Saturday, May 3, 2014

ወደ ህሊናችን እንመለስ

አንተነህ መርዕድ
የመሬት ጥያቄ ብዙ መስዋዕት የተከፈለበት ቢሆንም አሁን በባሰ ሁኔታ ወያኔ ከሁሉም ዜጋ ነጥቆ በግሉ አድርጎታል። ማንም ኢትዮጵያዊ የሃገሩ፣ የመሬቱ ባለቤት አይደለም። ከዚህ የባሰ ዜጎችን የማዋረድ ተግባር የለም። አባቶቻችን መሬታቸውን ለባዕድ አንሰጥም በማለት ህይወታቸውን ከፍለው አቆይተውናል። ዛሬ እኛ የራሳችን መሬት ባለቤት እንዳንሆን ሁላችንንም መሬት አልባ ያደረገን ስርዓት ዜጎችን አፈናቅሎ ካድሬዎቹን በመሬት ችብቸባ አሰማርቷል። ለባዕዳን ከመሸጥ አልፎ “እኛም የመሬት ባለቤት ልንሆን ይገባናል” ያሉትንና ይህንኑ የዜጎችን ህጋዊ መብት የጠየቁትን ሁሉ በጠራራ ፀሃይ ባደባባይ ይገድላል።
Ethiopia land grab
ተመንጥሮ ለ ‹‹እርሻ›› የተዘጋጀ መሬት
ጋምቤላዎች፣ አፋሮች፣ ሲዳማዎች፣ ጉጂዎች፣ ሶማሌዎች ዛሬ ደግሞ አምቦዎችና ጎንደሮች የተገደሉት መሰረታዊ የሆነውን የመሬት ባለቤትነት ጥያቄ በማንሳታቸው ነው። በየቦታው እያናጠለ ዜጎችን የሚገድለው የወያኔ ስርዓት በቀነበበልን ጠባብ መንደር ተከልለን ጥቃቱ ወደየቤታችን እስኪመጣ የምንጠብቅ ገልቱዎች መሆናችንን ከብዙ የህይወት መስዋዕት በኋላ እንኳ የተማርን አይመስልም። ትናንት አገራዊ አጀንዳ ይዘው የመታገልና መስዋዕት የመክፈል ታሪክ ያላቸውን የዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች “የትግራይ፣ የአማራ፣ የኦሮሞ፣ የሶማሌ…” እያለ ከፋፍሎ በወንድሞቻቸው ላይ የሚደረገውን ጥቃት በጋራ እንዳይከላከሉ እስከ ማድረግ ደርሷል። አያቶቻችን ከሰሜን ከደቡብ፣ ከምስራቅ ከምዕራብ ተጠራርተው ጠላታቸውን በመከላከል ተደራርበው የወደቁባት ይህች አገር የማን ናት? ኦጋዴን፣ ኤርትራ፣ መተማ ወዘተ. የወደቁ አባቶቻችንን አጥንት የየትኛ ጎሳ አባል እንደሆኑ መለየት እንችላለን?
ከመቶ ዓመት በፊት ተገደሉ የተባሉ ዜጎቻችንን ካረፉበት መቃብር እየተቆፈረ ለፖለቲካ ፍጆታ፣ ለከፋፋይ ዓላማ የሚያናፍሰው ስርዓት በሁሉም የአገሪቱ ክልሎች ዜጎች መሰረታዊ መብታቸውን በሰላማዊ መንግድ ስለገለጹ ብቻ እየገደለ ነው። ሰሞኑን ፕሮፌሰር መረራ ጉዲና እንዲሁም የኦሮሞ ፌዴራሊስት አመራር አባላት እንደገለጹት ያለፈ ታሪክ ስህተትን ስንቆፍር አዲስ ኢትዮጵያን በጋራ ለማለም አልቻልንም። ተባብረን አሁን በተከሰተ ችግር ዙርያ እንታገል ሲሉ ያቀረቡት ጥያቄ ተገቢ ነው።
ከሁለቱም ወገን ያሉ ጽንፈኞች የሚያካሂዱትን የጥላቻ ዘመቻ ችላ ብለን አሁን ባለ የጋራ ችግር ዙርያ ትግልን በማቀናበር የምንመኛትን ሰላማዊና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ኢትዮጵያ ለመገንባት መተባበር የወቅቱ አብይ ቁም ነገር ነው።
የሁሉም ኢትዮጵያውያን ህይወት ክቡር ነው። ለንጹህ ዜጎች መሞትና መታሰር ሃላፊ የሆኑትን ሁሉ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሰብአዊ መብት ተቋማት፣አክቲቢስቶች፣ የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶችና ግለሰቦች እየመዘገቡ መያዝ ያስፈልጋቸዋል። ሁሉም በሰራው ነገ ተጠያቂ መሆኑ አይቀርምና።
የኢህአዴግ አባላትና ደጋፊዎች ከደርግ አወዳደቅ ለመማር ጊዜው ሩቅ አይደለም። መንግስቱ ኃይለማርያምና ከጥቂት ባልደረቦቹ በቀር አብዛኞቹ ላለፈ ተባባሪነታቸው ዋጋ ከፍለውበታል። ከሁሉም በላይ ግን የህሊና ጠባሳቸው ቀላል አይደለም። አቅፋችሁና ደግፋችሁ የያዛችሁት ስርዓት ተጠቃሚዎችና ወንጀለኞች ጥቂትና በጣት የሚቆጠሩ ናቸው። ለማምለጫቸው ቦታ፣ ለኑሮአቸው ከፍተኛ ንብረት አሽሽተው የመጨረሻውን ቀን እየተጠባበቁ ነው። እነሱ ሲሄዱ በጠራራ ፀሃይ ልጆቻቸው የተገደሉባቸውን፣ መሬታቸውንና ንብረታቸውን ተነጥቀው የተፈናቀሉን፣ በየእስር ቤቱ በግፍ ሲማቅቁ የነበሩትን፣ ባጠቃላዩም ላለፉት ሁለት አስርት ዓመታት ግፍ ሲፈጽምባቸው የነበሩ ኢትዮጵያንን ቀና ብላችሁ ማየት የማትችሉበትና ለድርጊታችሁ ተጠያቂ የምትሆኑበት ጊዜ ይመጣል። ወደ ህዝባችሁ መመለስ ካለባችሁ ጊዜው አሁን ነው።
ሁላችንም ወደ ህሊናችን እንመለስ። እየጠፋ ያለው ነገ አገሪቱን የሚረከቡ ወጣቶች ህይወት ነው። በደርግ ወቅት በእርስ በርስ መጨራረስ ከተሞች ወስጥ ያለቀው፣ በኦጋዴን በረሃ፣ በኤርትራና በትግራይ ጋራዎች የረገፉ ወጣቶቻችን፤ ወያኔ ስልጣን ላይ ከወጣ ጊዜ ጀምሮ በኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ትርጉም አልባ ጦርነት እንዲሁም በየቦታው የተገደሉ ዜጎች ቁጥር የባከነውም ንብረት አገራችንን አሁን ላለችበት የዓለም ጭራነት ዳርጓታል። ከዚህ በኋላ ሌላ ውድ ህይወትና የአገር ሃብት ማጥፋት የማንኛውም ቅን ኢትዮጵያዊ አላማ አይሆንም። ችግራችን የጋራ ነው። አገሪቱም የጋራችን ናት። የገራ የሆነ አገርና ህዝብ ደህንነት የሚጠበቀው በጋራ ተሳትፎ ነው። ድብቅ አጥፊ ዓላማ ካላቸው በቀር ሁላችንም ለጋራ ቤታችንና ህዝባችን ባንድ እንቁም።
ኢትዮጵያን እግዚአብሄር ይባርክ
አንተነህ መርዕድ
ሜይ 2014

Afar Facing Severe Ethnic Cleansing and Human Rights Violations

Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)
ARDUF has learnt that TPLF/EPRDF regime has recently ordered its racist paramilitary forces to invade Ammih-baxa, district, zone 3, of Afar Regional State to arbitrary arrest and indiscriminately kill any person who disagree with and express their dissatisfaction with Federal Government’s policies. On 19th April 2014, TPLF/EPRDF forces committed to deliberate, systematic and indiscriminate mass killing against innocent civilians over 12 people, including women, children and the elderly people; a dozen were critically injured, more than 120 homes destroyed purposely. This systematic and disproportionate massacre against innocent Afar civilians took place, at Kurkura, Taa’a (Taaqa) Ward of Ammih baxa district of Zone 3, Afar Regional State, while the Afar civilians were grazing their cattle on their grazing land.
TPLF/EPRDF forces continue to conduct widespread attacks, arbitrary arrest, torture, rape and enforced disappearance and human rights abuses against Afar civilians in different areas of Afar Regional State.
ARDUF extends its deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the victims and families of those killed and injured in the TPLF indiscriminate bombardment attack and detention center.
The reasons behind on-going widespread human rights violations committed by TPLF/EPRDF regime against Afar civilians are relating to: -
(1)- The Afar objection to TPLF/EPRDF forcible eviction from their ancestral land, without taking their economic and cultural considerations and social responsibility into account;
(2)- The Afar strong objection to accept the on-going Issa-Somali’s illegal settlement and TPLF/ EPRDF plan to transfer some districts of Afar land to the Issa-Somali illegal settlers who occupied these districts by force with the support of TPLF/EPRDF regime.
(3)- The Afar objection to TPLF/EPRDF endless systematic political repression and socio- economic marginalization and human rights violations;
(4)- The Afar opposition to TPLF Ethnic and cultural hegemony over Afar and their land.
ARDUF strongly and condemns, in the strongest possible terms the TPLF/EPRDF disgraceful mass killings and arbitrary detention which targeted Afar civilians in Afar region. ARDUF also condemns, in the strongest possible terms, any abuse of basic human rights, killing of innocent Ethiopian peoples by TPLF/EPRDF forces on the basis of their ethnicity in any part of Ethiopia. Afar Region is presently facing a grievous political, economic, social, and insecurity problems, gross human rights violations and crimes against Afar committed by TPLF/EPRDF regime.
ARDUF would like to inform the people of Ethiopia and international community that ARDUF will continue its armed and democratic struggle against TPLF/EPRDF regime until our legitimate right to self-determination of the Afar people is fully recognized and TPLF/EPRDF regime dismantle Issa-Somali illegal settlements built in the Middle Awash (Adaytu, Qunxa-Foqo and Gadamaytu), and TPLF/EPRDF’s Sugar Projects, Mining Exploration corporations, such as Allana Potasha, Stratext International, Indian Sainik Potash, Norwegian fertiliser firm Yara and other foreign land grabbing companies are completely halted in Afar region.
ARDUF call on all Ethiopian political and civic organisations, and concerned individuals to coordinate our democratic struggle to end the current political, economic and social injustice experiencing our peoples in the country.
ARDUF call on the UN, EU, AU, IC, A L and human rights organisations to urge Ethiopian government to stop ethnic conspiracy, ethnic cleansing and ethnic genocides against the Afar People in Ethiopia and to release all peoples have been detained and imprisoned by TPLF regime because of their political opinions immediately and unconditionally.
Victory to the heroic ARDUF- UGUUGUMO
Military Command Centre (MCC)
Information Desk
Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)

OLF Press Release on TPLF’s Mass killings of the Oromo Students

OLF Press Release
The Mass killing of the Oromo students who have peacefully protested against injustices in Ethiopia is only invigorate the Oromo people struggle for justice.The Mass killing of the Oromo students
Since the last twenty three years , the Tigray Liberation Front (the TPLF) controls the state power in Ethiopia, the TPLF regime has targeted Oromo people in general and Oromo students in particular. The TPLF has arrested, tortured and killed thousands Oromo in the past twenty three years. The current sense less mass killings of Oromo students in different universities, like Ambo, Wallaga, Dire Dawa, Robe, Adamaa,Haramaya,Jimma , Illu , etc is the heinous crime that shocked the conscious of humanity.
The OLF strongly condemns such barbaric and egregious killing of innocent Oromo university students who have peacefully demanded the regime to halt the displacement of Oromo farmers from their Ancestral land and the inclusion of Oromo cities and surrounding localities under Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) administration under the pretext of development. Instead of responding for their genuine demands, the barbaric TPLF regime opted to massacre the Oromo students in broad day lights in the eyes of international community which have watched the agony and senseless killing through social media.
We want to remind the TPLF regime that, continuous torture, arrest and arbitrarily killing of the Oromo students will not stop the legitimate demands of Oromo students in particular and the Oromo people in general. Instead, the TPLF Action will invigorate the just struggle of Oromo people to decide their destiny in their home land. We call upon the OPDO to stand with the Oromo students and Oromo people in this historical gesture when the TPLF regime has engaged in killing the innocent Oromo people. Not doing anything and continue to work with the TPLF under this condition will make you (the OPDO) part and parcel of The TPLF crime against Oromo. We remind you that this is a high time for OPDO and its members to stand with the Oromo people genuine demands and constitutional rights guaranteed even under the TPLF (Ethiopian) constitution.
We also call upon all Oromo political and civil organizations and other political and civil organizations that claim they work to bring democracy and freedom in Ethiopia to condemn this heinous crime and stand with the legimate demands of Oromo students and the Oromo people.
Also, we urge all peace loving governments and people around the world to condemn this senseless killing of innocent Oromo students by Ethiopia regime, and stand with Oromo students’ and Oromo people who have been peacefully demanding for their legitimate rights from the Ethiopian regime.
General Kamal Gelcuu ,
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Chairman

EPRDF in panic due to demand for peaceful change

by Robele Ababya
Deep sorrow
I am, in my personal capacity of a concerned Ethiopian, enraged and deeply aggrieved by the beastly deeds that culminated in loss of lives, spilt blood, bodily injury, psychological trauma inflicted on universities students at Ambo, Alem Maya, Jimma, Lekemt et al. These heinous crimes were and are being committed by the EPRDF security forces under the direct command of the minority leaders camouflaging as citizens of Ethiopia. They are hell bent on destroying the cultural diversity of the Ethiopian people plotting from their hideouts in our nation’s capital Addis Ababa and in Tigray – the cradle of our civilization. In the same breath, I most sincerely wish to share the pain of parents and relatives who have lost their loved ones in the heinous cold-blooded murder of their sons, daughters, and all demonstrating residents victimized by senseless act of brutality by government security forces.TPLF logo
Addis Ababa is the melting pot of our diverse culture; Tigray is the citadel of our glory when Ethiopia was one of the four powerful countries on our planet Earth. Inclusive politics must take this into account beyond the fall of the reclusive TPLF regime.
Persistent gun politics in the era of TPLF misrule
The TPLF leaders at the top echelon are reverting to politics by the gun – the game they know best to cling on to power for another 40 years as openly declared by Abay Woldu. This moron from his hideout as President of Tigray is a self-proclaimed guardian of the rotten legacy of his former boss, the butcher of Addis Ababa. The moron and his followers and confidants with parochial views are in their wildest dream busy building the personality cult as “The Great Statesman leading Africa”. But this is not going to happen!!!
Apartheid politics is unnatural
Tigray belongs to all Ethiopians. It is the cradle of civilization of all the descendants of Noah: – Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Cush being the first born son of Ham is credited for establishing the Cushitic Kingdom later succeeded by the Axumite Kingdom. Is this not sufficient justification for averting and condemning in the strongest terms the internecine bloodshed and killings in cold-blood unleashed on universities students singling out the Oromos in particular? I bet the cobra going by the names of Abay Woldu is in trance savoring the blood of the young university students with a broad smile quietly. The victims were exercising their constitutional right of petitioning the brutal ruling regime in a peaceful protest; unfortunately they paid a hefty sacrifice trying to reason with a regime that has shut the door to dialogue.
Our inheritance and invaluable assets
Our sterling achievement is that the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic faiths lived together in relative harmony for centuries. Our greatest gifts are our industrious people, our waters, and vast arable fertile natural resources. These three are our invaluable assets indispensable to our survival as people. We have every right to utilize these assets in a way others can count on us as their breadbasket and source of electric power available for sale. Our water tower is safeguard of last resort against those who wish us ill.
Our ancestors have shown their indomitable spirit and fighting prowess on the international scene sacrificing their precious lives and shedding their blood for the territorial integrity of Ethiopia, freedom and dignity. The present generation is no less determined to assert its resolve to reclaim its freedom and dignity from the tight grip of the TPLF warlords.
The widespread youth movement by tertiary and secondary students has come at a defining moment. For Ethiopia is bound to lose her invaluable assets under the apartheid policy of the brutal regime meddling in religious affairs; stifling democracy; grossly mismanaging natural resources; blocking private landownership and suppressing the initiative and creativity of individuals; and discouraging self-reliance. The peaceful protest must elevate to the level of civil disobedience and spread like bush fire throughout Ethiopia for the sake of securing freedom and dignity for all citizens as well as restoring stability in the troubled region of the Horn of Africa.
The contentious Addis Ababa Master Plan
Ethiopians should be braced for the mushrooming of new cities and expansion of the present ones into metropolis and megacities gradually. This phenomenon will release rural lands for large scale commercial farming as people migrate to the cities seeking greener pastures by investing in business enterprises of their choice with the money acquired from sales of their private farmlands.
In highly industrial nations, less than 10% of their populations are engaged in farming. They feed more than their population require for food and the rest of the farm produce are exported. For example only 2-3% of the USA population is engaged in farming; the farmers produce more than needed for domestic consumption and the rest is exported flooding the world market and building the image of the USA as food basket of the world.
So the contentious issue of the expansion of Addis Ababa Master Plan should be resolved in view of the above. This can be done only by an inclusive democratic government following national reconciliation.
People must come first
Abject poverty is biting deep through the skins to the bone marrows of the masses while elites are failing to unite to ease their sufferings. The struggle initiated by Oromo university students must continue and gather strength across the ethnic divide. Peaceful struggle is already scarring the trigger-happy EPRDF regime to death!!!
In all our endeavors, the principle of putting people is the best policy. Buildings and wide roads constructed with borrowed money do not feed hungry people and develop them to repay the loans let alone increase prosperity. The repressive EPRDF regime has ignored this principle and is therefore well on its way to catastrophe for it has lost the trust of the people. The people know that the despotic ruling regime is causing unrest to rig and secure election 2015 in advance rather than go through the spate of protests that ensued in the aftermath of election 2005 which it lost but kept it by force; it wants to justify to the world that it fairly won election 2010 and hide the fact that it unilaterally declared garnering 99.6% of parliamentary seats.
The EPRDF regime is gripped with panic; it must revisit its failed strategy of robbing elections in broad daylight by accepting the inevitable scenario of peaceful transfer of power to the Ethiopian people.
Tribute to Immeye Menilik
The policy of imperialists was that black African workers should abandon the center of the cities every evening leaving their working places immaculately clean including residential houses, streets and public squares for the enjoyment of their colonial masters; their children were not allowed to study beyond 4th grade.
Ethiopia under Menilik with His stalwart warriors comprising all the mosaic ethnic groups were vehemently opposed to the dehumanizing policy of colonialists and paid a heavy sacrifice fighting for freedom and dignity and set example to all black people in Africa and in the Diaspora.
The ancestors of Amharas and Oromos were singled out for extinction by Fascist Italy; their descendants must therefore at all times stand together in self-defense; otherwise, the TPLF copycats of Italian Fascist’s policy will leave no stone unturned to divide and enslave them.
Urgent call in earnest on the EPRDF cadres, security & defense forces
Members of Security and defense establishment are supposed to defend the constitution. Unfortunately this has not been the case since the TPLF-dominated regime came to power. This costly gross blunder will hold you accountable sooner or later as it did the members of the security and defense forces of the fallen Derg regime. You will face the same fate unless you change course and stand on the side of the people without delay. You must say no to the EPRDF government, which is unabashedly lying through its teeth about the viability of GERD and double-digit GDP growth contrary to single-digit growth of 6 to percent forecast by the International Monitory Fund (IMF and the World Bank (WB).
So I make this urgent clarion call in earnest on the EPRDF cadres, security & defense forces to mend their ways and force the EPRDF party to come to the negotiating table with all opposition entities and civil societies and together pave the way to genuine national reconciliation by weeding out criminals by means of an independent court.
In closing
As the old adage goes” A house divided against itself cannot stand. Unity is paramount to defend, preserve and protect our invaluable human and natural resources.
The EPRDF is in panic because it failed to put people first in its development policy; it arrogantly snubbed inclusivity in matters of paramount national interests such as the GERD and the expansion of the Addis Ababa Master Plan. The reclusive regime is reaping what it has been sowing in all the years it has been in power; EPRDF is now in panic due to self-inflicted wound arising from its fear of people seeking peaceful change. All tyrants fear the people they misrule!
The EPRDF government must be held accountable for the heinous crimes unleashed on the Oromo students. The Prime Minister should take the lead in bringing all involved criminals to court or resign.
One country, Ethiopia! One person one vote!
Release all political prisoners immediately and unconditionally!

Ethiopia: John Kerry raised concerns over the detention of bloggers

Ethiopia growth strains expose political fault-lines

US Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday raised concerns with the Ethiopian government about the detention in the past week of several journalists and bloggers. A number of opposition Blue Party members were also arrested last week ahead of a planned demonstration. US and other donor influence on the question of media freedom and repression of opposition is fairly limited, despite Ethiopia’s dependence on foreign aid. Nevertheless, the recent clampdown — coming amid a wave of protests by students at universities in the Oromo regional state against the pace of the capital city Addis Ababa’s expansion — highlights tensions created or exacerbated by the aggressive growth policies of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).
Secretary Kerry Speaks During News Conference in Ethiopia
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during a news conference on May 1, 2014, that followed a round of government meetings in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the outset of the six-day trip through Africa. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]
The Oxford Analytica

Ethiopia: UN condemns crackdown on journalists, increasing restrictions on freedom of expression

GENEVA (2 May 2014) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Friday expressed concerns about the increasing restrictions placed on freedom of opinion and expression in Ethiopia, following the recent arrest and detention of six bloggers and three journalists.
“I am deeply concerned by this recent wave of arrests and the increasing climate of intimidation against journalists and bloggers prevailing in Ethiopia,” Pillay said.
On 25 and 26 April, six members of the blogging collective Zone Nine and three journalists were arrested by police in Addis Ababa. They were later taken to the Maekelawi federal police station, where they remain in custody.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights condemns Ethiopia's crackdown on journalists
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Ethiopia
On 27 April 2014, they appeared before the Arada Court of First Instance in Addis Ababa. Although the exact charges against each of them remain unclear, the UN Human Rights Office has received information that they were arrested for “working with foreign human rights organizations and inciting violence through social media to create instability in the country.”
The nine detainees are reportedly held incommunicado and some of their family members who tried to bring them food over the weekend were denied access.
Since January 2012, a number of journalists have been convicted under the Anti-terrorism Proclamation to sentences ranging from 5 years to life imprisonment. Two journalists arrested in July 2012 and January 2013 under the same law are currently in detention, awaiting their trial.
“The fight against terrorism cannot serve as an excuse to intimidate and silence journalists, bloggers, human rights activists and members of civil society organizations. And working with foreign human rights organisations cannot be considered a crime. Over the past few years, the space for dissenting voices has been shrinking dramatically in Ethiopia,” the High Commissioner said.
Pillay noted that the Ethiopian authorities continue to use the Charities and Societies Proclamation Law, the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation and the Mass Media Law to restrict the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly.
The Charities and Societies Proclamation Law places restrictions on the activities that civil society organizations can engage in and institutes onerous registration procedures for registration as well as criminal penalties, restrictions on funding sources and intrusive powers of surveillance.
As a result of this legislation, local human rights organizations are unable to operate freely and have had to drastically scale down their human rights activities. Some have even been forced to close down some of their regional offices or to change their focus from human rights to development work during the re-registration process.
“In its efforts to combat terrorism, the Ethiopian Government must comply at all times with its human rights obligations under international law,” Pillay said. Ethiopia is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which both guarantee the right to freedom of expression.
Back in July 2012, Pillay had already warned that the vague definitions used in the 2009 anti-terrorism law could create a climate of intimidation and result in criminalizing the exercise of fundamental human rights.
The High Commissioner urged the Ethiopian Government to release all bloggers and journalists currently in detention for simply exercising their right to freedom of expression. She also reiterated her appeal for there to be a review of current anti-terrorism and civil society legislation to ensure its conformity with international human rights standards.
UN Human Rights

Open Letter to Political Leaders in Ethiopia (SMNE)

SMNE’s Call to Ethiopian Political Leaders in Ethiopia:

A Viable Alternative to a New, Better and More Inclusive Ethiopia Will Not be Delivered by Foreigners like Humanitarian Aid!

Are Ethiopians Ready to Discard Ethnic Politics and Embrace Inclusion in Preparation for the 2015 National Election?
Dear political leaders in Ethiopia,
Warmest greetings to you from the (SMNE) We are writing to you because we believe you are among those who have shown courage and perseverance in pursuing the struggle for freedom and justice in the face of many obstacles. Despite the lack of political space, you have found a way to bring light through the cracks in the foundation of the TPLF/ERPDF. Kudos to you and to those working with you! We want you to be successful, not only for the sake of Ethiopians and those in the opposition, but also for those fellow Ethiopians currently in power who may be realizing they are trapped in a faltering system of their own making. How can we all find a way out before it is too late?
The next concern on everyone’s mind today is what can replace the TPLF/EPRDF and will it be any better? Are we Ethiopians ready to discard tribal politics and to embrace inclusion of all our diverse people, Putting humanity before ethnicity and caring about the well being of those who are beyond our tribal groups, for No one is free until all are free? No nation can sustainably prosper when one tribe takes all, like has been happening in Ethiopia under the TPLF/ERPDF. As one group dominates over the majority, tensions have escalated.Obang Metho, Executive Director SMNE
Many people now fear for the destabilization of the country, believing the TPLF/ERPDF, as is, may have become the greatest source of its own fall and the biggest contributor to possible violence. However, no one seems to know what can alter the course from self-destruction, short of either a change of government or meaningful and comprehensive reforms. Both of these alternatives are far from the minds of the TPLF/ERPDF; yet, they might not have an option. If this is the case, we want it to be a good option for the common good of the people of Ethiopia, both now and for future generations.
As you know, Ethiopia’s national elections are coming up only a year from now May 2015 and we all expect the TPLF/ERPDF to continue to suppress any genuine opposition, but yet, it might also be the best opportunity in years for genuine change. Outsiders in the international community are showing a greater readiness to abandon the TPLF/ERPDF, should there be a viable alternative. One may wonder the reasons behind this shift of support. We have heard through various connections in Europe and North America that the TPLF/ERPDF’s increasingly repressive policies are catalysts for increasing discontent in Ethiopia that could lead to ethnic-based violence and chaos.
As TPLF/ERPDF policies are increasingly running counter to donor’s interests of maintaining stability in the Horn, they are looking for a better alternative. They can see for themselves that the tightening of political space and the crackdown on civil society through anti-terrorism laws and the Charities and Societies Proclamation have led to the arrest of increasing numbers of journalists, bloggers, activists, students and religious leaders. If there were a strongly supported, inclusive and well-organized Ethiopian alternative, capable of bringing greater stability to Ethiopia for the long-run, alliances may quickly change. Now they are asking the question, “Where is that viable alternative?” The warning signs are apparent and there is not that much time for inaction.
Tensions are already simmering so close to the surface that many Ethiopians are seriously concerned that an unexpected event or action may trigger violence, destruction and the disintegration of their society. How will the TPLF/EPRDF clamp down during this election period without becoming that trigger? The most dangerous scenario of all is an Ethiopia post explosion, without structure. Without structure, a vacuum of power and leadership could easily spiral into a failed state. In other words, people are afraid of what will happen if the TPLF/EPRDF remain in power; and even more so, if they lose power quickly through the internal implosion of Ethiopia into ethnic-based strife.
Without significant change within the TPLF/EPRDF or without the emergence of a viable, NON-ETHNIC based alternative—one which could challenge, reform, or replace the TPLF/EPRDF—the end results may be the same. The TPLF/EPRDF, as is, have become a source of instability, endangering both itself and everyone else. The best course of action and the least probable is for the TPLF/EPRDF to pro-actively initiate actions leading to a more inclusive electoral process and the transfer of power back to the people. Currently, the TPLF/EPRDF have much to lose if there is an eruption of violence, leading to their downfall. On the other hand, their best interests and the interests of their children and future generations could be served by pro-actively opening up society and the political system to a genuine transition of power that would lead to meaningful reforms, the restoration of freedom and justice to all people, and to national reconciliation; all of which must be people-driven, not controlled by the TPLF/EPRDF.
With the 2015 election coming, it is a make or break year and we may not get another chance soon. The Ethiopian people will be an alternative, but ONLY IF political leaders and the parties they represent on the ground are willing to convene, strategize and do the hard work of establishing a common agenda for the common good rather than to compete against each other for an otherwise impossible goal. Only then could it become a strong force for genuine political change, reforms and national reconciliation.
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A Short Update (Tweet) from Dr. Merera Gudina, Chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC)

Dr. Merera Gudina emailed the following short note (tweet):
“Ambo is under fire while students across Oromia are being hunted.” (April 30, 2014)
Background: On April 30, 2014, news came from Ambo that the Ethiopian security forces have started crackdown on Oromo students protesting the new Addis Ababa Master Plan. The protests have been going on throughout Oromia nonviolently for the last week; though there have been violent response from the Ethiopian security forces to the other Students Rallies earlier this week, only the Ambo protest rally turned deadly.
- More Info: