by Kassahubn Addis
The regime in Addis Ababa and its diplomatic missions around the globe spend more time bedeviling members of the Diaspora opposed to the lack of democracy in Ethiopia. While they should be working to promote the interest and safety of citizens abroad, they spend resources spying on individuals, dividing communities and fundraising. This is on top of unofficial import export business most embassy officials are engaged in.
This short piece is to put further light on how low these embassies go to achieve their goals. A picture caption of a story published on by the Public Relation head, Tsehaye Debalkew, of the Ethiopian Embassy ask “What evidence do you want more than a picture?” (See )
Here is a snapshot of the story as it appears on the website:
It actually doesn’t take a computer savvy genius to tell what has been done to the original pictures
Ato Tsehaye Debalkew accuses what he calls the “few Diaspora” of “character assassination.” The irony is that he, and the office he represents, manipulated a picture, or used manipulated picture, to assassinate the characters of the “few Diaspora” Then to add insult to our intelligence, he captioned it “What evidence do you want more than a picture?”
I wouldn’t have been surprised if sharing of this fake picture was only circulated in social media. Apparently there were already 50+ shares of this picture. Well, that is unregulated sphere and anyone can do anything. But coming from an official, spokesperson, of the embassy and carried by tigraionline, a semi official website, I felt obliged to put this together.
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