The Choice is clear:
Ask what you can do for your people-country not what your people-country can do for you Or Ask what you can do for you-your belly not what your people-country can do for your bellyby Teshome Debalke (ተሾመ ደባልቄ)
Exploring the mind of an average Woyane better illustrate the realities today. When TPLF embarked in liberation from Ethiopia it signed its death wish. Therefore, an average Woyane today is a dead-man-walking; breathing on the legacy of a dead tyrant or the expenses of the same Ethiopia he learns to hate-and-love for the wrong reasons. An average Woyane leader today also is a fugitive from justice for treachery, atrocity and corruption; delaying the day of judgment by all means necessary-hiding in the trenches. And, the average Woyane intellectual is a moving target that lives in a bubble. These realities are what we Ethiopians are faced with to save our people and nation from the onslaught of Woyane or whatever is left of it.
Woyane came a long way from building martyrdom for treachery to demolishing the statue of patriots, from developmental regime to burying stolen public money underground, from dismantling anything of values to builder of the Renaissances Dam, from burning the national flag of love, unity and sacrifice to legislating Flag Day in a Parliament of no flag, from ‘ethnic freedom fighter’ to enemy of national freedom movement and Merchants-of-Death, on and on.
All theses reality fresh in the mind is where Ethiopians are willing to forgive and forget and move on to repair the damages and bring our people together and save our country. The unprecedented wisdom never seen in the human experience is where we should raise the question; is the treacherous Woyane Ethiopian or some kind of foreign mercenary as many of us believe?
The answer we have been postponing as we do many things for the right or wrong reason is back on our lap to deal with it once and for all.
Looking at the rant of the helpless Woyane intellectuals shows the state of mind of Woyane and reinforces the belief it is a mercenary group; empowered to ransack Ethiopia under Federalism of Ethnic Mercenaries. Accordingly, the intellectual apologists are banking on sustaining Woyane by reshuffling ethnic mercenaries in the developmental state of TPLF’s robbery.
Absence of accepting the reality of what Woyane is all about the walking-dead intellectuals are all over the map; not talking how rotten Woyane is but how bad the alternative could be. But, recently, to the credit of one x Woyane intellectual that runs Ethiopian Civility Discussion Forum we learned how rotten Woyane continued to be more than our wildness expectations. The man by the neck name Aba Mela, though too late to come out was brave enough to tell his Woyane intellectual peers to leave their rotten existence and join civilization. We should be thankful for his bravery and grateful for ESAT for doing its public service of showing the world the reality of Woyane from the horse’s mouth. No wonder why ESAT is making Woyane scavengers loss sleep over its existence.
Though Aba Mela’s explanation of why he wasted so much time in the service of the rotten Woyane was not satisfactory for many it opened the window to see how the intellectual apologist lived in a bubble; suffocated in their own rotten mind not to let go of the regime of distraction. This behavior isn’t a small matter for Ethiopians to ignore because the very excuse of Woyane depends on the apologists’ constant diversion of the truth and the assault on the democratic movement and the free press from ending the self-declared minority and corrupt regime’s rule. The worst of the apologist are those that claim they aren’t supporters in public while doing the bidding of Woyane in private. It would be a great public service if ESAT follow up and expose them to the world out of their hiding.
By now, every Ethiopian knows Woyane is a poison for anyone, including those associated with it. Every Ethiopian knows the democratic movement is unstoppable regardless of our wishes. Every Ethiopian, including the fringe elements knows the suffering of our people can only be stopped by an elected government by the people, for the people to the people. And, every Ethiopian, including ethnic peddlers knows the people’s right and freedom can’t be marginalized by fake liberation, fake representation, fake development, fake media, and fake… but, the free will of the people; exercising their democratic rights.
Then, why would anyone declare to be self appointed representatives of one group or another before the people say so? Why deprive Ethiopians from joining the democratic movement that will allow them to say what is best for us by diverting us into our differences and inviting us into conflicts than facilitating the space to address our problem in free and democratic discourse?
Who would benefits peddling our difference and disunity or scared of settling our differences peacefully to live under a government we choose?
For My Country for My People-ለሃገሬ ለወገኔ is better illustrated in the historical week of 2013 festival of The Ethiopian Sport Federation in North America (ESFNA) that unites the people and AESAONE that disunite the people in Diaspora. What made the environment different is the relatively level playing field for Ethiopians to exercise their right in their free will. Woyane is disarmed of its gun and its propaganda monopoly and Ethiopians are empowered to express their true feeling freely and without fear. Given a choice; Ethiopians unanimously rejected Woyane hands down; showing the reject is living on borrowed time. Beyond that, those that capitalize on our differences and conflicts including Woyane and its apologist are burning in their hideout; devising to find a way to breakup our unity in diversity, love of country and our yearning for democracy.
The question is, can the scavengers stop us from our universal rights to be free and ruled by our own elected government? In another word, do we allow the scavengers to use us against each other to get what they want?
What we see being played out is the grand scavenger Woyane and the small scavengers here-and-there gasping for air; zeroing in on our differences to get what they want. Isn’t it about time to demand one and all which side of the divide they are than allowing them to run loss with one excuse or another?
We as people of Ethiopia would make the biggest mistake of our existence if we listen to those self appointed leaders of one group or another that capitalize on our differences posed to save us from each other than the scavenger Woyane and its like. Thank God, we proven for one-and-all; we are no match for scavengers.
If you ask me, we as people can save the scavengers from themselves. As for me, I expect my people to save me from the scavengers in your mist that tell you they will save you from your own people regardless of what ethnicity, religion, region, gender…they may be. Personally, I might as well be caught dead to listen to anyone pandering on my difference with my people to use me against and to save me from my own people.
Scavengers live-off the misery of people or perpetuate misery to survive and to be relevant. They search any reason for conflict and capitalize on differences of our people because they know the don’t make it without it.
Therefore, the Democratic Movement is the enemy of scavengers. For instant, take the grand scavenger Woyane, its # 1 enemy are those that lead the democratic movements. The same is true with intellectual scavengers. Why do you think they split hair from joining the democratic movement than apologizing for scavenger regime while assaulting the leaders of the democratic movement?
The struggle must go forward; leaving the scavengers and their apologist behind, and as we can see they are scrambling for their survival. Some are belling out sooner than later. Others are getting bolder than ever. The rest are praying for miracle for their survival.
The Choice is clear;
Ask what you can do for your people-country not what your people-country can do for youOr
Ask what you can do for yourself-your belly not what your people-country can do for yourself-your bellyIt is clear as black and white and an easy choice. As always, I choose the right side. Have you?
This article is dedicated for my people gathered in the 30th anniversary of ESFNA and those dedicated to make it happen. Thank you for choosing what you can do for your people-country not what your people-country can do for you. It is the right and the Ethiopian thing to do.
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