ARDUF has learnt that TPLF/EPRDF regime has recently ordered its racist paramilitary forces to invade Ammih-baxa, district, zone 3, of Afar Regional State to arbitrary arrest and indiscriminately kill any person who disagree with and express their dissatisfaction with Federal Government’s policies. On 19th April 2014, TPLF/EPRDF forces committed to deliberate, systematic and indiscriminate mass killing against innocent civilians over 12 people, including women, children and the elderly people; a dozen were critically injured, more than 120 homes destroyed purposely. This systematic and disproportionate massacre against innocent Afar civilians took place, at Kurkura, Taa’a (Taaqa) Ward of Ammih baxa district of Zone 3, Afar Regional State, while the Afar civilians were grazing their cattle on their grazing land.
TPLF/EPRDF forces continue to conduct widespread attacks, arbitrary arrest, torture, rape and enforced disappearance and human rights abuses against Afar civilians in different areas of Afar Regional State.
ARDUF extends its deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the victims and families of those killed and injured in the TPLF indiscriminate bombardment attack and detention center.
The reasons behind on-going widespread human rights violations committed by TPLF/EPRDF regime against Afar civilians are relating to: -
(1)- The Afar objection to TPLF/EPRDF forcible eviction from their ancestral land, without taking their economic and cultural considerations and social responsibility into account;
(2)- The Afar strong objection to accept the on-going Issa-Somali’s illegal settlement and TPLF/ EPRDF plan to transfer some districts of Afar land to the Issa-Somali illegal settlers who occupied these districts by force with the support of TPLF/EPRDF regime.
(3)- The Afar objection to TPLF/EPRDF endless systematic political repression and socio- economic marginalization and human rights violations;
(4)- The Afar opposition to TPLF Ethnic and cultural hegemony over Afar and their land.
ARDUF strongly and condemns, in the strongest possible terms the TPLF/EPRDF disgraceful mass killings and arbitrary detention which targeted Afar civilians in Afar region. ARDUF also condemns, in the strongest possible terms, any abuse of basic human rights, killing of innocent Ethiopian peoples by TPLF/EPRDF forces on the basis of their ethnicity in any part of Ethiopia. Afar Region is presently facing a grievous political, economic, social, and insecurity problems, gross human rights violations and crimes against Afar committed by TPLF/EPRDF regime.
ARDUF would like to inform the people of Ethiopia and international community that ARDUF will continue its armed and democratic struggle against TPLF/EPRDF regime until our legitimate right to self-determination of the Afar people is fully recognized and TPLF/EPRDF regime dismantle Issa-Somali illegal settlements built in the Middle Awash (Adaytu, Qunxa-Foqo and Gadamaytu), and TPLF/EPRDF’s Sugar Projects, Mining Exploration corporations, such as Allana Potasha, Stratext International, Indian Sainik Potash, Norwegian fertiliser firm Yara and other foreign land grabbing companies are completely halted in Afar region.
ARDUF call on all Ethiopian political and civic organisations, and concerned individuals to coordinate our democratic struggle to end the current political, economic and social injustice experiencing our peoples in the country.
ARDUF call on the UN, EU, AU, IC, A L and human rights organisations to urge Ethiopian government to stop ethnic conspiracy, ethnic cleansing and ethnic genocides against the Afar People in Ethiopia and to release all peoples have been detained and imprisoned by TPLF regime because of their political opinions immediately and unconditionally.
Victory to the heroic ARDUF- UGUUGUMO
Military Command Centre (MCC)
Information Desk
Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)
Information Desk
Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF)
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