Friday, February 14, 2014

Ethiopia: Our Selective Amnesia of Putting the Cart before the Horse wouldn’t do it

Rewiring the treacherous minds of TPLF/Woyane’s stooges is way overdue. But, the rest of us need an upgrade to think Ethiopia First — Democracy First. We can’t continue to have selective amnesia of putting the cart before the horse and expect results. There is no way out of the stalemate until we proactively and collectively confront Woyane to surrender for democratic rule.
by Teshome Debalke
I am confused on the whole write ups and the talks I read and hear on the Media from individuals and groups, including the ruling regime’s operatives.  Loud noises and selective amnesia of ‘putting the cart before the horse’ wouldn’t do us any good to bring about democratic rule. I understand why TPLF’s operatives, particularly the propaganda outlets do it because the Apartheid system they carry on their shoulder live-and-dies by it. But, I couldn’t understand why the rest of us do it.Ethiopian to have selective amnesia ‘putting the cart before the horse’
It is rather odd and hard to believe many of us still aren’t in touch with the reality in general and the nature of TPLF led Apartheid regime in particular–reflected in our reaction and inactions or recommendation as a solution for the political, social and economic problem our people are facing. We continue to have selective amnesia — dodging the fundamental problem of Apartheid and the associated rampant corruption, lack of good governance and democracy.
Let’s be honest, we are living under an illusion concocted by an outfit called Tigrian People Liberation Front (TPLF) led regime that imposed ethnic Apartheid on Ethiopia calling it Nations and Nationality of Ethiopia. For some unknown reason we ignore the cause and hummer on symptoms of the problem day-in-day-out.
For example, the evidence shows the institutions that bear the front name Federal… is meant an open season for TPLF on Ethiopians and Ethiopia with unprecedented efficiency of atrocities, extortions and corruption. It is also evident TPLF- Federal is to preserve Apartheid system in subjugating and exploiting the people with its partners in crime. Sadly to say, every stooge and operatives of TPLF/Woyane knowingly and willingly are committing historical crimes on the people of Ethiopia or simply declaring their insanity.
There are three possible explanations for any Ethiopian to have selective amnesia ‘putting the cart before the horse’ to justify or ignore the crimes of TPLF’s Apartheid system.  It could be due to ignorance to the nature of TPLF led regime and the activities of its clandestine associates or simply to advance political, social and economic interests through illicit means or purely out of fear of going against the Apartheid system.    Whatever the reason may be there is no excuse why contemporary Ethiopians, particularly learned men and women to have selective amnesia to skirt the issue, join or give cover or a pass to the Apartheid system against their own people and country.
Before I go further, let me make my stand clear for those delusional people, including TPLF’s stooges and apologist, particularly the propaganda outlets that want us to believe the Apartheid regime is whatever slogan they choose to paste on it for the public consumption. If I am not mistaken; the latest slogan pasted on the Apartheid system is “Democratic Developmental State”.  It wouldn’t surprise anyone  if they come up with any slogan including ‘the second coming of Marx–Lenin’ or Mao Zedong himself to guide the Federal Ethnic Nation and Nationality of the Democratic Development State to justify a modern day ethnic Apartheid. By now everybody should know the capability of TPLF to fake and kill its way out of anything. But, the truth is found in what the clandestine ethnic Apartheid organizations’ practice in a cover of Federal…Tigray…Amhara…Oromo…so on.
Ever since its inception TPLF’s anti Ethiopians propaganda via Amahrs achieved the implementation of ethnic Apartheid institutions and continued associating Ethiopia with Amahars –  leaving the rest of Ethiopians as victimized tribes with no historical triumphs and tribulations with their own people and country Ethiopia.  Essentially, TPLF in the name of ethnic Federalism single handedly erased Ethiopian’s history and reduced us as a collection of powerless ethnic groups under the care of a rogue group led by a self-declared minority ethnic party known as TPLF.   Accordingly, the history of the people of Ethiopia began with clean slate as a history of a collection of tribes (Nation and Nationality) written and administered by TPLF and its hired hands posed as Federal and out of a manufactured Region called Tigray. Thus, the longest history of a nation and her people that outlived most nations and people on the planet earth fall under undignified rogue group with unknown identity and unlimited appetite to extort the resources of the people of Ethiopia.
The saddest thing of all is our vocal ethnic elites embarrassingly went right into the trap of TPLF’s ethnic warlords and ended up locked in a cage — boxed-in never to come out to solve our national, regional and universal problems facing our people and nation.   In reality, they condemned themselves into irrelevancy not to go beyond and above ethnicity when they are needed most to solve many facets of our problems.
Think about it, how many Ethiopian ethnic groups out of the 80 plus want to break up from their country or buy into the Apartheid ethnic Regions?  Is it because they are less or never ‘oppressed’? Is it because they have no love for freedom, justice and democracy for ‘their’ people?  Could it be because they don’t have the guts to raise arms to fight?  Then, why are only three or four ethnic groups out of 80 plus make the loudest noises to break up or drum up ethnicity with TPLF?
Could it be a plot against Ethiopians by our enemies? Listen very carefully when they talk with forked tongue and judge.
My people, I don’t know about you but, the whole thing smells like a rotten fish to me. Call me crazy or whatever you feel like it but, never in the history of any people or nation: tribulation–invasion, occupation, exploitation, oppression… or trumps — victory, independence, freedom and democracy… nothing remotely came close to what TPLF ethnic warlords did to insult and undermine the integrity of glorious people as Ethiopians. And, sadly to say, TPLF never claimed to be an Ethiopian entity ever until it reclaimed it as a slogan on the recommendation of foreigners led by infamous Hermann Cohen, the former US secretory of African Affairs. Talk about tragedy of magnificent people and nation that have fallen under rogue group led by the self-declared ‘Tigray’? ethnic warlords.
What I want to know is, on what ground anybody claim there is an Ethiopian ‘government? Or to put it bluntly, how did we manage to abandon our people and nation for the warlords of TPLF and its ethnic hired hands and pretend a ‘Revolutionary Democratic’ Mafia is worthy of tending to the interest and wellbeing of our people and nation?
I am also stunned when some of us believe when TPLF’s hired hoodlums and associates tell us our legendry historical leaders that sent shockwave to the world via Fascist Italy and its associates in Adwa are reduced to noting by a nobody street clowns from Adwa and their hired ethnic warlords with questionable identity while they elevate and bow to primitive Arab tribesmen paused as Kings of Arabia with no history or good deeds worthy of speaking. To further rub it on our wounds, the stooges are telling us there is a legacy we can be proud of out of the Banda of Adwa?
Speaking of legacy, how is it possible a high ranking official of the Free World Susan Rise, the former US Ambassador at the UN reduced herself to give eulogy to the clown of Adwa  by insulting Ethiopians we can’t have it any better than the mini dictator ? Does the woman fully grasp the different between democracy and dictatorship? Whoever is the TPLF’s operative that pulled the stunt to play her like a fool should be considered for the best snake-oil salesmanship award of the century.
TPLF’s clowns aside, what is the matter with the operatives and the clueless ethnic warlords TPLF assembled making too much noise lately?  Couldn’t they say enough of being dolls for the Adwa clowns that put them on a leash to bark their way of keeping the Apartheid system going?
Take the ‘Amahra’ Region Vice-President latest insult of the people he supposedly ‘represents.’ Was that Ethnic Revolutionary Democracy way of representation?  Many people were angry on the poor warlord not knowing the he was spiting what he is told to say. But, we should expect much from an 8th grade dropout –recruited not to tell the different between one Region from the other he was assigned to represent. After all, the Eritrean national Berket Simon is his boss and mentor for a reason.
When that isn’t enough, the defection of the Gambela Region ethnic Warlord extraordinary Omot Obang is another good example of the disposable warlords that sell their people and country cold until they are no longer needed.  He was lucky enough to run like a rabbit to save his life before TPLF clowns made him another collateral damage to preserve ethnic Apartheid.   According sources that peruse the warlord for crime of genocide he is presently hiding in West Germany.  We can’t wait until he comes out to spill his guts and face justice.
I don’t know about you my people, but when I heard the so called Prime Minster speaks on a staged interview by the infamous Addis Misfortune’s owner I have had it with these miserable misères warlords. ‘Collective leadership; is it some kind of village ritual to remember the Great Leader/chief? This one is a new paste on Democratic Developmental State. I am afraid we haven’t heard the end of the jock yet.
Our Selective amnesia of putting the cart before the horse isn’t helping
I am admirer of people with moral clarity to see their people’s interest beyond their daily bread, self-aggrandizement or peddling one thing or another for the limelight. I also have a high regard for those that speak the truth regardless of the consequences.  The world reveres the integrity of such icons because they go beyond and above the call of duty to help free millions of people out of dictatorship, poverty, hopelessness… Their legacy lives on to inspire generations to come as our own past heroes continue to inspire us and the world.
Among few of our contemporaries that stand tall Eskinder, Andualem and Reyot… come in mind.  Sadly, they are rotting in TPLF’s Apartheid jail, not for crime of terrorism on their own people but the terror their presence inflects on TPLF’s Warlords as the legendary Mandela use to do on the South African minority Warlords.  If you think about it the best of any society under dictatorship are found in jails of the regimes as the reverse is true in any self-respecting societies. What does it tell us?
Make no mistake; most of Ethiopians in the jails of TPLF are the true leaders of our people. That is why they are suffering in jail. But, their sacrifices are often overshadowed by our do-noting and talk hot air contemporaries with selective amnesia to put the cart before the horse to justify something worthy can be built on a rotten foundation.
We all should agree without hesitation on one thing; we can’t build a nation on a rotten foundation of TPLF’s Apartheid. To borrow the old slogan of EthioMedia ‘TPLF can’t be reformed, it must be dismantled’, I agree. I advise TPLF’s puddles to stop wagging their tails to preserve ethnic Apartheid and get on with dismantling it while they can to safeguard their country and people; that is if they are Ethiopians.
Quite honestly, I use to be as guilty as everybody else ignoring many things I shouldn’t have purely out of ignorance. But, I confessed my sin long ago and said Never Again I will overlook anything that isn’t kosher when it comes defending my people and country.  I warn anyone in advance that peddles to my ethnicity, religion, economic interest or whatever to go against my people or anyone that have selective amnesia of  ‘putting the cart before the horse’ to justify something good can be built on a rotten foundation.  Apparently, there are many out there, particularly learned men and women I am looking forward to speak my mind about as time allows. I highly recommend every Ethiopian should do the same.
This time around I came across an article worthy of reading but not applying, titled Why Ethiopia Needs to Privatize Land by Daniel Tefera (PhD) .  I enjoyed the article and its historical comparison with other countries.  In fact, the argument isn’t new.
The famous Peruvian Economist Hernando De Soto invented it and worked very well in his native Peru. And, there are many more reasons I can list why privatization is important under the right regime and on good foundations. But, it wouldn’t do us any good if we have selective amnesia to push it on the ‘wrong foundation as the author is suggesting.   Therefore, I would advise the esteemed economist to do first thing first.
Therefore, I respectfully ask of him to do another article titled ‘Why Ethiopia can’t afford to privatize land under an ethnic Apartheid regime’.  He could teach the snake oil salesmen of TPLF that the Apartheid economy amounts to racketeering, noting more. He also can teach the rest of us how democratic rule is necessary as a foundation for privatization and free market, not the other way around.
Thus, before privatization of land or anything else for that matter, the people’s government and the right institutions must be established to implement his recommendations. Better yet, he himself should establish Privatization Institute with his colleagues than simply write about it. Ethiopians are tired of writers and talkers but searching for doers. Beyond that, the author shouldn’t have selective amnesia explaining Ethiopian’s transition from traditional through command to apartheid economy before land privatization and free market… he said;
“There have been land reforms in Ethiopian history, but they have always been done for a political purpose to consolidate power of the rulers.  Land reform was considered, for the first time, a necessary factor for agricultural transformation and economic development in Ethiopia only after the 1960 Coup.  
In 1961, a separate ministry of land reform was created to study the various land tenure systems of the country.  But nothing was implemented because of the formidable opposition by the powerful land-owning class of the royal family, the nobility, the Orthodox Church and high ranking officials.  
In 1975, the Stalinist Regime of Mengistu Hailemariam abolished private ownership of land and commercial farms without compensation, making the state the sole proprietor of all land.  Peasants were allowed use right only, living as tenants of the state.  By controlling all land and keeping it out of the free market, the state prohibited the gainful use of landed property. Worse still, in 1991, the Regime of Meles Zenawi introduced a lease system instead of returning land over to the peasantry. 
State ownership of land did not produce a property relationship that is significantly different from the imperial system. The state replaced the land-owning class. Peasants still worked the land they didn’t own, lacking the security and pride of an owner.     
A genuine land reform that can end state monopoly and privatize land is long overdue in Ethiopia. However, there has to be first a permanent consensus on the rationale for a genuine land reform that can create private ownership, enforced by law.”
There is more to land ownership and reform beyond ’land owning class of the royal familythe Orthodox Church and high ranking officials’ (1961) and the Stalinist Regime of Mengistu Hailemariam abolished private ownership of land and commercial farms’ ( 1975). He shouldn’t stop short of what TPLF regime did by simply saying “Worse still, in 1991, the Regime of Meles Zenawi introduced a lease system instead of returning land over to the peasantry.” 
It isn’t a mystery all regimes used land to consolidate political power. Our traditional land- tenor system isn’t new for Ethiopia either. Any society that lives under Kings and regional Kings-Chiefdoms’ rule did and do the same. Since all land belongs to the King or regional Kings the people are subjects under their rule. But, under the Imperial regime there was private holding of land and functioning private market for it particularly in the urban areas that rather worked well.
Most of the problem was in provincial regions where the King or the regional Chiefdoms use land as the only means to finance their rule. Besides, there is no evidence the Imperial regime confiscating private land holdings even though land is under his absulte power as a King. When the revolution took place to strip of his power land ownership to the farmers didn’t materialize for the obvious reasons.
The new ‘Stalinist Regime’ by decree nationalizes land ownership to consolidate political power.  It wasn’t a mystery land that supposedly belongs for the farmers ended up under the State — administered by cadres. Once again the people became subjects of the Communist State instead of the Imperial State. Unilateral nationalization of private holding from citizens that has nothing to do with the King and Chiefdoms with a stroke of a pen destroyed private ownership and the market. The adventure of the elites that ‘threw the baby with the bath water’ to show they are dedicated Marxist Revolutionaries willing to control the population in  the name of the oppressed brought the country in chaos.
Under the present Ethnic Federalism of Woyane, the author choose to skip or fail to elaborate when he said; ‘Worse still, in 1991, the Regime of Meles Zenawi introduced a lease system instead of returning land over to the peasantry.’ He stopped short of explaining the ideology behind the lease system TPLF introduced. Nor he addressed TPLF becoming a de facto landlord of the nation’s land paused as Federal — despising land for itself, cronies and foreign partners to amass wealth in the name of development. It was beyond its own mandate as a minority ethnic party representing Tigray Region. Here again, noting changed except land became a commodity TPLF uses to control the population and amass wealth to finance it rule in the name of Ethnic Nation and Nationality.
Then the author went on — ignoring the core prerequisite of the ‘free market’ he claims to be a champion for and said;
“The argument that privatization of land will flood Ethiopia with foreign investors is based on an irrational fear and hatred of the free market system. Investment capital is a scarce resource; and consequently, it moves mainly to places of high return and safety, such as the United States of America or South Africa. The Ethiopian market is not one of these places. In the United States of America, foreigners buy real and financial assets and the inflow of funds has benefited the American economy.”
Why talk about privatization, foreign investors flooding Ethiopia or the scarcity and safety of capital…when the foundation doesn’t exist? It sounded like building a house starting from the roof down. The problem with that scenario is there is nothing to hold the roof to build the rest of the house.
In his conclusion;
“The now industrialized countries transformed their economies in a fundamental way by changing their property relationship and uplifting their peasants first. By freeing land and their peasants, they laid the foundation for a democratic, middle class society. Thus, the question of freedom and democratic development in Ethiopia cannot be resolved without implementing a land reform that can end state monopoly and transfer land into private hands.”
The above statement sums up my argument of selective amnesia of putting the cart before the horse. The ‘now industrialized nations’, with the exception of the few weren’t peasant led agriculture commodity producing economies. In fact, most were too small to have enough land to grow food they were forced to search for land to grow food.   The important thing for free market and privatization wasn’t ownership of land nor capital but good governance and the presence of independent institutions to secure it in order to galvanize the local producers and investors to participate in confidence on many other ventures beyond growing food.
Having selective amnesia to the truth for whatever reason wouldn’t do us any good to build solid foundation for privatization and free market as the author suggested.
If the author is suggesting privatizing land under TPLF regime–after it leased most of productive land for itself and its corrupt cronies and foreign partners he might as well tell us to legitimize illegally held lands. In the other hand, if the author is arguing the importance of privatization in general, then, he should start recomading the right foundation i.e. the people’s government to come first so that we can sort out the legal from the illegal holdings in order to privatize not only land but everything else TPLF led regime and its corrupt cronies use to amass wealth.
He shouldn’t be afraid to say TPLF led regime isn’t only bad government but a bad business cartel that is into free loading (rent seeking) business including, grabbing public land it administer for itself and cronies. Therefore, it shouldn’t be seen as a government to initiate any meaningful reform or put the right policies let alone privatize land for the benefit of the people it use and abuses as a political pawns and cheap labor for its economics of extortion.
Here, is a good documentary to watch to understand the price of foreign investment on the wrong foundation of corrupt regimes like Woyane.  ‘How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth’ by Olivier De Schutter..
Thus, the author or any person and organization that recommend reform without addressing the problem of undemocratic rule must have selective amnesia to put the cart before the horse or have no clue how the ‘free market’ works. Free market doesn’t mean free for associates of the regime but for independent participants under impartial rule of law. It also has nothing to do with ‘an irrational fear and hatred of the free market system’ as the author insinuated. What is irrational is claiming free market is freebee for those connected with political power to have an open season as it is done in Ethiopia now.
In conclusion, noting good can come out of building on a rotten foundation.  The establishment of equitable system of governance that operates under the rule of law in democratic government is the first and only thing every living and breathing soul should demand for genuine development and equitable economy unless…they have other agenda.
That said, I respectfully urge the author not to waste time complicating matters further and use his knowledge and knowhow to help establish a democratic rule so that we can champion what he recommends than skirting the issue to sustain the status qua.
Rewiring the treacherous minds of TPLF/Woyane’s stooges is way overdue. But, the rest of us need an upgrade to think Ethiopia First — Democracy First. We can’t continue to have selective amnesia of putting the cart before the horse and expect results. There is no way out of the stalemate until we proactively and collectively confront Woyane  to surrender for democratic rule.

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