Clash of Civilization between those that stand for Democracy and universal suffrage and others that submit for tyranny is reaching the tipping point. What remained for the rest of spectators is to take side. On one hand, there are those that declared tyranny must be dismantled as it should by all means necessary to replace it with the people government. On the other hand, there are those that accepted ethnic tyranny as their savior signing their death wish. The choice is clearer than ever. The difference is, the former have everything to live for to see the dawn of freedom playing on the higher ground while the later have no life worth living; except to preserve tyranny one more day… by all means necessary playing on the bottom of the pits.
Fortunately, everybody must take side. As they saying go, ‘life is a bitch’ but, we have to live it. Those that attack the messenger instead of challenging the message are on the bottom of the pits. No sane Ethiopian would play at the bottom with tyranny unless…

The fall out from the hearing and the subsequent bill that will be introduced shortly will open the Pandora box that would make Woyane a liability for anyone that remotely associated with it. Expect more crazy noises from the frightened regime and its confused stooges that made a habit of lying and labeling everybody terrorists in their last gasp for air to salvage the ethnic tyranny from its unavoidable demise.
Dr Berhanu Nega of Ginbot Seven Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy (G7) and Mr. Obang Metho of Solidarity Movement for the New Ethiopia (SMNE) along other non Ethiopian panelists’ testimony dissected what Woyane is all about and opened more eyes than ever. They confirmed, the clandestine regime in Addis Ababa isn’t an ordinary tyranny many people thought it was. Even the most ardent supporters that are blindfolded and bribed to go along learned; the dubious regime they serve is the most illusive, methodically brutal and corrupt ethnic Apartheid never seen since the last Apartheid regime of South Africa departed in disgrace.
The two icons of the struggle for democracy and human right sealed the fate of Woyane tyranny to the world in public to the point where no one can say ‘I didn’t know’ what kind of monster Ethiopians have been through for these long. As expected, it rattled the stool pigeons of ethnic tyranny to come out of the woodworks to bit the messengers than the message; back to the bottom of the pits where they are comfortable. Short of refuting the message line byline in public, the hapless ethnic stooges came up with the old tired gorilla style attack on the messengers to divert the message. The target this time is Berhanu Nega and ESAT for the obvious reason. But, none of the attackers have anything to offer or willing to come on the same ESAT to explain who they represent and what they offer. As they say, cowards never won any battle or build anything useful.
There is no better example of a stool pigeon ethnic tyranny outsourced its propaganda than Awramba Time; an online ‘Media’ managed by an individual named Dawit Kebede. The man sought political asylum not long ago from the same ethnic tyranny on the ground of fearing for his life. All of a sudden he joined the stooges of the same tyranny against the oppositions in Diaspora. As expected, right after the hearing, he came up with what he calls ‘news’ against Ginbot 7 Chairman and ESAT titled ‘Berhanu Nega receives half a million “grant” from Egypt to run Ginbot 7 and ESAT’ with video attachment title “listen, in his own word, the fugitive terrorist leader, Birhanu Nega, aka Bin Laden, how he is spending this huge amount of money to destabilize…”.
The unprecedented and unprovoked personal attack on the messengers confirmed he didn’t seek asylum from the regime but to become an extension of regime’s propaganda in Diaspora. The way I see it, the one-in-all Woyane stooge broke the record of dedication of serving ethnic tyranny than any; posing as opposition, journalist and free Media. He even further beyond a call of duty as the police, prosecutor and the judge as the ethnic tyranny he supposedly left behind.
No one knows what ticked him off to blow his cover after he played Ethiopians as an opposition and sought asylum to come all the way to America to do where no cadre has ever done before. Therefore, Ethiopians must demand he reviles to the public his petition for asylum to US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) authority or go back home as a wounded cadre for another assignment in the Government Miscommunication Affair Office.
Though, we should admire his dedication for distraction to preserve ethnic tyranny, there is a bigger lesson here; playing mud fight with Woyane and its dedicated stooges cheapens the bigger cause of Democracy and Freedom and bring down the leaders of the struggle to Woyane level. Therefore, taking the higher ground is not only important to leave them on the bottom where it is comfortable for them but it will shut off the empty noises coming from all direction; depriving them a place to hide.
It seems the stooges of the ethnic tyranny are convinced the democratic movement is at the same level as Woyane. Therefore, they have been throwing all kinds of mud to elevate Woyane on the top through diversion. Every time the struggle is elevated where it should be the stooges scramble to bring it down on the bottom where they couldn’t get out of. Surprisingly, there are quite a few individuals and groups paused as oppositions and Media comfortable to play on the bottom of the pits. Failing to elevate themselves to the top of the struggle, the one and only way they can be relevant turned out to be playing on the bottom as Woyane.
The democratic struggle’s choice is clear than ever; remain on the bottom of the pits with Woyane or rise up to the top with the democratic movement. The noise makers must be challenge in public to put up what they got or shut up and to leave the judgment to the public and the judges in the government of free and democratic Ethiopia.
Therefore, there are no more excuses with any living and breathing Ethiopian not to play on the top of the movement to bring down the ethnic tyranny that plays on the bottom of the pits. No backbiting and character assassination of leaders of the struggle is going to excuse anyone not to do his/her part for the struggle. No growth and transformation or swimming the Nile River down the stream to Egypt nor flirting with ‘terrorist’ is going to divert the movement for Democracy to bring down Woyane ethnic tyranny. No amount of selective cut and pastes news would sooth the stooges’ pain and suffering caused by the movement.
The day of reckoning is fast approaching. The question is ‘to be or not to be…’ Would Woyane stooges and apologist abandon the brazen regime now they know its crimes of the century is out to the world? Would the double thinkers stand straight on their wobbling legs to say I am joining the movement? Would the different factions realize our people’s freedom comes first before anything else they wish? Would people stop incriminating each other and wait for justice to take its course in the new democratic and free Ethiopia? Could ‘Medias’ honor the profession to collaborate in defending our people from tyranny? Could men put their ego aside to understand there are bigger issues than their over inflated self-image? Can women step forward to take leading roles in the democratic struggle than remain spectators? Can the intellectuals put their knowledge to use than brag about their credential? Can the youth step out to lead and demand accountability of everyone concerned to save the future?
Ever since Woyane regime came to power 22 years ago it implemented every deviant plan on its agenda. By fooling the world and distracting the public by dividing the population along ethnic, region and religion it accomplish its mission. Noting changed, except, this time around people stood up as one and the propaganda machine is broken in pieces to expose two decades of regime’s crimes to the larger population and the world because of organizations like Ginbot 7, SMNE and many others, thanks to the Mass Media, including ESAT, and the social Medias. Guess what the stooges are after?
‘The chickens are coming home to roost’ as Dr Berhanu put it on the hearing. ‘Ethiopians aren’t sharing land, country, religion…we are share blood; nobody can take that from us’ as Mr. Obang put it. The regime has two choices; to surrender power peacefully for democratic transition or continue to kill and rob the people to survive until it goes down.
Here is where the blind supporters miss to make the hardest decision of their lives. Stick around with the regime and eventually become fugitives from justice or abandon the regime and go through what the transition to democracy would have in store for you. There is no way out of the deadlock. But, so far, like dumb and dumber the stooges are allover the map attacking the messengers to divert attention from the massage. What losers with no shame.
The problem with tyranny is it is secretiveness blinds its supporters to understand what it does until the whole things blow on their face. By then, it is too-little-too late to do anything about it but go down with it in shame. The Woyane tyranny isn’t an exception. Not too many people know the magnitude of the crimes the regime committed to get to and remain in power, especially the stooges the regime use to do its dirty job. Apparently, the fact Woyane picks and choices mentally and morally challenged individuals it didn’t help them to figure it out sooner than later.
Therefore, when individuals sleep with tyranny it is universal knowledge they should know they are willing to be tools to commit crimes against the people. ‘I didn’t know’ can’t be a defense to get away with murder, or the sky falling good enough diversion from taking personal responsibility. There is no hiding place either.
‘Clash of Civilization’ between those that stand up for Democracy and universal suffrage and others that submit for tyranny is reaching the tipping point. What remained for the rest of spectators is to take side. On one hand, there are those that declared tyranny must be dismantled as it should by all means necessary to replace it with the people government. On the other hand, there are those that accepted ethnic tyranny as their savior; signing their death wish. The choice is clearer than ever. The difference is, the former have everything to live for to see the dawn of freedom by playing on the higher ground while the later have no life worth living; except hoping tyranny will stay one more day… by all means necessary; playing on the bottom of the pits.
Fortunately, everybody must take side. As they saying go, ‘life is a bitch’ but, we have to live it. Those that attack the messenger instead of challenging the message in public are on the bottom of the pits. No sane Ethiopian would go to the bottom with tyranny than taking the higher ground unless…
I choose the right side, have you? You should
This article is dedicated to Mr. Obang Metho of SMNE, Dr. Berhanu Nega of G7and the folks at ESAT. No matter what, they are walking the talk of democracy and human right. Let it be known; the gutless people that insult and undermine their efforts aren’t any better than Woyane. As they say, ‘show me…what you can do better. Those who throw mud aren’t any better than the mud they throw either. That is the honest truth.
Fortunately, everybody must take side. As they saying go, ‘life is a bitch’ but, we have to live it. Those that attack the messenger instead of challenging the message are on the bottom of the pits. No sane Ethiopian would play at the bottom with tyranny unless…
I choose side, have you?
by Teshome Debalke
The US Congressional hearing this week on The Future of Democracy and Human Right in Ethiopia is another millstone; exposing further the self-declared ethnic minority tyranny in Ethiopia has no creditability or redemption value. The hearing, not only exposed Woyane’s atrocities and corruption but the complicity of the US Administrations that supported and armed it in the name of fighting terrorism; leaving the defenders of ethnic tyranny striped necked.The fall out from the hearing and the subsequent bill that will be introduced shortly will open the Pandora box that would make Woyane a liability for anyone that remotely associated with it. Expect more crazy noises from the frightened regime and its confused stooges that made a habit of lying and labeling everybody terrorists in their last gasp for air to salvage the ethnic tyranny from its unavoidable demise.
Dr Berhanu Nega of Ginbot Seven Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy (G7) and Mr. Obang Metho of Solidarity Movement for the New Ethiopia (SMNE) along other non Ethiopian panelists’ testimony dissected what Woyane is all about and opened more eyes than ever. They confirmed, the clandestine regime in Addis Ababa isn’t an ordinary tyranny many people thought it was. Even the most ardent supporters that are blindfolded and bribed to go along learned; the dubious regime they serve is the most illusive, methodically brutal and corrupt ethnic Apartheid never seen since the last Apartheid regime of South Africa departed in disgrace.
The two icons of the struggle for democracy and human right sealed the fate of Woyane tyranny to the world in public to the point where no one can say ‘I didn’t know’ what kind of monster Ethiopians have been through for these long. As expected, it rattled the stool pigeons of ethnic tyranny to come out of the woodworks to bit the messengers than the message; back to the bottom of the pits where they are comfortable. Short of refuting the message line byline in public, the hapless ethnic stooges came up with the old tired gorilla style attack on the messengers to divert the message. The target this time is Berhanu Nega and ESAT for the obvious reason. But, none of the attackers have anything to offer or willing to come on the same ESAT to explain who they represent and what they offer. As they say, cowards never won any battle or build anything useful.
There is no better example of a stool pigeon ethnic tyranny outsourced its propaganda than Awramba Time; an online ‘Media’ managed by an individual named Dawit Kebede. The man sought political asylum not long ago from the same ethnic tyranny on the ground of fearing for his life. All of a sudden he joined the stooges of the same tyranny against the oppositions in Diaspora. As expected, right after the hearing, he came up with what he calls ‘news’ against Ginbot 7 Chairman and ESAT titled ‘Berhanu Nega receives half a million “grant” from Egypt to run Ginbot 7 and ESAT’ with video attachment title “listen, in his own word, the fugitive terrorist leader, Birhanu Nega, aka Bin Laden, how he is spending this huge amount of money to destabilize…”.
The unprecedented and unprovoked personal attack on the messengers confirmed he didn’t seek asylum from the regime but to become an extension of regime’s propaganda in Diaspora. The way I see it, the one-in-all Woyane stooge broke the record of dedication of serving ethnic tyranny than any; posing as opposition, journalist and free Media. He even further beyond a call of duty as the police, prosecutor and the judge as the ethnic tyranny he supposedly left behind.
No one knows what ticked him off to blow his cover after he played Ethiopians as an opposition and sought asylum to come all the way to America to do where no cadre has ever done before. Therefore, Ethiopians must demand he reviles to the public his petition for asylum to US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) authority or go back home as a wounded cadre for another assignment in the Government Miscommunication Affair Office.
Though, we should admire his dedication for distraction to preserve ethnic tyranny, there is a bigger lesson here; playing mud fight with Woyane and its dedicated stooges cheapens the bigger cause of Democracy and Freedom and bring down the leaders of the struggle to Woyane level. Therefore, taking the higher ground is not only important to leave them on the bottom where it is comfortable for them but it will shut off the empty noises coming from all direction; depriving them a place to hide.
It seems the stooges of the ethnic tyranny are convinced the democratic movement is at the same level as Woyane. Therefore, they have been throwing all kinds of mud to elevate Woyane on the top through diversion. Every time the struggle is elevated where it should be the stooges scramble to bring it down on the bottom where they couldn’t get out of. Surprisingly, there are quite a few individuals and groups paused as oppositions and Media comfortable to play on the bottom of the pits. Failing to elevate themselves to the top of the struggle, the one and only way they can be relevant turned out to be playing on the bottom as Woyane.
The democratic struggle’s choice is clear than ever; remain on the bottom of the pits with Woyane or rise up to the top with the democratic movement. The noise makers must be challenge in public to put up what they got or shut up and to leave the judgment to the public and the judges in the government of free and democratic Ethiopia.
Therefore, there are no more excuses with any living and breathing Ethiopian not to play on the top of the movement to bring down the ethnic tyranny that plays on the bottom of the pits. No backbiting and character assassination of leaders of the struggle is going to excuse anyone not to do his/her part for the struggle. No growth and transformation or swimming the Nile River down the stream to Egypt nor flirting with ‘terrorist’ is going to divert the movement for Democracy to bring down Woyane ethnic tyranny. No amount of selective cut and pastes news would sooth the stooges’ pain and suffering caused by the movement.
The day of reckoning is fast approaching. The question is ‘to be or not to be…’ Would Woyane stooges and apologist abandon the brazen regime now they know its crimes of the century is out to the world? Would the double thinkers stand straight on their wobbling legs to say I am joining the movement? Would the different factions realize our people’s freedom comes first before anything else they wish? Would people stop incriminating each other and wait for justice to take its course in the new democratic and free Ethiopia? Could ‘Medias’ honor the profession to collaborate in defending our people from tyranny? Could men put their ego aside to understand there are bigger issues than their over inflated self-image? Can women step forward to take leading roles in the democratic struggle than remain spectators? Can the intellectuals put their knowledge to use than brag about their credential? Can the youth step out to lead and demand accountability of everyone concerned to save the future?
Ever since Woyane regime came to power 22 years ago it implemented every deviant plan on its agenda. By fooling the world and distracting the public by dividing the population along ethnic, region and religion it accomplish its mission. Noting changed, except, this time around people stood up as one and the propaganda machine is broken in pieces to expose two decades of regime’s crimes to the larger population and the world because of organizations like Ginbot 7, SMNE and many others, thanks to the Mass Media, including ESAT, and the social Medias. Guess what the stooges are after?
‘The chickens are coming home to roost’ as Dr Berhanu put it on the hearing. ‘Ethiopians aren’t sharing land, country, religion…we are share blood; nobody can take that from us’ as Mr. Obang put it. The regime has two choices; to surrender power peacefully for democratic transition or continue to kill and rob the people to survive until it goes down.
Here is where the blind supporters miss to make the hardest decision of their lives. Stick around with the regime and eventually become fugitives from justice or abandon the regime and go through what the transition to democracy would have in store for you. There is no way out of the deadlock. But, so far, like dumb and dumber the stooges are allover the map attacking the messengers to divert attention from the massage. What losers with no shame.
The problem with tyranny is it is secretiveness blinds its supporters to understand what it does until the whole things blow on their face. By then, it is too-little-too late to do anything about it but go down with it in shame. The Woyane tyranny isn’t an exception. Not too many people know the magnitude of the crimes the regime committed to get to and remain in power, especially the stooges the regime use to do its dirty job. Apparently, the fact Woyane picks and choices mentally and morally challenged individuals it didn’t help them to figure it out sooner than later.
Therefore, when individuals sleep with tyranny it is universal knowledge they should know they are willing to be tools to commit crimes against the people. ‘I didn’t know’ can’t be a defense to get away with murder, or the sky falling good enough diversion from taking personal responsibility. There is no hiding place either.
‘Clash of Civilization’ between those that stand up for Democracy and universal suffrage and others that submit for tyranny is reaching the tipping point. What remained for the rest of spectators is to take side. On one hand, there are those that declared tyranny must be dismantled as it should by all means necessary to replace it with the people government. On the other hand, there are those that accepted ethnic tyranny as their savior; signing their death wish. The choice is clearer than ever. The difference is, the former have everything to live for to see the dawn of freedom by playing on the higher ground while the later have no life worth living; except hoping tyranny will stay one more day… by all means necessary; playing on the bottom of the pits.
Fortunately, everybody must take side. As they saying go, ‘life is a bitch’ but, we have to live it. Those that attack the messenger instead of challenging the message in public are on the bottom of the pits. No sane Ethiopian would go to the bottom with tyranny than taking the higher ground unless…
I choose the right side, have you? You should
This article is dedicated to Mr. Obang Metho of SMNE, Dr. Berhanu Nega of G7and the folks at ESAT. No matter what, they are walking the talk of democracy and human right. Let it be known; the gutless people that insult and undermine their efforts aren’t any better than Woyane. As they say, ‘show me…what you can do better. Those who throw mud aren’t any better than the mud they throw either. That is the honest truth.
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