Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Members of Semayawi Party/Blue Party had booked a dinner for last night at the Wabi Shebelle Hotel, Addis Abeba, to dine with Professor Mesfin and Dr. Yakob and have a round table talk about various issues. At the last minute, they were told “you can’t eat here”. One of those, who says had already paid 300 Et.B to eat his dinner, described the ‘discrimination’ as an “Apartheid”. Well, won’t complain here now myself, if find myself discriminated. Clip below shows some of the controversies…
Tamagne Beyene: Ethiopian Hero
by MeKonnen H. Birru, PhD

In our times too, we have several heroes who believe in such love, liberty, faith, and peace. They are crying for our liberty. They are crying for our believed country: Ethiopia. They cry for love, equality, and fairness. Tamagne Beyene is one among many. Tamagne was born in Ethiopia; grow up in Ethiopia, and becoming Ethiopia. His entire families were from Ethiopia. They all love their country and understand the beauty of love, kindness, respect, and compassion. They are the true faces of Ethiopia.
On the other hand, we have brothers and sisters who decided to be dark and evil. They want us to go back. They want us to count our bones. They want us to be divided in terms of race, power, province, and religion. I tell you such are not from God but evil. ‘Turn from evil; do good; seek peace and pursue it (Psalms 34:14). I tell you again anyone who purposefully tries to deprive our liberty, unity, and one nation for the sake of security are wrong and from evil. Benjamin Franklin stated any society that would give up a little liberty to a gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.’
Lord Acton wrote, “Liberty and good government do not exclude each other, and there are excellent reasons why they should go together. Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. It is not for the sake of a good public administration that it is required, but for the security in the pursuit of the highest objects of civil society, and of private life.”
Long live mother Ethiopia.
The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, he’s going to keep digging, he’s going to keep trying to do right and make up for what’s gone before, just because that’s who he is.
Joss Whedon
A hero is a defender. A hero is a protector. A hero is a rescuer. The legendary Ethiopian writer Dr. Haddis Alemayehu (1902 – 2003) portrayed Gudu Kassa as a ‘hero’ in his classical work Fiqir Iske Meqabir (Love Unto Grave’. Gudu Kassa (Kassa Damte) was a nobleman by birth but refused all for the sake of his progressive ideas. He fought for individual liberty and freedom. He became a defender of his people, not his class, nor his race, nor his family power. He fell in love and married a working class woman while he was a noble because he saw love in her, nothing else. To him and so many millions of Ethiopians, love is the essence of life and the root of every particle, motion, foundation, liberty, freedom and expression. Love is our Ethiopian culture and our norm. And now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).In our times too, we have several heroes who believe in such love, liberty, faith, and peace. They are crying for our liberty. They are crying for our believed country: Ethiopia. They cry for love, equality, and fairness. Tamagne Beyene is one among many. Tamagne was born in Ethiopia; grow up in Ethiopia, and becoming Ethiopia. His entire families were from Ethiopia. They all love their country and understand the beauty of love, kindness, respect, and compassion. They are the true faces of Ethiopia.
On the other hand, we have brothers and sisters who decided to be dark and evil. They want us to go back. They want us to count our bones. They want us to be divided in terms of race, power, province, and religion. I tell you such are not from God but evil. ‘Turn from evil; do good; seek peace and pursue it (Psalms 34:14). I tell you again anyone who purposefully tries to deprive our liberty, unity, and one nation for the sake of security are wrong and from evil. Benjamin Franklin stated any society that would give up a little liberty to a gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.’
Lord Acton wrote, “Liberty and good government do not exclude each other, and there are excellent reasons why they should go together. Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. It is not for the sake of a good public administration that it is required, but for the security in the pursuit of the highest objects of civil society, and of private life.”
Long live mother Ethiopia.
ድርቅ ጦር እያማዘዘ ነው
በምስራቅና በምዕራብ ሃረርጌ ድርቅ በመግባቱ አርሶ አደሮች ከብቶቻቸውን በርካሽ ዋጋ ለመሸጥ መገደዳቸውን ዶይች ቬለ ሬዲዮ የአሜሪካን የርዳታ ድርጅት USAIDን ጠቅሶ ዘገበ። የድርጅቱ የምግብ አቅርቦት ተንታኝ ብሬክ ስታበረር እንዳሉት በአካባቢው የተከሰተው ድርቅ በሶማሊና በኦሮሞ አርብቶ አደሮች መካከል ግጭት አስከትሏል።
በተፈጠረው የውሃ ችግር ምክንያት ከብቶቻቸውን ውሃና ግጦሽ ፍለጋ ይዘው በሚሄዱ አርብቶ አደሮች መካከል የይገባኝልና ውሃና የግጦሹ ሳር ያልቃል በሚል ግጭት ተነስቷል። ተንታኙን የጠቀሰው ሬዲዮ በግጭቱ ስለደረሰው ቀውስ ያለው ነገር ባይኖርም ከተለያዩ ወገኖች የሚወጡ መረጃዎች እንደሚያመለክቱት በሶማሊና ኦሮሞ አርብቶ አደሮች መካከል በተከሰተው ግጭት ከሰባ የማያንሱ ሰዎች ተገድለዋል።
የበልግ ዝናብ በወቅቱ ባለመዝነቡ ችግሩ መከሰቱን ተመልክቷል። በዚሁ ሳቢያ ምርቱ ከጠጠበቀው በታች ሃያ ከመቶ ሊሆን ችሏል። የዝናብ እጥረቱ በዚሁ ከቀጠለ ችግሩ የከፋ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ባለሙያው አስጠንቅቀዋል። ከብቶቻቸውን በመያዝ ምግብና ውሃ ፍለጋ የሚንከራተቱት አርብቶ አደሮች ከቤታቸው ርቀው ስለሚጓዙ ቤተሰቦች ወተት ማግኘት አልቻሉም። በአካባቢው ከፍተኛ ገቢ የሚያስገኘው የጫት ምርትም በውሃ እጥረቱ ጉዳት ደርሶበት አርሶ አደሮቹን ገቢ እያሳጣቸው ነው። መንግስት ተከሰተ ስለተባለው ድርቅ ያለው ነገር የለም። አቶ ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ በዘንድሮው ዓመት የሚጠበቀው ምርት ከፍተኛ ስለሚሆን ግሽበቱን ያውረደዋል በማለት ለፓርላማ መናገራቸው ይታወሳል። መንግሥት የምግብ እጥረት እንጂ ድርቅ የለም በማለት እንደሚከራከር የሚዘነጋ አይደለም።
The Meles Zenawi Harekat
I just finished Asgede Gebre Selassie’s rebuttal under ” Meles Zenawi from Dedebit to Senebete” a thirty eight years of the late Meles Zelawi lie and murder billed as his “legacy” on eighty page Propaganda Piece wrote by Bereket Simoan and Addissu Legesse to keep the Meles legacy for the next fifty years on the way keeping power and wealth under few Woyane anti Ethiopia cliques.
The 6 million propaganda copy was sold for Woyane members and supporters for 100 Bir each. Government workers were forced to buy. For the rest of us who wants to know what is in the book you have to read Asegede’s master piece posted on ethiomedia.com. “The Meles Harekat” is totally a fabrication like “Jehadawi Harekat”. The latter is exposed by the Ethiopian Muslims massive rally last month and we should commend Ato Asgede for writing the piece exposing “The Meles Harekat “.
The Ethiopian people has to read or be told on air about the Big Lie by those who want to rule us in the name of Meles for next 50 years. I suggest ESAT Radio/TV or other radios that reach the people of Ethiopia to use this wonderful piece to tell Ethiopians what they have already known, This work will help them to be more educated and arm our people for the coming struggle.
“The so called Meles Foundation” possibly statue to humiliate our people is on progress. It should be rejected in a well coordinated matter. Meles Zenawi does not deserve any recognition because his legacy is founded on lies and murders.
I would like to commend Ato Asgede Gebre Selassie for his courage to tell the truth. We are all proud of him !!!
The Ethiopian people has to read or be told on air about the Big Lie by those who want to rule us in the name of Meles for next 50 years. I suggest ESAT Radio/TV or other radios that reach the people of Ethiopia to use this wonderful piece to tell Ethiopians what they have already known, This work will help them to be more educated and arm our people for the coming struggle.
“The so called Meles Foundation” possibly statue to humiliate our people is on progress. It should be rejected in a well coordinated matter. Meles Zenawi does not deserve any recognition because his legacy is founded on lies and murders.
I would like to commend Ato Asgede Gebre Selassie for his courage to tell the truth. We are all proud of him !!!
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