Tuesday, June 4, 2013

“Aneleyayem” We are Inseparable!

by Tedla Asfaw
The Ethiopian Muslims and Christians says "We are inseparable".
“Anelayayem Egna”, “We are inseparable”. Who are We? The Ethiopian Muslims and Christians. This rally cry had indeed worried the Ethiopian regime cadres after a quarter million people went out to streets of Addis Ababa this past Sunday, June 2, 2013. The response from the regime for we are inseparable is that you are separable. The regime cadres accused the rally as led by “Muslim Extremists”. Christians Vs Muslims!
Who were the extremists ? The young men and women who posed for a picture together. Young women wearing hijab taking photos with “inseparable” sisters with no hijab. That is a crime for the minority regime of Ethiopia. You call for the release of jailed Muslim leaders you are extremist too. The rally on Sunday brought tens of thousands from Sunday masses to join the rally.
Many Ethiopians go to church on Sunday.This Sunday for most, their prayer was not in church. They went out to be the Voice of the ethnically cleansed Christians from Beni Shanguel. They heard from the victims what the regime did to their communities. Farms were looted, schools were sacked and churches were abandoned. Ethiopian Muslims took it as their own loss. Call it Extremism, who cares.
Yes, Ethiopians are Extremely United. That signals the beginning of the end of ethno apartheid regime of 22 years. The fake documentary of “Jihadawi Harakat” was totally condemned by both Christians and Muslims. Ethiopians back home and in the Diaspora are united more than ever. Evil forces in Ethiopia are now trapped and no matter what they will not succeed in starting Christians VS Muslims war to keep us busy while they loot billions of dollars to stash it on their “Loot Dam” out of the country on foreign rivers.
No fake trial of corruption in court of thieves or talk of Building Dam will distract Ethiopians from the Freedom and Justice Struggle that was brutally repressed eight years ago. Yes indeed Ethiopians have awaken. !!! No detention of our leaders will stop us in fact for each jailed there will be thousands of voices back home and in he diaspora.
The more than one hand half year old Ethiopian Muslims struggle for religious freedom was not stopped by locking up bright young and patriotic Ethiopian Muslims. “Wene Yelelew YeHager Shekim Newee”, “Unpatriotic Ethiopian is a burden for our country” the reply of young Muslims and Christians. That indeed has been true here in the Diaspora Ethiopian Communities. Those who live in fear in a free country are shame not for their birth country but also for the currently they are residing.Most came to free country to be free not to “pray” and “pay” for those who are abusing their people back home.
We want to make it clear that like the regime back home those who want us to be silent in our worship place here in Diaspora, priests or sheiks are the enemy of our people. We will take the march from our churches and mosques to the streets wherever we live. Ethiopian Muslims and Christians stood together more than anytime in our history, united to defeat criminals on Western Suits.
Let the “Hodeader” priests and sheiks worry about their “Firefaris” leftover from the double digit growth.The young Ethiopians have to take back their country by their united action to benefit the more than 70 percent young people of Ethiopia. “The revos” of the 60s will take the back seat and follow our young leaders. It is time not to mess up the battle field like we did it eight years ago in 2005. If we had the Unity of Ethiopian Christians and Muslims like it is now this regime would have gone eight years ago,
We have also learnt a good lesson from June 2, mass protest in Addis. Our protest for the last eight years in the Diaspora was to be the Voice of the Voiceless by bringing our peoples voice to foreign powers who are doing business with the thieves in Ethiopia. Now the Voiceless are coming out bravely led by the Blue Party(Semayawi) of Ethiopia and other opposition parities participation, Diaspora should take our churches and mosques back from Woyane sympathizers and apologists on Sundays in support of the Historical Sunday Mass Protest by Addis Ababeans.
Let us bring a United Rally to foreign streets and Capitals in a Motto of “Aneleyayem”. God is Great, Allah WaKiber, Egzeabher Yetekebre Yehune, Yekeber!

SMNE Calls on Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn to Lead Ethiopia Towards Change by Answering the Demands of the People

June 3, 2013
His Excellency Hailemariam Desalegn,

Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Office of the Prime Minister
P.O. BOX – 1031
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dear Prime Minister Hailemariam,
On behalf of the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE), I, as the SMNE’s executive director, am writing to you regarding the peaceful rally that took place in Addis Ababa yesterday, June 2, 2013. We highly commend you and the TPLF/EPRDF for allowing the rally to proceed without interference. Even though freedom of assembly is allowed under the Ethiopian Constitution; since 2005, Ethiopians have been denied this right. For the first time in eight years, after some negotiation with the Semayawi (Blue) party’s leadership to change the date, the TPLF/EPRDF government agreed to provide the permit that allowed the Ethiopian people the right to express their beliefs without arrests, brutality or death.
In response to this opportunity, an astounding number of Ethiopians came out—estimated at hundred of thousands—all to show their support for change. No one expected such a response, even the leaders of the rally; but it serves as an important revelation to all of us as to the deep thirst for freedom, justice, peace and opportunity that is within the hearts and minds of Ethiopians. That same thirst has united Ethiopians of different ethnicities, religions, genders, regions, socio-economic levels and political alliances in their call for change.
SMNE Calls on Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn  To Lead Ethiopia towards Change
Peaceful demonstration in Addis Ababa organized by Semayawi or Blue Party | June 2, 2013
First of all we truly commend you, Mr. Prime Minister for allowing this rally to go forward. It shows a different kind of leadership—even though it is under the same TPLF/EPRDF government—because it takes strength, principle and wisdom to hear the discontent of the people. You may also better understand the risks of ignoring the very real rumblings of the people on the ground, which will not go away until they are genuinely addressed. It is even more important in this changing world where support from the people makes a difference in a government’s ability to function and be secure.
Like your predecessor, Meles, you could have ordered TPLF/EPRDF security forces to gun down our young people, arrest the leaders of the protest or to detain large numbers of demonstrators; however, you did not. We believe you, and other members of the TPLF/EPRDF, only allowed this rally to proceed because you may be more ready to listen to the people than ever before.
This should not only be applauded by us, but should also be recognized by others such as national and international human rights groups, civic organizations, donor countries, religious leaders and defenders of the law and freedom who have been wanting good governance, democracy and respect for human rights to come to Ethiopia.
Secondly, the rally itself was historic in nature by being very peaceful and we want to give credit to the police and security forces for not interfering in the peaceful demonstration. Though they were present, they treated people with respect. No one was arrested or detained and no one was harmed, harassed or threatened to our knowledge. This is exemplary.
Thirdly, we give enormous credit to the hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians who came out from their homes to show their support for change. Regardless of what political viewpoint one might hold, we should all be proud of how well they presented themselves and in doing so, represented all Ethiopians as they shouted during the rally the following: “We cannot be divided by our ethnicity! We cannot be divided by our religion.”
The rally was carried out with great discipline, respect, civility and basic good manners towards others. There was no bloodshed or destruction. From start to finish it was peaceful. It makes Ethiopians a shining example to the world and is evidence once again that we are not people of violence, but people who seek a better future for the country we all share and love. Congratulations to the people!
Fourthly, we believe the Semayawi (Blue) party leadership, who called for this rally, should be commended for their extraordinary leadership in organizing and carrying out a peaceful protest where the diverse people of Ethiopia could demand the God-given rights of all Ethiopians.
First of all, their name, Semayawi, which means “blue”, denotes the calm and peace one sees on the colour of the clear sky and gentle flowing of the deep sea waters. The name reflects the nature of the movement as one that seeks to move an inclusive Ethiopia forward, but not by turbulence or violence but peacefully and with determination and persistence. Their expectations of participation were for several thousand participants. They were obviously greatly surprised with the huge numbers of people who came out.

Egyptian Politicians: Sabotage Ethiopia's New Dam

Politicians meeting with Egypt's president on Monday proposed hostile acts against Ethiopia, including backing rebels and carrying out sabotage, to stop it from building a massive dam on the Nile River upstream.
Some of the politicians appeared unaware the meeting with President Mohammed Morsi was being carried live on TV. Morsi did not directly react to the suggestions, but said in concluding remarks that Egypt respects Ethiopia and its people and will not engage in any aggressive acts against the East African nation.
Morsi called the meeting to review the impact of Ethiopia's $4.2 billion hydroelectric dam, which would be Africa's largest. Egypt in the past has threatened to go to war over its "historic rights" to Nile River water.
Morsi's office later said he had directed his foreign and irrigation ministers to maintain contact with the Ethiopian government to obtain more information on the dam and its likely impact on Egypt's share of the Nile water.
His office's statement included an ominous-sounding note, saying: "Egypt will never surrender its right to Nile water and all options (to safeguard it) are being considered."
Ethiopia last week started diverting the flow of the Nile to make way for its hydroelectric plant dubbed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. On completion, it is expected to produce 6,000 megawatts, and its reservoir is scheduled to start filling next year.
An independent panel of experts has concluded that the dam will not significantly affect downstream Sudan and Egypt, which are highly dependent on the water of the world's longest river, said an Ethiopian official, who spoke Saturday on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the topic.
Mideast Egypt.JPEG
But in Cairo on Monday, Younis Makhyoun, leader of an ultraconservative Islamist party, said Egypt should back rebels in Ethiopia or, as a last resort, destroy the dam. He said Egypt made a "strategic error" when it did not object to the dam's construction.
Makhyoun said Ethiopia is "fragile" because of rebel movements inside the country. "We can communicate with them and use them as a bargaining chip against the Ethiopian government," he said.
"If all this fails, then there is no choice left for Egypt but to play the final card, which is using the intelligence service to destroy the dam," said Makhyoun, whose Nour party won about 25 percent of parliament's seats in elections in late 2011 and early 2012.
Another politician, liberal Ayman Nour, proposed spreading rumors about Egypt obtaining refueling aircraft to create the impression that it plans an airstrike to destroy the dam.
"This could yield results on the diplomatic track," Nour said.
Abu al-Ila Madi, leader of the pro-Morsi Islamist Wasat party, suggested that a rumor that Egypt planned to destroy the dam could scare the Ethiopians into cooperating with Egypt on the project.
Magdy Hussein, another Islamist politician, warned that talk of military action against Ethiopia is "very dangerous" and will only turn Ethiopians into enemies. He suggested soft diplomacy in dealing with the crisis, including organizing a film festival in Ethiopia and dispatching researchers and translation missions.
Ethiopia's decision to construct the dam challenges a colonial-era agreement that had given Egypt and Sudan rights to the Nile water, with Egypt taking 55.5 billion cubic meters and Sudan 18.5 billion cubic meters of 84 billion cubic meters, with 10 billion lost to evaporation.
That agreement, first signed in 1929, took no account of the eight other nations along the 6,700-kilometer (4,160-mile) river and its basin, which have been agitating for a decade for a more equitable accord.
Ethiopian Minister of Water and Energy Alemayehu Tegenu has said Egypt should not worry about a diminished water share.
"We don't have any irrigation projects around the dam. The dam is solely intended for electricity production ... So there should not be any concerns about a diminished water flow," Alemayehu told The Associated Press on Saturday.
Eighty-five percent of Nile waters originate in Ethiopia, yet the nation utilizes very little of them, and the country has become synonymous with famine.

Africa Union: Is it a Union of brutal tyrants or the people of African?

Imagine in today’s Africa finding a leader capable of forming a regional organization like OAU. Imagine a leader that stand out as role model for African leadership in the 21st century. And, imagine when an African leader would emerge that would earn universal respect like Mandela.
My people, Africa is a play ground for dictators acting like domesticated wolf during the day a hyenas in the night. The few leaders that have the mandate of their people found Africa Union a retreat; a kind of resort to do what they wouldn’t be able to do at home. Shame-on all of them to coddle up with daylight wolves and the hyenas of the nights.
by Teshome Debalke
On the occasion of 50th anniversary of African Union (the former Organization of Africa Unity) another history was made. In a city where the Headquarter of the organization was erected and the country that was the instrument in uniting Africans is occupied by the brutal ethnic tyranny that divides her population by ethnicity and religion; in direct contradiction to the very Charter of the foundation and with the help of the international community.
The visionary leaders that brought about African Unity are replaced by demagogues, corrupt, and brutal tyrants taking the organization down with them. Our own rogue regime not only denies the existence of the nation that is the founding member but, doesn’t recognize the Founding father of the Organization himself. Fifty years later the striking difference between African leaders then and now is telling.
In all honesty, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of hearing about Africa Union. I don’t know why people make a big deal of an Organization that turned in to good-for- noting; taken hostage by barefaced dictators. The Organization did its work when it was established 50 years ago with clear vision and great leaders of the time to end up into an entertainment hall of mindless dictators financed and built by Chinese Communist Regime.
On the occasion of 50th anniversary of African Union Africa Union a union of brutal tyrants
No offense to the Chinese regime, but the communist tyranny would do us a great favor if it builds freedom centers for its own people than AU Headquarter to dance with African wolves in order to tap in what is underground in partnership with mindlessly corrupt dictators. For sure a regime that builds on the grave of its own people’s freedom can’t be a friend of Africa. The most expected of the Chinese government is to be a bed fellow with its counterparts for mutual distraction of the people.
Imagine when the clowns couldn’t pitch a few million dollars each from the money they have been stealing to finance the only building that symbolize African Unity. Don’t they have any pride to beg the Chinese authoritarian regime to sell the symbol Africa for cheap as they do the raw materials of their peoples?
I think the regime that occupied Ethiopia would do its counterparts a favor to sell African Union bond to build a new headquarter and make the Chinese made building a shopping mall to sell cheap Chinese made goods Siyoum Mesfin, the Ethiopia Ambassador in China and Associates import. It would make more sense for a part-time merchant, part-time government and part time beggar regime.
As we speak, 50 years later since the organization was founded the majorities of the member countries of African Union are ruled by brutal and corrupt tyrants brutalizing and robbing their respective people. Their biggest accomplishment is noting more than reducing their respective population in poverty into sub human condition and turn around begging from the international donors and pretending they are running governments. The donors are not helping either. They handover billions of dollar to tyrants in Africa without asking the hard question as they do the exact opposite at home. It must be the policy of ‘he may be a son of a bitch but he is our son of a bitch’
I am more sick and tired of half a dozen elected leaders of member countries like South Africa, Botswana, and Ghana…too. Wining and dining with brutal and corrupt dictators; going along with them as if everything is nice and dandy with the dictators-for-life, instead of raising the cause of the people of Africa. In fact, during the Libyan uprising to oust Kaddafi the African dictators were embarrassingly showing the true color; refusing to recognize the Transitional Council until the last day of the 42 long years old dictator bit the dust. Even democratically elected leaders sided with Kaddafi instead of the leaders of the revolution. In our own home turf, the Union of Dictators validated the Woyane regime’s 99.64% win in 2010 election as if they don’t know how to count; claiming it is fair and square and decided to dance with the Woyane wolf. These are the kinds of leaders Africans are subjected in the 21st century.