Friday, August 9, 2013

Ethiopia: Holocaust in the making!

The Ethiopian regime issued a terror alert to Embassies in Addis Ababa to use as a ploy to wedge war on innocent Muslim Ethiopians and massacre
The Ethiopian Muslims have been carrying a peaceful protest for the last 18 months because of the government’s interference in their religious affairs to the extent of assigning spiritual leaders without their consent and impose doctrine. Its own constitutions prohibits government interference in religious matters but this regime violates its own constitution and interferes on all religious affairs including the right to worship, the right to protest and demonstration. The regime also introduced the controversial an anti-terror law a bid to silence and suppress the population than to stop terrorism.
Ethiopian Muslim woman, attacked by government forces during Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Addis Ababa. August 08, 2013
Ethiopian Muslim woman, attacked by government forces during Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Addis Ababa. August 08, 2013
As such no stone remained unturned by the regime to create rift among and distrust between Ethiopian Christians and Muslims and provoke violence but to no avail. Its security agents burned down churches and tried to put blamed on Muslims; it burned down Mosques and tried to put blames on Christians. The heinous crime of the regime is well known to Ethiopian people in particular and the international community in general.
On its press release issued by the United States Of America Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) states that “We are deeply concerned that the Ethiopia’s government is seeking to silence peaceful religious freedom proponents by detaining and trying them in secret under the trump-up terrorism charges” noted Ms. Katrina Lantos Swett, Chairwoman of the USCIRF. Just 4 days ago, on August 3, 2013, the regime’s Federal Police shot and killed over 18 Muslims including a child and a spiritual leader. Hundreds with gunshot were dispatched to different localities, and God knows how much of those wounded will survive.
The regime commits and continues to commit barbaric and savage crime on its own citizens to stay in power and tries to put blames on others. As revealed by Wiki leaks, Mrs. HUDDLESTON on her cable message to state department on 2006/10/06 stated that


The Hon. John F. Kerry
Secretary of State of the United States of America
2201 C Street, NW
Washington DC, 20520

I would like to present you my sincere compliments for the strong commitment you have made to solve the difficult problem of the Palestinian and Israel conflict, which may be key to the general instability that prevails now in the Middle East.
I am writing this letter to bring to your attention the serious political and social crisis that is developing in Ethiopia and the area of the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia with the second largest population in Sub-Saharan Africa has an important Geo-political position that encompasses the Red Sea, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian Ocean and in general Africa and the Middle East. It is also a repository of two major Religions, Christianity and Islam, whose adherents have cohabited the land for over 1300 years, and have shared common sacrifices and struggles to maintain the freedom and independence of their country Ethiopia.
In the past two decades , for reason deemed to be of US national interests, the ruling regime in Ethiopia has enjoyed the unbound political and economic support of the United States, in spite of its blatant violations of human rights, lawless governance, unmitigated corruption and overall misdeeds with complete disregard to the very principles that the US advocates. The regime’s flagrant interference both in Christian and Muslim religious affairs has created rifts and contentions amongst the religious communities. In the past the regime was boasting to have broken the back of the Orthodox Christianity with similar terrorization of innocent civilians; at this moment, in the guise of an unproven terrorist activity, it is conducting indiscriminately a most vile campaign of terror, mass arrests, killings and tortures against the Muslim Community in Ethiopia.
For the United States policy makers neither economic development nor any strategic interests can justify such unlawful and criminal behavior, without incurring an expansion of such kind of crisis in other areas; nor should the US must be viewed as accomplice to this kind of foul play. In view of the important political and strategic importance the United States gives to Ethiopia and the area of the Horn, I would like to suggest that immediate measures be taken to alleviate the present dangerous situation and bring a legitimate democratic rule to the country. It is time for the United States to stand with the people instead of supporting armed criminal political regimes.
Imru Zelleke
(Ambassador of Ethiopia Ret.)