Sunday, September 15, 2013
በመሰየሙ የተሰማቸው ደስታ ገለጹ። – ትርጉም ግርማ ሞገስ
አንዱአለም አራጌና ቤተሰቦቹ
“ዘሐበሻን እና ሌሎች ሚዲያዎችን የመድረስ አቅም ያላቸው እህቶቻችን እና ወንድሞቻችን አንዷለም አራጌን የአመቱ ሰው አድርገው መምረጣቸውን መስማቴ ታላቅ ደስታ ሰጥቶኛል። አንዷለም ለህዝቡ እና ለአገሩ ብዙ ያበረከተ እና የተጠየቀውን መስዋዕት ሁሉ ካለ ምንም ስስት የከፈለ እና በመክፈል ላይ የሚገኝ ድንቅ ግለሰብ በመሆኑ ለአንዷለም ይኽን እውቅና በመለገሳችሁ ላመሰግናችሁ እወዳለሁ።
እንደ ኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጠር በ1998 ዓ.ም. ከእስር ቤት ከወጣበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ በተለይ ደግሞ መድረክን ወደ ህብረት ከፍ ለማድረግ የፖለቲካ ፕሮግራም እና መተዳደሪያ ደንብ አብረን መቅረጽ ከጀመርንበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ አንዷለምን አውቀዋለሁ። ብዙ ፍሪያማ አሳቦችን ለግሷል። መድረክ ወደ ግንባር ደረጃ እንዲደርስ ለማድረግም ካለምንም መታከት ሰርቷል። አንዷለም አንድነት ፓርቲን ወክሎ በመድረክ ስራ አስኪያጅ ኮሚቴ ወስጥ በነበረበት ጊዜ ለመድረክ ፕሮጀክት መሳካት ብዙ ከጣሩት የአንድነት ሰዎች ውስጥ አንዱ ነበር። ለወቅቱ የመድረክ ሊቀመንበር ፕሮፌሰር በየነ ጴጥሮስ አክብሮት ነበረው። እጅግ ቀና የሆነ የስራ ግንኙነት ነበራቸው። ያኔ እንደማውቀው እና ዛሬም እንደሚመስለኝ አንዷለም መድረክን በሚመለከት ከአንድነት ከሚሰሙ አሉታዊ ድምጾች ጋር አይስማማም። ቀደም ሲልም በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ ጽኑ ክርክሮች አድርጓል።
አንዷለም ከመኢአድ እና ያኔ ከአንድነት ተነጥለው ከሄዱት ወገኖች (ዛሬ ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ) ጋር ውህደት እንዲደረግ ይፈልግ ነበር። በዚህ አቅጣጫ አንዷለም የአንድነት ፓርቲን ስራ አስኪያጅ ኮሚቴ አግባብቶ ወይዘሮ ላቀች ደገፉ እና አቶ ተመስጌን ዘውዴ ያሉበትን የድርድር ኮሚቴ ፓርቲው እንዲመሰርት አድርጎ ነበር። ሁለተኛ እስር እስከተበየነበት ጊዜ ድረስ ለዚህ ጉዳይ መሳካት በመስራት ላይ ነበር አንዷለም።
አንዷለም ቁርጠኛ የሰላማዊ ትግል ተዋጊ ነበር። የማህተማ ጋንዲ እና የማርቲን ሉተር ተከታይ። የፖለቲካ እንቅስቃሴዎቹ የሚመሩት በእነዚህ ሁለተ ሰዎች ትምህርቶች ነበር። አንዷለምን ሽብርተኛ ነው ወይንም ከሽብርተኞች ጋር ግንኙነት ነበረው ብለው የሚያስቡ ሰዎች ካሉ አዕምሮዋቸውን የሳቱ እና እራሳቸው ሽብርተኞች ናቸው።
አንዷለም የአንድነት ጸሐፊ እና የአንድነት ህዝብ ግንኙነት ኮሚቴ ሊቀመንበር በነበረበት ጊዜ ለድርጅቱ ስኬት ለሊት እና ቀን ሰርቷል።
ባለቤቱን እና ሁለት ልጆቹን ይወድ ነበር። ቀኑን እና ምሽቱን ለአንድነት ሲሰራ ውሎ ምሽት ላይ ወደ ቤተሰቡ ነበር የሚሄደው። ወደ መዝናኛ ቦታዎች ከመሄድ ፈንታ።
ዶር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ፣ የአንድነት ለዴሞክራሲ እና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ (አንድነት) ሊቀ መንበር
የግል ህይወቱን በሚመለከት፣ አንዷለም የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ትምህርቶችን በንጹሕ ልቦና የሚከተል መንፈሳዊ ሰው ነው። አንዷለም “ ግራ ፊትህን በጥፊ ለመታህ ሰው ቀኝ ፊትህን ስጠው። ሌሎች በአንተ ላይ እንዲፈጽሙብህ ያማትፈልገውን አንተም በሌሎች ላይ አትፈጽም።” የሚሉት የእየሱስ ክርስቶስ ትምህርቶች ተከታይ ሰው ነው። ሰው አስቀይሞ ወይንም ተሳድቦ አያውቅም። ሲሰደብም መልሶ አይሳደብም። አይበቀለም አንዷለም። ምክርን እና ማጽናናትን ለሚሹ ሁሉ አንዷለም ጊዜ ነበረው።
አንዷለም አዕምሮ-ክፍት እና ግልጽ ሰው ነው። የማዳመጥ ልዩ ችሎታ አለው።
አንዷለምን “የአመቱ ሰው” ብላችሁ መምረጣችሁ ትክክለኛ ውሳኔ ነው። ይገባዋል። ለሁላችሁም ምስጋናዬ ይድረሳችሁ።
ዶር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ፣
የአንድነት ሊቀመንበር
Women’s group calls for the release of journalist Reeyot Alemu, all other political prisoners
SEATTLE – An international Ethiopian women’s group on Friday condemned the inhuman treatment of award-winning journalist Reeyot Alemu, and called for her immediate release as well as the release of all other political prisoners in Ethiopia.
In a strongly-worded statement, the International Ethiopian Women’s Organization (IEWO) called on Ethiopians worldwide to boycott the services and products of the ruling party in Ethiopia.
“Reeyot Alemu is a young Ethiopian woman … who has refused to admit guilt which she never committed in exchange for clemency. Reeyot is a courageous woman of dignity and a role model for many Ethiopian women. It is in this light that IEWO calls upon all Ethiopians and international human right activists to join us in condemning the unjust imprisonment and continued brutal treatment that Reeyot Alemu is facing in prison,” IEWO said in a statement.
Following is the full IEWO statement:
IEWO Calls upon all Ethiopians and Human Right Activists to Stand in Solidarity with Reeyot Alemu
International Ethiopian Women’s Organization (IEWO) stands proudly and courageously in solidarity with Reeyot Alemu, one of the very few heroins Ethiopian women of our time who is imprisoned by the TPLF regime for standing up for human rights and for defending freedom of speech. Her basic rights are gravely violated to the extent that she has been denied to get the necessary treatment that is very much needed for her essential wellness and she is also continually mistreated and subjected to mental anguish and psychological harassment.
Reeyot Alemu has neither committed a crime nor is a terrorist as the regime tries to misinform the public. Reeyot was arrested on June 21, 2011, and falsely accused of conspiring to commit terrorist act and was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. She was sentenced of a crime she never committed other than expressing her freedom of speech and defending her rights.
Reeyot Alemu is a young Ethiopian woman with a great personal integrity who stands firmly on her ground of truth. She refused to admit guilt which she never committed in exchange for clemency. Reeyot is a courageous woman of dignity and a role model for many Ethiopian women.
It is in this light that IEWO calls upon all Ethiopians and international human right activists to join us in condemning the unjust imprisonment and continued brutal treatment that Reeyot Alemu is facing in prison.
Thus, as part of the solidarity initiative for Reeyot Alemu, IEWO calls upon all Ethiopians and the international community at large to:
• Support the demand for the immediate release of Reeyot Alemu and all other political prisoners; and denounce the brutal and inhuman treatment of political prisoners by the regime.
• Hold the TPLF regime accountable for its gross violation of human rights, genocide, crime against humanity and the ongoing widespread dehumanizing social conditions in Ethiopia.
• Urge those forces that are actively helping and sustaining the life of the repressive regime to stop supporting and realize the grave consequences of being accomplice to the act of the regime.
• Show solidarity and stand with Reeyot Alemu and all political prisoners in action by boycotting the TPLF regime politically and economically; boycott all products and services and cut off the financial blood- line that is used by the regime to oppress and imprison thousands of innocent Ethiopians.
• Unite all concerned and conscious Ethiopian women worldwide and forge a collaborative spirit and a unity of action to promote the rights of Ethiopian women in general and to demand the Freedom of Reeyot Alemu and all political prisoners in Ethiopia.
Free Reeyot Alemu and all Political Prisoners!
Victory to the Ethiopian people!
IEWO, September, 2013
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