Tuesday, July 9, 2013


by T. Goshu
How many times we have to fail before we say not only enough is enough; but most importantly rally around the critical issues we do share and act in unison, and end the current ( the third and most miserable ) political failure?  Despite the fact that the failure of the absolute monarchy (early 1970s) and the devastating failure of the military regime (1970s and 80s) may arguably have their own explanations based on internal and external circumstances, it is beyond doubt that they are parts and parcels of our terribly failed political history. Sadly enough, it is now 21 years since we entered the third and most horrible political failure which is of course the root cause for making us the people of a failed state. Genuinely concerned fellow Ethiopians, take deep breath and put your-self in sincere and deep thoughts about where we are! Not only this but let us be honest enough with ourselves and challenge ourselves with the question of “what did we do, and what we are doing right now, and where we want to go, and how?” These and many other unanswered questions will continue striking our minds and breaking our hearts until we reach a situation in which we seriously listen to each other and walk the walk together. Having said this self-reminding introductory statement, I want to proceed to the points of view I want to reflect.Ethiopia: EPRDF and Militarizing the Region
Thanks to ESAT, I watched the news about the report of annual index of failed states of the Foreign Policy Magazine in its June 29th issue.  I visited the FP website and went through the list of 59 Countries with their points of major criteria. Those criteria are:  “demographic pressure, refuges/IDPs, group grievance, human flight, uneven development,  economic decline, de- legitimization of the state, public service, human rights, security apparatus, factionalized elites and external intervention.” The statuses of those states are classified as critical, in danger and borderline.
When we say a state, we mean a political entity characterized by three major components namely; a defined territory, the people or citizens, and a government with its various systems. The duties, rights and responsibilities of these components of a state are governed by the supreme law of the land (constitution). Unfortunately enough, this supreme law in our country is not only dysfunctional but is being used as the supreme   law of punishing innocent citizens ,but protecting a bunch of politicians who are in power and their cronies. That is why the question of whether a state has failed or succeeded is a very big and serious issue.
Glancing through the list, my eyes stared at number 19 of which Ethiopia ranked. I found myself in a very deeply heart-breaking feeling as if I it was a surprise to me .Yes, it is painful to see my country being  number 19th falling under the category of critically failed states which of course includes Somalia being the first critically failed. I was struck hard by a very challenging and paradoxical question:  How can and should we reconcile   the proudness of our glorious history of independence on the one hand, and the very embarrassing history of political culture, hunger (famine) and all kinds of sufferings on the other hand? Why and how we continue to be one of the most terribly failed states in this 21st century while we claim a history of about three millennia? Why and how we are not still fortunate enough to launch a significantly meaningful progress that could shorten, or end the very dreadful way of doing politics?
I am well aware that all these and several challenging questions are not new at all. They are rather parts and parcels of our age-old political history without a real sense of legitimacy (a real consent of the people).   But, as long as those questions not only stay with us unanswered but also get worse and worse, we cannot escape encountering them day-out and day- in,   and raising them over and over again.
Well, encountering a state of failure at a certain point of history and a given circumstance is something that should be accepted and dealt with accordingly. This emanates from the fact that failure and success can only be explained and measured in relative terms. Sadly enough, our failure to bring about a political system that should be run based on the will and interests of the people, not at the free will of a bunch of ruling elites is far beyond  an acceptable level of relativity . If we turn over the pages of Dictionary of International Relations by Graham Evans and Jeffry Newnahm,1998 , we read the definition of a failed state as follows: the breakdown of law and order; the breakdown of basic services; bitter communal/societal conflicts; politics of  violence (Violent is the ruling party in our case); ethnic nationalism; militarism ; endemic regional conflicts; unchecked spread of diseases. Do we really need to go far and work hard in search of proof about all these and other horrible consequences of the tyrannical ruling circle in our country? Not at all! Why? Because the day-to-day lives of the innocent people of Ethiopia speak powerfully clear and loud.
Needless to say, the report by Foreign Policy Magazine has a lot to tell about the seriousness of the failure we are experiencing. And it is beyond any doubt that this is because of a political madness of the ruling elites. The phrases or expressions used by FP (Foreign Policy Magazine) and the dictionary I cited above may not sound extremely horrible for people who are not going through the situations as we are.
  • In our case, having a failed state is to be under a bunch of politicians who refused the concerns of not only Ethiopians about being landlocked but also the recommendations  of some foreign authorities ,and gave away Port of Asab and put both  the economic and security of the country at risk.
  • For the Ethiopian people, having a failed sate  means to be ruled by a political group (TPLF/EPRDF led by the late Ato Meles who had no any sense of hesitation to say the large tract of Ethiopian land bordering  the Sudan belongs to the Sudan and had considered the legitimate claim of Ethiopians as foolish as anything.
  • For us, being citizens of a failed state means being ruled by ruling elites led by the late Ato Meles who unequivocally told us that the history of Axum, Adawa and etc. has nothing to with other parts of Ethiopia.
  • For the people of Ethiopia, those criteria of failed state means being intimidated, tortured, terrorized, arrested at the free will of those who are in power, and to the extent of being killed for the simple reason demanding for exercising the political freedom and enjoying fundamental human rights.

TPLF and al-Qaeda: Two side of the same coin

Ethiopians will be making a mistake of historical proportion if we believe there is anything resembling a government in the ruling regime of Ethiopia. The fact the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) regime hides behind al-Qaida to preserve its self declared minority rule and corruption alone is enough prove. If anything, Woyane* is al-Qaeda in disguise. Ethiopians will be advised to do the exact opposite of what the impetuous regime does to save our people, country and religions.
by Teshome Debalke
Every tyrannical regime that walked the planet earth search for and find hiding places to preserve its draconian andal-Qaeda and TPLF of Ethiopia corrupt rule. Making up enemies and beating war drams against manufactured enemies are popular hideouts. Using ethnicity and religion to divide and neutralize the power of the people has always been the easiest for all tyrants. ‘The glory days are coming’ is another popular slogan to keep the people on suspense and distracted while robbing them blind. Manufacturing propaganda to confuse the population is time tested weapon of confusion. Showing off brute force and terror network are reserved when their rules are threatened by popular demand to surrender power is common.
But, the paranoid Woyane goes where no tyranny has ever gone before; hiding behind al-Qaeda, the most intrusive non state international terrorist organization in modern history.
The disgraceful act of Woyane; associating our people of the Muslim faith with al-Qaeda is the new low. We shouldn’t take it lightly like we did when our people were attacked by Woyane for their ethnicity and political beliefs. For sure, it is another desperate attempt to prevent the unavoidable surrender of power to democratic rule. The frantic move is the regime’s way of preempting Ethiopians from coming together to end Woyane’s minority and corrupt rule.
What is even more troubling is the similarity of Woyane’s tactics with al-Qaeda. Like al-Qaeda, Woyane terrorizes the populations to instill fear by ransacking the homes of Ethiopians in public.  What makes Woyane even more potent is it also runs the public institutions exclusively to legitimize terror as a means to subdue the population.
The regime atrocity on Ethiopians of the Muslim faith is a continuation of the usual desperate move to remain in power. It worth to note, the regime doesn’t like to be referred as ethnic minority, tyranny or corrupt while it rules as an ethnic minority, by way of terror and extortion. It is like wanting to have its cake and eating it too.

BEKA – Global Civic Movement Banned Awramba Times editor

BEKA – Global Civic Movement for Change in Ethiopia
July 5th 2013
After extensive deliberation and evaluation of the available facts, the Executive Council of Beka -Global Civic movement for change in Ethiopia, has determined that Ato Dawit Kebede of Awramba Times has and continues to engage in activities that are clearly intended to sabotage the Opposition’s movement and struggle against the ethnic-dictatorship of the TPLF.
Furthermore, the Council is convinced that Ato Dawit Kebede is indeed an operative of the TPLF and that his mission is to leverage the tremendous trust and acceptance that he has  “earned” as a member of the “free press” and the Ethiopian Opposition in order to subvert the Opposition’s struggle.  This is evident in the numerous misinformation campaigns that he, and Awramba Times, has been launching against opposition groups; and most recently, his relentless attack against ESAT, Ginbot 7, and many more prominent Opposition groups and leaders.
We would like to underscore the following facts for the record:
  • The Beka Movement considers ESAT, Ethiopian Register, ECADF, Ethiomedia, EthioFreedom, etc.  to be integral part of the Ethiopian opposition movement.
  • The Beka Movement is a coalition of individual activists from various opposition movements; political parties, civic, cultural, and religious organizations.  What brings us together is our commitment to do away with the TPLF’s ethnic-dictatorship and to bring about a free and Democratic Ethiopia.
Brief facts and timeline
  • less than 18 months ago, Ato Dawit Kebede was literally working very closely with ESAT.
  • He was given the utmost support by ESAT’s staff and management.
  • He was recognized as a hero during ESAT’s 2nd  anniversary; given standing ovation.
  • Upon Dawit’s arrival in the USA, ESAT’s staff, along with other activists and opposition group leaders, have taken care of his financial needs for several months, until he got established.
  • He was highly regarded and trusted by activist, reporters, and those that lead opposition groups.
  • He was invited to personal/family gatherings of the very opposition leaders that he now “leaks” illicitly obtained information/recordings about.
  • We have direct knowledge  of an incident that took place only a few months ago during a family gathering – at a graduation party at the residence of one of the opposition leaders.  Ato Dawit Kebede was one of the invited guests at the intimate family gathering.  At one point one of the guests observed Ato Dawit videotaping the host, and the guests who were celebrating the happy occasion totally unaware of the illicit videotaping Ato Dawit was conducting.  The person that witnessed this act confronted Dawit and demanded that he stop.  Embarrassed, Dawit responded by saying “it’s because I am a Tegrea”; to that, the individual responded, “I don’t care if you are Irish,… stop this disrespectful act.”  Needless to say, Ato Dawit stopped.
Now, considering past events and what has been unfolding in the last several months, we have reason to believe that Ato Dawit Kebede had ample opportunity to facilitate the “positioning” of TPLF’s surveillance capabilities at the private residence and offices of a number of opposition movements and their leaders, including media organizations, by leveraging the trust and confidence that was given to him without reservation.