Saturday, August 3, 2013
War on innocent civilians of Arsi zone of Oromia region
Civilian’s crackdown in Ogaden Region
(Ogadentoday Press)- Numerous reports says civilians crack down taking place in Ogaden Region, eastern part of Ethiopia where conflict between Ethiopian government and ONLF, a rebel nationalist group fighting for independence of Ogaden region. An independent source told Ogadentoday Press that almost 300 civilians are detained in July in the Ogaden Region. According to an elder who spoke Ogadentoday press said that, 7 civilians killed by the paramilitary militia known Liyu Police, the incident took place on 22 July in Dhagahbur Zone, the elder provided the names of civilians killed. They were all civilians and the troops detained and killed in the midnight, they gathered locals and informed that they have to bury their relatives, said the elder on phone. In Kebridahar, Qorehey Zone, unconfirmed numbers are reported taken to jail, while villages in that area are reported civilians killing. A Shilabo town, a district In Qorehey Zone about 110 KM south of Kebridahar, the source said that 35 civilians are detained while 5 were killed. Ogaden region is unstable political and conflict between, the ONLF, Ogaden National Liberation Front and Ethiopian troops, ONLF had captured the International media on 2007 while they attacked a chine’s oil field In Ogaden. Media is barred from the Ogaden Region completely, Human Right Organizations accused Ethiopian Government killing, rape, lootings and displacements, and burning down villages. Some analyst describe Ogaden Region as, " Darfur of Ethiopia”
Peace talks between ONLF and Ethiopian government stalled on October 2012.
According to sources, there are still efforts going on, both ONLF and Ethiopia government is willing peace talks. ONLF founded in 1984, and fighting for self-determination of Ogaden region, the region was handed over to Ethiopia by the Britain in 1948. Ogadentoday Press |
Eskinder’s Wail from the Gulag irks ‘Tyrants on the Throne’
by Selam Beyene, Ph.D.
At a time when patriotic Ethiopians like Eskinder Nega are languishing in Gulag-style prisons for exercising their rights to express their opinions, those of us living beyond Woyane’s reach are blessed with the freedom to read books that stimulate the mind, shed light on our rich heritage, expose the treasonous policies of the Woyane regime in power, and, above all, enlighten us on the triumphs of those luminous sons and daughters of Ethiopia who built a country that was once Africa’s beacon of hope but is now being torn asunder by the treacherous TPLF cadres.
One such book is “Republicans on the Throne: A Personal Account of Ethiopia’s Modernization and Painful Quest for Democracy” by Tekalign Gedamu (Tsehai Publishers, 2011). To read the book is to go on a journey through time filled with traumatic events, dashed hopes, lost opportunities and excessive greed on one side, and patriotism, optimism, Ethiopian ingenuity and love of country on the other. The memoir, which has the mark of an unusual flare of literary brilliance and unmatched elegance, is punctuated with ubiquitous gems of trivia only an essayist of the author’s experience and intellect can muster and encapsulate in mesmerizing prose. More importantly, it offers a pragmatic roadmap for a democratic Ethiopia in which the philosophy of ethnocentrism will have no place, individual rights will be respected, and lasting peace and stability for the region will be secured.
As we read in this magnificently written book the gripping account of the journey Ethiopia has undertaken over the past several decades, we can’t help but wonder how from a land that had once produced such great leaders as Aklilu Habte-Wold, Yilma Diressa, Ketema Yifru and numerous others, including the author himself, could emerge tyrants and traitors in the likes of Mengistu Haile-Mariam, Meles Zenawi and his TPLF cadres, whose deviant policies have led the country to a path of destruction. Today’s Ethiopia is a country where ethnic politics is the official ruling party platform; corruption, nepotism and greed are instruments of anti-Ethiopianism; reading pro-democracy Websites is criminalized; and speaking truth to power is a certain ticket to the country’s Gulag. Nothing captures the sense of totalitarianism and hopelessness reigning in the country today better than the recent posting by Eskinder Nega in The New York Times (July 24, 2013):
‘I was arrested in September 2011 and detained for nine months before I was found guilty in June 2012 under Ethiopia’s overly broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which ostensibly covers the “planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt” of terrorist acts. In reality, the law has been used as a pretext to detain journalists who criticize the government. Last July, I was sentenced to 18 years in prison. … all I did was report on the Arab Spring and suggest that something similar might happen in Ethiopia if the authoritarian regime didn’t reform. … I also dared to question the government’s ludicrous claim that jailed journalists were terrorists.’
It is in the backdrop of such a horrendous and uncertain condition in the country that we are presented with Republicans on the Throne. This is a book that will put to shame our generation for ignorance of our heritage, and enlighten current and future generations about the heroic achievements of their forefathers and their obligation to fight and die for their proud and precious legacy.
In the early chapters of the memoir, the author reminiscences about his youth in Gore, one of the remotest provincial cities during Emperor Haile Selassie’s reign, and takes the reader back to an age of innocence when citizens were not categorized by their ethnicity but by the social bond that tied them closely together, and when leaders and followers revered the sanctity of our tricolor and the inviolability of our sovereignty. In contrast, the treasonous tyrants “on the throne” today denigrate the flag that countless generations protected with blood and sweat, parcel out precious land to foreigners at dirt cheap prices, aggressively promote inter-ethnic strives, and loot the cherished wealth of the country.
As we read in this magnificently written book the gripping account of the journey Ethiopia has undertaken over the past several decades, we can’t help but wonder how from a land that had once produced such great leaders as Aklilu Habte-Wold, Yilma Diressa, Ketema Yifru and numerous others, including the author himself, could emerge tyrants and traitors in the likes of Mengistu Haile-Mariam, Meles Zenawi and his TPLF cadres, whose deviant policies have led the country to a path of destruction. Today’s Ethiopia is a country where ethnic politics is the official ruling party platform; corruption, nepotism and greed are instruments of anti-Ethiopianism; reading pro-democracy Websites is criminalized; and speaking truth to power is a certain ticket to the country’s Gulag. Nothing captures the sense of totalitarianism and hopelessness reigning in the country today better than the recent posting by Eskinder Nega in The New York Times (July 24, 2013):
‘I was arrested in September 2011 and detained for nine months before I was found guilty in June 2012 under Ethiopia’s overly broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which ostensibly covers the “planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt” of terrorist acts. In reality, the law has been used as a pretext to detain journalists who criticize the government. Last July, I was sentenced to 18 years in prison. … all I did was report on the Arab Spring and suggest that something similar might happen in Ethiopia if the authoritarian regime didn’t reform. … I also dared to question the government’s ludicrous claim that jailed journalists were terrorists.’
It is in the backdrop of such a horrendous and uncertain condition in the country that we are presented with Republicans on the Throne. This is a book that will put to shame our generation for ignorance of our heritage, and enlighten current and future generations about the heroic achievements of their forefathers and their obligation to fight and die for their proud and precious legacy.
In the early chapters of the memoir, the author reminiscences about his youth in Gore, one of the remotest provincial cities during Emperor Haile Selassie’s reign, and takes the reader back to an age of innocence when citizens were not categorized by their ethnicity but by the social bond that tied them closely together, and when leaders and followers revered the sanctity of our tricolor and the inviolability of our sovereignty. In contrast, the treasonous tyrants “on the throne” today denigrate the flag that countless generations protected with blood and sweat, parcel out precious land to foreigners at dirt cheap prices, aggressively promote inter-ethnic strives, and loot the cherished wealth of the country.
Former Marxist Mirchaw Sineshaw should face Justice
by Rosa Abadir (
For the last few years Tigrian People Liberation Front (TPLF) regime in Ethiopia has been intensively engaged in disorienting and crippling the angry opposition from Diaspora Ethiopians, via its multimillion dollar investments that enabled it to bribe famed personalities, expand its propaganda out lets, and plant skilled infiltrators. As a result TPLF recently found out that there are a few individuals whom are the best tool to cripple the support group struggle in Diaspora such as Ato Mirchaw Sineshaw.
At present, a few Diaspora Ethiopians are apparently blind folded by the carefully crafted deceptive undercover TPLF cadres’ such as Ethiopiawint Radio in DC and Andent Radio in Sweden that are run by fake oppositions and their alike propaganda machinery, so much so that they are incapacitated to differentiate the patriotic Ethiopians from the enemies within Diaspora. TPLF often uses clever tactics to create loyal opposition groups, artificial heroes, fake dissenters; etc. and constantly adopt and improve strategies to keep Ethiopians in a state of constant confusion so that they could be tricked as needed or even misled to a level of anointing false messiahs like Lidetu Ayalew.
One of TPLF’s recent servants is Mirchaw Sineshaw who is the owner of Ethiopiawint Radio show and a revolutionary guard (Abiyot Tebaki) for the former Marxist Derg, illiterate self-interested and arrogant individual who had tortured and raped many young girls in suspect of the late EPRP. He had not been known by Ethiopians outside Washington DC until recently, popularized by the Weyane puppets, and some confused & retarded Ethiopians that play dirty propaganda and its surrogates.
Now, after a few weeks discussions among several patriotic Ethiopians around Washington DC area a special task force group is established and has been gathering some valuable information about Ato Mirchaw to understand what drives him to wage an all-out campaign against ESAT and genuine oppositions like Ginbot 7 and its leaders using his own uncontrollable ego. In fact, this task force is already striving day in and day out to collect every possible evidences and documents related to Ato Mirchaw’s former crimes against humanity when he served as a revolutionary guard to Derg Marxist regime. We will have more report later about his other activities and connections, including his close and wide-ranging family ties with high level officials of the TPLF/Woyane regime.
After his arrival in the US, Mirchaw’s first targets in the early 90’s were those patriotic youth Ethiopians who were united from all over the nation and organized a number of demonstrations to challenge the TPLF regime around Washington DC where Mirchaw frequently joined them and diverted and squandered over $10,000 during their first fund raising event. Apparently no further action didn’t take place against Mirchaw Sineshaw while most of the youngsters decided to move on and continue to focus on struggle against Weyane.
It was again around 2003, Mirchaw was known for taking substantial amount of money and other forms of assistance donated to famine victims in Ethiopia from Ethiopians in North America. Consequently, he has bought 5 Washington DC taxis, two personal vehicles and a big property which turned to a church. In fact, we haven’t seen anywhere in the US a part time cab/taxi driver could own this much property and run an over eight hours radio show per week unless there is some other supplemental unknown income.
As a result, Ato Mirchaw Sineshaw currently owns a church named ‘Urael/Rufael’ in Washington DC. Actually, what we uncovered is that Ato Mirchaw has been collecting money from his congregation for the purpose of buying a building for the church, and his members, mostly elderly ladies, have contributed generously. Then, he announced to the congregation that he bought a building and moved the church to the new address, from the Catholic Church where he was renting a room to run Urael. The building is a two story house, and doesn’t look anything close to a church. Yet the members did not mind since they thought it is better than renting.
Ever since Ato Mirchaw established Urael church a few years ago, he has branched out from driving a taxi to real estate investments, buying commercial buildings and rental properties. He has also bought a brand new $50,000 Hammer right after he was dissolving the money that was collected from his churchgoers senior citizen elderly Ethiopian ladies in the name of “Iqub” (a traditional saving mechanism among with various people who voluntarily join a group and make a mandatory contribution per specified time, usually per week or per month).
Mirchaw’s main objective is to kill the Diaspora struggle in the name of oppositions as long as he doesn’t have a control of the money as he did also play a filthy role during the destruction of Kinijit, as well. Hence, he has been working intensively to keep destroying the Diaspora support group struggle by pretending as if he portrays himself he is against Weyane and Shabia while the fact shows that he is a paid undercover cadre who receives a huge amount of money from TPLF to cover not only his long hours weekend’s radio shows expense but also his living expense. Bear in mind, this is an individual who had sold out a government property house (commonly known for Ye Kebele House) to two separate individuals a few days before he left Ethiopia to USA while his own younger brother was living in the same house.
Therefore, Ethiopians won’t give any more chance for mercenaries like Mirchaw Sineshaw who has a very limited knowledge that are under the skirts of fake oppositions to drag our struggle again. Just because we Ethiopians have been silent and focused on TPLF, doesn’t mean that we forgot the crimes that are committed by other arrogant criminals and insulators like Mirchaw who uses low life political discourse and name calling as a tool to intimidate others. Irrespective of his non-stop empty rhetoric, we will remain to gather all the lawful documents and drag him down to face justice.
Thanks the almighty Allah, the struggle has been massively reactivated from inside to outside once and for all to ultimately destroy the Weyane criminal group, as well as the poor and dead
At present, a few Diaspora Ethiopians are apparently blind folded by the carefully crafted deceptive undercover TPLF cadres’ such as Ethiopiawint Radio in DC and Andent Radio in Sweden that are run by fake oppositions and their alike propaganda machinery, so much so that they are incapacitated to differentiate the patriotic Ethiopians from the enemies within Diaspora. TPLF often uses clever tactics to create loyal opposition groups, artificial heroes, fake dissenters; etc. and constantly adopt and improve strategies to keep Ethiopians in a state of constant confusion so that they could be tricked as needed or even misled to a level of anointing false messiahs like Lidetu Ayalew.
One of TPLF’s recent servants is Mirchaw Sineshaw who is the owner of Ethiopiawint Radio show and a revolutionary guard (Abiyot Tebaki) for the former Marxist Derg, illiterate self-interested and arrogant individual who had tortured and raped many young girls in suspect of the late EPRP. He had not been known by Ethiopians outside Washington DC until recently, popularized by the Weyane puppets, and some confused & retarded Ethiopians that play dirty propaganda and its surrogates.
Now, after a few weeks discussions among several patriotic Ethiopians around Washington DC area a special task force group is established and has been gathering some valuable information about Ato Mirchaw to understand what drives him to wage an all-out campaign against ESAT and genuine oppositions like Ginbot 7 and its leaders using his own uncontrollable ego. In fact, this task force is already striving day in and day out to collect every possible evidences and documents related to Ato Mirchaw’s former crimes against humanity when he served as a revolutionary guard to Derg Marxist regime. We will have more report later about his other activities and connections, including his close and wide-ranging family ties with high level officials of the TPLF/Woyane regime.
After his arrival in the US, Mirchaw’s first targets in the early 90’s were those patriotic youth Ethiopians who were united from all over the nation and organized a number of demonstrations to challenge the TPLF regime around Washington DC where Mirchaw frequently joined them and diverted and squandered over $10,000 during their first fund raising event. Apparently no further action didn’t take place against Mirchaw Sineshaw while most of the youngsters decided to move on and continue to focus on struggle against Weyane.
It was again around 2003, Mirchaw was known for taking substantial amount of money and other forms of assistance donated to famine victims in Ethiopia from Ethiopians in North America. Consequently, he has bought 5 Washington DC taxis, two personal vehicles and a big property which turned to a church. In fact, we haven’t seen anywhere in the US a part time cab/taxi driver could own this much property and run an over eight hours radio show per week unless there is some other supplemental unknown income.
As a result, Ato Mirchaw Sineshaw currently owns a church named ‘Urael/Rufael’ in Washington DC. Actually, what we uncovered is that Ato Mirchaw has been collecting money from his congregation for the purpose of buying a building for the church, and his members, mostly elderly ladies, have contributed generously. Then, he announced to the congregation that he bought a building and moved the church to the new address, from the Catholic Church where he was renting a room to run Urael. The building is a two story house, and doesn’t look anything close to a church. Yet the members did not mind since they thought it is better than renting.
Ever since Ato Mirchaw established Urael church a few years ago, he has branched out from driving a taxi to real estate investments, buying commercial buildings and rental properties. He has also bought a brand new $50,000 Hammer right after he was dissolving the money that was collected from his churchgoers senior citizen elderly Ethiopian ladies in the name of “Iqub” (a traditional saving mechanism among with various people who voluntarily join a group and make a mandatory contribution per specified time, usually per week or per month).
Mirchaw’s main objective is to kill the Diaspora struggle in the name of oppositions as long as he doesn’t have a control of the money as he did also play a filthy role during the destruction of Kinijit, as well. Hence, he has been working intensively to keep destroying the Diaspora support group struggle by pretending as if he portrays himself he is against Weyane and Shabia while the fact shows that he is a paid undercover cadre who receives a huge amount of money from TPLF to cover not only his long hours weekend’s radio shows expense but also his living expense. Bear in mind, this is an individual who had sold out a government property house (commonly known for Ye Kebele House) to two separate individuals a few days before he left Ethiopia to USA while his own younger brother was living in the same house.
Therefore, Ethiopians won’t give any more chance for mercenaries like Mirchaw Sineshaw who has a very limited knowledge that are under the skirts of fake oppositions to drag our struggle again. Just because we Ethiopians have been silent and focused on TPLF, doesn’t mean that we forgot the crimes that are committed by other arrogant criminals and insulators like Mirchaw who uses low life political discourse and name calling as a tool to intimidate others. Irrespective of his non-stop empty rhetoric, we will remain to gather all the lawful documents and drag him down to face justice.
Thanks the almighty Allah, the struggle has been massively reactivated from inside to outside once and for all to ultimately destroy the Weyane criminal group, as well as the poor and dead
Revolution is a Must! What must be considered? Next is…
by Leqa Naqamtee,
Before 22 years:
I grow up in small town with my “colorful” friends whose his father and mother are from Eritrea, Mendefera, another friend his father from Eritrea Kessela ,Mother from Ethiopia Wollega Hro Guduru, other 2 friends father from Tigray Axum and Mother from Wollga Mendi. As young friends we were happy and free from any evil thinking about each other. We have been living in love and joy; I don’t remember a single hostile day among us, except childish quarreler immediately dropped. This is just to bring back a good memory of that day. My feeling of that day about the situation in Eritrea and Tigray was not different from what I am feeling about my country today. That day I was highly concerned about the” civil war” in Eritrea and Tigray. I was questioning why Derge doesn’t allow for peace dialogue. Because of this reasons I have put myself out of sight to not participate in to that day free military services.
After 22 years:
As we all know, finally the ethnic based “revolutions” carried in most part of the country completed and have introduced fundamental change in Ethiopia. The changes were followed by opening of new constitution, arrangements of federal political system and establishment of 1 big and other 9 ”small” governments. The Big government is not the federal one. No! I am mentioning TPLF ruled “empire” federal system. The Big one is now the Tgray government. This is undeniable, because of so many facts that I can bring under this article, which is not the case of my today article. To give a dote example; the economic sector is under the control of few ethnic members. Remember the economic sector I mentioned here is the past 22 year’s economic sector. Just simply visit someone from your village affiliated to TPLEF and check the following indicators.
Calmly please evaluate the past 22 years overall situations of our country, the majority of Ethiopians have denied basic human rights for which most of our brothers and sisters are sacrificed for. Selfishness sentiment from our “Tigray” brothers are keeping working intensively and aggressively to make all of us slave of our home country. Our politics, struggle and aspiration for democracy is at grave. In the past 10 years new laws are crafted and applied to limit and incriminate our” natural movements, aspirations, determinations, thinking, developments etc”. Our genuine contribution to the development of our nation and homeland is, discouraged, neglected, will be incriminated or systematically protected by TPLF brutal political system. Our brothers and sisters are sentenced a decades and above because of their political thinking and independent attitudes. According to Derge, the yesterday “petro dollar looters” “prisoners”, “terrorists”, “dangers elements of the country”, TPLF members, are using the same terminology and sentences at their court to incriminate , to keep our peace loving brothers and sisters like Bekele Gerba, Eskinder Nega, Riot Alemu, many other thousands of Ethiopians in prisons. This is a painful experience for which a human being with healthy consciences does not tolerate. Therefore,
In conclusion
God bless Ethiopia and the nation
Before 22 years:
I grow up in small town with my “colorful” friends whose his father and mother are from Eritrea, Mendefera, another friend his father from Eritrea Kessela ,Mother from Ethiopia Wollega Hro Guduru, other 2 friends father from Tigray Axum and Mother from Wollga Mendi. As young friends we were happy and free from any evil thinking about each other. We have been living in love and joy; I don’t remember a single hostile day among us, except childish quarreler immediately dropped. This is just to bring back a good memory of that day. My feeling of that day about the situation in Eritrea and Tigray was not different from what I am feeling about my country today. That day I was highly concerned about the” civil war” in Eritrea and Tigray. I was questioning why Derge doesn’t allow for peace dialogue. Because of this reasons I have put myself out of sight to not participate in to that day free military services.
After 22 years:
As we all know, finally the ethnic based “revolutions” carried in most part of the country completed and have introduced fundamental change in Ethiopia. The changes were followed by opening of new constitution, arrangements of federal political system and establishment of 1 big and other 9 ”small” governments. The Big government is not the federal one. No! I am mentioning TPLF ruled “empire” federal system. The Big one is now the Tgray government. This is undeniable, because of so many facts that I can bring under this article, which is not the case of my today article. To give a dote example; the economic sector is under the control of few ethnic members. Remember the economic sector I mentioned here is the past 22 year’s economic sector. Just simply visit someone from your village affiliated to TPLEF and check the following indicators.
- What was the source of his/ her livelihood pre TPLF ruled government, living standard etc
- Does any change observed in the past 22 years, what are contributing factors for the observed economic development / improvements etc
Calmly please evaluate the past 22 years overall situations of our country, the majority of Ethiopians have denied basic human rights for which most of our brothers and sisters are sacrificed for. Selfishness sentiment from our “Tigray” brothers are keeping working intensively and aggressively to make all of us slave of our home country. Our politics, struggle and aspiration for democracy is at grave. In the past 10 years new laws are crafted and applied to limit and incriminate our” natural movements, aspirations, determinations, thinking, developments etc”. Our genuine contribution to the development of our nation and homeland is, discouraged, neglected, will be incriminated or systematically protected by TPLF brutal political system. Our brothers and sisters are sentenced a decades and above because of their political thinking and independent attitudes. According to Derge, the yesterday “petro dollar looters” “prisoners”, “terrorists”, “dangers elements of the country”, TPLF members, are using the same terminology and sentences at their court to incriminate , to keep our peace loving brothers and sisters like Bekele Gerba, Eskinder Nega, Riot Alemu, many other thousands of Ethiopians in prisons. This is a painful experience for which a human being with healthy consciences does not tolerate. Therefore,
In conclusion
- It is clear without further investigations, from overall political, economical and social conditions of Ethiopia; it is observed that change is inevitable. It clearly that arrogance is observed in the villages of few ethnic group family members. In case Ethiopian people tolerate the situation for their good and deep-rooted social values, God doesn’t accept it. God is always against the arrogances.
- It is observed that change is inevitable. Change is inevitable not because we all are suffering from hate syndrome towards existing government or we all are “chronically mad” not to seek stability. No! It is because we are in a country where there is no “relative” equality between nations. Where few are taking the resources, working to sustain a political firework, the power and the politics to fulfill their selfish lust for “absolute” dominance, this is intolerable!!! At this critical climax change is inevitable. The bell is ringing!!! Few are not hearing!!! Or decide to not hear!!! This is very dangerous!!! We need to propose the way to out.
- The revolution will be supported by the majority of Ethiopians, advised to be carried out in the form of free from antagonism, racism, ethnic divides, and hatred, shrewdness, which is geared towards social and political reconciliations. In this case the political groups, Ethiopian elites , other peace loving groups, democracy loving nations are expected to prepare “EPRDF inclusive” “roadmap”, communicate this roadmap widely throughout “preparation for revolution phase”, and convince the Ethiopian people, at least the major actors, that the roadmap will be in place immediately after the revolution. I called it “Revolution Management Roadmap”. Our inner motive for change should be clean and trustful. God wants from us to prove this if we are exceed positively from the “arrogances “.
- It is time to pray and to call for wise, visionary and revolutionary leaders to be successful in managing the inevitable revolution or equally important to prepare for the otherwise revolutionary outcomes i.e. the blessing or the curse.
- Above all, “the fear of God must be the beginning of our wisdom”. The failures of others who don’t feared God and keep sustain their arrogances until the end of their history was not good. Motivation, courage is one thing, is not everything, wisdom will make us perfect, therefore, let us pick responsibly the followings at the eve of the inevitable revolution,
- Let’s do the revolution in the lenses of learning from others failure (past 100 years)
- Let’s do the revolution in the lenses of learning from our failures (at least past 150 years)
- Let’s do the revolution in the lenses of learning from others success (Past 50 years)
God bless Ethiopia and the nation
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