Monday, July 7, 2014

The Moral Bankruptcy of Failed African States

Are crimes against children crimes against humanity?

According to the latest Failed States Index, 6 out of the top 10 and 18 out of the top 25 “most failed states on earth” are found in Africa. This commentary is not about beating the dead hyena of the failed African “state”. Nor is it about the failure of statecraft in much of Africa and the ineptitude of lame African governments and regimes to provide their citizens basic and essential services, maintain public safety, control widespread corruption and state-sponsored criminality, mitigate widespread violation of human rights and bridge the ever widening gap between the African haves and have-nots. I am concerned here about the immorality of failed African states and their lost moral compass(ion) to care for their most vulnerable and unquestionably most important members.Failed African States
First, what exactly is the African failed state? For many, it is a wistful imitation of what a real state is. The African failed state is to a real state as Coca Cola is to health food. (Boycott Coca Cola in Ethiopia!) For the West and its multilateral economic and political institutions, the African failed state is an object of charity, debt peonage and aid bondage.  For Western academics, the African failed state is a case study in “state-cide” and an object of scholarly inquest. For the cynics and critics, it is the object of mockery and caricature. For those who are morally outraged, the African failed state is morally bankrupt institution justly deserving of moral condemnation and censure. For the Fund for Peace and Foreign Policy Magazine who jointly publish the Failed States Index (renamed to Fragile States Index in 2014 to be politically correct), the African failed state has earned very low scores on 12 social, economic and political indicators.
The late U.S. Vice President Hubert Humphrey who in 1948 urged the Democratic Party to “walk into the sunshine of human rights” and later became the lead author of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, observed, “…the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. ” If there were a “Morally Bankrupt States Index”, the vast majority of African states would be ranked at the very top.  How these poor excuses for “government”, “regime” and “state”  “treat those at the dawn” and early morning of their lives in the continent is a low down dirty shame.

Child abductions

Three months after a terrorist group kidnapped nearly 300 Nigerian girls, the Nigerian government claims it has no clue where they are and has mounted no credible effort to search and recover them. All the king’s men and drones could not find them either. In the beginning, the kidnapping of the girls sparked global moral outrage and condemnation.  First lady Michelle Obama expressed her “outrage’’ at the girls’ abduction and took pictures carrying a placard with the hashtag “#Bring Back Our Girls”.  She personalized the whole sordid affair. “In these girls, Barack and I see our own daughters,” declared Mrs. Obama. Too bad Nigerian President and Mrs. Goodluck Johnathan do not feel that way; at least they have not said so. How could 300 girls simply disappear without a trace in a country that prides itself as the “Giant of Africa”?

“Child soldiers”

The lack of moral outrage and the failure to take decisive action to secure and ensure the well-being and safety of African children is the greatest unreported and continuing crime of African “leaders”. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Somalia, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, Zimbabwe, Chad, Sudan and South Sudan, hundreds of thousands of children are abducted every year by rebel, militia and government forces and forced to become child soldiers. Rural African children continue to be kidnapped from their homes, while walking to or from school, doing daily chores and even living in refugee camps. Boys as young as ten years old have been taught to use firearms bigger than themselves and often beaten and drugged to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity including murders, rapes, torture, amputations and other unspeakable atrocities. Abducted girls are often raped and forced into sexual slavery and held to perform domestic chores.
The DRC has the dubious distinction of having the largest number of child soldiers in the world. The so-called Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda has abducted tens of thousands of boys as soldiers and girls as sex slaves. Its infamous leader Joseph Kony has been indicted by the International Criminal Court prosecutor for war crimes and crimes against humanity for ordering the abductions. Few have ever been held accountable for the crimes committed against these children.  Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, one of the most vicious warlords in the DRC, is the only suspect to be tried and convicted in the International Criminal Court for recruiting child soldiers.

Child labor

The failure of many African states to control or mitigate child labor practices is another manifestation of their moral bankruptcy. Child labor is “work that harms children or keeps them from attending school.” Millions of African children between the ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are considered inhumane and illegal under international and even domestic laws, hazardous or extremely exploitative. In the DRC, hundreds of thousands of children under the age of 15 labor in the mines to satisfy the voracious appetites of Chinese companies for copper, cobalt and other rare earth metals.  A United Nations country profile report estimated about one third of all Kenyan children aged 5–14 were engaged in child labor. In Nigeria, an estimated 20 million children under the age of 14 work in hazardous conditions and very long hours.  According to a 2012 U.S. Department of Labor Study,
Children in Ethiopia are engaged in the worst forms of child labor, including in dangerous activities in agriculture and domestic service. Although evidence is limited, there is reason to believe that the worst forms of child labor are used in the production of apples, coffee, cotton, onions, bananas, flowers, sugarcane, and tea.  Children working in agriculture may use dangerous tools, carry heavy loads, and apply harmful pesticides. Children  herding livestock may suffer injuries such as being bitten, butted, gored, or trampled by animals. Children, mostly girls, work in domestic service, potentially exposing them to sexual and other forms of abuse. Child domestics in Ethiopia may also suffer from a variety of mental health problems. Children collect firewood and water, which may require them to walk long distances with heavy loads.

Invisible children

There are millions of African “invisible children,” orphaned by AIDS, violence, displacement and war. They are forgotten by the leaders of failed African states. These children survive as internally displaced persons or refugees in overcrowded, unhygienic and disease–ridden conditions. They are often victimized by criminal gangs within the refugee camps and others raiding the camps. Child refugee girls are particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation. The vast majority of displaced and refugee children have undergone extremely traumatic experiences including witnessing extreme violence on family members or others. These children in general suffer from significant psychological problems including extreme anxiety, depression, social withdrawal and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Child malnutrition

Sub-Sahara Africa has the highest rates of chronic malnutrition among children in the world.  Chronic malnutrition, sometimes described as a “hidden hunger”, “occurs when a child’s intake of nutrients (fat, protein, vitamins and minerals, etc.) is insufficient to sustain the needs of the child’s body.”  Chronically malnutritioned children suffer significant deficiencies in physical and mental growth and are prone to illnesses.
more than 2 out of every 5 children in Ethiopia suffer from stunting, which is a lifelong condition that results when children miss out on critical nutrients while in the womb or during the first five years of their lives.  As many as 81% of all cases of child undernutrition and its related pathologies go untreated.  28% of all child mortality in Ethiopia is associated with undernutrition.  16% of all repetitions in primary school are associated with stunting. Child mortality associated with undernutrition has reduced Ethiopia’s workforce by 8%.  67% of the adult population in Ethiopia suffered from stunting as children. The annual costs associated with child undernutrition are estimated at Ethiopian birr (ETB) 55.5 billion, which is equivalent to 16.5% of GDP. Eliminating stunting in Ethiopia is a necessary step for its growth and transformation.
In a Foreward to this study, Amha Kebede, “Director-General Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute”, with bureaucratic detachment noted, “As the Government of Ethiopia moves forward in the implementation of the Growth and Transformation Plan, we need to emphasize the importance of eliminating undernutrition.”

Piercing through the veil of moral depravity or African “economic growth and transformation”

African leaders, their overpaid and over-pampered poverty pimps and mindless international media jockeys and parrots would have us believe that Africa is on the rise and undergoing dramatic renaissance and development.  The chic talk and narrative about Africa is a fairy tale of “economic growth, renaissance and transformation.” They say Africa’s economy is growing by leaps and bounds. Africa is earning billions in foreign exchange through its extractive industries, international trade and tourism. They say Africa is becoming a mecca for foreign investment; GDP growth rates are going through the roof; per capita income is doubling and tripling; poverty is shrinking and the African middle class expanding. They say Africa has more millionaires and billionaires today than ever before. Africans are interconnected by mobile phones and other communication technology. Some doltish leaders of African failed states even have the audacity to claim that their countries will join the ranks of the “middle-income” countries of the world in less than one-half decade.
But there is something fundamentally wrong with the rosy picture painted by the poverty pimps and the international media cheerleaders of failed African states. Their narratives always underplay and overlook the structural corruption, the crushing debts and the fatal addiction of failed African states to Western aid and loans. They often give lip service to these “warts” as temporary setbacks for the African economic juggernaut. Africans are fed the baloney that Africa can escape underdevelopment and achieve “growth and transformation” by exporting agricultural commodities, raw materials, metals and minerals.
So who the hell cares about African “growth and transformation” that is not built upon the precious foundation of  Africa’s youth? Can anyone honestly argue that Africa can be economically developed when its children are chronically malnourished, poorly educated, denied minimal conditions of personal security, forgotten in refugee camps and subjected to all forms of violence and exploitation? Who will lift Africa from the abyss of poverty and deliver her onto the mountain top of prosperity? Certainly not the failed and morally bankrupt leaders of failed African states!
Without heavy investments in its youth Africa will fall not rise, it will fall. It has fallen. Depraved indifference to Africans in the “dawn of their lives” will not create a continent in renaissance; it will keep Africa the “Dark Continent”.  Without the strong shoulders and wings of its children, Africa will not be lifted out of poverty; Africa will remain chained in its poverty trap and continue to sink deeper into an abyss of debt, deficit, famine, scarcity, corruption, underdevelopment and beggary.
But the tea leaves bode well for Africa’s children. A report by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation concluded that in the next three generations, 41% of the world’s youth will be African. Africa is the only continent with a significantly growing youth population. Western Europe is in population decline; Latin America and Asia are holding the demographic line. That report predicts by 2040 the African labor force will be larger than that of China or India. By 2050, Africa’s labor force will be at least three times bigger than Europe’s and represent a quarter of the world’s total workforce. Sheer numbers alone do not mean much, but imagination is the only limit for what Africa’s children could do for themselves and the world if they had states, governments and regimes that cared enough to make them competitive on the global market.
“How do we ensure that the African youth will compete at the global level not only due to sheer numbers? What is the future that we are creating for our most precious resource?” asked the Mo Ibrahim Foundation report. I put the same questions to Africa’s morally bankrupt leaders!
Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam teaches political science at California State University, San Bernardino and is a practicing defense lawyer.  
Previous commentaries by the author are available at:
Amharic translations of recent commentaries by the author may be found at:

Woyane eat the forbidden fruit

Ethiopians can’t deal with criminals with protest and will be advised to identify every TPLF’s operatives and their whereabouts at home and abroad to inform all Ethiopians around the world and the international community to take action for crime against Ethiopians.

It is time to treat criminals as criminals!
by Teshome Debalke
Woyane is pushed her luck further and further when the end of her rule approached closer and closer. By kidnaping Andargachew Tsege, the popular Ethiopian democratic movement leader from Yemen she step-up her assault on Ethiopians across the Red Sea and activating her operatives around the world in her last ditch attempt to survive the tide.
Masquerading as Ethiopian government, Woyane continued her jungle guerilla tactics planting her assassins in government agencies at home and in the Embassies around the world targeting Ethiopians to thwart the democratic revolution from clipping her minority Apartheid rule.
Personally I do not know why we get surprised about Woyane’s crimes. She sees us as her stanch enemy and we see her as our misguided government. She kills us for as target practice, we see her as another tyranny in our extended history. She see us a collection her subjects to be exploited we see her as a corrupt tyranny building roads and dams. In short, we see her as Ethiopian she see us as conquered colonial subjects. It is a mismatch that must change.
Many Ethiopians still don’t fully comprehend the enormity of distraction she caused at home –posed as a Federal and abroad posed as diplomat for her operatives to spy, threaten, kidnap, and extradite, bankrupt Ethiopians in pretext of fighting terrorism and in the name of development.
At the meantime, Ethiopians that choose to serve her don’t seem to understand the cost of being accessories to criminal gang dressed up like Ethiopian with unprecedented crimes against Ethiopians. They feel they are invincible and invisible for lack of retaliation for their crime.
Likewise, the apologists feel it is open season — shooting their mouth to encourage her to continue doing more of her atrocities and corruption and are willing to cover up for her with all kinds of detraction, again, because of luck of retaliatory actions from Ethiopians.
With that kind of attitude, (admirable, as it may be) it doesn’t work with Woyane that doesn’t see Ethiopians as such nor shares the value of Ethiopiawinet. An average Woyane today don’t feel he/she is Ethiopian but an occupying force that exploit Ethiopians and the record proves it.
Surprisingly, this time around, Andargachew kidnaping by TPLF operatives posed as Ethiopian government officials must have frightened her and her apologists to pretend not to see-hear-speak kidnaping. It is not out of remorse of wrong doing but for strategic reason. The same TPLF that championed to kill and robe Ethiopians with impunity for decades are mute as if it didn’t happen. It is for fear it would galvanize Ethiopians to end TPLF rule. The same badmouth Medias that use to scream the loudest– accusing Ethiopian oppositions, including Andargachew terrorist are hiding like cowards instead of taking responsibility for crimes of their beloved Gangs.. They feel, the children of Ethiopia are pawns to their perverted agenda and collateral damage for their criminality. Regardless, it appears the zero-sum-game they have been playing for far too long on the bloods and sweats of Ethiopians and Ethiopia is coming to hunt them.
Western governments also continue to look the other way and appear to be in cohort with TPLF ; ignoring when she gave a new meaning to terrorism on Ethiopian Muslims, Christians, non-believers, politicians, human right activists, journalist, bloggers, students and educators alike and got away with it. After all, we all look ‘terrorists’ and expandable appears to be at work. Their official reaction remains ‘We are concerned…’ and became music to our ears.
When it comes to her vast economic crimes; from invading lands, raiding homes and businesses to robbing public banks and enterprises it doesn’t seem to worry the beneficiaries that swear she is doing Ethiopians favor by developing the economy. In fact, it is what makes her Western babysitters and Eastern partners feel she deserves to exploit Ethiopians as a compensation for her good behavior of accommodating their needs. As it is obvious clear, the apologists feel vindicated every time she is praised by her foreign enablers as commendation to her crimes on the people she supposedly rules, not to mention mandated.
Time-and-time again Ethiopians pleaded with the gangs of Adwa to behave like a civilized government than a street tug on a free ride. Over-and-over again, Ethiopians warned the apologists not to cover up for her treason, genocide, ethnic cleansing, atrocities and corruption to extend her crime, it got worst and worst.
When Andargachew Tsege’s kidnaping was conformed it was obviously clear the same TPLF tugs posed as Ethiopian diplomats operating in the official Embassy in Yemen have something to do with the crime; as it happens in Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda, now in Yemen under Ambassador Hassan Abdela Ali (pictured).Yemen Ethiopian Ambassador Hassan Abdela Ali
The Foreign Ministry of the Nation has always been a playground of the Gangs for decades and continued to be TPLF’s headquarter — infested with spies, assassins and wheelers-and-dealers. Likewise, Hassan Abdela Ali that supposedly represents the people’s interest is acted as a hired hand of TPLF cadres assigned for him to kidnap and deport Andargachew.
The fact the Embassy in Yemen he run have no website for over two decades should tell us the hide-seek game the Adwa Gangs have been playing with Ethiopians out of the Foreign Ministry that assigns the cadres. His new TPLF boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus that order him to do TPLF’s dirty job.
The Embassy’s Facebook page created for one occasion—shows it is TPLF not Ethiopian Embassy — the new way the Gangs of Adwa insult Ethiopians’ intelligence.
Hassan Abdela Ali, as the highest official of the embassy in Yemen is responsible for the abduction of Andargachew Tsege and should be considered a dangerous and wanted man by all Ethiopians around the world to take the appropriate action. Medias must hound him whereever he may be to answer for his crime. Ethiopians in Yemen must also identify TPLF’s operatives in Yemen and expose them for the Medias and the world over in order to take the appropriate actions.
The former Ambassador in Yemen, Dr. Tawfik Abdullahi Ahmed was also known to be notorious extraditing Ethiopian refugees from Yemen on behalf of TPLF until he left; leaving no trace behind. His crimes on 1000s of Ethiopians that flee the atrocities of TPLF to make it to shore when many perished in the high sea became his victims.
In March of 2010 Heather Murdock of VOA reported:
“According to the Ethiopian ambassador in Yemen, Tawfik Abdullahi Ahmed, the point is moot. He says peaceful opposition political parties are legal and common in Ethiopia, so none of the new arrivals are legitimately seeking asylum.
Ahmed says migration from Ethiopia to Yemen is business, not politics. He says people coming to Yemen from his country are victims of human traffickers, who convince them that they can find passage to rich Gulf States like Saudi Arabia. Once in Yemen, many Ethiopians elect to go home, when they realize they cannot reach their destination.”
This heartless Ambassador/cadre is the owner of YATI INVESTMENT PROMOTION PLC, in Addis Ababa–engaged in ‘promotion of investment/business facilitation’, according to Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce.
Amazingly, the self-profess doctor and the former Ambassador in Yemen don’t revile any information on his background or his photograph could be found online. Likewise, for self-professed businessmen that supposedly promote Investment, no information or website was found online.
Who is Doctor Tawfik Abdullahi Ahmed and what does he really do — playing hide-and-seek with Ethiopians? He should be another wanted man responsible for the suffering and death of 1000s of. Ethiopians identified and plaster his photo as a wanted man.
In another development, Ginbot 7 reported the organization’s computers was invaded by viruses this week since Andargachew was kidnaped from a server identified as located in Addis Ababa. Record shows the server domain is registered by a person named Yemisraknesh Solomon of Infinite Dimensions Software Development PLC located on the 10th floor of Getu Commercial Center on Africa Avenue in Addis Ababa. The person is also registered the domain and administers the website of TPLF owned and operated Wogagen Bank; confirming the person is TPLF operative.
The same individual is also associated with 1819 domain name and handful servers, according to domain tool. It includes located in Germany where the government owned Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency’s website hosted.
No one knows who authorized a private party to take over government agencies’ websites except TPLF operatives that hijacked government agencies while the front parties are seating-duck spectators to legitimize the Gang of Adwa crimes.
Again, like every TPLF clandestine operative, Yemisraknesh Solomon identity and background nor her photo is anywhere to be found. She is should be a wanted woman responsible for hijacking public agencies’ and involved in cybercrimes. Ethiopians should identify the women and plaster her photo as a wanted fugetive.
It isn’t a secret TPLF operative throughout the world in collaboration with the Ethiopian Communication Technology Ministry led by Debretsion Gebremichael and others control the internet and register and administer 100s of websites of government Ministries, agencies and public enterprises. Likewise, cyber spies scattered around the world working closely with TPLF’s intelligence apparatus led by Debretsion and others. He should be considered a wanted man for hijacking the public Ministry and spying and committing cybercrime on behalf of TPLF posed as Ethiopian official.
While the nation is taken hostage by TPLF operatives in all front posed as government officials, Ethiopians wonder why the so called Medias in-and-out of the country mislead the public and the international community TPLF run Apartheid Mafia regime is a government of Ethiopia? Shouldn’t Medias made responsible for ignoring or collaborating with TPLF against the people of Ethiopia?
‘Who is in charge of the government of Ethiopia’?
Rene Lefort on 4 July 2014 article titled Leadership in Disarray summed up what Ethiopians knew all along and TPLF apologists have been hiding for long. He wrote;
“The key figures of the TPLF (Tigrean People’s Liberation Front) were in command, including the immense public and semi-public sector of the “modern” economy. The other three components of the de facto single party, the EPRDF (Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front), were largely satellites of the Front. Finally, with its six million members, the tentacles of the EPRDF extended right down to the basic five-person household unit”.
Then, why would the apologists make too much noise knowing TPLF’s unprecedented crime over two decades posed as Ethiopian government? All the front leaders of ‘satellite parties’ that handover the people of Ethiopia on the hand basket for the Gang of Adwa should be made responsible for conspiring against the people of Ethiopia all this years..
As TPLF continue to harass, kidnap, jail, kill and robe the people and the nation to evade the inevitable, Ethiopians must declare anyone associated with TPLF as public enemy # 1 and defend our people and country by all means necessary, including proactively retaliating against TPLF’s operatives.
Ethiopians can’t deal with criminals with protest and will be advised to identify every TPLF’s operatives and their whereabouts at home and abroad to inform all Ethiopians around the world and the international community to take action for crime against Ethiopians.
It is time to treat criminals as criminals.
This article is dedicated for the Honorable Andargachew Tsege and his elder fathers Tsege Habtemariam that are fallen on the hand of Woyane. Your sacrifice for your people and country is a family tradition Ethiopians will cherish for generations to come. Be assured, Ethiopians will avenge the crime committed on you and family.