by Robele Ababya
Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa in a hostile environment surrounded by Eretria, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan and the only friendly Kenya. The Blue Nile River is a strong link between Egypt and Ethiopia. The Middle East is a stone throw away where conservative Arab leaders plot to annex Ethiopia and become the masters of her strategic location, temperate climate, fertile land, and abundant rivers suitable for irrigation to produce food.
Addis Ababa is host to one of the largest diplomatic missions in the world.
Big and intermediate powers including the members of the UN Security Council, G8
and G20 are present in pursuit of their political or economic interests.
The USA is a global power that puts its national interests first, and rightly so in the sense that alliance with the Ethiopian regime is paramount to its national security. The same goes for European powers threatened by Al Qaeda. The powerful Communist China is competing with the USA not to mention India and Saudi Arabia to get foothold in Ethiopia. Little superpower Israel will not relinquish its historical relations with Ethiopia. Russia will not be a silent observer.
Pro-Ethiopia visionary leaders of the future have to carefully craft a strategic balancing policy to safeguard vital national security and economic interests, a Herculean task that the puppet TPLF warlord dudes behaving like foreign occupiers cannot be trusted to perform.
Hurdles to unified action to evict the brutal regime from power are briefly presented in the following sections under the captions: “The Adam Pedigree Chart; “Inter-racial marriages”; “Religion and freedom of conscience”; and “Letters between the Titans: Drs. Fikre and Beyan”
The Adam Pedigree Chart
The grand question being asked to this day is “Given that it was only Adam and Eve on Earth how did the human race multiply? This difficult question is better answered by the clerics and the producers of “The Adam Pedigree Chart” -published in Google – from which I would like to glean a few points for the purpose of this piece.
Adam begat three sons – Abel, Cain and Seth. Cain killed Abel and was banished in exile from his birth place to another land where he settled, married and produced children. This is probably the reason that the Chart starts with Seth as the son of Adam and Eve in the genealogy of European Monarchs for example of up to Queen Elizabeth II.
Ethiopians might ask is there a pedigree for Ethiopian Monarchs? The answer is yes. Berihun Kebede has produced a strikingly similar pedigree in tabular format in the Amharic text tracing the lineage of Emperor Haile Selassie to Adam and Eve in his voluminous book titled “Ye Atsie Haile Selassie Tarik” (History of Emperor Haile Selassie), vide pp. 129 – 135. He shows that the mother of the Monarch is called Yeshimebeit Gamicho (an Oromo) of royal descent. This reference is extremely helpful to the debate of the origin of Cushitic Kingdom of Ethiopia in that it lives no doubt that Oromos were part and parcel of the Kingdom in influential positions of power in Ethiopia, which is universally acknowledged as the origin of the human species.
I should add that Emperor Iyoas whose mother hailed from Yeju ruled from his palace in Gondar; Oromiffa was the official language and his bodyguards were Oromos from Yeju.
I got this from Google to reinforce my argument: “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman” (Num. 12.1). Every now and again someone asks how it could be that Moses, the champion of the Lord for the chosen people, could have married an Ethiopian who was therefore of the descendants of Ham, youngest son of Noah. There was strong objection in Israel to such marriages although the assumption that Moses had married before he left Egypt only raises the second question how he later came to marry Zipporah the Midianite when he apparently had left one wife back in Egypt. The word “Ethiopian” is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word “Cush” who in Genesis 10.8 is recorded as one of the sons of Ham, father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan.” My emphasis
Inter-racial marriages:
Inter-racial marriages had occurred in the distant past, continue to take place to the present, and will continue increasingly at a rapid rate in the future in my opinion. Take Mosses and his Ethiopian wife as an example and ask the unanswerable question whether his Ethiopian spouse was an Amhara, Oromo, Guraghe, Kembata, Sidama, Hadia, Welaita et al. At what point in time in the Adam and Eve genecology did the first Amhara couple arose and propagated in racial purity to this date without intermarriage with other ethnic groups? The same question applies to the first couples of Oromo, Guraghe, Kembata, Sidama, Hadia, Welaita et al. This cardinal question is especially directed to hypocrites like the late tyrant Meles Zenawi of the ‘Golden Race’ of which he was bragging.
Religion, freedom of conscience and freedom of worship
Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa in a hostile environment surrounded by Eretria, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan and the only friendly Kenya. The Blue Nile River is a strong link between Egypt and Ethiopia. The Middle East is a stone throw away where conservative Arab leaders plot to annex Ethiopia and become the masters of her strategic location, temperate climate, fertile land, and abundant rivers suitable for irrigation to produce food.
The USA is a global power that puts its national interests first, and rightly so in the sense that alliance with the Ethiopian regime is paramount to its national security. The same goes for European powers threatened by Al Qaeda. The powerful Communist China is competing with the USA not to mention India and Saudi Arabia to get foothold in Ethiopia. Little superpower Israel will not relinquish its historical relations with Ethiopia. Russia will not be a silent observer.
Pro-Ethiopia visionary leaders of the future have to carefully craft a strategic balancing policy to safeguard vital national security and economic interests, a Herculean task that the puppet TPLF warlord dudes behaving like foreign occupiers cannot be trusted to perform.
Hurdles to unified action to evict the brutal regime from power are briefly presented in the following sections under the captions: “The Adam Pedigree Chart; “Inter-racial marriages”; “Religion and freedom of conscience”; and “Letters between the Titans: Drs. Fikre and Beyan”
The Adam Pedigree Chart
The grand question being asked to this day is “Given that it was only Adam and Eve on Earth how did the human race multiply? This difficult question is better answered by the clerics and the producers of “The Adam Pedigree Chart” -published in Google – from which I would like to glean a few points for the purpose of this piece.
Adam begat three sons – Abel, Cain and Seth. Cain killed Abel and was banished in exile from his birth place to another land where he settled, married and produced children. This is probably the reason that the Chart starts with Seth as the son of Adam and Eve in the genealogy of European Monarchs for example of up to Queen Elizabeth II.
Ethiopians might ask is there a pedigree for Ethiopian Monarchs? The answer is yes. Berihun Kebede has produced a strikingly similar pedigree in tabular format in the Amharic text tracing the lineage of Emperor Haile Selassie to Adam and Eve in his voluminous book titled “Ye Atsie Haile Selassie Tarik” (History of Emperor Haile Selassie), vide pp. 129 – 135. He shows that the mother of the Monarch is called Yeshimebeit Gamicho (an Oromo) of royal descent. This reference is extremely helpful to the debate of the origin of Cushitic Kingdom of Ethiopia in that it lives no doubt that Oromos were part and parcel of the Kingdom in influential positions of power in Ethiopia, which is universally acknowledged as the origin of the human species.
I should add that Emperor Iyoas whose mother hailed from Yeju ruled from his palace in Gondar; Oromiffa was the official language and his bodyguards were Oromos from Yeju.
I got this from Google to reinforce my argument: “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman” (Num. 12.1). Every now and again someone asks how it could be that Moses, the champion of the Lord for the chosen people, could have married an Ethiopian who was therefore of the descendants of Ham, youngest son of Noah. There was strong objection in Israel to such marriages although the assumption that Moses had married before he left Egypt only raises the second question how he later came to marry Zipporah the Midianite when he apparently had left one wife back in Egypt. The word “Ethiopian” is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word “Cush” who in Genesis 10.8 is recorded as one of the sons of Ham, father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan.” My emphasis
Inter-racial marriages:
Inter-racial marriages had occurred in the distant past, continue to take place to the present, and will continue increasingly at a rapid rate in the future in my opinion. Take Mosses and his Ethiopian wife as an example and ask the unanswerable question whether his Ethiopian spouse was an Amhara, Oromo, Guraghe, Kembata, Sidama, Hadia, Welaita et al. At what point in time in the Adam and Eve genecology did the first Amhara couple arose and propagated in racial purity to this date without intermarriage with other ethnic groups? The same question applies to the first couples of Oromo, Guraghe, Kembata, Sidama, Hadia, Welaita et al. This cardinal question is especially directed to hypocrites like the late tyrant Meles Zenawi of the ‘Golden Race’ of which he was bragging.
Religion, freedom of conscience and freedom of worship