Wednesday, March 27, 2013

China in the heart of Africa

Opportunities and pitfalls in a rapidly expanding relationship
by Kingsley Ighobor
A worker hauling a bag of rice at a Chinese-owned supermarket in South Africa“China’s gift to Africa.” The new headquarters of the African Union, a towering 20-storey building in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is so called because China picked up the $200 million tab for the state-of-the-art complex. Ethiopia’s tallest building, completed in December 2011 in time for an AU summit the following month, includes a 2,500-seat conference hall. The gift prompted Ethiopia’s late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to refer to Africa’s current economic boom as a “renaissance,” due partly to China’s “amazing re-emergence and its commitments to a win-win partnership with Africa.”
Not all Africans have welcomed China’s gift. West African political commentator Chika Ezeanya considers it an “insult to the AU and to every African that in 2012 a building as symbolic as the AU headquarters is designed, built and maintained by a foreign country.” However, as African leaders savoured the swanky complex in January, they took turns thanking China.
China’s largess to Africa is not new. Previously China had either donated or assisted in building a hospital in Luanda, Angola; a road from Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, to Chirundu in the southeast; stadiums in Sierra Leone and Benin; a sugar mill and a sugarcane farm in Mali; and a water supply project in Mauritania, among other projects. At the fifth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, held in Beijing in July 2012, Chinese President Hu Jintao listed yet more, including 100 schools, 30 hospitals, 30 anti-malaria centres and 20 agricultural technology demonstration centres.
African leaders continue to insist that the relationship with China is not a one-way street and that it includes more trade than aid. Indeed, trade between Africa and China was $166 billion in 2011, according to the Economist, a UK weekly. “The good thing about this partnership is that it’s a give and take,” Faida Mitifu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s ambassador to the US, told the Reuters news agency.

Eye on the pie

What then is China taking? In China Returns to Africa, a collection of essays published by Columbia University Press, the editors Chris Alden, Daniel Large and Ricardo Soares de Oliveira note, “The overarching driver has been the Chinese government’s strategic pursuit of resources and attempts to ensure raw material supplies for growing energy needs within China.” The world’s second-biggest economy currently buys more than one-third of Africa’s oil.
In addition, China’s industries are getting raw materials such as coal from South Africa, iron ore from Gabon, timber from Equatorial Guinea and copper from Zambia.
Chinese industries also require new markets for their products and Africa is a potentially enormous outlet. “China is repositioning itself continuously for the new Africa that’s emerging,” says Kobus van der Wath, founder of Beijing Axis, an international advisory and procurement firm based in Beijing.
Chinese products have flooded markets in Johannesburg, Luanda, Lagos, Cairo, Dakar and other cities, towns and villages in Africa. Those goods include clothing, jewellery, electronics, building materials and much more. “Even little things like matches, tea bags, children’s toys and bathing soaps are coming from China,” says Bankole Aluwe of Alaba market in Lagos, Nigeria.
African consumers like Chinese products because they are affordable. “Chinese goods are cheaper than those from Europe and North America. In our business, price is very important to customers,” Mr. Aluwe says.

Largest trading partner

In an article in This Is Africa, a Financial Times publication, Sven Grimm and Daouda Cissé state that in recent years China’s economy at times has grown at more than 10 per cent a year, while cheap labour has helped reduce production costs — hence cheaper products. They also note, “The low level of the yuan [the Chinese currency] compared to the other major world trading currencies such as the US dollar, the euro and the yen” attracts African importers.
Already trade between Africa and China has grown at a breathtaking pace. It was $10.5 billion in 2000, $40 billion in 2005 and $166 billion in 2011. China is currently Africa’s largest trading partner, having surpassed the US in 2009. The Chinese government is eager to cement China’s dominance by burnishing its image through initiatives such as a $20 billion credit to African countries to develop infrastructure and the African Talents Programme, which is intended to train 30,000 Africans in various sectors.
China’s give-and-take relationship also plays out in other forms. Chinese construction firms are acquiring enormous construction contracts. The China Railway Construction Corp. (CRC) signed a $1.5 billion contract in September 2012 to modernize a railway system in western Nigeria. That same month, China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation, the largest train manufacturer in China, signed a $400 million deal to supply locomotives to a South African firm, Transnet. In February 2012 the CRC announced projects in Nigeria, Djibouti and Ethiopia worth about $1.5 billion in total.

“አሁን በስልጣን ላይ ያሉ ሰዎች ባመዛኙ ፋሽስት ጣሊያን ኢትዮጵያን በወረረበት ጊዜ የባንዳ ልጆች ነበሩ”

ፍኖተ ነጻነት መጋቢት 15 ቀን 2005 ዓ.ም.
የዛሬው እንግዳችን አቶ ታዲዎስ ታንቱ ይባላሉ፡፡ አቶ ታዲዎስ የታሪክ ምሁርና በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ እና ነፃ ፕሬስ ውስጥ ትልቅ ሚና ያላቸው ሲሆን በአሁን ወቅት “ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ክብር ተቆርቋሪ የግል ተነሳሽነት ኮሚቴ” ዋና ሰብሳቢ ናቸው ፡፡ በተለይ ለፋሺስቱ ግራዚያኒ ከተሰራው ሐውልት ጋር በተያያዘ አጭር ቆይታ አድርገናል ተከታተሉን፡፡
በጣሊያን የሩዶልፍ ግራዚያኒንን የሐውልት ለመቃወም የሐሳቡ ጠንሳሽ ማን ነው?
አቶ ታዲዎስ፡- የፋሽቱ ጣሊያን የኢትዮጵያውያን ዋና ጨፍጫፊ የነበረውን ሩዶልፍ ግራዚያኒ ሐውልት መሰራት ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ተቃውሞው የተጀመረው በውጭ ሀገር ባሉ
Interview with Ato Tadiwos Tantu
አቶ ታዲዎስ ታንቱ
ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ክብር ተቆርቋሪ የግል ተነሳሽነት
ኮሚቴ ዋና ሰብሳቢ
ኢትዮጵያውያን ነው፡፡ በሀገር ውስጥ ግን የሐሳቡ ጠንሳሽ “ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ክብር ተቆርቋሪ የግል ተነሳሽነት ኮሚቴ” ነው፡፡ ከዛ በኋላ የባለዕራዕይ ወጣቶች ማኀበር ሰልፉን ለማስተባበር ፈቃደኛ መሆኑን ገለፀልን፤ በዚህም ላይ ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ እንደሚተባበረን ከገለፀ በኋላ መጋቢት 8 ቀን 2005 ዓ.ም. ሰልፉን ለማካሄድmወሰንን፡፡
ተቃወቅሞውን ለማቅረብ ያነሳሳችሁ ዋነኛ ምክንያት ምን ነበር?
አቶ ታዲዎስ፡- ብዙውን ጊዜ እኔ በጋዜጦች ስለ አርበኞች ታሪክ ያነበብኩትንና ያወቅሁትን እፅፋለሁ፣ እመረምራለሁ፡፡ የጣሊያኑ ፋሽስት ግራዚያኒ ሀገራችንን በመውረር በአባቶቻችንና እናቶቻችን አርበኞች ላይ የፈፀሙት የግፍ ግድያ አሰቃቂ እንደነበር ስለተረዳሁ፤ ያ ሲቆጨኝ ደግሞ አሁን በጣሊያን ሀገር ለእሱ ሙዚየምና ሐውልት የመሰራቱን ወሬ ከኢንተርኔት ምንጮች ስላየሁ በጣም ተናድጄ እንደውም ተቃውሞ ማሰማት አለብን ብዬ ተነሳሁ፡፡ በኋላ ደግሞ እኛም የአንተ ዓይነት ሐሳብ ነበረን ብለው የባለ ዕራዕይ ወጣቶች ማኀበር አነጋገሩን፡፡ ከዛ በመቀጠል ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ በጋራ እንስራ የሚል ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡፡ በዚህ ምክንያት ሶስቱ አካላት በጋራ ሰልፉን ለማድረግ ዝግጅት ማድረግ ጀመርን፡፡ ስለዚህ ለኢትዮጵያ ጠላት አይደለም ጣሊያን ሀገር ጨረቃም ላይ ቢሆን ሀውልት እንዲሰራ አንፈቅደም፡፡
በጊዜው ሩዶልፍ ግራዚያኒ ወንጀለኛ በመሆኑ የነበረው ፊልድ ማርሻል ማዕረግ ተገፎ ከወታደርነቱ ተባሮ በጦር ወንጀል ተከሶ 19 ዓመት ተፈርዶበት ቅጣቱን ሳይጨርስ ከእስር ቢለቀቅም እ.አ.አ. በ1955 ዓ.ም. ሞቷል፡፡ ታዲያ ይህ በጊዜው ወንጀለኛ ለተባለው ሰው ሐውልትም ሆነ የመታሰቢያ ሙዚየም ማሰራት ኢትዮጵየውያንን መናቅና የአባቶቻችንን ክብር የሚነካ በመሆኑ ሊሰራለት አይገባም፤ እንደውም ለፈፀመው እልቂት ጣሊያን በቂ ካሳ ስላልከፈለች ካሳ መክፈልና በይፋ ይቅርታ መጠየቅ ይገባታል የሚል አቋም ይዘን ነው የወጣነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ግራዚያኒ ከነ አዳፋ ታሪኩ ሌላው እንዳይደግም ሲወሳ መኖር አለበት እንጂ እንደ ጀግና ሐውልት ሊሰራለት፣ሊወደስና ሊመሰገን አይገባም እንላለን፡፡
በወቅቱ የደረስው ጉዳት ምን ያህል እንደሆነ ማወቅ ይቻላል?
አቶ ታዲዎስ፡- በወቅቱ ግራዚያኒ በፊርማው በግፍ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ያስጨፈጨፋቸው ሰዎች ስም ዝርዝር ከነደብዳቤው አለ፤ የዚህ ቅጂ እኔም ጋር አለ ይታወቃል፡፡ በተለይ የካቲት 12-14 ቀን 1929 ዓ.ም

Ethiopia's ruling coalition completes transition after Meles

By Aaron Maasho, Reuters
March 27, 2013

BAHIR DAR, Ethiopia (Reuters) - Ethiopia's ruling coalition re-elected Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn as chairman on Tuesday, completing a smooth transition after the death last year of his predecessor Meles Zenawi who kept a tight grip on power for 21 years.
Hailemariam, 47, was appointed premier in September, a month after the death of Meles, who was praised for steering economic growth into double figures but drew criticism from his opponents and rights groups for squeezing out dissent.
Meles's death raised questions about whether his Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of four ethnic and regional based parties, would hold together or could come under strain as groups jostled for influence.
Opponents say there is infighting behind the scenes, but there was no indication of major rifts in the four-day meeting of the congress in the northern city of Bahir Dar. Some delegates questioned government policies before a 180-member coalition council voted behind closed doors for Hailemariam.
"The transition has gone smoothly - the first peaceful transition in the history of modern Ethiopia," said J. Peter Pham, director of the U.S.-based Michael S. Ansari Africa Centre at the Atlantic Council think tank.
"Whatever his faults, Meles gave Ethiopia a long period of stability and sustained economic growth," he said, adding there was no evidence of tensions that could break up the coalition.
Meles's policies often involved a heavy role for the state and have delivered strong growth. The economy of east Africa's most populous country is expected to expand by 8.5 percent in the 2012/2013 financial year.
"With the principles set forth by our late prime minister, we will carry on with our efforts to develop Ethiopia," Hailemariam told delegates, sporting a baseball cap emblazoned with the coalition's emblems.
The post of chairman usually lasts about two or two and a half years, depending on when the congress is called. Hailemariam had been elected to serve out Meles' remaining months as chief of the EPRDF. Tuesday's re-election formalizes his position.
The prime minister's post runs for five years with the next election due in 2015. But the 547-seat parliament has only one seat held by an opposition politician and the EPRDF's opponents say they continue to be pushed to the sidelines of politics.
Four region-based parties make up the EPRDF - the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the Oromo People's Democratic Movement (OPDM), the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM) and the Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement (SEPDM).
Critics pointed to signs of discontent when it took a month after Meles's death to appoint Hailemariam, who also heads SEPDM. They also said his decision to appoint deputies from the three other parties was a ploy to ease ethnic rivalries.
Ruling party members dismissed those accusations.
"The EPRDF is a solid and cohesive party - cohesive in terms of leadership, cohesive in terms of having very clear political and economic programs," said Abraham Tekeste, state minister at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

(Editing by Edmund Blair and Andrew Heavens)

Fifty-nine uprooted people killed in car accident

Ethiomedia; March 27, 2013
BENISHANGUL GUMUZ - Fifty-nine people were killed on Monday when their Isuzu truck overturned, Ethiopian Satellite TV (ESAT) reported on Tuesday.
Children and women were among the victims who perished when they were evicted from the Benishangul-Gumuz Region because they were ethnic Amhara, and couldn't live in the Benishangul-Gumuz region.
Ethiopia has been a victim of a deliberate government policy that has fragmented the country - and hence the unity of the people - along ethnic lines.ESAT said 25,000 ethnic Amharas are on schedule to be uprooted from the Benishangul Areas into the Amhara region. Many rights groups consider the government actions as crimes against humanity.No medical help was rushed to the victims whose fate would have remained a mystery had it not been reported by a lone survivor.One of the poorest countries in the world, Ethiopia has the highest per capita rate of car fatalities in the world, with 190 deaths per 10,000 vehicles, according to a Newsweek report.

Ethiopia: Prime Minister Bereket Simon

by Amanuel Biedemariam
Bereket Simon direct Ethiopian political direction to suit his needs.After the late genocidal dictator Meles Zenawi was rumored to have been sick, incapacitated or dead, Bereket Simon used the time cunningly to direct the course of the current Ethiopian political direction to suit his needs and the needs of few of his close allies. I have in the past written that “the End of TPLF is here”; and current political developments in Ethiopia prove that in deed, has happened. TPLF revolution, Gedli Tigray is over, caput because Bereket Simon is the undisputed victor for now.
Gedli Tigray died when the TPLF abandoned their number one agenda, Greater Tigray (Abay Tigray) after they decided to rule Ethiopia instead of Tigray. As Ambassador Cohen stated, the minority hegemony in Ethiopia is unsustainable. However, and unfortunately for the people of Ethiopia, the minority regime was able to hold-on to power using force, intimidation and by rigging elections. They managed for a while by dividing the nation along ethnic lines and with the blessing of Western donors that funded the dictatorship unreservedly in pursuit of their agendas and interests.
The disappearance of Meles Zenawi fueled speculations about succession and the country’s future. The cloud of secrecy favored one person and that person is information Minister Bereket Simon who used the time to plot Ethiopia’s future political makeup and leadership. Bereket’s agenda are based on his need for his personal safety, since he has made many enemies from within the political circles of TPLF. And to ensure that the successors are friendly to him as well as his allies.
Bereket also had a lot in his favor. He had the ears of Meles Zenawi throughout, hence he was privy to classified information, the process, contacts, the agendas, strategies and he understood the messages, the tone, and the methodology of the regime since he directed it. Therefore, it was easy for Bereket to maintain the contacts and, importantly, to sell his succession agenda to the West particularly the US, which he was able to do rather easily.
The US recognized the transition immediately. Firstly, Hillary Clinton met with Hailemariam Desalegn and soon thereafter a call from President Barack Obama was made acknowledging US support for Hailemariam. This was a major victory for Bereket since it meant the continuation of US support and that translated to continuity for the regime.
That set off the juxtaposition by the various factions of the regimes inner-circle against those previously marginalized by Meles, Bereket and Azeb Mesfin. These include characters like Sibhat Nega that felt that they may have an opportunity to get back into the game after the death of Meles Zenawi.
Initially, there was a great deal of campaigning by these parties to gain public support. That fizzled because they hid the inner-tassel from the public until the mouthpiece of Bereket Simon,, posted red inked headline that announced, “Passing the Torch, TPLF Style! Veteran leaders of the TPLF, Amb Seyoum Mesfin, Amb Berhan G/kirstos, Arkebe Equbay and Zeray Asgedom have resigned and will be replaced in the TPLF CC as part of the ongoing process to renew the TPLF leadership by newcomers. The veterans contribution to the success of the TPLF/EPRDF was immense. Sources told us Seyoum’s farewell speech was so touchy many cried! (March 20, 2013)”
The statement above is laughable, childish however true to the duplicitous nature of these thugs that have terrorized the people of Ethiopia and the region for over two decades.
For long, the people of the region have seen these thugs undermine their intelligence when they make up stories like, “Sources told us Seyoum’s farewell speech was so touchy many cried!” The reality however is that Seyoum was forced-out. Many have reported that Seyoum was trying to mediate between the two factions and worked hard to bring them together fruitlessly. He was not expecting his eviction. Berhan G/kirstos was also forced out. In fact, he did not show up to the so called gathering of farewells because he was angry.
Moreover, what does it mean when they claim, “Passing the Torch, TPLF Style?” TPLF stands for Tigray People Liberation Front, Tigrayan revolution or Gedli Tigray. This raises some questions: A) is TPLF handing off power, B) if these ejected individuals were members of the TPLF politburo and thus revolutionaries does that mean that they retired from being revolutionaries and, C) is Gedli Tigray/TPLF done as a revolutionary entity…
The reality is that the TPLF core is sidelined, marginalized and replaced by a handful that have devised a new strategy on how to rule Ethiopia. In a strategy designed to set stage for the next election, the mouth piece of Bereket Simon,, released a list of the names in an