Clash of civilization between TPLF/Woyane and the people of Ethiopia is
reaching the tipping point. It seems Ethiopians in large number figured out the
ruling Ethiopian regime and its partners in crime are common ሌቦች (thieves)
disguised as a government. Surprisingly, the regime or its corrupt cadres never
denied stealing with impunity. They only try to justify it as a good thing for
‘growth and transformation’. Therefore, their determination to funnel public
money through TPLF clandestine businesses earned them the label they rightly
deserve. And, their audacity to skirt it as something else isn’t helping to
prove otherwise.
Take for instance the sorry Woyane Foreign Minster,
Dr. Tedros Adhanom that came up with absurd excuse; portraying
the opposition as anti development. Speaking softly to sound an innocent
bystander in a staged interview, the poor Woyane said ‘we may have political
disagreement but why someone would oppose development of their country?’ Like a
broken record; repeating what TPLF cadres’ spew over-and-over again for decades.
Fortunately, this is the best the Minster can come up with to convince
Ethiopians Woyane’s highway robbery is a good thing. Whoever trained him in
public relation to make fool of himself should refund his money. But, how is it
a trained PhD comes out in public to tell us, not to give money for TPLF’s
thieves is anti development and still qualifies as a Foreign Minster of Ethiopia
is a million dollar question he must answer, not on ETV but ESAT? Quite frankly,
I don’t understand why Woyane stooges are scared to their pants to come on ESAT
and answer the hard questions.
Incidentally, the indictment of Woyane and its partners in crime didn’t come
out of the blues. It is based on 22 years overwhelming evidence that showed
Woyane and associates’ rampant and organized theft that would make a typical
extortion of an organize mob ‘a child play’.
The fact the ruling regime acts as a government; making and enforcing the
rules and a merchant; selling, buying and financing as owner of businesses and
civic organization; funneling humanitarian assistance through its businesses and
non-for-profit tarnish its image beyond repair and earn it a label of ሌባ
(thief). This behavior didn’t come just because Woyane wanted to steal for the
sake of stealing to enrich itself like many depots do but, to finance its bigger
mission of the establishment of the Apartheid system with stolen money and
cash-in for itself and cronies at the same time.
In the real world, an average tyrant doesn’t own a business or involve in
trade and financing its own business with the people’s money. The most he does
is bring a partner to steal and stash his share in offshore account. In many
cases, wise relatives setup a business and advance kickbacks to the tyrant and
his family. Individual government official also accept bribes or extortion
money from one or another businesses to fatten their pocket. But, Woyane put
itself in position for grand theft of historical proportion. When a ruling
regime owns every conceivable business and eliminate others based on ethnicity
and village politics it surly declared war on the people of Ethiopia. When it
collects foreign aid and distributes it for its cronies and uses it as a tool of
ethnic cleansing it commit the heinous crime against humanity on the people of
Woyane goes further; claiming it is stealing for the benefit of the people of
Tgray, and called its grand theft ‘Endowment Fund for Rehabilitation of Tigray
(EFFORT). According to the grand thief and the former Chairman of EFFORT, the
wealth TPLF stole from the people of Ethiopia is the largest in the whole
country but refuse to revile the figure for the obvious reason. To make matter
worst, Azeb Mesfin, the present Chairwomen/owner and the wife of the late Prime
Minster and TPLF’s ringleader, known as a Queen of Corruption declared her
husband is so poor he lives on few hundred dollar salary with no bank account in
his name. She has gone where no Woyane thief has ever gone before; covering up
the crime of the century. She may be right about him not having bank account;
why need it when you own the bank?
Looking at the so called Woyane intellectuals lying with straight face in
public on behalf of Woyane is even worst. Like airheads, they act dumb and
dumber talking about growth and development knowing the regime and its stooges
they cheer are common thieves that need to go jail. Honestly, they should turn
in their diploma and start fresh for being an embracement to their profession,
families and whoever they represent.