Sunday, August 4, 2013

በኦሮሚያ አርሲ ዞን የሟቾች ቁጥር 11 ደርሰ!

     አንዲት ሴት እና ህጻን ልጅ ከሟቾቹ ውስጥ ይገኙበታል!
ትናንት ማለዳ ጀምሮ የመንግስት ታጣቂዎች በኦሮሚያ ክልል አርሲ ዞን ገብተው በሰነዘሩት ጥቃት የሟቾች ቁጥር 11 ደርሰ፡፡ ከሻሸመኔ እስከ ኮፈሌ እና ዶዶላ ድረስ በሚያካልለው በዚህ የመንግስት ወታደሮች ጥቃት ከፍተኛ ጉዳት የደረሰባቸው እና የታሰሩ ሰዎች ቁጥርም በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ አሻቅቧል፡፡ በእለተ ቅዳሜ ምንም አይነት ተቃውሞም ሆነ መሰል እንቅስቃሰሴዎች በማይካሄድበት እና ባልተካሄደበት እለት የመንግስት ወታደሮች እስከገጠር ቀበሌዎች ድረስ ዘልቆ በመግባት ያለርህራሄ የቀጥታ ጥይት በመጠቀም የአካባቢውን ዜጎች ሲገድሉ ውለዋል፡፡
የመንግስት ቴሌቪዥን በተለመደ መልኩ ‹‹ጂሀድ ሲቀሰቅሱ እርምጃ ተወሰደባቸው›› የሚል ዜና ያሰራጨ ሲሆን የሞቱት ሰዎች ቁጥርም 3 ብቻ መሆኑን ገልጾ ነበር፡፡ መንግስት ቀድሞ በታሰበበት መልኩ በአካባቢው ከፍተኛ የወታደር ሰፈራ በማድረግና በተጠንቀቅ በማስቆም በፌዴራል ፖሊስ፣ አድማ በታኝ እና በወታደሮች በመታጀብ በአካባቢው ሕዝብ ላይ ከማለዳ ጀምሮ ጥቃት ሰንዝሯል፡፡ አራት ኦራል መኪኖች ላይ የተጫኑ ወታደሮች አካባቢውን በመክበብ መስጂዶች እና መኖሪያ ቤቶች ላይ ጭምር ጥይት ሲተኩሱ እንደነበር የታወቀ ሲሆን በዚሁም የአካባበውን ታዋቂ የሃይማኖት መምህር፣ አንዲት ሴት እና ህጻን ልጅን ጨምሮ የሟቾች ቁጥር 10 ደርሷል፡፡ የፌዴራል ፖሊስ አባላት የራሳቸውን መኪና መስታወት በመሳሪያ ሰደፋቸው በመስበር ‹‹ሕዝቡ ሰበረው›› የሚል ፕሮፖጋንዳ ለመስራት የሚያስችል ጥረት ሲያደርጉም ታይተዋል፡፡
መንግስት ምላሽ መስጠት የተሳነውን ሕገ መንግስታዊ የህዝብ ጥያቄ በጥይት በዚህ መልኩ ምላሽ ሲሰጥ ይህ የመጀመሪያው አይደለም፡፡ ባለፈው አመት በአርሲ ዞን አሳሳ ላይ ተመሳሳይ ጥቃት ፈጽሞ አራት ሰዎች መገደላቸው ይታወቃል፡፡ ከዚያም በመቀጠል በአማራ ክልል ገርባ ከተማና በሐረር ኢማን መስጂድ ላይ ተመሳሳይ ጥቃት ፈጽሞ በድምሩ ከ13 ሰዎች በላይ ህይወታቸው በመንግስት ታጣቂዎች ጥይት ተቀጥፏል፡፡ መንግስት የገደላቸውን ሰዎች በሙሉ ‹‹ለጂሃድ ሲያነሳሱ ገደልኳቸው›› የሚል ማስተባበያ ሲሰጥ ቢቆይም ተቀባይነት ሳያገኝ ቀርቷል፡፡ አሁንም ይህ የመንግስት ጭካኔ የተሞላበት ጥቃት ቀጥሏል፡፡
አሁንም ሙስሊሙ ኅብረተሰብ መንግስት ሊፈጥር እያሰበ ያለውን ተጨማሪ ኹከት በመገንዘብና ሊፈጠር የሚችለውን አደጋ በማሰብ የመንግስትን ትንኮሳ ቸል እንዲልና በትእግስት እንዲያሳልፍ አስቸኳይ መልእክት እናስተላልፋለን፡፡ የመንግስት ቀዳሚው ፍላጎት መጀመሪያ እንደታየውም ኹከትና ግጭት በመፍጠርና ጥፋት በማድረስ፣ ሙስሊሙን ኅብረተሰብ ለመወንጀልና ለፕሮፖጋንዳ ፍጆታ ለመጠቀም በመሆኑና ይህም በሁሉም ዘንድ የሚታወቅ በመሆኑ፤ መንግስት ኹከት ሲቀሰቅስ በቸልታና አይቶ በማሳለፍ በመንግስት ወጥመድ ላለመውደቅ ሁሉም ጥረት እንዲያደርግ እንጠይቃለን፡፡ ከምንም በላይ ሰላማዊነታችን ዋጋ የምንሰጠው መሆኑን ሁላችንም ከግንዛቤ በመክተት ሰላማችንን ሊነጥቁ የሚመጡ ኃይሎን በሰላም ብቻ እነድንመልሳቸው አደራ እንላለን፡፡
አላሁ አክበር!

Ethiopia’s Resurgence: Integrating Patriotic and Progressive Movements

By Tesfaye Demmellash (PhD)

In the course of the Revolution and in its wake and over the last two decades of ethnic feudalism, being an Ethiopian patriot and a progressive at the same time has been difficult. True, many of our revolutionaries were patriots, and identity politics may not always be unpatriotic. But our political culture of progressivism as a whole has been marked, be it in effect or in intent, by indifference, hostility even, toward Ethiopian nationalism. As teramajoch, we have often embraced modern political ideas like democracy, self-determination, and equality in a way that is incongruent with old-fashioned love of country, seeing political modernity as the simple reverse or negation of the Ethiopian national tradition. We have generally not carried patriotism with us in our revolutionary consciousness.
On the other side, as patriots, we are inclined to stress historic Ethiopian nationality or identity in a manner that does not always resonate with the contemporary, ideas-based, development of Ethiopiawinnet in the context of social and cultural diversity and globalization. This is particularly true today in that we find ourselves in a defensive patriotic position in the face of an externally assisted systematic assault of Woyane state ethnicism on our national being and on our sense of ourselves as Ethiopians. In giving free rein to the immediacies of our patriotic passion, we tend to limit our ability to practice longer-term, strategically attuned politics and to function on a broader, more enlightened level of national engagement.

I have personally felt a tension between critical, forward-looking conceptual thought on the Ethiopian tradition and on its transformation and development, on the one hand, and the lived experience and joy of simply being Ethiopiawi, on the other. Ever since the Student Movement, I have been troubled by the mutual exclusions and oppositions of politics based on progressive theory and Ethiopian national sentiments and values rooted in history.
I believe this incongruity between sensuous Ethiopian nationality and progressive intellectual and political socialization to restraint of patriotism is not merely an issue that I personally have grappled with. I am convinced that it is a problem many Ethiopians of the revolutionary generation have had to wrestle with as well, although many others of that generation have simply and unaccountably walked away from the problem. More importantly, I see the tension between a firm patriotic heart and an equally firm progressive mind as a dialectic which will figure centrally in the realization of Ethiopia’s resurgence.
Imperative of Patriotic-Progressive Ties
Connections between historically rooted national allegiance and pride and contemporary articulate ideas and goals of teramaj politics are crucial in the Ethiopian struggle against TPLF partisan-tribal dictatorship and for a more just and democratic political order in the post-Woyane era. The meeting between real, experienced Ethiopiawinnet – manifested in meaningful sentiments, values, images, symbols, and cultural practices – and forward-looking political conceptualization, agenda, and action is a vital encounter which has great promise for Ethiopia’s comeback.
Now, whatever its past achievements or present potential, teramaj politica has created a lot of disenchantment among Ethiopians. We are hesitant today to identify ourselves as “teramajoch” because the label has had such troubled and troubling association with hostility toward Ethiopian nationalism. We now know painfully well how far over the top the old model of progressive politics has gone in criticizing and opposing the Ethiopian national tradition. A follower of the model in its own narrow ethnonationalist way, the TPLF party-state machine is the last and uniquely most anti-Ethiopian link in the chain of “radical” teramaj political forces that stretches back to ultra-left dogmatic factions within the Student Movement. This chain of political forces has kept Ethiopia in shackles for decades now.
To note the deep flaws of the supposedly radical form of our progressive experience as I do here, to be fully aware of its excesses and limitations, is not to discount entirely the ideas and goals which inspired the experience. The ideas and goals as such still have wide appeal in the country today – among opposition parties and coalitions, intellectual strata, activists, civic organizations, and media groups. So any political force that seeks to galvanize the Ethiopian people and lead the country’s resurgence must develop a broad national consensus that blends patriotic and progressive movements. But, as a condition of possibility of their dynamic, mutually energizing integration, patriotism and the progressive way must be understood and approached anew, distinctly and in their ties and relations.
Love of country is an ideal or emotion that makes progressives and liberals anywhere uneasy. They generally associate it with jingoistic nationalism, xenophobia, and unthinking loyalty to the nation-state. Separatist ethnic fronts in Ethiopia have imagined and portrayed Ethiopian nationalism simply as Amhara chauvinism and oppression of other ethnic groups. Some of the most repulsive actual features of nationalism include colonialism, fascism, racism, and certain forms of tribalism.
However, we cannot equate patriotism as such with its abhorrent variants or features. We cannot say it is the sum of its flaws and problems, nothing more. The fact is that patriotism, as a set of attitudes, values, sentiments, and dispositions makes itself felt in different

Andenet party calling for protest in Arbaminch city


Andenet party calling for protest in Arbaminch city

The Unlimited Human Rights Violations In Ethiopia

by Mekonenn Elalla authorby Mekonenn Elalla
In Ethiopia, EPRDF has set unconstitutional legislation to protect its own crime against the people and to prolong its life span on power. The new Press Law and the Controversial Anti – Terrorism laws are some of the mechanical devices the dictatorial government muzzles opposition voices and fundamental human rights. Those who dare to ask their right are left behind bars. These days two-third of the population is left to a complete destitution; and more than ever, a great deal of citizens are forced to leave the country as their security or livelihood is drastically under risk. The consistent prejudice and the day to day injustice committed against those who cry for impartiality are clear indications that authorities running the judicial system are not qualified rather handpicked to implement the interest of the governing party without questioning the judgment is unfair or just.
The outcry and misery of Ethiopians are not limited only for those who are living inside the country, under the iron grip of EPRDF. Unprecedented number of refugees and immigrants living on foreign land all over the world, who are not partakers of the oppression, are also crying. The cry longing for the end of tribalism, despotism, racial segregation, and fascism that reigns in the country; and this cry is not merely out of their mouth but flaming out from their gut out of desperation.
As the gruesome human right violations are getting worse, many Ethiopians are left with no other option than leaving the country, crossing borders in tears. In the process of this forced migration, many Ethiopians cry for being victims of illegal and inhuman organ trade (trafficking) in Sinai and other dessert s. Quite many cry falling in the fierce Jaw of beasts while crossing jungles. Others risk their life crossing dangerous sea and ocean waves on worn out boats under the shadow of death; and many of them cry while capsizing to be buried under sea bed or becoming live preys for sharks.
Our sisters living in Middle East and Arab countries are crying under the shackle of modern slavery; being denied their wage for the harsh labor work they are subjected for. Some become victim of boiled oil by their employers and cry bearing life threatening burns and scars on their face and bodies. As if these are not enough to bear on their weak shoulder, many of young girls are being raped without their consent and become hopeless to get any legal protection or justice. Some have lost their life being thrown off high building and those who are lucky to survive are crying being disabled. Still a lot are crying as they are being chased for having no residential permit or paper, locked in prison where they sustain inhuman corporal punishments.
Currently, in Ethiopia the Anuak nation is crying as they become victims of genocide. The Amharas are also crying as they are being displaced from place to place and treated as unwanted citizens in their own country. The same fate is hunting Oromo people and they cry in solitary and mass confinement in shaggy prisons scattered all over the country. Scholars are crying as they are being sentenced to death for writing or telling the truth. Religious and sacred places have become war zones. Monks and nuns cry as they are being flogged and persecuted in Waldiba monastery. Who is not crying? The whole nation is crying; crying by the same cause: unlimited injustice and human right violations of EPRDF.
Through different means of incarceration and even by systematic killing of oppositions, EPRDF has become the sole governing party of the country for the last two decades; yet it couldn’t win the heart  and mind of the people. There are times the party applies a fear-appeal management to make people submissive for its power; terrorizing people on racial and religious grounds. Sometimes, it threatens citizens to lose their work or other benefits unless they stay loyal to the party and keep silent to ask their right. At first, the party was playing racism as a winning card to stay in power and to win public trust; but that couldn’t yield any fruit. Knowing its failure, now, it has been a few years since EPRDF has started to play advocacy for some sentimental and nationally honored concepts which the party doesn’t really committed to or believe on. For instance, recently, the party invested a lot resource to celebrate The Ethiopia Millennium with the people as if it didn’t deny that and said the country has only a history of one century. Again, as if EPRDF didn’t degrade the honor of the country `s flag and called it” a piece of rug, ” now it has started to celebrate flag and culture days nationally.
Not only these, EPRDF is currently using the Nile dam, Hidase as a hot cake to lure the appetite of the nation to get his back. However, the people are well aware of its motives and understood these acts of the party have no real essence to cheer beyond being instrumental to stay in power. If there is one thing the party doesn`t understand or still not will to admit is that EPRDF was not, is not and will not be  able to earn public trust and support.

Breaking News Genocide in Totolamo Village, Ethiopia

The Horn Times Breaking News
by Getahune Bekele-South Africa

Genocide: 11 Ethiopian Muslims mowed down in the Totolamo village blood bath
A five year old kid, an elderly imam and four teens are among the dead
The small maize and potato farming Muslim village of Totolamo in south west oromiyya near the strategic town of Shashemene is in deep mourning after 11 of her citizens gunned down in cold blood by the genocidal Tigre People Liberation Front/ TPLF federal police commandos on Saturday August 3, 2013.
A five year old kid, an elderly imam and four teens are among the dead according to information obtained from Shashemne general hospital where the bodies are stashed in a tiny morgue. The number of the wounded is still unknown.
The fate of hundreds who took refuge inside the Erob Gebya Mosque in the troubled village and surrounded by the federal police is also not yet known. Several others are in detention at the nearby Kofele town police station and the town along with Totolamo village is under total control of the TPLF gunmen in police uniform. Today August 4, 2013 residents are warned to stay indoors as the situation remain frighteningly tense.
The brutal attack on unarmed and benevolent villagers began at nine o’clock yesterday morning after the faithful gathered for their routine prayer meeting. Then the commandos poured into the village and started firing indiscriminately, causing massive chaos and mayhem.
Although genocide has become synonymous with the ruling minority junta for 22 years, the Totelamo blood bath is the first mass killing for newly appointed federal police commander Assefa Abiyo who is said to be more ruthless and ferocious than his predecessor Workneh Gebeyhu.
Scores of relatives from the town of Shashemene are currently waiting to hear the names of the dead or the wounded at the main gate of the general hospital.
Furthermore, in the latest update posted on Minilik Salsawi’s Facebook account, Federal police commandos are among the dead in the Totolamo blood bath as the people tried to defend themselves by throwing stones at the heavily armed attackers backed by deafening machinegun fire.
In related news coming out of yet another nearby western Oromiyya town of Dodola, federal police rapid intervention force unit members were chased away from the area about fifteen hours ago by residents after they made an attempt to arrest a highly regarded local imam.
According to updates reaching the Horn Times from Dodola, angry residents followed the fleeing police force to the region’s administration offices and the Jarolis (elders) are still locked in negotiations with the authorities.
The Horn Times will post further updates in the coming hours.