Sunday, September 22, 2013

African dictators’ crocodile tear for justice

By Belayneh Abate
The gluttonous and corrupt African tyrants are raising their voice again against the international criminal court (ICC). They are preaching us that ICC is an unjust institution which hunts only Africans. I do not think Africans would have any problem if this claim came from people other than African Rulers who murder innocent peoples every minute using guns, prisons, torture chambers, starvation and disease as weapons.
420013_215543375240044_2099309808_nThe urgent priority for these shameful despots is the unequal treatment of heinous criminals; not delivering justice for victims of the criminals. Is not this another indicator for the immoral nature of the African despots? Unlike these wicked dictators, I hope Africans would set the priority the other way around. Ya! Africans should demand justice for the victims before they talk about unequal treatment of mass murderers. Humanity exists wherever humans live. Therefore, perpetuators of crimes against humanity and genocide shall face justice (even after death) anywhere on this earth. The African dictators’ claim that ICC should set dreadful African murderers free since it is not chasing criminals from other parts of the world is a non-sense argument.
The African oppressors (many of them mass murderers) are barking that the unjust ICC should stop looking for them when they massacre innocent African citizens in one or another way. What a shame! Which direction their three fingers direct when their index finger points towards the ICC? Do not these African tyrants kill citizens even when they are not happy with the color of their victims’ eyes? How many people are being killed in Africa every day by these despots’ armed forces? How many innocent people are dying in infested prisons? How many are experiencing physical, mental and psychological tortures in Africa as we speak? Is it not enamoring to observe when African rulers who slaughter their own citizens like livestock speak about justice?
ICC may have its own limitations. However, ICC is not looking for Nelson Mandela or John Mahama. ICC is looking for criminals who appointed themselves as rulers and committed crimes against humanity and genocide. Otherwise, who should be responsible for the bloodshed in Liberia, Rwanda, Sera Leone, Ethiopia, Libya, Kenya, Sudan and other unfortunate countries? Who shall be held accountable for the illegal imprisonments, tortures, disappearances, ethnic conflicts, mass murders being committed in most of African countries as we speak?
African dictators! Please listen if you have functioning ears and a processing brain. The major concern for your victims and perhaps for any humane- African citizen is your dictatorial rule, your boundless greed, your endless mass murder, crime against humanity and genocide; not ICC’s partiality. I do not think any concerned African citizen will care if Satan, let alone ICC, brings you to justice. An African adage goes “it does not matter where you crush the crop; just bring the flour.” What is needed is justice for your victims! You should face justice anywhere on earth or in the sky for the endless monstrous crimes you repeatedly committed against innocent Africans to prevent further flourishing of your clones on Africa soil.
The writer can be reached at
posted by Daniel tesfaye
የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ሰልፍ በድምቀት ተካሄደ! (ፖሊስ ከ4 ኪሎ እንዳያልፉ አድርጓል)
በአሁኑ ሰዓት ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ከሶሰት ወር በፊት የጠራውን ሰልፍ እያካሄደ ይገኛል:: ሰልፉ በደማቅ ሁኔታ ተጀምሮ ነበር የሰልፉ መድረሻ መሰቀል አደባባይ ቢሆንም ሕዝቡ አራት ኪሎ አካባቢ ሲደርስ የአዲስ አበባ ፓሊሶች ሰልፈኛውን ወደ መሰቀል አደባባይ እንዳይሄድ ሲያግዱ የፌድራል ፓሊስ ደግሞ በርቀት እየተመለከተ ነው::ሰልፈኞቹ ወደ ስማያዊ ፓርቲ ቢሮ እንዲመለስ ተደርጓል ሕዝቡ ግን ድምጹን ከማሰማት ወደኋላ አላለም::
ርዮት ትፈታ! ውብሽት ይፈታ! እሰክንድር ይፈታ! አንዷለም ይፈታ! አቡበከር ይፈታ! ፍትህን መጠየቅ አሽባሪነት አይደለም!! ነፃነት እንፈልጋለን !! እኛ አሽባሪ አይደልንም! ፍትሕ እንፈልጋለን! የሙሰሊም ኮሚቴ ይፈቱ! ዜጎችን ማፈናቀል አግባብ አይደለም! አንለያይም! አንለያይም! ፍትህን ያሉ ቃልቲ ገቡ!! አሽባሪ አይደለንም! ፍትህ ናፈቀኝ! ድምፃችን ይሰማ!! ፍትሕ እያሉ ቃልቲ ገቡ! ውሽት ሰለቸን! ፍትህ ናፈቀን!
ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ወያኔ የሚረግጡትን መሬትና የማይረግጡትን ምድር ወስኖ ሰልፈኛውን ከቦ እንዳሰቡት መስቀል አደባባይ መድረስና ከህዝብ መገናኘት እንዳይችሉ በማድረጉ ወደ ቢሮ በመመለስ የሰልፉን በሰላም መጠናቀቅ አብስረዋል፡፡ ይህ ትልቅ የአመራር ብቃትን፤ ሀላፊነትንና ለህዝብ ወገንተኝነትን የሚያሳይ ነዉ፡፡ ወያኔዎች ሰልፉን ለማቆም ባትወስኑ ኖሮ ህዝብ ላይ መተኮስን እንደልማዳቸ ይፈፀሙት ነበር፡፡ብስለት የተሞላው አመራር በማድርጋችሁ አድናቆት ይገባችኀል፡፡ እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ፡፡ ህዝብ ያሸንፋል!


Al-Shabaab gunmen killed and injured more than 39 in Nairobi

Two different analysis on the origins of Al-ShabaabTwo different analysis on the origins of Al-Shabaab

Al-Shabaab, a group of Al Qaeda affiliated masked gunmen killed and injured more than 39 people in terrorist attacks at Nairobi shopping center.
The Guardian
It is only seven years since Ethiopian forces swept into Somalia with the political and military backing of the US to topple the Islamic Courts Union, an Islamist movement that had taken control of much of south and central Somalia after years of disastrous feuding between warlords. Ethiopia’s vastly superior forces routed the youth militias loyal to the courts with hundreds killed or driven from the cities.
However, the Ethiopian intervention was the cue for the emergence of what had been the unheralded youth wing of the courts movement, “the shabaab” – meaning “youth” in Somali. These young fighters regrouped and took the war to the Ethiopians, who wearied of the guerrilla conflict and withdrew. Read more…

Decades of weak government amid grinding poverty have long made Somalia a target for radical Islamist groups.
Al-Shabaab’s predecessor was al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI), which worked to create an Islamist emirate in Somalia. It was, in part, funded by former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.
AIAI, which the U.S. State Department designated as a terrorist organization, strengthened after the fall in 1991 of Siad Barre’s military regime and amid the years of lawlessness that ensued.
In 2003, a rift erupted between IAIA’s old guard — who were seeking to establish a new political front — and its younger members (Al-Shabaab, which means “the youth”), who were seeking to establish fundamental Islamic rule.
That led the latter to ally with a group of sharia courts — the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) — that was seeking to impose order over a landscape marked by feuding warlords in the capital city.
Working together, the ICU and Al-Shabaab succeeded in 2006 in gaining control of Mogadishu. That sparked fears in neighboring Ethiopia that violence would spill over there, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Those fears — combined with a request from Somalia’s transitional government — led Ethiopian forces to enter Somalia in December 2006 and to remove the ICU from power.
That move proved to be a turning point, one that radicalized Al-Shabaab, which attacked Ethiopian forces and gained control of parts of central and southern Somalia, according to a 2011 case study by Rob Wise, who was then with the Counterterrorism Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Read more…