more military command centers in Africa is supporting strongmen, mostly dictators that the militaries are backing.
There is nothing Obama cannot tell some of the dictators on the phone than dragging them to the White House and giving them undeserved red carpet and photo opportunity. It would have been more natural to invite only those countries respecting and applying democratic principles. Winning and dinning with African dictators will mean nothing unless he has a concrete plan and he can make it stick.
For example, he can propose a Marshall Plan for Africa like the way Truman did for Europe to build roads East to West and North to South and to connect Africa and strengthen academic and civic institutions and to promote good governance. Furthermore, he can tell them to abolish their national armies, because the armies primarily used to keep the one party dictatorship, and spend the money on education, end government ownership of land, industries, the Internet, and mines to end corruption. Adopt English, French and Swahili as national languages so that Africans can speak to one another, and form a strong economic and political union like Europe.
President Obama was perceived as a transformational figure in Africa, as well as in the rest of the world. It will be a historical mistake if he does not take advantage to transform Africa; most of all help it get rid of its worst enemy, unelected and murderous dictators and vigorously promote the establishment of democratic foundation and rule of law.
On the other hand, the west is obsessed with fighting terrorism in Africa, but not solving the root cause of terrorism, poverty and hopelessness that is translated into a Jihad. For the west promoting democracy is secondary to fighting terrorism, which is self-defeating, but it goes on. Some forget that dictatorship and hopelessness are the root causes for terrorism, but most western leaders ignore it at their own peril and continue to spend huge sums of money on barricading themselves, screening, surveillance and drones.
Raging ethnic tension primarily instigated by the divide and conquer policy of ruling oligarchy, combined with corruption and misapplication of resources are slowly sapping the economy and the political viability of the continent.
Currently, besides political oppression, and ethnic tensions, some regimes have strangled the people and the economy through government ownership of land, Internet, telephone, and other vital industries leading to massive unemployment and massive migration especially in countries like Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Some of the culprits in this case, the dictators, only thrive and survive with U.S. largesse. Some will go by the wayside without massive Western aid. This gives the U.S. tremendous leverage to coerce democratic and economic changes in the continent. For example, the rabid anti-Muslim and anti-homosexual government of Ethiopia lead by Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn was forced by Washington to rescind the anti-homosexual legislation and demonstration despite overwhelming support by rubber-stamped parliament and the public. Despite the failure of the African Diaspora to take advantage of it, this shows the power of lobby groups in shaping U.S. foreign policy.
President Obama is threatening sanction against Russia and he thinks he can bring Russia to its knees using a sweeping sanction. If he thinks he has this kind of power against a resource rich and powerful country like Russia, why can he not use the some power on perpetual beggars and tinhorn dictators in Africa to reform, end the misery, the corruption, and the dictatorship if he really cares.
Ethiopia is the key to democracy in Africa. Ethiopia besides being the seat of the African union, cradle of mankind, carries great historical symbol for people of African origin. Ethiopia earned this position as one of the longest independent nations, and for repulsing Western colonial occupation. Despite this legacy, Ethiopians have never enjoyed rule of law or fair and free election.
Most African leaders look up to Ethiopia and gather every year in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Now representative of warring factions from South Sudan are in Ethiopia to hammer out their differences and to form democratic union. Unfortunately, Ethiopia is not a place to learn or preach democracy or ethnic harmony. The Ethiopian regime pretended for long for things that it is not in order to earn respect and foreign aid.
Human rights records in many African countries are abysmal and are well documented by Amnesty International, Human rights Watch, and independent media. Some of the African dictators such as the one in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, and Eritrea appeared along with North Korean dictator in the Dictators of the Month Magazine. Unfortunately, in Washington leaders like the late Ethiopian dictator, Meles Zenawi were wined and dined, as they disguised their “vicious dictatorship” by ingratiating themselves with the U.S. State Department and by hiring high power lobbyist using the money collected from the impoverished people of Africa. For example, Ethiopia spends huge sums of money to make sure Washington does not notice the cruel and evil system and to portray the regime incorrectly anti-terrorist and democratic.
President Obama has also to avoid past pitfalls. In his book Out of America: a Black Man Confronts Africa, journalist Keith Richburg rebukes some African-Americans for being too cozy with African dictators who bring untold misery to their own people.
To his credit, George Bush stemmed the tide of AIDs in Africa; Bill Clinton pretended to be the first Black President. On the other hand, there is little to brag about Obama yet, as far as his contribution to the welfare or the transformation of blacks in America or in Africa.
It might be that his hands are tied, but not for lack of empathy. Either way, there will be no legacy for Obama to brag about so far.
President Obama can rise to the challenge if he dared too. Pushing democratic values and freer market economic development strategies are critical to save the continent. With an investment of $13.3 billion under the Marshall Plan from 1948 to 1952, President Truman provided a lifeline to a devastated Europe and created strong democratic allies for the U.S. President Obama has the option to embark on a bold political and economic agenda for Africa, while opening a huge market three times that of Europe for American businesses.
Dula Abdu, is a U.S-based writer on foreign policy. (article was adopted from previous articles from similar topics).

Six Members of Blogging Collective Arrested in Ethiopia

by Endalk
On April 25, six members of the Zone Nine blogging collective [am] were arrested in Ethiopia.
On April 25, six members of the Zone Nine blogging collective [am] were arrested in Ethiopia. Allies report that they are now being held at Maekelawi, a detention center in Addis Ababa, the nation’s capital.
News of the arrests first broke on Twitter, where fellow bloggers and social media users voiced support for those arrested and expressed their own fears about what may be to come.
Writer Bisrat Teshome, who lives in Addis Ababa, tweeted:
Zerihun Tesfaye, an Ethiopian journalist living in exile in the US, wrote:
Formed in 2012, the Zone Nine group has leveraged significant critiques of ruling government policy and practice. We have managed to conduct online campaigns in an effort to raise awareness about political repression in the country. We are also dedicated to translating international news for local audiences — through our partnership with Global Voices, we launched Global Voices in Amharic two years ago.
We believe we have been a surveillance target of the Ethiopian government since the death of the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. We have written critical articles about Zenawi’s so-called economic development and other achievements. While he received favourable reports we have shown his achievement is dubious
As of today, no charges had been issued to the members of our group who were arrested today.
Unfortunately, these arrests are not the first of their kind. In the suburbs of Addis Ababa, there is a large prison called Kality where many political prisoners are currently being held, among them journalists Eskinder Nega and Reeyot Alemu. The journalists have told us a lot about the prison and its appalling conditions. Kality is divided into eight different zones, the last of which — Zone Eight — is dedicated to journalists, human right activists and dissidents. When we came together, we decided to create a blog for the proverbial prison in which all Ethiopians live: this is Zone Nine.
Source: Global Voices Advocacy

Ethiopia’s ‘villagisation’ scheme fails to bear fruit

Residents say government has not delivered on resettlement promise of land, clean water and livestock

by William Davison, from Gambella
The orderly village of Agulodiek in Ethiopia’s western Gambella region stands in stark contrast to Elay, a settlement 5km west of Gambella town, where collapsed straw huts strewn with cracked clay pots lie among a tangle of bushes.
Ethiopian government's contentious "villagisation" scheme
In the village of Elay, people are defying the government and returning home. Photograph: William Davison
Agulodiek is a patch of land where families gradually gathered of their own accord, while Elay is part of the Ethiopian government’s contentious “villagisation” scheme that ended last year. The plan in Gambella was to relocate almost the entire rural population of the state over three years. Evidence from districts surrounding Gambella town suggest the policy is failing.
Two years ago people from Agulodiek moved to Elay after officials enticed them with promises of land, livestock, clean water, a corn grinder, education and a health clinic. Instead they found dense vegetation they were unable to cultivate. After one year of selling firewood to survive, they walked back home.
“All the promises were empty,” says Apwodho Omot, an ethnic Anuak, sitting in shade at Agulodiek. There is a donor-funded school at the village whose dirt paths are swept clear of debris, and the government built a hand pump in 2004 that still draws water from a borehole. Apwodho’s community says they harvest corn twice a year from fertile land they have cleared. “We don’t know why the government picked Elay,” she says.
Gambella region’s former president Omod Obang Olum reported last year that 35,000 households had voluntarily moved from a target of 45,000. The official objective had been to cluster scattered households to make public service delivery more efficient. Critics such asHuman Rights Watch said the underlying reason was to clear the way for agricultural investors, and that forced evictions overseen by soldiers involved rape and murder. The Ethiopian government refute the allegations.
Last month the London-based law firm Leigh Day & Co began proceedings against the UKDepartment for International Development (DfID) at the high court after a man from Gambella alleged he suffered abuse when the agency supported the resettlement scheme. Since 2006, DfID and other donors have funded a multibillion-dollar programme in Ethiopia that pays the salaries of key regional government workers such as teachers and nurses through the Protection of Basic Services scheme.
A DfID spokesman said: “We will not comment on ongoing legal action, however, the UK has never funded Ethiopia’s resettlement programmes. Our support to the Protection of Basic Services Programme is only used to provide essential services like healthcare, schooling and clean water.”
Karmi, 10km from Gambella town, is a newly expanded community for those resettled along one of the few tarmac roads. Two teachers scrub clothes in plastic tubs on a sticky afternoon. A herd of goats nibble shrubs as purple and orange lizards edge up tree trunks. There is little activity in the village, which has bare pylons towering over it waiting for high-voltage cables to improve Gambella’s patchy electricity supply.
The teachers work in an impressive school built in 2011 with funds from the UN refugee agency. It has a capacity of 245 students for grades one to five – yet the teachers have only a handful of pupils per class. “This is a new village but the people have left,” says Tigist Megersa.
Kolo Cham grows sorghum and corn near the Baro river, a 30-minute walk from his family home at Karmi. The area saw an influx of about 600 people at the height of villagisation, says Kolo, crouching on a tree stump, surrounded only by a group of children with a puppy. Families left when they got hungry and public services weren’t delivered. “They moved one by one so the government didn’t know the number was decreasing,” he says.
The Anuak at Karmi have reason to fear the authorities, particularly Ethiopia’s military. Several give accounts of beatings and arrests by soldiers as they searched for the perpetrators of a nearby March 2012 attack on a bus that killed 19. The insecurity was a key factor in the exodus, according to residents.
As well as the Anuak, who have tended crops near riverbanks in Gambella for more than 200 years, the region is home to cattle-herding Nuer residents, who began migrating from Sudan in the late 19th century. Thousands of settlers from northern Ethiopia also arrived in the 1980s when the highlands suffered a famine. The government blamed the bus attack on Anuak rebels who consider their homeland colonised.
David Pred is the managing director of Inclusive Development International. The charity is representing Gambella residents, who have accused the World Bank of violating its own policies by funding the resettlement programme. An involuntary, abusive, poorly planned and inadequately funded scheme was bound to fail, he says. “It requires immense resources, detailed planning and a process that is truly participatory in order for resettlement to lead to positive development outcomes,” he adds.
Most of flood-prone Gambella, one of Ethiopia’s least developed states, is covered with scrub and grasslands. Inhospitable terrain makes it difficult for villagisation to take root in far-flung places such as Akobo, which borders South Sudan. Akobo is one of the three districts selected for resettlement, according to Kok Choul, who represents the district in the regional council.
In 2009, planners earmarked Akobo for four new schools, clinics, vets, flourmills and water schemes, as well as 76km of road. But the community of about 30,000 has seen no change, says 67-year-old Kok, who has 19 children from four wives. “There is no road to Gambella so there is no development,” he says. One well-placed civil servant explains that funds for services across the region were swallowed by items such as daily allowances for government workers.
A senior regional official says the state ran low on funds for resettlement, leading to delivery failures and cost-cutting. For example, substandard corn grinders soon broke and have not been repaired, he says. The government will continue to try to provide planned services in three districts including Akobo this year and next, according to the official.
However, the programme has transformed lives, with some farmers harvesting three times a year, says Ethiopia’s ambassador to the UK, Berhanu Kebede. The government is addressing the “few cases that are not fully successful”, he says. Service provision is ongoing and being monitored and improved upon if required, according to Kebede.
At Elay, Oman Nygwo, a wiry 40-year-old in cut-off jeans, gives a tour of deserted huts and points to a line of mango trees that mark his old home on the banks of the Baro. He is scathing about the implementation of the scheme but remains in Elay as there is less risk of flooding. There was no violence accompanying these resettlements, Oman says, but “there would be problems if the government tried to move us again”.
Source: The Guardian

Ethnic Politics and the Addis Ababa Master Plan

by Tedla Asfaw
The new Master plan for Addis Ababa
Ethiopian students of our generation are known for being politically very active. We grew up chanting “Land to the Tiller, Merete LeArashu”. Many died for that cause and it seems this generation of Ethiopians known fighting among ethnic lines in colleges and universities came up with their slogan of keeping lands that “belong” to them to remain with them. They exchanged Land to the Tiller for “Land to My Tribe!”
The Ambo University students on April 25, 2014 were heard chanting slogans, “Burayu is not for sale”, “Sululta is not for sale”, “Legetafo is not for sale”. “Oromia for Oromos”. They also cry Finfine/Addis Ababa is Oromia.
They claim that the new Master plan for Addis Ababa is going to be built by taking huge land from the surrounding Oromia. They said similar encroachment is underway in Diredawa, Melka Jeldu, Ambo, Bishoftu and other Oromia areas.
Their fear is Oromia surface area is shrinking on its way denying them to build viable Oromo Republic. If the protest was in support of the farmers in the surrounding area why have we not seen such protest organized by students when foreign land buyers took huge amount of land by dislocating farmers. This protest was not about the farmers.
As one person truly put it on the discussion on the master plan it is about Identity. Oromo Land is only for Oromo. The students at Ambo University could have brought other students if their demand was about the farmers. Who said that all the farmers surrounding Addis Ababa are only Oromo? How comes we did not hear this voice when Amhara farmers were kicked out recently from Ambo area?
For Ambo University protesters Addis Ababa is Finfine but they know very well that the residents of Addis Ababa are comprising Ethiopians from all ethnic groups. Was a referendum on the name?
Addis Ababa is a city that has grown from 137.63 square km in 1991 to 527.06 square km in 2014 according the data released covering the protest. The population of Metro Addis Ababa is estimated 4.5 million according to recent census. Addis Ababa will not build fence to stop the flow of people who are coming to start life there. The Addis Ababa I was born and grew up has expanded in all directions without any plan in the last two decades.
The Addis Master Plan is a plan modeled after Chinese development plan to accommodate the expansion of the city whose population has quadrupled in the last two decades. The “Development Government” can do whatever it wants. Public input is zero. It is given from top down and has to be implemented whether any one likes it or not.
The students protest should challenge the planning process executed without consulting the people. If the protest is about “identity” or keeping once Kilil from “foreigners” it is not going to get huge support. Oromo Kilil like the rest of Kilils was not designed by consulting people. It was a political “map” of divide and rule.
Kilil Identity is a time bomb and it is up to all of us diffusing this bomb. The interest of Ethiopia and Ethiopians should come first before Kilil Identity and interest. We need to build a “Renaissance Generation” on the foot step of “Land to the Tiller” patriotic Ethiopian generation of our student day, The Golden Generation!

Ethiopia: Semayawai(Blue) Party members are being arrested ahead of Sunday’s (April 27, 2014) Protest Rally

Today April 25th and over the last few days, the TPLF lead government has arrested over 30 Semayawi ( Blue) Party members ahead of a protest rally organized by the Party, scheduled to take place on Sunday, April 27, 2014. The protest rally is being organized fully in compliance with the law.Semayawai(Blue) Party members are being arrested ahead of Sunday’s (April 27, 2014) Protest
The police arrested several of the Party’s leadership team and several dozen members. As of today, the Vice-Chairperson, several executive committee members and at least 30 other members have been arrested and being held at several police stations in Addis Ababa. Semayawi Party Chairperson, Eng. Yilkal Getnet was also detained but has been released soon after he was taken to the Police station.
We will update as we learn more about this spiteful action against peaceful and legal political opposition members.
Semayawi Support-North America