Friday, April 12, 2013

የጊዜው የኢትዩጵያ ጬኸት፤ የተመስገን ደሳለኝ እይታና የከበደ ሚካኤል “ጽጌረዳና ደመና”

ዳንኤል፣ ከኖርዌይ
Temesgen Desalegn Feteh newspaper editorዛሬ ማታ በኢትዩጵያ ውስጥ በዚህ ሰሞን እየተደረገ ያለውን የኢትዩጵያዊያን ከገዛ አገራቸው በዘራቸው (የአንድ ቋንቋ ተናጋሪ) ወይም አማራ በመሆናቸው ብቻ “እዚህ ቦታ አትፈለጉም፣ ወደ ሀገራችሁ ሂዱ” የተባሉትን ወገኖች ሰቆቃ እያሰላሰልኩ አስቸኳይ መፍትሄ ካልተገኘ ምን ይከሰታል በሚል መጭውን የሀገሬን እጣ ፈንታ አሰብኩና ፍርሃት አደረብኝ። የሩዋንዳው የእርስ በእርስ እልቂት ታወሰኝና እግዚአብሄር ምድራችንን እንዲታደግ ጠየቅሁ።
የእለቱን የኢሳት ራዲዮ ዜና ሳደምጥ ደግሞ ጋዜጠኛ ተመስገን ደሳለኝ ከመሳይ ጋር ያደረገው ቃለ ምልልስ ትኩረቴን ሳበው፥የእኔን ስጋት በተመስገን ውስጥ አገኘሁት፥እርግጠኛ ነኝ ስጋቱ የብዙ ኢትዮጵያውያን ነው።
ተመስገን እንዲህ ነበር ያለው፥ “ከፊታችን ሁለት ምርጫዎች ተደቅነዋል፥ አንደኛው አቶ መለስን ለተካው አስተዳደር ኢትዩጵያን ሰጥተን አይናችን እያየ ሀገራችን ሰትጠፋ መመልከት ወይም ሁላችንም እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘን ሀገራችንን ማዳን።”
ተመስገን ሀገራችን በሞትና በህይወት መካከል ሆና የጣር ጩኸት እያሰማች እንደሆነ ገብቶታል እኔም በዚሁ እስማማለሁ፥ ሁለተኛም እርስ በእርስ ከተደጋገፍን አገራችንን ማትረፍ እንደምንችል እርግጠኛ ነው።በምንም መልኩ ይሁን የትኛውንም ምክንያት እንስጥ ማድረግ የሚገባንን ሳናደርግ ቀርተን ሀገራችን ወደ ባሰ ቀውስ ብትገባ ፀፀቱ ለእኛ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለትውልድም የሚተርፍ ነውና አስተውለን ለሀገር ማዳን ጥሪው አፋጣኝ ምላሽ ልንሰጥ ይገባል።
ለዚህ ጽሁፍ የጊዜው የኢትዩጵያ ጬኸት፤ የተመስገን ደሳለኝ እይታና የከበደ ሚካኤል”ጽጌረዳና ደመና” የሚል ርዕስ የሰጠሁት የእኔ ስጋት፣ የተመስገን ደሳለኝ ቃለ ምልልስና የክቡር ዶክተር ከበደ ሚካኤል “ጽጌረዳና ደመና” የሚለው ግጥም ስለተመሳሰለብኝ ነው፥ለዚህም ነው ይህችን ጥቂት ቋጠሮ ለእናንተ ላካፍል የተነሳሁት።
ግጥሙ እንዲህ ይጀምራል፥
የፀሃዩ ንዳድ ያጠቃት በብዙ
ጠውልጎ የሚታይ የቅጠሏ ወዙ
አንዲት ጽጌረዳ ቃሏን አስተዛዝና
እንዲህ ተናገረች ለሰማይ ደመና
ድርቀት በጣም ጎድቶኝ እየኝ ስንገላታ
እባክህ ጣልልኝ የዝናብ ጠብታ
ቶሎ ካላራስከኝ ጉልበቴ እንዲጥናና
ምንም ተስፋ የለኝ መሞቴ ነውና።
ጽጌረዳ እጅግ ውብ አበባ ናት ውበቷ ደግሞ በብዙ ቀለማት የሚገለጥ ነው። ጽጌረዳዋ የፍቅር ተምሳሌት ናት፥ ነገር ግን ከፀሃዪ ንዳድ የተነሳ ጠውልጋለች፥ ውበቷ ደብዝዟል፥ ወደ ሞት እያዘገመች ነው። ይህችን ውብ አበባ ከሞት ሊያድን የሚችል አንድ አካል አለ፥ የሰማይ ደመና። ስለዚህ ውቧ ጽጌረዳ አበባ ለሰማይ ደመና የድረስልኝ ጩኸት አሰማች ነው የሚሉት ክቡር ዶክተር ከበደ ሚካኤል።
ውቧ ጽጌረዳ የእኛይቱ አገር ኢትዩጵያ ናት፥ የነጻነት፥የፍቅር ተምሳሌት፥ የብዙ ቋንቋዎች፥ባህሎችና ሃይማኖቶች ባለቤት። የአለም እንግዳ ተቀባዮች ውብ አበባ፥የአረንጓዴ ብጫ ቀይ አርማ ጽጌረዳ፣ የጥቁሮች የነፃነት ቀንዲል።
የ3 ሺህ አመት የመንግስት ታሪክ ባለቤት የሆነችው ኢትዩጵያ ዛሬ በዘረኝነት፥ በፍትህ እጦት፥በርሃብና በእርዛት ሃሩር ጠውልጋለች፣ የቅሏ ወዝ እየጠፋ ወደ ሞት እያዘገመች ነው። በክቡር ዶክተር ከበደ ሚካኤል እንደተጠቀሰችው ጽጌረዳ ኢትዮጵያችን የድረስልኝ ጥሪ እያቀረበች ነው ለሰማይ ደመና።
የሰማይ ደመናው ማነው? ምንድን ነው? አዎ የሰማይ ደመናው የጽጌረዳዋን ህይዎት ሊታደግ የሚችል የብዙ ውሃ ጠብታዎች ስብስብ ነው።
ለኢትዩጵያ የሰማይ ደመናው የእኛ የኢትዩጵያውያን ህብረት ነው፥ የኢትዩጵያውያን አንድነት ነው። እያንዳንዳችን ኢትዩጵያውያን ደግሞ የእያንዳንዷ የውሃ ጠብታ ተምሳሌቶች ነን።
ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያችን የድረስልኝ ጥሪ እያቀረበች ነው ለእኛ ለኢትዩጵያውያን ጥሪው ደግሞ ጽጌረዳዋ
“ቶሎ ካላራስከኝ ጉልበቴ እንዲጥናና
ምንም ተስፋ የለኝ መሞቴ ነውና።”
እንዳለችው ጊዜ የሚሰጥ አይደለም፣አጣዳፊ ነው። የሰማይ ደመና ለዚህ ጩኸት የሰጠው ምላሽ እንዲህ የሚል ነበር፤
“አሁን መሄዴ ነው ለትልቅ ጉዳይ
ስመለስ መጥቸ ሳልፍ ባንች ላይ
አዘንብልሻለሁ ጠብቂኝ እያለ
ደመና ጉዞውን ወደፊት ቀጠለ።”
ጽጌረዳዋን ሊታደጋት የሚያስችል ብቃት ያለው ደመና ጥቂት የዝናብ ጠብታ አውርዶ ጽጌረዳዋን ለማዳን ጊዜ አልነበረውም። ችግሯን ተመልክቶ ስመለስ ጠብቂኝ ብሎ ቅድሚያ ወደሚሰጠው ጉዳይ ነጎደ። ዛሬ የኢትዮጵያችንን ጩኸት የሰማን፥ ችግሯን በጥልቀት የተረዳን ኢትዮጵያውያን ሳንቀር እንደ ደመናው በአጣዳፊ ጉዳይ ተይዘናል፤ የልጆች፥ የቤተሰብ፥ የትምህርት፥ የስራ፥ የክብር፥ የዝና ነገር አጣድፎናል። ለጠወለገችው ኢትዮጵያችን፣ ወደ ሞት ለምታዘግመው ኢትዮጵያችን በኋላ እደርስልሻለሁ እያልናት አይመስላችሁም?
ደመናው ቅድሚያ የሚሰጠውን ጉዳይ ጨርሶ ሲመጣ የሆነው እንዲህ ነው፥
“ጉዳዩን ጨርሶ ፈጽሞ ሲመጣ
ያቺ ጽጌረዳ ስሯ ውሃ ያጣ
እንደዚያ አስተዛዝና ጭንቋን ያዋየችው
የፀሃዩ ንዳድ አድርጓት ቆየችው።
እስኪጎርፍ ድረስ የወንዝ ውሃ ሙላት
ወዲያው እንደመጣ ዝናቡን ጣለላት
ግን ደርቃለችና አልቻለም ሊያድናት።
ሳልደርስላት ቀረሁ አየጉድ እያለ
ደመናም ጉዞውን ወደፊት ቀጠለ።
ሰውም እንደዚሁ ጭንቁን እያዋየ
በችግሩ ብዛት እየተሰቃየ
ብዙ ጊዜ ኖሮ ቆይቶ ሲጉላላ
የሚረዳው አጥቶ ከሞተ በኋላ
ዘመድ ወዳጆቹ እንባ እያፈሰሱ
ተዝካር ቢያወጡለት አርባ ቢደግሱ
ይህ ሁሉ ከንቱ ነው አይጠቅመውም ለእሱ።
እውነት ከወደደው ሲቸገር ሲጎዳ
በህይወቱ እያለ ሰው ወዳጁን ይርዳ።
ደመናው ቅድሚያ የሚሰጠውን ጉዳይ ጨርሶ ሲመጣ ለጽጌረዳዋ ያዥጎደጎደው የውሃ ጎርፍ ጽጌረዳዋን ከሞት ሊያድናት አልቻለም። ይልቅስ ያኔ በጠየቀችው ጊዜ ቢሰጣት ኖሮ ጥቂት የውሃ ጠብታ ህይወቷን ባዳነ ነበር። ለደመናው የተረፈው ነገር ሳልደርስላት ቀረሁ የሚል ቁጭትና ፀፀት ብቻ ነው።
ክቡር ዶክተር ከበደ ሚካኤል መልዕክታቸውን ያጠቃለሉት ወዳጃችን በህይወት እያለ በችግሩ ጊዜ የአቅማችንን እንርዳው እንጂ ከሞተ በኋላ የምናደርገው የትኛውም ነገር ርባና የለውም ነው በማለት ነው፤ ጋዜጠኛ ተመስገን ደሳለኝም ይህንኑ ነው ያሳሰበው። እኔም ከዚሁ ሃሳብ ጋር እስማማለሁ። እናንተስ?
ወዳጃችን ኢትዮጵያ ጠውልጋ የዝናብ ጠብታዎችን ተጠምታለች፣እያንዳንዱ የዝናብ ጠብታ የጽጌረዳዋን ዕድሜ የማርዘም ብቃት እንዳለው የኢትዮጵያችን ህይወት በእኔና በእናንተ እጅ ነው። ስለዚህ የአቅማችንን ጠብታ እናዋጣ፥ ኋላ ከመፀፀት ያድነናል።
ቸር አንሰንብት!
እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያን ይባርክ ይጠብቅም!

ዘረኛው የወያኔ አገዛዝ የአማራ ተወላጆችን አሁንም ለተጨማሪ ጥፋት እያዘጋጀ መሆኑ ታወቀ

GINBOT 7 Movementለረጂም ዘመናት ከአካባቢው ህብረተሰብ ጋር ተዋደውና ተግባብተው ይኖሩ የነበሩ የአማራ ተወላጆችን ኢሰብዊ በሆነ መንገድ እንዲፈናቀሉና በሰላምም ይኖሩበት ከነበረው ህበረተስብ ጋር ግጭት እንዲፈጥሩ ያደረገው ዘረኛ አገዛዝ እነኝህን ተፈናቃዮች እንደገና በመመለሱ ለሌላ ጥፋት እየተዘጋጀ መሆኑን ዘጋቢያችን ከባህር ዳር በላከልን ዘገባ አመለከተ።
ቁጥራቸው ከ5 ሺ በላይ የሚጠጉ ከፍኖተሰላም ወደ ቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ እንዲመለሱ የተደረጉት የአማራ ተወላጆች በሚመለሱበት ቦታ የደህንነት ዋስትና እንደሌላቸው እየገለጡ ሲሆን መሰሪው አገዛዝ በበኩሉ ስህተት መፈጠሩን በማመን ችግሩን የፈጠሩት ታች ያሉ ባለስልጣናት ናቸው። የሚል አሳፋሪ መልስ በመስጠት ላይ እንደሚገኝ ተያይዞ የደረሰን ዘገባ አመልክቷል።
ከትናንት በስቲያና፣ በትናንትናው እለት መኪኖች ተፈናቃዮችን ከአቅማቸው በላይ በመጫን ወደ ቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ማቅናታቸውን የገለፀው ዘጋቢያችን የክልሉ ሆድ አደር ባለስልጣናት ተፈናቃዮች እንዲወጡ የተደረገው በስህተት መሆኑን ተናግረው ይቅርታ ጠይቀዋል ብሏል። የአማራ ክልል ፕሬዘዳንት ተብየውም የዞንና የወረዳ አመራሮችን ተጠያቂ ያደረጉ ሲሆን፣ እርምጃ እንደሚወሰድባቸውም መዛቱ ታውቋል።
ከዚሁ ጋር በተያያዘ የኢትዮጵያ ሳተላይት ቴሌቪዥን ኢሳት እንደዘገበው “እርምጃ ይወሰድባቸዋል የተባሉት የከማሸ ዞን አስተዳዳሪ እና የያሶ ወረዳ አስተዳዳሪ” መሸፈታቸውን የሚገልጥ መረጃ የደረሰው መሆኑን አመልክቷል። ባለስልጣኖቹ “የአካባቢውን ተወላጆች አማራ ወረራችሁ ተነሱ እያሉና እየሰበኩ ወደጫካ መግባታቸውን የደረሰው መረጃ ያመለክታል ያለው ኢሳት የፌደራል ፖሊሶችም የሸፈቱትን ባለስልጣናት በመፈለግ ላይ መሆናቸውን አክሎ ገልጧል።
በከማሺ ዞን በአንድ የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ስራ ውስጥ ተቀጥረው እስካሁን ያልተፈናቀሉ የአማራ ተወላጅ እንደገለጹት በክልሉ እየተነዛ ያለው ወሬ አደገኛ በመሆኑ ተፈናቃዮች ሲመለሱ ችግር ሊደርስባቸው እንደሚችል ስጋታቸውን መግለጻቸውን ኢሳት አክሎ ዘግቧል።

Ethiopia: Welcome to the whipped nation – FDRE

     by Yilma Bekele
The North Koreans use communism in tandem with a home grown philosophy.Animal trainers use a whip with a stiff handle to show who the boss is. A whip is used to gain control and achieve compliance using pain. During slavery in the US whipping was a powerful weapon used by the white master. Whipping to humiliate was the hallmark of the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Whipping is an old fashioned tool and really not that effective. Today psychological form of mental whipping is what is practiced by totalitarian regimes.
This cruel art was perfected by the old Soviet Union and taken to new heights by regimes such as East Germany. The Woyane regime in Ethiopia and the dictatorship in North Korean are the new practitioners of this inhuman method of turning a whole nation into one big concentration camp. How do they do that?
The North Koreans use communism in tandem with a home grown philosophy called Juche to reengineer the human brain. Individualism is substituted by collectivism, self- reliance and independence is not tolerated thus vertical collectivism meaning hierarchical form of structure is deemed to be the norm. With the old Soviet and China using it as a buffer for their own interest N. Korea has managed to survive for over fifty years as a pitiful example of man’s inhumanity to man. The demise of the Soviet Union and the slow pace of China’s crawl towards freedom is what is unnerving the N. Korean dictatorship.
The Ethiopian situation is a little different. Our old tradition steeled in isolation is a fertile ground for any and all usurpers’ that want to use our good nature for ulterior means. The fall of the benevolent Imperial regime opened the flood gates to all sorts of undesirable and unhinged individuals to come to power. The Mengistu regime was a perfect example of an experiment gone wrong. The little Colonel was obviously out of his depth as a leader of a nation when he was not even experienced or competent enough to lead a unit. His motto was kill’em all before they kill you and it worked.
Meles Zenawi and his rag tag TPLF army was served our country on a silver platter and inherited a demoralized and confused nation on the verge of total melt down. The coward Mengistu’s only interest was to save his criminal behind and left our country in the middle of the night with the door wide open. That is what we have been dealing with the last twenty years or so, another experiment gone totally wrong.
Meles Zenawi was a street smart, definitely a mentally deranged individual with enough intelligence to hide his antisocial behavior. Here is a definition of psychopathic type in Cleckley’s book the ‘Mask of sanity’
‘Primary symptoms of the antisocial personality are amorality (lack of ethical standards and consistent moral judgment) and impulsiveness. They typically have a hunger for stimulation and a lack of responsiveness to social controls. The sociopath will commit the same crimes or antisocial behavior repeatedly, even if caught and punished. When caught red-handed, a sociopath makes charming apologies and talks of how life will be different from now on. But he or she is likely to slide back into the same bad patterns. There is little effort to conceal wrongdoing; if caught, the sociopath freely confesses and tries to make everything all right with personal charm. But a sociopath has no real regrets over hurting people or breaking rules; the apologies come almost too readily because they are totally insincere, a means of minimizing the consequences of being caught rather than expressing true regrets.’
What do you think? Doesn’t this personality trait describe our recently departed bully? This was the person that was left in charge upon the other sociopath’s departure. This is what our poor nation has been dealing with the last forty years. The next question is what is it about us that attracts such abusers and mentally disturbed individuals to positions of power and authority? To answer that question we have to look at our rankings in such fields as education, health, technology and general quality of life of our homeland. How we interact with each other, how we interact with our leaders and how we view life in general is based on how much knowledge and sophistication we have achieved in our everyday life. It is not based on wish but on existing reality that is definable, measurable and real. Here is a general description of where we stand as a nation and people on important qualities that makes us who we are.
What this chart shows us is that we are mostly rural, we have a very low life expectancy, we don’t have clean water to drink, we lack basic sanitation facility, our children are semi starved a condition that will affect them thru their adult life, more than half of our population is illiterate, we spend minuscule amount on education and health care and we owe our creditors more money that our grandchildren are left with to pay. We are a failed state. When we discuss changing our country, when we talk about bringing freedom and democracy to our ancient land, when we contemplate what we should do tomorrow it is always good to know what exactly we have on the table so we can make smart and real plans based on reality.
Thus when we despair about what the TPLF mafia is doing to our people and country it is always good to understand why they are succeeding with such bizarre acts and behavior when we look at it from afar. What is it that we in the Diaspora have that the Ethiopian people lack? It is true the diaspora in general is a little bit educated than those at home, we are a more exposed to newer ways of doing things and most of us have managed to conquer fear. All true but the most important factor in this equation is that we have more information to work with that our brethren at home. Information is power. Information gives the individual choice. Information opens the eye and creates that eureka moment we all dream about.
The power of TPLF comes from denying information to our people. That is why they work over time; spend millions of Bir to deny information from reaching our people. That is why in most library’s’ what is written prominently in bold is ‘ýe shall know the truth and the truth can make ye free.’ The truth is what our government is most afraid of. That is why my tile says whipped nation. They keep our people in the dark and whip them psychologically with falsehood, make believe stories and fairy tales that no one can contest. I will give you some examples from news that took place the last few days all beyond logic but told on Eth TV and media as rational and true.
1) I will start with the dead PM’s wife Azeb Gola Mesfin’s declaration that her husband used to make US $240 a month on government payroll. It is said ‘nothing else shows lack of conscience better than bold face lying.’ I guess the lady learnt from the best. We know that Ato Meles never worked for wages before he became PM, never have a bank account, never even paid rent, never paid bills of any kind and according to her didn’t even know how to drive a car. On the other hand the same Meles used to wear suit that cost close to ten thousand dollars- now how did that happen? There is no such thing as national medical insurance but Ato Meles used to travel to Brussels for regular checkup and died there after a lengthy and expensive treatment in a private room-do tell us how that was paid? Did we pay for that? Is that part of his employment package? How much did it cost the Ethiopian tax payer?
Furthermore a Spanish newspaper a while back reported that Weizero Azeb spent 1.2 Million Euros shopping for cloth. Is that money she earned all by herself or was it their combined money as husband and wife? You know why this is not known to our people? It is because there is no independent media to report is the reason. No one to call out her bold lie.
2) It was declared by the current guy who claims to be the PM that the regime has established Meles Zenawi Foundation (MZF) According to Walta ‘The Foundation would serve as a living center of ideas and programs to further advance the works and legacy of the great leader Meles Zenawi.’ Only in Ethiopia could such farce take place. I am sure you have heard of the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. What makes the MZF different from the above? Those Foundations were established by the individuals so they could share their good fortune with the rest of humanity instead of just willing it to their family. They wanted to share the success they earned by their hard work and use their wealth to good use.
On the other hand the MZF puts that concept on its head. The MZF is established in a ‘proclamation passed by the House of Peoples Representatives’ thus making the tax payer funder of the tyrant’s legacy. To add insult to injury the dictator’s family is in charge of the foundation with his wife and relatives assigned the majority of the board seats. Dictator Meles has all of Ethiopian public media at his beck and call since he assumed power to share his half-baked ideas and infantile musings and now we gona get more of that even from afterlife. Alive he was always quick to dismiss our green, yellow and red symbol therefore it is odd to see his foundation symbol wrapped with our colors minus his silly star in the middle. That is why I said whipped nation. No one to call out their dishonest plans played on our people.
3) The ethnic cleansing against the Amhara people shows no sign of slowing down. It was only last year that with the blessing of the late dictator his agents such as Shiferaw Shigute felt free to drive our people from their homes to faraway places. We protested a little but forgot about it within a short time. It is déjà vu time again. This time the TPLF appointed folks of BeneShangul region felt no shame when they decided to deport the Amhars from their homes. As usual this bizarre behavior of displacing people within their own country has become an Ethiopian past

The deadly scale of trafficking in the Sinai

‘He was bleeding all over. After more beatings, they poured petrol on him and set him on fire. After he died, they left his body in the room with us until it became rotten and worms started crawling. They forced all of us in turns to hold him.’
The Sinai Peninsula has become especially dangerous for refugees fleeing Eritrea
The Sinai Peninsula has become especially dangerous for refugees fleeing Eritrea
These are the words of an Eritrean trafficking survivor in the Sinai, speaking to Amnesty International. He is sharing a first-hand account of what happened to another trafficking victim whose family could not afford to pay the ransom fee demanded by his captors.
Sadly, this is not an isolated case. The kidnapping and exploitation of asylum seekers and refugees in the Sinai, largely by nomadic border groups, is rampant.
Smuggled across borders for extortionate sums, or kidnapped from refugee camps in Ethiopia and Sudan, many refugees end up being held hostage in purpose-built facilities near the Israeli border. Eritreans – fleeing their country’s oppressive regime – constitute about 95 per cent of these hostages. The other 5 per cent is made up of Sudanese, Ethiopians and Somalis.
Testimonies gathered by Amnesty International and other human rights groups show that the individuals held captive are being subjected to extreme violence and cruelty, including rape, beatings, torture, organ harvesting and death.
Khataza Gondwe of Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) says that the families of the captives are forced to listen to their screams via the telephone and send ransoms of up to $40,000 to set them free. ‘Small wonder people hearing the screams sell everything they have and borrow to the hilt to pay the ransom and end such appalling suffering,’ she adds.
This terrible phenomenon, which has been occurring since 2009, has intensified as traditional routes to Europe (via Libya and Tunisia) have become progressively more difficult, necessitating passage through the Sinai instead.
Gondwe points out that Eritrea is often referred to as the North Korea of Africa: ‘A consequence of this wide ranging and severe repression is the fuelling of a mass exodus, with Eritreans constituting one of the largest populations of refugees per capita,’ she explains.
In a sinister twist, Gondwe says that alongside their shoot-to-kill border policy certain Eritrean officials benefit financially from the covert trafficking of citizens. For instance, in the 2012 UN Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group report, an Eritrean General (General Kifle) was cited as one of those responsible for the smuggling of people and weaponry into the Gaza Strip.
In addition, instability and lawlessness in the Sinai Peninsula has created a fertile environment for crime and trafficking. The situation has further deteriorated since the Egyptian revolution, causing the region to become even more marginalized and dangerous.
It is estimated that 7,000 refugees have been abused and 4,000 have lost their lives in this crisis.
At a recent conference held at Cardiff’s Welsh Centre for International Affairs, members of the Eritrean community were adamant that awareness should be raised about the tragic human rights abuses happening in the Sinai.
Yet rhetoric must be translated into mobilization, as Khataza points out: ‘Only sustained and robust action locally and internationally will assist in dismantling these criminal syndicates responsible for human and organ trafficking in the Sinai, and setting these captives free.’
Source: New Internationalist blog