Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ethiopians can do more to rid of the ethnic junta and its butlers soon

Happy Eid Mubarak for our people!  Proud of you for showing the brazen regime what Ethiopiawinet is all about. God has a way of testing our resolve and the brutal regime is one among many. If we fail to do right in defending what we established 1000s years ago we will disappoint Allah and loss everything as intended for us. We are beautiful people that can’t fall victim for a small time ethnic tyranny with identity crises; kin to destroy our love of people, country, flag and religions. No matter what, we are our people’s keepers and must reject anything coming from Woyane.
Thank you for showing us the way. It is the Ethiopian thing to do.
by Teshome Debalke
In the land of the lawless Woyane everything seems the opposite of what it is. Unity, freedom, equality and development are turned in to segregation, tyranny, inequality and corruption.Happy Eid Mubarak for our people
The outdated propaganda to change fiction into reality is as dead as the late ethnic tyrant himself. The gross violation on our people by brutal ethnic hoodlums in uniform-labeling us terrorist and extremist is unforgivable insult to sensuality of Ethiopians. The futile attempt to torment, jail and murder the way out of the demand for freedom and to surrender for rule of law is stupidity of the worst proportion. The drama of economic growth; pandering for criminal elements and corrupt foreign investors is a sorry way of saying corruption is a developmental theory invented by the late tyrant and the legendry conman of Woyane. Most unfortunately, the lookalike ‘Medias’ spinning TPLF’s fictions as truth and its terroristic rule as legitimate governance is noting more than a slap on the face on the people of Ethiopia and a wish to sustain ethnic tyranny by all means necessary.
When we say civilized people uncivilized regime this is what exactly it means. The question before our people isn’t what the corrupt and brutal Woyane regime is all about, that is a closed case. But, how herds of delusional and corrupt operatives and supporters led to believe there is something out of uncivilized regime to be ridden like an abandoned donkey with no owner or honor? It is as mysteries as the sorry ethnic stooges present at the funeral of the late ethnic tyrant full of crocodile tears.
There is no glory supporting ethnic tyranny. At this junction in history the only thing the sorry bunch must be told again-and-again is stupidity isn’t virtue, criminality isn’t aptitude and deception isn’t intelligence. They must be made to understand; without any ambiguity that freedom and democracy isn’t on the table for negotiation with a self-declared minority ethnic tyranny. Nor the so called fake economic development and growth can be a prelude for ethnic warlords’ to stick around to do more of the same. The scare tactics and pointing fingers on others through the propaganda machine isn’t going to save ethnic warlords from responsibility of their crimes either. As our people rightly put it ‘ኢቲቪ ሌባ’
No matter what, the ruling ethnic junta and its sorry apologist must get use to the fact that they will be wringed until they surrender for democratic rule and give up the loots they stole that belong to the people. If that isn’t clear enough by now; stupidity, criminality and deception is the only hope left for them to hang on until the Day-of- Reckoning arrives.
Meanwhile, millions of Ethiopians in-and-out of the country are telling the ruling ethnic warlords over-and-over again to stay away from our people, country, flag and religion and surrender for rule of law in peace. But, they continued to kill, torment and robe their stay for 22 long years.
But yet, the institutions and the network of cadres that sustain the regime are untouched. The security apparatus continue to spy, harass, jail and kill Ethiopians with impunity. The regime’s agents in Diaspora continue freely spy, threaten, endanger us and engage in character assassination of Ethiopians. The regime’s officials and operatives and their families continue to run corrupt businesses and money laundering scheme; spending it lavishly uncontested.  The regime’s international apologist and funders continue to cover up and finance atrocities and corruptions openly. And, the lookalike Medias continue to spin the regime fictions into lookalike reality by falsifying the truth against the people of Ethiopia uncontested.
Ethiopians are divided and detracted to defend our people and country from Woyane crime and paid dearly for it.  Some of us tripped over each other on Woyane’s propaganda and misunderstood the meaning of unity to open the door for Woyane to do all the damages it did on our honor of our people and country for too long.
The time has come unity is not a slogan but the way to get rid of tyranny and reclaim our honor. As expected the beneficiaries of disunity are showing their ugly faces everyday. We must reorganize to challenge Woyane’s operatives and its international enablers beyond rallies, letter writing and petitions campaigns. Existing advocacy institutions must reorganized to do effective campaign on behalf of Ethiopians in unity. More institution; specializing in different area must be established to challenge the financier and apologist of Woyane tyranny.
For example, the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) led Democratic Institution Program (DIP) recently insulted Ethiopians again by celebrating what it calls ‘successes’  in a report titled  ‘Partners Come together to celebrate five years of  Democratic Institutions Programme for Ethiopia’.
According to the report “The programme facilitated the promotion of human rights and good governance through its support to building the capacity of the democratic institutions to better fulfill their constitutional mandates. The seven democratic institutions are the Ethiopia Human Rights Commission, the Institution of the Ombudsman, the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the House of Federation and the Council of Nationalities, the House of Peoples Representatives and the Regional State Councils, the Office of the Federal Auditor General and the Offices of the Regional Auditor General.”
As we can see, ‘the seven democratic institutions’ the program wasted 47 million dollars are all the arms of the regime’s run agencies where TPLF operatives do most of the damage one Ethiopians. This is one among many programs the international community funds and the regime uses to strangle freedom and democracy as we are witnessing everyday. Sadly to say, no advocacy group challenge this blunt crime against our people while we are distracted on our petty matters as Woyane set for us.
We seldom see Ethiopian advocacy institution and Medias challenging the international community that funds similar programs in the name of empty human rights and democracy promotion and economic and human development. We failed to come together to dismantle the institutions of Woyane financed by foreign agencies and in most cases with our own money.
A few years ago Solidarity Movement for New Ethiopia challenge to the UN Human Rights Committee to stop giving cover for the regime’s violation of human right was a great work. Not too long ago a coalition of Ethiopian advocacy groups challenged the World Bank’s funding of the village resettlement program that resulted in the massive land grab by the regime on behalf of foreign investors. The Bank’s decision to investigate the crimes was partially successful but requires more follow ups.
Hundreds of international organizations, including the Donor Group and the Bill& Melinda Foundation remain unchallenged. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), European Union and the British Foreign Aid Agency are the largest donors that sustain the regime but remained untouched by Ethiopians in Diaspora that are mostly the citizens of the respective countries where these agencies operate. Corruption alone is one area that requires specialized advocacy organization but none exist.
With all learned Ethiopians writing endless articles and talking points there are few advocacy groups with little work challenging the international community that finance atrocities and corruption of the Woyane regime. The hundreds of online Media also failed to call on the international organizations that finance the regime and initiate investigative reporting to find out why they spent millions of dollars of taxpayers money of their respective citizens on the brutal regime.
Ethiopians expect from our learned men and women to step forward to straighten existing advocacy groups or establish their own in the area where there is no advocacy institutions.
There are also simple thing Ethiopians can do individually as some are doing now.  By organizing in specialized area on cyber space they can challenge the international organizations. They can also initiate to boycott on what the ethnic tyranny offers, including shutting down its propaganda outlets like ETV, Ethiopian and Fana Radio, Walta Information Center, Aiga Forum and the like goes a long way. Boycotting businesses that finance repression including Ethiopian Airline, Ethiopian Telecommunication, money transfer outfits and TPLF owned businesses are some of the things individuals can do to free our people from ethnic tyranny.
In the wake of the suffering of our people under the brutal Woyane regime during the Holy month of Ramadan and the day of Eid Mubarak celebration we can’t seat and watch our people suffer one-by-one by the brutal ethnic tyranny.
We must reorganize and plan to stop the crime and hunt down the responsible parties. The era of standing as spectator when our people suffer must end. Unnecessary suspicion and division instigated by Woyane and other interest group must seize to advance the struggle and save our people and country from the brazen regime and its partners.
Woyane must be forced to surrender for rule law now with no preconditions.  The apologist and supporters must feel the brut power of the people wherever they may be plotting crimes against our people on behalf of Woyane. Detractors must also feel the power of the people to stop chasing their petty interest over the people’s interest-lending a helping hand for Woyane.   We must all understand the freedom of our people isn’t a bargaining chip for our individual or group’s interest and fantasy.
Ethiopians will be free regardless of the detractors, you can count on it
The article is dedicated for our fallen people on the day of celebration of the holyday of Eid Mubarak. Our prayer to the families of the fallen is in order. Ethiopians will treasure their sacrifices to bring about freedom and democracy in our beloved country. In time, their name will be raised high with many fallen heroes before them in free and democratic Ethiopia on the grave of Woyane.  It is a matter of time.

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