Thursday, October 30, 2014
The Ethiopians and their recent history
by Yilma Bekele
We all repeat by rot that our country is three thousand years old. It has always been like that ever since I remember. Not a single year more or one day less. I doubt anyone knows the details but we all seem to be happy repeating that mantra. I am not going to argue nor go on a fishing expedition to prove it right or wrong. To tell you the truth I am very comfortable with that aspect of our history. We are poor, when it comes to technology we are very backward, we still experience real famine and we are at the bottom of every index that measures human development but my dear friends that three thousand years figure is the only thing that keeps our head up and our spirit soaring and that is perfectly fine with me.
It is only when it comes to recent history our problem rears its head. When I say recent I am really talking about yesterday regarding things that happened when most of us are around to witness. Calling it history is a little presumptuous but due to lack of a good term let us call it immediate history. It is unfortunately true that times have not been good to us or we haven’t been good at making a history that our children would be proud of. For some reason we stopped being in charge of deciding our fate and making history as it has been done by those that came before us. Our bragging rights for the three thousand years is resting on shaky ground when it comes to this generation.
We are all free to pick a date and year to signify our trip down but after a lengthy debate with myself I have decided December 1960 to be the exact month and year we abdicated responsibility and took a leave of absence from making history. It has never been the same since then. We have showed signs of life only twice after that but overall we have been on hibernation. This is not the first time such things have happened in our three thousand year old history. You can actually pinpoint the few brilliant moments when we have woken up and stirred to make a difference but I would say the vast majority of the time we choose to be not involved and always let whoever was in charge do what they want.
December 1960 was the first time in our recent past the brothers Mengistu and Germame Neway attempted to make history. We refer to it as the Tahesas Gereger. I guess Gereger is what would be called chaos in the English language. It is a perfect description to what happened at the time. Absolute chaos reigned and change did not take place. After the dust settled things went back to what it was before and we all went back to sleep. Absolutely nothing happened. The Emperor went back to his old ways, the landlords continued their abuse of the ninety nine percent and the sun dimmed a little to help us sleep better.
The next time we stirred from our slumber was around 1974 when we woke up with convulsion. You notice we just don’t wake up in a slow controlled manner but rather we flex our legs and hands in a violent manner and jump out indicating we are rising up from a nightmare. Do you think going to bed with an empty stomach does that to us? That definitely is not a good way to regain conscience from a deep sleep. That is always why we end up being hazardous to ourselves and all those around us. No one is safe from an Ethiopian that opens his eye from a deep sleep.
Our recent attempt to wake up from our short nap took place in November of 2005. It was a little different from times before. For some reason we stirred in a careful and deliberate manner. I have no explanation why but it was definitely not as violent and destructive as before. It was controlled and Zen like accompanied with soft music and bright smiles. Hey we thought we are entering a new phase and it felt different. There was no Gereger, no wild drunken moves with signs of hangover anywhere to witness. Observers of our violent past were actually beginning to write about a new chapter in the life of the Abyssinian. It was not to be. We only licked half the problem. You know us, we love leaving things undone and unfinished.
Dear reader, please notice there is always another force that is always waiting around the corner when we are trying to wake up. The force is always sinister and negative by nature. In 1960 the Emperor with his landowners were the dark force. In 1974 the Derg with Sargent Mengistu were the dark knights. In 2005 the TPLF with evil Meles and his TPLF Politburo were waiting with bayonets at the ready. All three attempts to bring change ended up with acts of untold cruelty and real damage to our people and country. Please also notice that it was never an outside power that stands against our sincere attempt to build a just and harmonious society. Most other country’s history is full of their struggle against outsiders that try to control and subjugate them. Our Ethiopian history is a little different, we are our worst enemy. Our history is full of atrocity committed by no other than one of our won against the rest of us.
This weekend is the ninth anniversary of November 2nd and 3rd 2005 massacre by Meles Zenawi’s private troops of peaceful protesters in the aftermath of the 2005 election. According the report by the wonderful and brave commission led by Judge Woldemichael Meshesha one hundred ninety three Ethiopians were brutally murdered by Meles Zenawi and his TPLF party solders. We have the names of all those that lost their lives so a few could stay in power.
Ethiopian Election Massacre Commemoration MonthIt happened just yesterday. The parents, sisters and brothers that were murdered by the ruthless regime are still with us. We have their names, pictures, their date of birth and their address. They are not imaginary people but real Ethiopians that were murdered in broad daylight to keep a few Woyane’s in power. None were armed. Do you know any Ethiopian that even holds a few minutes of silent remembrance for these brave souls that went out to protest the theft of their vote? Do you for a second stop what you doing to think of them and why they died?
No we do not. We have no planed special anniversary to honor those who stood for our liberty. We do not fly our flag half-mast to remember our heroes. We do not write poetry to think of these extraordinary heroes. We do not have literature to teach our children what happened nine years ago and instill in their head the importance of the actions of those that dared to challenge dictatorship.
I guess we don’t find it significant. Even those of us that claim to be aware are too busy talking our mouth off about Woyane atrocity today without bothering to honor those that fought yesterday against the same abuser. The Jews remind us of the Holocaust, the Palestinians don’t forget Al Nafka or the catastrophe, the Americans keep a flame burning for 9/11 and the Ethiopians get upset when reminded of November. Why do you bring negativity, isn’t it better to forget some say. Those that did the crime want us to be a people without a memory and those that suffered accommodate without question. If we don’t think of it, it did not happen is the conclusion.
You know what I think? I believe we like being victims. We go the extra mile to recite all the atrocity Woyane is doing to our people so that we can hate some more. Is it because we are looking for sympathy? Is it to show our helplessness and elicit some pity? No one goes to great length like an Ethiopian to dig all the crimes done against them. We are like a bottom less pit fishing for story to tell about the cruel nature of Woyane. In fact we step over each other to see who would come up with the most horrific story to show what a monster Woyanes’ are. We are so frightened of the TPLF party that we end up frightening all those around us.
Thus you open our wonderful Websites that chronicle history as it happens and you want to close it fast. They are all full of horror stories in a never ending manner. If a being arrives from outer space and visit our pages I have no doubt the amount of self-flagellation would make their stomach churn with pain. It is a never ending report of what they are doing to us in graphic detail. The question to ask is how could we do this to ourselves? What exactly are we trying to accomplish by reciting the bravery, cruelty, cunningness of the enemy? If the purpose is to make us hate Woyane isn’t there a limit to how much hate one can accommodate without it turning to fear? How many ways can I hate thee is a good question?
The same being from outer space would ask isn’t there something this people are capable of doing? Glancing from our news and literature that information is hard to come by. It is buried deep and a few scattered here and there. How could people survive three thousand years with such disposition about life is the next question to ask. Well truth be told despite the many that get overtaken by a few weak and feeble there seems to be plenty brave souls among us that manage to keep the ship sail in stormy weathers.
That is the reason we still talk of three thousand years of history. The flickers of the bright light that shine intermittently is what keeps the story intact. Oh yes we have seen many flickers throughout history. The Holy Bible is full of allusions to our existence before Christ, the Holy Koran gives testimonial to our bravery, piety and generosity. Those three instances I mentioned earlier are recent flickers of our never ending quest to add on the glorious past. We are at it again stirring from a tiny little nap since 2005. You might not notice it due to the naysayers’ noise but it is there gathering momentum and all you got to do is listen with your ears open and cancel the shouts of defeatism.
Semayawi party discussionListen to the braves of Semayawi Party gathering the young and restless, pay attention to Andenet Party re-inventing itself from turmoil, observe OLF refusing to die, watch the forces of Ginbot7, Patriotic Front and Amhara Forces realigning in perfect harmony and my friend you can’t help but see the flicker of light getting brighter. Of course if you don’t want to see it, you would rather insistently talk about abuse and concoct story of a dying spent negative force like the TPLF no one can stop you. I am tired and bored of your recital of abuse. I would rather discuss my own positive growth and nurture the emerging, young and vibrant that is working to add to my glorious history. Go ahead talk about TPLF, shout about Eritrea numb your brain with horror stories of abuse and see if anything is going to come out of that.
Yes Eskinder is in jail, Andualem is in isolation, Reyot is denied medical treatment, Wubeshet is moved around, Andargachew is in solitary confinement, Temesgen was just taken hostage and hundreds unnamed ones are living in turmoil, well my friend isn’t that what the struggle is all about. Guess what they are inside because they were lighting the torch of freedom not sitting around talking about liberation but actually doing something to make it happen. I doubt they want us to sit around and mop about it. Did I tell you talk too much?
Ginbot 7 popular force 5th round recruitsThus this weekend I dare you to take one minute and think about Shibre Desaligne and the others whose life was cut short by Meles Zenawi and his Politburo friends that are still with us. When you go to church, when you visit the Mosque this weekend I want you to pray for my people that gave the most precious asset they have on behalf of you and I. Be Ethiopian enough and think of our heroes that are sitting as hostages of Woyane as you read this, think of the independent party members and leaders that are operating despite the tremendous pressure by the rogue regime and be proud of the liberation forces that are getting ready to engage the enemy and you will help make the flicker of a light burn a little brighter.
God bless them the Ethiopian Diaspora are the most precious asset our beautiful country have produced in a long time. We have left our beautiful land with nothing in our pocket and managed to build one of the most successful immigrants to ever step outside of their home. Where ever we have settled we always remember what we left behind. We have added value to that unique quality of being an Ethiopian and to claim all our mothers are proud of us is putting mildly.
It is up to the young Ethiopians in the old country to wake up and make history. It is up to our young people to follow on the footsteps of their elders that rose up to demand ‘Land to The Tiller’, it is up to our young Ethiopians to build on the shoulders of those EPRP heroes that defied the mighty Derg army and dared to dream of change and sacrificed in the streets, valleys and mountains of our beautiful land. Our Universities and high schools were training grounds where we thought of those less fortunate than us and rose to bring change. That is what is needed today from our young Ethiopians. We on the outside are doing our share, we expect the same sacrifice and dedication from our young people. No one is coming over to bring you freedom. It does not work like that. It is not about Woyane, USA, Britain China or any other but you my young friend, it is all about you. Dare to make history.
You know what, Woyane forces are going to complain and make fun of us, belittle our efforts and a few of you are going to go on the bandwagon and split hairs, find a sentence here, quote out of context there and pat yourself on your back for your feeble attempt at self-hatred. But some of us are not paying attention to you because we got work to do. I am only going to discuss what our gallant fighters are doing to Woyane why would I talk about what they are doing to me? Why would I give them precious space on my website to broadcast their atrocity when I can use the same space to galvanize my people to rise up?
We do not shed tears for Eskinder, Andualem, Andargachew and thousands others but we follow their footsteps and build a better Ethiopia that would make them proud. With or without you the freedom train is leaving the station. No one can stop that. It is inevitable
አይቴ ብሔሩ ለኦሮሞ፤ የኦሮሞ አገሩ እንግዲህስ የት ነው?
(ከኤፍሬም እሸቴ/ PDF)

ገና ወፎች ጭውጭው ሲሉ የገነት ጦር ት/ቤት ሰልጣኝ ካዴቶች በዋናው አስፓልት ላይ የዕለቱን ስፖርት ለመከወን በሰልፍ ሲሮጡ፣ ከስከስ ጫማቸው ከአስፓልቱ ጋር ሲገናኝ የሚፈጥረው ድምጽ ሰፈራችንን ከእንቅልፍ ድብርቱ ያባንነዋል። ወደ ላይ እየሮጡ ሲሔዱ ሰምተናቸው ከ30 ደቂቃ በኋላ እየሮጡ ይመለሳሉ። ዋናውን ስፖርት ለመሥራት እየተሟሟቁ መሆን አለበት። ዋናውማ ካምፓቸው ውስጥ ነው። ከሰኞ እስከ አርብ ሁሌም ሲሮጡ ይሰማል። ወጣት የአገሬ ልጆች። ቆይተው “ተመረቁ” ይባልና ሰሜን ጦር ግንባር … ኤርትራ …. ትግራይ ….። ከዚያ መርዶ …።
አንዱ ቀን ጠዋት ከእንቅልፌ የቀሰቀሰኝ የካዴቶቹ ከስክስ ጫማና ሩጫው አይደለም። ከዘራውን ተመርኩዞ የሚያዘግም ጠይም መልከ መልካም ሽማግሌ እንጂ። ደብዘዝ ወዳለችው ቤት ሲገባ ብርሃን በቅጡ የምታገኝበት መስኮት ላልነበራት ክፍል የእርሱ ፈገግታ ቤቱን ሲሞላው ይታወቀኛል።
እንደ ሁሎቹም የእናቴ ዘመዶች መልከ መልካም ፊቱ፣ በእርግና ያልደከመ ገጹ፣ ፈገግታ ያልተለየው ዓይኑ፣ ሰልካካ አፍንጫው …. ከዕድሜው አብዛኛውን በስደትና በእስር ያሳለፈ አይመስልም። እናቴ “ጋሽ ኢጀታ” … ብላ ስማው … እኛም የማናውቀውን … በዝና ብቻ ስለርሱ የጠገብነውን አረጋዊ ሰላምታ ሰጥተን … “ቁጭ በል ቁጭ በል” ብላው አረፍ አለ። ለመቀመጥ ወገቡን ካጠፈበት እስከተቀመጠበት ባለችው ቅጽበት አረጋዊው ጋሽ ኢጀታ ከእርጅናው በላይ በሽታ ውስጡን እንዳደከመው ያስታውቃል።
በዚያች በምታምር ከዘራው መሬቱን እየቆረቆረ ከእናቴ ጋር ብዙ ብዙ ተጫወቱ። ዓይኑን ግን ከእኛ ከወጣቶቹ ላይ አልነቀለም። አንዴም በአማርኛ አንዴም በኦሮምኛ ሲያወራ እናቴ ግማሹ አማርኛ ግማሹ ኦሮምኛ በሆነ ኦሮአማርኛ ስትመልስለት እየሳቀም ራሱን እየነቀነቀም ያዳምጣታል።
የሸዋ ሰው ሁሉ ነገሩ ቅይጥ ነው። አባቱ አማራ፣ እናቱ ኦሮሞ፤ ዘመዶቹ ጉራጌዎች፣ ጎረቤቶቹ የኤርትራ ልጆች፣ ገበያ ሽንኩርት የሚገዛው ከወላይታዎች፣ ወታደሮቹ የትግራይ ሰዎች፣ አስተማሪዎቹ የሲዳሞ ልጆች …. ሆለታ እንዲህ ቅይጥይጥ ያለች ከአዲስ አበባ ውጪ ያለች መርካቶ ናት። የሸዋ ኦሮምኛው እንደዚያው ቅይጥይጥ ያለ ነውና ጋሽ ኢጀታ እየሳቀ የሚሰማት ለምን እንደሆነ የገባኝ ኋላ ነው።
“ሸገር ባኔ፤ ሸገር ወጥተን
ጠጂ ጠጣኔ፤ ጠጅ ጠጥተን
ዱላ’ዻን ተደባደብኔ፤ በዱላ ተደባድበን” እያለ ይቀልዳል አንድ ወዳጄ። ከዚህ ንግግር ውስጥ “ባኔ፤ ሸገር፣ ‘ዻን” የሚሉት ቅንጣቶች ካልሆኑ በሙሉ ኦሮምኛ አይደለም።
“ደህና ነኝ፤ ይቺ ሪኽ አስቸገረችኝ እንጂ። አሁን እግሬንም እንደልብ ማዘዝ እያቃተኝ ነው። ያመኛል ሲነሳብኝ” ብሎ መለሰላት፤ “ጤናህ እንዴት ነው ጋሽ ኢጀታ?” ላለችው ለእናቴ ጥያቄ።
እኔ ደግሞ ዝም ብዬ አስባለሁ። ከእስር የወጣ ሰው እንዲህ ፈገግታ በፈገግታ ይሆናል? እያልኩ። ስለበሽታው እያወራ እንዴት ግንባሩ ላይ የስቃይ ምልክት ሳይሳልበት ቀረ? እያልኩ።
ጋሽ ኢጀታ ከእናቴ ጋር ከተጫወተበት ጊዜ ይልቅ ከእኛ ከልጆቹ ጋር ያወራበት ይበልጣል። ምናልባት በዚህች ምድር ላይ የሚቆይባቸውን የመጨረሻ ወራት የራሱን ልጅነት እያስታወሰ፣ ደግሞም የወደፊት የአገሩን ተስፋ በእኛ ውስጥ እያየ ይሆናል። ሰው ከአገሩ ሲወጣ ወይም በእርግናው ወራት ቤተሰብ፣ ዘመድ፣ የተወለደበት መንደር በሙሉ እጅጉን ይናፍቁት ይሆናል።
ለምን እንደታሰረ፣ ለምን በስደት ሱዳን አገር እንደኖረ በቀጥታ ባይነግረንም ቤት ውስጥ ሲወራ ከሰማነው ጋር ከእርሱም የቀራረምናትን ይዘን መጠነኛ ግንዛቤ አለን። በሜጫና ቱለማ መረዳጃ ማኅበር ምክንያት በንጉሱ ዘመን አገሩን ጥሎ ሱዳን ገባ። አብዮት አብዮት ሲባል ተመለሰ። እንደገና እነ ንጉሥ መንግሥቱ ኃ/ማርያም አሰሩት። ከእስር ከወጣ ብዙም ሳይቆይ ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ተለየ።
ይህንን ሁሉ የመከራ ቀንበር የተሸከመ ሰው በዘመኑ መጨረሻ ሳገኘው ፊቱ ላይ ፈገግታውን እንጂ ምሬቱን አላየሁም። “ከኦሮምኛ ውጪ አልናገርም” የሚል የቂመኝነት እና አንድን ወገን የመጥላት ነገር አላየሁበትም። “መሞቴ ካልቀረ እስቲ በደሌን ልናገር” ብሎ ለእናቴም ሆነ ገና በማደግ ላይ ለነበርነው ለእኛም በልባችን ቂም የሚያስቋጥር መልእክት አልተናገረም። የእርሱ ዘመድ በመሆናቸው በሌሉበት መከራ የተቀበሉ ዘመዶቹንም እያነሣ “ግፋ በለው፤ ሒድ በለው” አላለም።
“ምክንያቱም ኦሮሞ ስለሆንኩ/ Because I am Oromo” የሚለው የአምንስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል ሪፖርት ሲወጣና በኦሮሞዎች ላይ በሕወሐት አስተዳደር እየደረሰ ያለውን ነገር ስመለከት ወደ ውስጡ ገብቼ በጥልቅ ሳላየው ይህ አጭር ሐረግ ኅሊናዬን ሰቅዞ ያዘው። ስምህ ወይም የምትናገረው ቋንቋ ለዚህ ሁሉ መከራ ይዳርግሃል ማለት ነው። አሁንማ መታወቂያህ ላይ ሳይቀር በግድ የምትለጥፈው የብሔረሰብ ስም ሊያስገድልህ ወይም ሊያስሾምህ ይችላል። በዚህ ዘመን ጋሽ ኢጀታ ቢኖር ኖሮ ይህንን መከራ ድጋሚ እንደሚቀበል አሰብኩ። ኢጀታ ስለሆነ ብቻ።
ከተለያዩ የኢትዮጵያ አካባቢዎች በብሔረሰቡ ምክንያት፣ አማር በመሆኑ ብቻ የተፈናቀለውን ወገን አስቤ “አይቴ ብሔሩ ለአማራ፤ የአማራአገሩ የት ነው? ኢትዮጵያ አይደለምን?” ብዬ የጻፍኩትን ተጠየቃዊ ጽሑፍ አስታወስኩ። እዚያው ላይ “አይቴ ብሔሩ ለኦሮሞ” ብዬ መጨመር አለብኝ።
ኢትዮጵያ አሳዘነችኝ። የአገር ዋርካ ኦሮሞ፣ ትልቁ ኦሮሞ፣ ኦሮሞ ሰፊው፣ ኦሮሞ ሆደ ሰፊው ሲያለቅስ … እናም የሚመጣው ሲታሰበኝ … ኢትዮጵያ አሳዘነችኝ።
ኢትዮጵያ አሳዘነችኝ!!!!! ልጆቿ በየስማቸውና በየቋንቋቸው በየተራ መከራ ሲቀበሉ። ሳይረዳዱ … እየተያዩ በየተራ ሲያልቁ። የሰላሌው አያቴ ከአባይ ማዶ ሚስት አገባና አባቴን አስገኙ። ከመንዝ የመጡት ቅድመ አያቴ እምዬ የሜታውን ወጣት አገቡና እናቴንና ዘመዶቿን አስገኙ። ዛሬ ግን የእምዬ ወገኖች ከዚያ ማዶ፣ የአባይ ማዶዋ አያቴ ወገኖች ከዚያ ማዶ … የሜታና የሰላሌ ዘመዶቼ ወገኖች ከዚያ ማዶ … እኛ ከእነርሱ የተፈጠርነው ከተሜዎች ከዚህ ማዶ … የተለያየን ሆንን ማለት ነው? መታወቂያችን የሚያሳየው አንድ መሆናችንን ሳይሆን የተለያየን መሆናችንን ነው።
(ማስታወሻ፦ በዘር እና ወንዝ በሽታ ልትከሰኝ የምትፈልግ ካለህ ጊዜህን አታጥፋ። የሚሆነውን ነገር ለማየት ዓይንህን ጨፍነህ ቃላት ለመሰንጠቅ አትድከም። ከምታለቅሰው እናት፣ ከሚሞተው ወጣት፣ ያለ ወላጅ ከሚቀረው ሕጻን ልጅ ይልቅ፣ ተደላድለህ የተኛህበት ሕይወትህ፣ ምንም ነገር መስማት የማይፈልገው ዕዝነ ልቡናህ እንዳይረበሽ “አትጩኹብኝ፣ አትረብሹኝ እስቲ” የምትለውን … አልሰማህም።
ህወሃትና የጦር አበጋዞቹ እሴቶች
ብዙ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ህወሃት የቆመው ለትግራይ ህዝብ ነው የሚል ዕምነት አሳድረዋል። ይሄን አስተሳሰብ መቀበል የሚጠቅመው ለህወሃት ብቻ ነው።ህወሃት ለትግራይ ህዝብ ክብርም ፍቅርም ያለው ቡድን አይደለም። ለትግራይ ህዝብ በጎ ምኞት እና ክብር ያለው ቢሆን ኑሮ የትግራይ ህዝብ የወደደውን እንዲመርጥ፤ ያልወደደውን እንዲተው ያልተሸራረፈ ነፃነት እንዲኖረው ያደርግ ነበር። እኛ እንደምናየው ግን የትግራይ ህዝብ የወደደውን ለመምረጥ፤የጠላውን ለመተው እንዲችል ነፃነትያለው ህዝብ አይደለም። የትግራይ ህዝብ ነፃነቱን በነፃነት ሥም ያጣ ህዝብ ሁኗል። ህወሃቶች የትግራይን ህዝብ ነፃነት ሸራርፈው ሸራርፈው ህዝቡን በሙሉ መያዣ አድርገውና ከወገኑ ለይተውት እየገዙት ይገኛሉ። የትግራይም ህዝብ ሳይወድ በግዱ ህወሃቶችን ተሸክሞ መከራው በዝቶ እየተገዛ ይገኛል።
ህወሃት መራሽ በሆነው መከላከያ ድህረ-ገፅ ላይ “ያልተሸራረፈ ዲሞክራሲያዊ አስተሳሰብ ማስረፅ” እሴታችን ነው የሚል መፈክር በጉልህ ተፅፏል። ህወሃቶች መከላከያ ኃይሉ የቆመው የህዝቡን ያልተሸራረፈ ዲሞክራሲዊያ አስተሳሰብ ለመንከባከብ ነው እያሉን ነው። የህዝቡ ዲሞክራሲያዊ መብት ሳይሸራረፍ ተከብሮ ቢሆን ኑሮ ጋዜጠኛ ሚሊዮን ሹርቤ ተሰዶ ሂዶ በባዕድ አገር ባልሞተ ነበር። ህዝቡ በኑሮ ውድነት ባልተሰቃየ ነበር፤ አገሪቷ ሠላም ርቋት እዚህም እዚያም የዜጎች ደም በከንቱ ባልፈሰሰ ነበር፤ የአገሪቷ ብሄራዊ አንድነት ላልቶ ዜጎች ይሄ ክልል አገራችሁ አይደለም እየተባሉ ከኖሩበት መንደር ውጡ ባልተባሉ ነበር፤ ዜጎቿ አገር ውስጥ ከመኖር ይልቅ በባህር ውስጥ አዞ መበላትን ምርጫቸው ባላደረጉ ነበር። አገሪቷ እንዲህ ምስቅልቅሏ ወጥቶ ባለበት ሁኔታ ህወሃቶች ያልተሸራረፈ ዴሞክራሲያዊ አስተሳሰብን መንከባከብ የሚችል ሠራዊት ገንብተናል እያሉ እያላዘኑ ይገኛሉ። ይሄንንም ለማጠናከር ስንል የጦር አበጋዞችን መሾም አስፈልጎናል ብለው የአንደኛ ደረጃ ፊደል ቆጥረው ያልዘለቁ ሽፍቶችን ሹመት በሹት እያደረጓቸው ነው።
“ዘላለማዊ ክብር” በሰይጣን መንፈስ ሲመራ ለነበረው ለመለስ ዜናዊ ይገባል ብሎ የሚያመነው “ክርስትያኑ” ደሳለኝ ኃ/ማሪያም በመለስ ዜናዊ መንፈስ እየተመራ ስልጣኑን ከያዘ ግዜ ጀምሮ 4 ሌተናል ጄኔራሎች፤ 9 ሜጄር ጄኔራሎች፤ 28 ብርጋዴር ጄኔራሎችን ሹሟል። ብዙ ሰዎች ግን ደሳለኝ ኃ/ማሪያም በዚህ ሹመት ውስጥ የመወሰን ድምፅ የለውም ይላሉ። እንዲያውም ደሳለኝ የነብሩን ጭራ ይዞ እንዳይለቀው ጭንቅ ሆኖበት የሚኖር ብኩን ግለሰብ ነው ሲሉም ያክላሉ። ያም ሆነ ይህ ደሳለኝ ኃ/ማሪያም የመለስ ዜናዊን ራዕይ ሊያስፈፅም በትር ስልጣኑን ጨብጧልና በእርሱ ዘመን ለሚሆነው ሁሉ ኃላፊነት ይወስዳል።
ወደ ጦር አበጋዞቹ እንመለስ ከእነዚህ የጦር አበጋዞች መካከል አብዛኞቹ የህወሃት አባሎች መሆናቸው የታወቀ ነው። በዚህ ጥቅምት ወር ብቻ 3 ሌተናል ጄኔራሎች እና 3 ሜጄር ጄኔራሎች ተሹመዋል። እነዚህ የጦር አበጋዞች በየትኛው መደበኛ ጦር አውድማ ላይ ውለው ለዚህ ማዕረግ የሚያበቃቸውን ምግባር እንደፈፀሙ የሚያውቅ የለም። ሽፍቶች እና ጎሬላ ተዋጊዎች መሆናቸው ግን የሚካድ አይደለም። የሽፍትነትና የጎሬላ ውጊያ ልምድ ግን ለዚህ ማዕረግ የሚያበቃቸው ሊሆን እንደማይችል የታወቀ ነው።
ሌተናል ጄኔራል ሁነው ከተሾሙት መካከል
1ኛ. አብርሃም ወ/ማሪያም
2ኛ. አደም መሃመድ
3ኛ. ብርሃኑ ጁላ
ሲሆኑ ወደ ሜጀር ጄኔራልነት ያደጉት ደግሞ
1ኛ. ክንፈ ዳኘ
2ኛ. ተክለብርሃን ወ/አርጋይ
3ኛ. ዘውዱ እሸቴ ይባላሉ።
የእነዚህ የጦር አበጋዞች ሹመት ባላቸው የትምህርት ደረጃ፤ ለህዝባቸው ባላቸው ክብር፤ ለአገራቸው ባላቸው ፍቅር ሳይሆን ለጣዖቱ ህወሃት ያላቸው ታማኝነት ሚዛን ደፍቶ በመገኘቱ ነው።
ከስድስቱ የጦር አበጋዞች መካከል የአራቱ ሹመት ቤተሰባዊ ዝምድናን መሠረት ያደረገ ስለመሆኑ የሚከተለውን ትሥሥር እንድትመለከቱ እንጋብዛላእን።
1ኛ. በሌተናል ጄኔራልነት ማዕረግ የተሾመው አብርሃም ወ/ማሪያም የመለስ ዜናዊ የሥጋ ዘመድ ነው። የመለስ ዜናዊ ቅደመ አያት በጎን ከሌላ ሴት የወለዷቸው ሴት ልጅ ልጅ ነው።
2ኛ. ሜጄር ጄኔራል ክንፈ ዳኜ ደግሞ አባቱ አቶ ዳኜ ገ/ስላሴና የመለስ አባት የአቶ ዜናዊ እናቶች እህትማማቾች ናቸው።
3ኛ. ሜጄር ጄኔራል ዘውዱ እሸቴ ደግሞ የመለስ ዜናዊን የቅርብ ዘመድ አግብቶ በጋብቻ ተሳስሯል። ሚስቱ ደግሞ በ18 ዓመት ታንሰዋለች።
4ኛ. ሜጀር ጄኔራል ተክለብርሃን ወ/አረጋይ የመለስ ዜናዊ የአክስት ልጅ ነው።
ይህ መከላከያ ኃይል ተብሎ የአንድን ጎጠኛ ድርጅት ህልውና ለመጠበቅ የቆመውን ቡድን የሚመሩት የጦር አበጋዞች በትምህርት ደረጃቸው ከሚያዟቸው ተራ ወታደሮች የማይሻሉ፤ ከራሳቸው ወዲያ ህዝብና አገር የሚባል ነገር የማያውቁ፤ በአገኙት አጋጣሚ ሁሉ የአገሪቷን ሃብት ለመዝረፍ የሚሸቀዳደሙ እና ራሳቸውን እንደ ኢንቨሰተር የሚቆጥሩ፤ የውትድርናን ሙያ ከነፍስ ግዲያና ከጭካኔ ለይተው የማያዩ እና ርህራሄ የሌላቸው ስለመሆናቸው የህወሃት ድርሳናት ይመሰክራሉ።
ህወሃት ርህራሄን የማያውቁ ጭካኞችን የጀግንነት ማዕረግ እየሰጠ በአገሪቷ ላይ እያሰማራ ይገኛል። የህወሃቶች ስነ-ምግባርም ሆነ ስነ-ልቦና ለጀግንነት የሚያበቃቸው አይደለም። በህወሃት መንደር ጀግናና ጀግንነት አይታወቁም። ጀግና እውነትን አይፈራም። ህወሃት እውነትን ስለሚፈራ ገና ድክ ድክ የሚሉ ነፃ ሚዲያዎችን ያለ ምንም ማወላወል ሊደመስሱ የሚሸቀዳደሙትን ይሾማል። ጀግና ነፃ ሚዲያን የሚፈራበት ምንም ምክንያት አይኖረውም። ጀግና ነፍሰ ገዳይ አይደለም። ህወሃት ህፃን ነብዩን የመሰሉ እንቦቀቅላዎችን ግንባር ግንባራቸውን ብለው ለመግደል የማይራሩ ጨካኞችን ይሾማል። ጀግና ሌብነትን ከልቡ ይፀየፋል። ህወሃት ግን ሌብነትን የሚፀየፉትን ሳይሆን የድሃ ንብረት ሰርቆ ሃብት ማካበትን እንደ ብልጠት የሚቆጥሩ ደካሞችን ጄኔራል እያለ ያሰማራል።
በዚህ በጥቅምት ወር የተሾሙት 6 የጦር አበጋዞች ለሹመት ሲታጩ የትምህርት ዝግጅታቸውና ብቃታቸው፤ ለአገራቸው ያደረጉት የላቀ አስተዋፅዖ፤በውጊያ አውድማ ያሳዩት ጀግንነት ታይቶ ነው የሚል ወሬ ከህወሃት መንደር ተሰምቷል። ህወሃቶች እና ደጋፊዎቻቸው ይሄን ለማመን አይቸገሩም። የእነዚህ ቡድኖች ዋና መለያ የገዛ ውሸታቸውን እውነት ነው ብለው አምነው ጥሩ እንቅልፍ መተኛት የሚችሉ መሆናቸው ነው። የገዛ ውሸቱን እውነት ነው ብሎ የሚያምን ግለሰብ ብርቱ የሆነ የስነ-ልቦና ቀውስ ውስጥ የወደቀ መሆንኑ የስነ-አዕምሮ ተማራማሪዎች ይናገራሉ። ህወሃቶችም ብርቱ በሆነ የስነ-ልቦና ቀውስ ውስጥ እንደሚገኙ ለማየት የዕለት ተዕለት ውሸቶቻቸውን እና የሚፈፀሙትን ፀያፍ ድርጊቶች ማየት በቂ ይሆናል።
የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ኃይል በጥቂት በዘረ ሃረጋቸውና በቤተሰብ ክር በተሳሰሩ ወንበዴዎች እጅ ወድቋል። በእነዚህ ዘራፊዎች የሚመራ የሠራዊት ኃይል የህዝቡን ዲሞክራሲያዊ መብት ማስከበር አይቻለውም። የጦር አበጋዞቹ የአገሪቷን አንጡራ ሃብት እየዘረፉ ከገነቧቸው ህንፃዎች በየወሩ የሚሰበስቡትን ገንዘብ የሚጠይቅ ለህዝብ ወገንተኛ የሆነ መንግስት እንዲመሰረት ምንም ፍላጎት አይኖራቸውም። ለእነዚህ ጦር አበጋዞች ነፃነት፤ ፍትህ፤ እኩልነት እና እውነተኛ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሥርዓት የሚባሉ ነገሮች ያሸብሯቸዋል። እነዚህንም ጥያቄዎች ያነሳ አሸባሪ ተብሎ የዚህን ምድር ሥቃይ እንዲያይ ይደረጋል።ይሄ ቡድን ሥልጣን ላይ እስከቆየ ድረስ ነፃነት ፤የህግ የበላይነት፤ እኩልነት የሚባሉ እሴቶች በኢትዮጵያ ይሰፍናሉ ብሎ ማሰብ ሞኝነት ነው።
በመጨረሻም ተራው ወታደር እንደማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ነፃነቱን ተገፎ ለምንና ለማን እንደሚገልና እንደሚሞት ሳያውቅ በገዛ ወገኖቹ ላይ እየተኮሰና የንፁህ ደም እያፈሰሰ እንደሚኖር እያየን ነው። ተራው ወታደር ጋምቤላ ሂዶ ያገኘውን ሁሉ የሚገድለው ለምንድ ነው? ኦጋዴን ሂዶ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል የሚፈፅመው ለምንድ ነው? ጉራፋርዳ ወርዶ የመዥንግሮችን ደም የሚያፈሰው በምን ምክንያት ነው? ያልተሸራረፈ ዲሞክራሲን አስፍነናል ከተባለ ይሄ ሁሉ ውጊያ ምንጩ ምንድ ነው? ሠራዊቱ ለእነዚህና ለመሰል ጥያቄዎች በቂ መልስ መፈለግ ይኖርበታል።ምንም ትርጉም በሌለው ውጊያ ውስጥ እየሄደ የንፁህ ደም ማፍሰሱን ለማቆምና ነገ በወንጀል ከመጠየቅ ራስንም ለማዳን ሠራዊቱ ራሱን ከዘረኞቹና ከዘራፊዎቹ የጦር አበጋዞች መለየት ይኖርበታል።ከእርሱ በሞራልም ሆነ በትምህርት ደርጃቸው ከማይሻሉ ጄኔራል ተብየዎች ራሱን ለይቶ ለነፃነት፤ ለፍትህ እና ለእኩልነት ከሚታገሉ ኃይሎች ጎን እንዲሰለፍ ጥሪያችንን አሁንም እናስተላልፋለን።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ !
Thousands of Ethiopians tortured by brutal government security forces... while Britain hands over almost £1 BILLION in aid money Amnesty International says 5,000 people tortured, raped and 'disappeared' Over the last three years the UK Government has given Ethiopia £1 billion It pocketed £261.5 million in 2012 and £284.4 million in 2013 By VANESSA ALLEN FOR THE DAILY MAIL Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
More than £1billion from taxpayers was given in aid to Ethiopia while its security forces tortured, killed and raped, campaigners claimed yesterday.
Amnesty International has documented thousands of shockingly brutal abuses against citizens suspected of political opposition.
The human rights group’s report follows calls for greater scrutiny by Britain and other donors to ensure their money does not support state-sanctioned killings and brutality.
Amnesty warned that thousands have faced repeated torture while unlawful state killings have been carried out in a ‘relentless crackdown on real or imagined dissent’.
Horrors inflicted on ordinary Ethiopians include women being gang-raped and tortured by prison guards. Amnesty’s report also tells how a teacher was stabbed in the eye with a bayonet after refusing to teach pro-government propaganda to his students.
Entire families were arrested with parents and siblings ‘disappearing’ after they were taken to army camps, said Amnesty.
Britain has donated more than £1billion to Ethiopia in the last five years alone. The Government has denied funding security forces in the autocratic one-party state.
But Britain’s relationship with the East African country is likely to come under scrutiny in a judicial review into claims made by a Ethiopian farmer.
He has been given legal aid in this country to pursue allegations that UK aid supported the regime while it forced thousands of villagers like him from their land using murder, torture and rape.
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Ethiopia remains one of the world’s poorest countries following decades of drought and famine, suffering highlighted by the 1984 Band Aid fundraising appeal.
The West has been accused of turning a blind eye to human rights abuse and effectively propping up the regime because of its support for the so-called war on terror.
Ethiopia has given support to combat radical groups such as Al Qaeda in the Horn of Africa and Al Shabaab in neighbouring Somalia. Last year, an independent analysis accused countries giving aid of not stopping the hardline Addis Ababa regime from abusing its citizens.
It said donors had ‘failed to take decisive action to prevent policies that deny the basic human rights of some of the poorest and most marginalised people of Ethiopia’.
The US report went on: ‘Donor organisations have failed to hold the Ethiopian government to standards of human and political rights, a neglect principally illustrated by the accounts of the forced relocations of entire communities in the name of development.
It should be no surprise that unchecked assistance to a hegemonic political party gets diverted to efforts to maintain political control,’ it added.
International Development Secretary Justine Greening is under pressure to investigate allegations that major recipients of British aid are guilty of torture state-sanctioned murder
The Oakland Institute, of California, added that the Department for International Development was the third biggest donor to the country after the US and the World Bank.
Questions have been raised over the value of some of the projects funded by the DfID in Ethiopia.
Last year, the Daily Mail told how £4million of taxpayers’ money paid for an Ethiopian version of the Spice Girls to spread a message of empowerment to women.
The DfID denies that aid money is used to force people from their homes or to fund security forces.
A spokesman said Britain gave £261.5million to Ethiopia last year. This was used to provide clean drinking water for more than 250,000 people, send 1.6million children to primary school and ensure 110,000 mothers gave birth safely.
‘Not a penny goes to Ethiopia’s police or security sector,’ he said. ‘We work with independent agencies like Unicef to make the security and justice sector fairer and more accountable, eg helping women and girls get better access to justice.
‘The UK provides targeted funding for health, education and sanitation, not to the central Ethiopian treasury. We have robust legal and accounting checks to ensure UK aid is spent where it is intended.
‘We regularly raise human rights with the relevant authorities, including at the highest level of the government.’
A spokesman for the regime ‘categorically denied’ Amnesty International’s claims. Redwan Hussein also accused the campaigners of being ‘hellbent on tarnishing Ethiopia’s image again and again’.
'They put hot coals on us. We screamed as our clothes melted'
Harrowing accounts of rape and brutality were highlighted by Amnesty International.
In one case, three teenage girls arrested with their parents were tortured with hot coals by soldiers at a military camp where they were held for years.
One sister, named only as Nooria, said the soldiers came to her family’s home when she was 14 or 15, after her father was arrested on suspicion of political dissent.
She said she was interrogated and beaten, and still carried horrific physical scars from when she and her sisters were burned.
‘Two soldiers did this to me. They came into the room, tied up our hands and made us lie down on our backs. They put hot coals on my stomach. They didn’t just burn me; they also burned my two sisters.
‘Our clothes melted on us. We screamed but the soldiers didn’t care, they’re accustomed to screaming.’
Nooria was later released with one of her sisters but has not seen her parents or eldest sister since.
Other detainees told the campaigners how molten plastic was poured onto their legs. There were also shocking accounts of captors cutting off the ears and fingers of prisoners.
A 33-year-old woman told Amnesty she was detained without charge for nine months in a military camp.
‘I was thoroughly beaten,’ she said. ‘I cried for help saying that I was not guilty and should not be killed.
‘One night, three men came to my cell and said that I was being taken for interrogating but they just took me to a room and raped me.
‘After that, they just threw me back into the cell. I was not the only one –they would do the same to the other women there.’
A second woman said: ‘I was raped by three men – one after the other. I remember them very clearly and can identify them. Rape happened several times. This was not unique to me, the other women in the cell had the same experience.’
A midwife said he was beaten and punished after delivering the baby of the wife of a member of the banned Oromo Liberation Front.
A university student told how he was arrested at gunpoint after winning a competition to produce a business plan because security forces said it was political.
The student was beaten, starved and endured months of interrogation, including a mock execution.
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ባነሰ ወጪ ድልን መቀዳጃ አመቺ ጊዜ ላይ ነን – እንጠቀምበት!
በማኅበረ ቅዱሳን ላይ የዘነበው የዘለፋና የዛቻ ውርጅብኝ ህወሓት በቀጥታ በማይቆጣጠራቸው ማኅበራት ላይ ሁሉ ሲደርስ የቆየው ነፃ ማኅበራትን የማፍረስ ዘመቻ አካል መሆኑን መገንዘብ ቀላል ነው። ህወሓት የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮችን ነፃ ማኅበርን በቁጥጥሩ ውስጥ ካስገባ በኋላ ፊቱን ወደ ክርስትና በተለይም ወደ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ማዞሩ የተረጋገጠ ነገር ሆኗል። ወያኔ በሥልጣን ላይ እስካለ ድረስ ማንም ከጥቃት እንደማያመልጥ፤ ለምንም ጉዳይ ይቋቋም ወያኔ የማይቆጣጠረው ማኅበር እንዲኖር የማይፈልግ መሆኑ ከዚህ በፊት የሚታወቅ ቢሆን በድጋሚ ማረጋገጫ የሰጠበት አጋጣሚ ሆኗል።
በመዠንግር ከአስራ አምስት በላይ የሥርዓቱ ታጣቂዎች ከነመሣሪያዎቻቸው አገዛዙን ክደው ጠፍተዋል። የጠፉትን ለማደን የመጡ ወታደሮች ደግሞ ከሕዝቡ ጋር በፈጠሩት ግጭት በርካቶች ሕይወታቸውን አጥተዋል። በዚህ ግጭት ብቻ ከ40 በላይ ወታደሮች መገደላቸው ይነገራል። በጋምቤላ እና በቤንሻንጉልና ጉሙዝ ወረዳዎች ውጥረት ሰፍኗል። ከመሃል አገር ሄደው ኑሮዓቸውን እዚያው ያደረጉ ዜጎች ላይ ከተለያዩ አቅጣጫዎች የሚደርስባቸው አፈናና እንግልት ጨምሯል። ግድብ እየተሠራበት ነው በሚባለው አካባቢም ከአሁኑ የፀጥታ ችግር እየደረሰ መሆኑ መረጃዎች ይጠቅማሉ። ወያኔ በምሥራቅ ኢትዮጵያ ኦጋዴን ውስጥ የገባበት ዓይነት ማጥ በምዕራብና ደቡብ ምዕራብ ኢትዮጵያም እየመጣ መሆኑ አመላካች ነው። የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላት መፍለስና የነፃነት ታጋዮችን መቀላቀል የእለት ለእለት ትዕይንት እየሆነ ነው። ወያኔ በመሃል አገር በሙስሊም እና በክርስቲያን ወገኖቻችን የእምነት ማኅበራት ላይ በከፈተው ግንባር “ጠብ ያለሽ በዳቦ” ሲል ዳር ዳሩን ሠራዊቱና ሕዝቡ ለማይቀረው ፍልሚያ እየተዘጋጁ ነው።
በርካታ ጋዜጠኞችና አሳታሚዎች ለስደት ከተዳረጉ ጥቂት ሣምታት በኋላ “የሚመጣውን ሁሉ አገሬ ውስጥ ሆኜ እቀበላለሁ” ያለውን ጋዜጠኛ ተመስገን ደሣለኝ አሳዛኝም አስቂኝም በሆኑ ክሶች ጥፋተኛ ተብሎ ወደ ወህኒ ተግዟል። በጋዜጠኞች ሕይወትና ሞት ወያኔ የፓለቲካ ቁማር መጫወቱ አጠናክሮ ቀጥሏል። በአንፃሩ ደግሞ በውጭ አገራት የሚገኙ ኢትዮጵያን አምርረዋል። የወያኔ ሹማምንት በአሜሪካ እና አውሮፓ የሚዘዋወሩት በሰቀቀን ሆኗል፤ በየደረሱበት ውግዘትና ውርደት ይጠብቋቸዋል። የወያኔ ሹማምንት በኢትዮጵያዊያን የተጠሉና የረከሱ ተደርገዋል።
የዩ.ኤስ. አሜሪካው ፕሬዚዳንት ባራክ ኦባማ ከኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቬዥን ባላነሰ ወያኔን በልማት አምጭነት አሞካሽተዋል። የአውሮፓ መንግሥታት በሰብዓዊ መብቶች አያያዝ ወያኔን እየተቹም ቢሆን ወያኔ በሚሰጣቸው ቁጥር እየማለሉ “እውነትም ልማት እየተፋጠነ ነው” በሚል ተስፋ ማበረታቻ እየሰጡት ነው። በዚህ ደስታ አቅሉን ያጣው ኃይለማርያም ደሣለኝ የውሸት ቁጥሮችን የመፈብረክ ሥራ ከስታትስቲክስ ጽ/ቤት ነጥቆ የራሱ የሥራ ድርሻ አድርጎታል። በዚህ አዲሱ ሥራውም ውጤት እያስመዘገበ ነው። ሁለት መቶ አምሳ (250) ሚሊዮን ኩንታል ሰብል አመረትን ባለ በሶስት ወሩ ሶስት መቶ (300) ሚሊዮን ኩንታል አመረትን በማለት በሶስት ወራት ውስጥ ብቻ የ20 በመቶ የግብርና ምርቶች የውሸት እድገት ፈጥሯል።
የውሸት ቁጥሮች ፈጠራ እንዲህ ቢፋፋምም፤ ቁጥሮቹን የሰሙ ኦባማ፣ የአውሮፓ መንግሥታት ሆነ ዓለም ባንክ ቢያወድሱትም አገር ውስጥ ያለው ሀቅ አልቀየረም። ስኳር፣ ዘይት፣ እንቁላልና ሌሎች የምግብ ግብዓቶች የደረሱት የሚያውቅ ጠፍቷል። ውሃ የለም፤ መብራት የለም፤ ኔት ዎርክ የለም። የአዲስ አበባ ጎዳናዎች በመቸውም በባሰ መጠን በነዳያን እና በቤት አልባ በረንዳ አዳሪ ዜጎች ተጥለቅልቀዋል። ድህነት ከጎጆዎች ወጥቶ ጎዳናዎች ላይ ፈሷል። የገንዘብ ዋጋ ወርዶ ወርዶ ብር ቁራጭ ወረቀትን ማከል አቅቶታል። በጥቂት በዝርፊያ በደለቡ የህወሓት ሹሞችና በብዙሃኑ ኢትዮጵያዊ መካከል ያለው የኑሮ ልዩነት ማነፃፀር እንኳን እንዳይቻል ሆኖ ተራርቋል።
የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላት በኑሮም በዘረኝነትም እየተማረሩ ነው፤ አለቆቻቸው ግን አሁንም በዝምድና እየተፈላለጉ እየተሿሿሙ ነው። አሁንም በዝምድና እየተፈላለጉ እርስ በራሳቸው እየተሿሿሙ ጄኔራሎች ሁሉ ዘመዳሞች ሆኑ፤ በሥራቸው ያለውን ኢትዮጵያዊውን ወታደር ግን እንደ ግል አሽከራቸው እንኳን ማየት ተጠይፈዋል። በጄኔራሎችና በሠራዊቱ መካከል ያለው ግኑኝነት ከጌታና ሎሌም የባሰም ሆኗል።
እነዚህ ምስቅልቅል ያሉ ሁኔታዎች ምንን ያመለክታሉ?
እነዚህንና እነዚህን የመሳሰሉ ምስቅልቅል ያሉ ሁኔታዎችን በጥንቃቄ የተነተነ ሰው በምስቅልቅነታቸው ፋንታ ሥርዓት የያዙ ፈለጎችን ያገኛል። ከእነዚህ ፈለጎች አንዱ የሚያመላክተው መጪዎቹ ጥቂት ወራት ለኢትዮጵያ ወሳኝ ጊዜያት እንደሚሆኑ ነው። እንደ እውነቱ ከሆነ ምስቅልቅል ውስጥ ያለው ወያኔ ነው። ወያኔ፣ በድንገት አዕምሮዉን እንደሳተ ሰው ይይዘው ይጨብጠው ጠፍቶታል። በዚህ ምስቅልቅል ወቅት ውስጥ በቢሊዮን የሚገመት የሕዝብ ሀብት አውጥቶ፤ የማይረቡ ድርሳናትን ጽፎ የአገሪቱን ዜጋ በሙሉ ካላሰለጠንኩ ሞቼ እገኛለሁ ማለቱ ራሱ የውስጡን መመሰቃቀል ማሳያ ነው። ስልጠናውን ሰልጣኞች ብቻ ሳይሆን አሰልጣኞችም ጭምር የጠሉት ቢሆንም ፋታ የሚሰጠው መስሎት ገፍቶበታል። የነፃነት ኃይሎች በሚቀጥሉት ጥቂት ወራት ውስጥ ኃይላችንን አሰባስበን ከገጠምነው ባነሰ ወጪ ድልን መቀዳጃ አመቺ ጊዜ ይሆናል።
ግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ ያለንበት ወቅት ወሳኝነት በመገንዘብ ከመሰል ድርጅቶች ጋር ውህደት በመፍጠር፤ ከሌሎቹ ጋር በጥምረት ትግሉን ለማፋጠን ቆርጦ ተነስቷል። የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የወቅቱን ልዩ ባህሪ በመገንዘብ በአንድ ልብ ለትግል እንዲነሳ ግንቦት 7 ጥሪ ያቀርባል።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!!
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