What makes the latest targeted assault on members of the ‘Amhara’ group living in Benshangul-Gumz region is the mass scale of the action, the callous nature it has been perpetrated and the manner the crime was completed in apparent evident way. Ethiopians living everywhere are appalled and outraged by the heinous measures of ethnic cleansing conducted by the regime. They have been denouncing the crimes perpetrated against ‘Amharas’ and appealing to the international community to thoroughly investigate the matter. Ethiopians worldwide have been voicing their firm criticism to those who have been giving continuous support and emboldening the regime. They have repeatedly stressed the money given by the donor countries including the UK had been used by those who commit gross human rights violations in Ethiopia.
Ethiopians in London representing all sectors of the community have organised a protest vigil to send a clear message that they also denounce and deplore the act perpetrated on ‘Amharas’ by TPLF led regime. On the day of the protest they will submit their protest letter to UK government, while at the Parliament session the Foreign & Commonwealth Office will answer to the oral question that will be made by Mr Dave Anderson (MP). The protest will be held:
Date: Tuesday 23rd April 2013
Time: 2.00 – 7.00pm
Place: In front of the House of Commons/Parliament
Please make sure take the least moral action an Ethiopian can make by being a voice to your fellow citizen by attending this important protest event. Please circulate this information widely by sharing it to all your contacts and networks.
With all the best wishes,
On behalf of the organising group.
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