by Teshome Debalke
Turkish playwright and novelist Mehmet Murat ildan said:
Small minds just like small stones can never create giant waves.
When I came across an article titled ‘Why do Ethiopia’s terrorists hold British passports?’ I can’t help wonder who would write such rubbish. To my surprise I
found the author to be young man by the name Fetsum Berhane of a little known online blog by the name HornAffairs run by what appears the regime operatives in Addis Ababa.
To his credit, Fetsum alike the old operatives is out in the open with his picture and name willing to take responsibility in a cover-up for the regime’s crime in a name of journalism.
As expected, what bothered Fetstum was not the regime crime of kidnaping, injustice … but, foreign medias’ refereeing the popular Ginbot 7 Movement leader Andargachew Tsige as ‘opposition leader or activist’. He argues why these foreign Medias ‘bothered to sympathize with a terrorist whose record is full of foiled plots’.
He wrote;
“The news headline of The Guardian calls Andargachew “opposition leader” and Al Jazeeera even dared to call him “opposition activist”. The only thing wrong with these expressions is that they are false and the writers know it. The question is why they bothered to sympathize with a terrorist whose record is full of foiled plots.”
It is not clear whether he is accusing the foreign Medias; why they didn’t accept the Woyane’s Kangaroo court’s verdict known to dispense justice over a phone or accusing the British government for not arresting the journalist under British terrorist law that is’ identical’ with the Woyane regime’s, as the sorry Prime Minster declared.
Further down in his piece, he wrote;
‘Many expect better journalistic standards from at least The Guardian and BBC even though they are not surprised by AlJazeera. The sympathetic reporting of AlJazeera provided to groups that are violent or/and Qatar friendly is now a common knowledge. Some believed that early on when the channel delivered exclusive videos of Bin Laden.’
Here again it is hard to tell who he refers as ‘many’ that ‘expect better journalistic standard’. It appears he is referring to Woyane apologists that couldn’t be able to arrest the journalists overseas like they do under terrorism proclamation at home.
It is amazing what 23 years of growing up in the bubble of the Woyane ethnic Apartheid can do to young mind. It is a good reminder of what they call ‘a mind is a terrible thing to waste’.
Regardless, the self-professed ‘agriculture economist’ turn terrorism analyst and journalism expert have one good thing going for him. He started from killil politics and graduated to regional analyst and expert in terrorism and journalism.
Could it be a sign the new generation is coming out of the cage (Killil) Woyane fenced them into regional and international affairs? One can only say Kudos to finally grow out of Apartheid cage. But, looking at the content of the blog it looks like in what they refer as ‘you can get the man out of his Killil but you can’t get the killil out of him’.
Fetsum that refers himself as ‘an Ethiopian resident, economist researcher and a blogger on Horn Affairs’ doesn’t say which Killil he belongs in the Nations and Nationality of Ethiopia the regime prizes as its biggest accomplishment. But he is bold enough to admit he is functionally illiterate i.e. a researcher without a research and a lawyer without the law; not to mention expert in terrorism and journalism.
How could a promising young man with so much life ahead of him reduced into a complete bubblehead?
Before he order a terrorist charge against me over the phone, let me see if I can help him reeducate himself to be a productive citizen than an assassin of the rotten ruling regime as he appears to be now. By the way, the offer extends to all functionally illiterate Woyane apologists that wouldn’t tell the difference between the law and their wish list.
First, as ‘educated’ man you don’t make a statement or accusation straight out of a regime like Woyane. It makes you look like a common cadre in a cover of a diploma and journalism. Second, you don’t accuse credible Medias when your only source of information is Woyane. It makes you look illiterate that can’t tell the difference between independent and tainted information. Third, if you claim to be educated you stick with what you know and don’t wonder around. Being educated means knowing what you know as well as what you don’t know.
Otherwise, your education would be only good to keep people ignorant as you do it voluntarily. Finally, if you get paid to write you are an agent for whoever pays you. If you don’t disclose it to the public you are not any better than an assassin that terrorizes people, except you do it with the pen instead of a gun.
Remember, education/knowledge is a transition from darkness to enlightenment. It won’t happen under a regime like Woyane. Finding out why that is so will make you enlightened enough to call Woyane terrorist than the other way around.
The question is, to be or not to be enlightened. Twenty three years journey in the darkness is way too long to say if the head on your shoulder is yours or someone else. No one proved it better the Prime Disaster Hailemariam Desalegn.
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