Like it or not Ethiopians are coming together to end Woyane rule.
What is left for regime and its stooges is to continue pocking hole on
Ethiopiawinet; pandering and instigating ethnic and religious divisions
and conflicts to divert the issue of illegitimacy. As my uncle use to say, ‘ወያኔ
ፈረስ ከገብስ ያጣላል’ In its desperate attempt to cover up the truth and avoid
responsibility diversion became the only option left. የቸገረው እርጉዝ
by Teshome Debalke
Recent news the regime ruling Ethiopia detained some of its corrupt officials after it use and abuse them for two decade to accomplish its grand corruption is another hide-and-seek game of the illegitimate regime plays. It sounds more of the same face saving scum of TPLF to preserve its draconian rule and corruption by all means necessary. TPLF’s apologist and the badmouth Medias running wild and swinging wide to preserve the rotten regime.
The so called Federal Ethics and Corruption Commission spontaneous and unexpected move like its sister agencies TPLF set up isn’t different to rescue the self declared and illegitimate ethnic minority regime. Like the Election Board, the Human Right Commission, the Federal Courts, the Prosecutor Office, Communication Affair Minster… and the rest that are notorious to put up dramas to show there is a resemblance of a functioning government in Ethiopia is in full gear.
The infamous Federal Court is exceptionally notorious in putting up shows; thwarting real justice to send the innocent to jail to protect TPLF’s felons running loss in cover of Justice. Likewise, FECC was set up as instrument of eliminating TPLF’s economic treats as well as its political opponents with tramp up charges in the name of fighting corruption.
This time around TPLF activated FECC on its own cadres and found fall guys to divert the many accusations coming its way, particularly the charge of ethnic cleansing. The hapless TPLF’s stooges are also throwing all kinds of diversion at us to protect the grand villains and their machinery of corruption and atrocity. It is the same old ritual small time tyrants use to ‘eat’ their own offspring to show there is resemblance of normalcy in the ‘government’ they run; mostly for international consumption.
The last and only time FECC was used on TPLF members before was on Siye Abrha and family. The former TPLF executive member and the ‘Defense Minster’ of Ethiopia that spent six years in jail convicted of corruption; something common among TPLF members when they ransacked the public resources since Woyane took power. It was TPLF’s way of telling the rest of its members, if you mess up with the grand plan of Woyan you will bit the dust even if you are Siye’s stature.
Ever since, the stooges are scared to rock the boat; quietly robbing Ethiopians with impunity until the new round of arrest began unexpectedly. The motive behind the new wave of arrest for sure wasn’t corruption until the news broke out TPLF security agency is behind the whole thing. Like always, it turns out to be another diversion to protect the big fishes and the establishment; striped necked of conspiracy in committing heinous crimes of all kinds against the people of Ethiopia.
Speaking of Siye, it would be brave of him to tell the truth and nothing but the truth what he knew, when he knew it and how TPLF conspired to commit the heinous crime of ethnic cleansing and economic alienation of one group of Ethiopians or another to divide the people and rule. The last time he addressed the Diaspora in the US as a leader of the opposition we heard people didn’t appreciate for failing to come clean; acting as firefighter after he was member of the arsonist club most of his adult life. It doesn’t seem he fully comprehend the enormity of TPLF’s conspiracy of ethnic cleansing and economic annihilation of the people of Ethiopia.
Therefore, the recent bogus arrest of Woyane officials shouldn’t distract people from the real issue of the regime’s crime against humanity and massive corruption of TPLF and the unfinished business of freedom and democracy the people demand from the self declared minority ethnic junta.
Frankly it would have been appropriate if FECC arrested the ringleaders of TPLF’s corruption and ethnic cleansing like Azeb Mesfin, Berkit Simon, Sebhat Nega, Syoum Mesfin, Berhane G. Kirstos… to mention a few. But, the Commission picked foot soldiers that are feeding the grand corruption as ordered; reviling it is another diversion like many before it. The Commission should also arrest Al-amudi, the Saudi investor that allegedly known to bribe many government officials to advance his economic interest. In fact, he in many occasions admitted in public advancing benefits to his close associates in the Woyane regime that landed him an exclusive right to the gold mines and land grabbing at will. If that isn’t grand corruption to charge him we don’t know why FECC is chasing small fishes.
Likewise, the Election Board members should also be arrested for conspiracy to steal the public’s votes to justify Woyane rule. Corruption doesn’t means monitory theft alone. It comes in all form; colluding with the political power against the people. The recent election that made Woyane the only party to win 100% of the vote makes all the Election Board members conspirators against the people of Ethiopia.
Most importantly, if there was a government worth its name the so called ‘Federal Police’ would have arrested the ring leaders of TPLF’s ethnic cleansing for driving out Ethiopians off their land while harassing, threatening and jailing innocent Ethiopians in cover of fighting terrorism. The latest fall guys for crime of ethnic cleansing turn out to be low level regional officials in Beni-Shangule Region, according the Prime Minster.
The fact the truth coming out due to the expansion of independent Media like ESAT and social Media is making the regime scramble to find fall guys to cover up the grand crime.
The TPLF security agency and the so called Federal Police that boost to find an e-mail communication between Ethiopians as ‘terrorists’ plot simply missed the crime of TPLF forcing out 1000s of Ethiopians from their farms and homes in broad daylight and transported 100 of miles away. The sorry Prime Minster, instead of going to the people in person to see first hand the condition of their displacement by TPLF goons he blame low level regional officials in a staged address in the Parliament while TPLF run Media and surrogates are no where to be found or blame the victims like the witch of Media Mimi Sebhatu did. Where is the fast moving Binyam Kebede of EthiopiaFirst that crisscross continents to cover up for Woyane when real journalism is needed uncovering ethnic cleansing of Ethiopians by his beloved regime? He might as well change his slogan as WoyaneFirst and live in shame.
The bucks stop on the top ringleaders of TPLF and associates. Ethiopians must be prepared to take TPLF ringleaders and accomplices in international venue for grand corruption, atrocity and heinous human right violation including ethnic cleansing. The Woyane establishments and their corrupt associates around the world haven’t seen real challenge yet. People must realize better organization and identification the sources and the methods of the crimes is needed to zero-in on the real villains than the small time stooges that are the scapegoat of TPLF.
TPLF sympathizers would also be advised to stick with their people than attempting to cover up the illegitimacy and the crime of Woyane. The rights of the people to be free to elect their leaders and ruled by their own government is not rocket science to understand. Splitting hair and coming up with all kinds of bizarre imagination to preserve Woyane’s is not going to save the regime. Instead, it would incriminate those willing to conspire in the cover up of the crime.
In my opinion the recent article by Professor Tecola Hagos titled ‘Breaking Political Barriers and Political Taboos is an example of diversion at its best. It would have been the right message if only the title matches the continent of the article. Unfortunately, the good Professor is dancing around with TPLF mantra; fixated with ethnic Federalism than addressing the burning issue of illegitimacy and the crimes of the regime. Though he have all the rights to rap his ethnic identity to define his Ethiopiawinet most Ethiopians can’t be defined by TPLF’s manufactured Ethnic Federalism or the parties it brought with it, including SEPDM he claim to admire. He states:
‘I believe what we have now in SEPDM is a game-changer political organization that is also the best miniature representative of Ethiopia due to the fact that it is a multi-ethnic organization. Moreover, there seems to be no other agenda in the politicks or the ethos of that multi-ethnic aggregation other than the fact of “Ethiopiawinet”. I am much more comfortable in the leadership of such organization leaders due to the fact that they are already functioning quite well in a multi-ethnic oriented structure fully aware of the reality of Ethiopia’s historic constituents. The former APDM (the current ANDM) would have evolved in that same dynamic change had it not been forced to adopt an ethnic identity by Meles Zenawi and his TPLF supporters when it associated itself with the TPLF by breaking away from the EPRP. You can still see some of its lost features in its Central Committee members, such as Bereket Simon who is born of an Eritrean family who chose to fight for Ethiopia as a whole as a member of the EPRP when he could have easily joined the EPLF. In fact, that is why I still have grudging respect for that political choice he made at such a young age in the 1970s. Nevertheless, almost all of the people of Ethiopia, with very few exceptions do understand the destructiveness ethnic based politics.
The entire article and the timing speak for itself. But, the good Professor seems to miss TPLF’s instigated Ethnic Federalism is a hoax its time has passed and buried and there is no back door to it. We expect more from a supposedly high caliber Professor than from an average Joe to teach us there is more to Federalism and development than what fits TPLF’s ethnic agenda and pocket book. To the minimum, the good Professor should join the opposition publicly to demand TPLF to get out of the massive corruption businesses on the back of Ethiopians and surrender its holding. He should call for FECC to arrest the ringleaders of TPLF’s grand theft of the nation. He should demand independent international body and Media to investigate ethnic cleansing and atrocity led by TPLF’s special security agency.
Instead, he skirted the issue of representation as ‘multi-ethnic aggregation’ as if Ethiopians are different species of sheep and as he did with corruption in his previous article “Behind the Facade of Corruption in Ethiopia and what the Government ought to do” claiming corruption is not an exception in Ethiopia, as if the ruling TPLF regime is only engage in a typical corruption of similar regime elsewhere.
Whether he is insulting our intelligence to cover up the scope of TPLF crimes or he is simply ignorant of the facts like most people are is hard to say. But, the fact he as a professional refused to call for transparency and dig deeper to find out the enormity of TPLF’s crime that would disqualify it to govern says a lot.
Also, the professor’s romance with one of the three TPLF surrogate parties is too convenient to convince me; claiming ‘SEPDM is a game-changer’…and that he is ‘much more comfortable’ with a surrogate party of TPLF’ security agency. He further goes to tell us his admiration of the notorious propaganda Minster ‘Berket Simon who is born of an Eritrean family choice to fight as Ethiopian’ ignoring his fraudulent representation of the Amhara Region where he doesn’t belong in violation of TPLF’s instigate Ethic Federalism the Professor seems to admire. What does Berket’s love for Ethiopia have to do with what he does?
I highly recommend the Professor and all Ethiopians to learn from an extraordinarily brave and bright young Ethiopian
from Jijiga by the name Abdulahi Hussein. His farsightedness to
see the danger of TPLF and its hand picked President of the ‘Somalia Region’
with no formal education raising havoc on our people. Abdulahi not only
teaches us bravery at its best to defend our people and country but, show us his
moral superiority. How is it a young Ethiopian see the best in Ethiopiawinet
when Woyane apologists see gloom and doom in our unity and willing to preserve
it? Truly, here is one Ethiopian gentleman we should be proud and role model for
the generation to come for bright future to come. Frankly, he is the one that
deserves a Foundation for leadership not Melse Zenawi.
In contrast, apologists of the fake Ethnic Federalism of the regime want to have their cake and eat it too. Either they are as confused as the regime itself or conspiring with the regime’s bigger mission to fit every thing to the Woyane dream of colonizing Ethiopians. Both ways, they are losers; as individuals, as citizens, as professionals, as Ethiopians and as human beings.
To his credit, the Professor doesn’t deny the many flaws of the TPLF regime. But, it is not clear whether he is teasing us in things that don’t matter to cover up the bigger issue or he is genuinely ignorant to see only the flaws he knows and considers to be important in his eyes. Regardless, he seems convinced the regime is legitimate enough and crimes free enough not to vacate power but only requires cosmetic change. The problem with that argument is the law maker, the judge and the prosecutor and the informer of the national affair happens to be only TPLF itself. Under such scenario, any one can understand if the argument came from an average Joe. But, coming from a ‘high caliber’ Professor not only neglects professional duty but, it is in bad taste.
The question is, are our learned men and women going to elevate us to the higher ground or keep us down; pandering for one form of tyranny or another (ethnic or otherwise) to indulge themselves with what their chosen tyranny offers in defiance with the rule of law, democracy and the rights of our people to be free?
Consciences are building among average Ethiopians the atrociously corrupt and self declared illegitimate minority regime isn’t going to decide the fate of our people, period. By choice or by force Woyane will surrender for the will of the people and accept its faith. The sooner that reality sinks in the head of the Professor or all of us the better everyone will be. Therefore, what is ‘comfortable’ to the Professor or any other that believes cosmetic change to the rotten TPLF’s Ethnic Federalism would preserve the self declared minority tyranny and mitigate the illegitimacy and the crimes of the regime against the people of Ethiopia is pipedream.
The best the Professor and his elk should ask for is how to live with democracy in their chosen ethnic region if they believe their ethnicity defines their Ethiopiawient. But, what they can’t do is recruit worthless individuals from one ethnic group or another of their liking to undermine Ethiopians that rightly consider the regime illegitimate or attempt to define Ethiopians by our ethnicity to suite Woyane under fake Ethnic Federalism. Moreover, as one of the drafter of the failed TPLF/EPDRF Ethnic Federal constitution, the Professor should be the last person to argue ‘breaking political barrier and taboos’ and attempt to salvage the regime. It is better left to other Ethiopians that have noting to do with TPLF or any other party that caused havoc on the people of Ethiopia. After all, we hope the Professor is aware of the concept of Conflict of Interest. We can’t be the judge, the jury and the prosecutor of what we do and expect to have creditability.
Only delusional individuals and groups believe their own illusion to make something out of nothing. The falsification of history to undermine Ethiopiawinet might have served the short term political and economical end of TPLF and its associates but, it would be wise to tell the truth now or never. The more one skirt the truth to cover up for TPLF and its deviant agenda the more s/he will be responsible for the crimes against the people of Ethiopia.
In conclusion, Ethiopians showed our extreme tolerance for the most egregious crime against our people and nation by Woyane and associates. What Woyane and its apologist doesn’t seem to understand is Ethiopians survived Woyane’s onslaught with honor. Can Woyane survive Ethiopians unity and our demand for democracy?
Instigating conflicts among Ethiopians may have worked to get Woyane where it is now or to prolong its rule but, it wouldn’t stop Ethiopians from coming together after Woyane. If Ethiopians from all walks of life coming together as one people and one nation frightens Woyane and its stooges they might as well renounce their nationality and look for a place that accommodate their deviant behavior. After all, historically Ethiopians always came together when their survival is in question by foreign enemy. Woyane would be the first domestic enemy to find out our survival doesn’t distinguish domestic from foreign enemy.
As the brave Ethiopian journalist Esknder Nega said the truth will prevails, so Ethiopia.
by Teshome Debalke
Recent news the regime ruling Ethiopia detained some of its corrupt officials after it use and abuse them for two decade to accomplish its grand corruption is another hide-and-seek game of the illegitimate regime plays. It sounds more of the same face saving scum of TPLF to preserve its draconian rule and corruption by all means necessary. TPLF’s apologist and the badmouth Medias running wild and swinging wide to preserve the rotten regime.
The so called Federal Ethics and Corruption Commission spontaneous and unexpected move like its sister agencies TPLF set up isn’t different to rescue the self declared and illegitimate ethnic minority regime. Like the Election Board, the Human Right Commission, the Federal Courts, the Prosecutor Office, Communication Affair Minster… and the rest that are notorious to put up dramas to show there is a resemblance of a functioning government in Ethiopia is in full gear.
The infamous Federal Court is exceptionally notorious in putting up shows; thwarting real justice to send the innocent to jail to protect TPLF’s felons running loss in cover of Justice. Likewise, FECC was set up as instrument of eliminating TPLF’s economic treats as well as its political opponents with tramp up charges in the name of fighting corruption.
This time around TPLF activated FECC on its own cadres and found fall guys to divert the many accusations coming its way, particularly the charge of ethnic cleansing. The hapless TPLF’s stooges are also throwing all kinds of diversion at us to protect the grand villains and their machinery of corruption and atrocity. It is the same old ritual small time tyrants use to ‘eat’ their own offspring to show there is resemblance of normalcy in the ‘government’ they run; mostly for international consumption.
The last and only time FECC was used on TPLF members before was on Siye Abrha and family. The former TPLF executive member and the ‘Defense Minster’ of Ethiopia that spent six years in jail convicted of corruption; something common among TPLF members when they ransacked the public resources since Woyane took power. It was TPLF’s way of telling the rest of its members, if you mess up with the grand plan of Woyan you will bit the dust even if you are Siye’s stature.
Ever since, the stooges are scared to rock the boat; quietly robbing Ethiopians with impunity until the new round of arrest began unexpectedly. The motive behind the new wave of arrest for sure wasn’t corruption until the news broke out TPLF security agency is behind the whole thing. Like always, it turns out to be another diversion to protect the big fishes and the establishment; striped necked of conspiracy in committing heinous crimes of all kinds against the people of Ethiopia.
Speaking of Siye, it would be brave of him to tell the truth and nothing but the truth what he knew, when he knew it and how TPLF conspired to commit the heinous crime of ethnic cleansing and economic alienation of one group of Ethiopians or another to divide the people and rule. The last time he addressed the Diaspora in the US as a leader of the opposition we heard people didn’t appreciate for failing to come clean; acting as firefighter after he was member of the arsonist club most of his adult life. It doesn’t seem he fully comprehend the enormity of TPLF’s conspiracy of ethnic cleansing and economic annihilation of the people of Ethiopia.
Therefore, the recent bogus arrest of Woyane officials shouldn’t distract people from the real issue of the regime’s crime against humanity and massive corruption of TPLF and the unfinished business of freedom and democracy the people demand from the self declared minority ethnic junta.
Frankly it would have been appropriate if FECC arrested the ringleaders of TPLF’s corruption and ethnic cleansing like Azeb Mesfin, Berkit Simon, Sebhat Nega, Syoum Mesfin, Berhane G. Kirstos… to mention a few. But, the Commission picked foot soldiers that are feeding the grand corruption as ordered; reviling it is another diversion like many before it. The Commission should also arrest Al-amudi, the Saudi investor that allegedly known to bribe many government officials to advance his economic interest. In fact, he in many occasions admitted in public advancing benefits to his close associates in the Woyane regime that landed him an exclusive right to the gold mines and land grabbing at will. If that isn’t grand corruption to charge him we don’t know why FECC is chasing small fishes.
Likewise, the Election Board members should also be arrested for conspiracy to steal the public’s votes to justify Woyane rule. Corruption doesn’t means monitory theft alone. It comes in all form; colluding with the political power against the people. The recent election that made Woyane the only party to win 100% of the vote makes all the Election Board members conspirators against the people of Ethiopia.
Most importantly, if there was a government worth its name the so called ‘Federal Police’ would have arrested the ring leaders of TPLF’s ethnic cleansing for driving out Ethiopians off their land while harassing, threatening and jailing innocent Ethiopians in cover of fighting terrorism. The latest fall guys for crime of ethnic cleansing turn out to be low level regional officials in Beni-Shangule Region, according the Prime Minster.
The fact the truth coming out due to the expansion of independent Media like ESAT and social Media is making the regime scramble to find fall guys to cover up the grand crime.
The TPLF security agency and the so called Federal Police that boost to find an e-mail communication between Ethiopians as ‘terrorists’ plot simply missed the crime of TPLF forcing out 1000s of Ethiopians from their farms and homes in broad daylight and transported 100 of miles away. The sorry Prime Minster, instead of going to the people in person to see first hand the condition of their displacement by TPLF goons he blame low level regional officials in a staged address in the Parliament while TPLF run Media and surrogates are no where to be found or blame the victims like the witch of Media Mimi Sebhatu did. Where is the fast moving Binyam Kebede of EthiopiaFirst that crisscross continents to cover up for Woyane when real journalism is needed uncovering ethnic cleansing of Ethiopians by his beloved regime? He might as well change his slogan as WoyaneFirst and live in shame.
The bucks stop on the top ringleaders of TPLF and associates. Ethiopians must be prepared to take TPLF ringleaders and accomplices in international venue for grand corruption, atrocity and heinous human right violation including ethnic cleansing. The Woyane establishments and their corrupt associates around the world haven’t seen real challenge yet. People must realize better organization and identification the sources and the methods of the crimes is needed to zero-in on the real villains than the small time stooges that are the scapegoat of TPLF.
TPLF sympathizers would also be advised to stick with their people than attempting to cover up the illegitimacy and the crime of Woyane. The rights of the people to be free to elect their leaders and ruled by their own government is not rocket science to understand. Splitting hair and coming up with all kinds of bizarre imagination to preserve Woyane’s is not going to save the regime. Instead, it would incriminate those willing to conspire in the cover up of the crime.
In my opinion the recent article by Professor Tecola Hagos titled ‘Breaking Political Barriers and Political Taboos is an example of diversion at its best. It would have been the right message if only the title matches the continent of the article. Unfortunately, the good Professor is dancing around with TPLF mantra; fixated with ethnic Federalism than addressing the burning issue of illegitimacy and the crimes of the regime. Though he have all the rights to rap his ethnic identity to define his Ethiopiawinet most Ethiopians can’t be defined by TPLF’s manufactured Ethnic Federalism or the parties it brought with it, including SEPDM he claim to admire. He states:
‘I believe what we have now in SEPDM is a game-changer political organization that is also the best miniature representative of Ethiopia due to the fact that it is a multi-ethnic organization. Moreover, there seems to be no other agenda in the politicks or the ethos of that multi-ethnic aggregation other than the fact of “Ethiopiawinet”. I am much more comfortable in the leadership of such organization leaders due to the fact that they are already functioning quite well in a multi-ethnic oriented structure fully aware of the reality of Ethiopia’s historic constituents. The former APDM (the current ANDM) would have evolved in that same dynamic change had it not been forced to adopt an ethnic identity by Meles Zenawi and his TPLF supporters when it associated itself with the TPLF by breaking away from the EPRP. You can still see some of its lost features in its Central Committee members, such as Bereket Simon who is born of an Eritrean family who chose to fight for Ethiopia as a whole as a member of the EPRP when he could have easily joined the EPLF. In fact, that is why I still have grudging respect for that political choice he made at such a young age in the 1970s. Nevertheless, almost all of the people of Ethiopia, with very few exceptions do understand the destructiveness ethnic based politics.
The entire article and the timing speak for itself. But, the good Professor seems to miss TPLF’s instigated Ethnic Federalism is a hoax its time has passed and buried and there is no back door to it. We expect more from a supposedly high caliber Professor than from an average Joe to teach us there is more to Federalism and development than what fits TPLF’s ethnic agenda and pocket book. To the minimum, the good Professor should join the opposition publicly to demand TPLF to get out of the massive corruption businesses on the back of Ethiopians and surrender its holding. He should call for FECC to arrest the ringleaders of TPLF’s grand theft of the nation. He should demand independent international body and Media to investigate ethnic cleansing and atrocity led by TPLF’s special security agency.
Instead, he skirted the issue of representation as ‘multi-ethnic aggregation’ as if Ethiopians are different species of sheep and as he did with corruption in his previous article “Behind the Facade of Corruption in Ethiopia and what the Government ought to do” claiming corruption is not an exception in Ethiopia, as if the ruling TPLF regime is only engage in a typical corruption of similar regime elsewhere.
Whether he is insulting our intelligence to cover up the scope of TPLF crimes or he is simply ignorant of the facts like most people are is hard to say. But, the fact he as a professional refused to call for transparency and dig deeper to find out the enormity of TPLF’s crime that would disqualify it to govern says a lot.
Also, the professor’s romance with one of the three TPLF surrogate parties is too convenient to convince me; claiming ‘SEPDM is a game-changer’…and that he is ‘much more comfortable’ with a surrogate party of TPLF’ security agency. He further goes to tell us his admiration of the notorious propaganda Minster ‘Berket Simon who is born of an Eritrean family choice to fight as Ethiopian’ ignoring his fraudulent representation of the Amhara Region where he doesn’t belong in violation of TPLF’s instigate Ethic Federalism the Professor seems to admire. What does Berket’s love for Ethiopia have to do with what he does?
I highly recommend the Professor and all Ethiopians to learn from an extraordinarily brave and bright young Ethiopian
In contrast, apologists of the fake Ethnic Federalism of the regime want to have their cake and eat it too. Either they are as confused as the regime itself or conspiring with the regime’s bigger mission to fit every thing to the Woyane dream of colonizing Ethiopians. Both ways, they are losers; as individuals, as citizens, as professionals, as Ethiopians and as human beings.
To his credit, the Professor doesn’t deny the many flaws of the TPLF regime. But, it is not clear whether he is teasing us in things that don’t matter to cover up the bigger issue or he is genuinely ignorant to see only the flaws he knows and considers to be important in his eyes. Regardless, he seems convinced the regime is legitimate enough and crimes free enough not to vacate power but only requires cosmetic change. The problem with that argument is the law maker, the judge and the prosecutor and the informer of the national affair happens to be only TPLF itself. Under such scenario, any one can understand if the argument came from an average Joe. But, coming from a ‘high caliber’ Professor not only neglects professional duty but, it is in bad taste.
The question is, are our learned men and women going to elevate us to the higher ground or keep us down; pandering for one form of tyranny or another (ethnic or otherwise) to indulge themselves with what their chosen tyranny offers in defiance with the rule of law, democracy and the rights of our people to be free?
Consciences are building among average Ethiopians the atrociously corrupt and self declared illegitimate minority regime isn’t going to decide the fate of our people, period. By choice or by force Woyane will surrender for the will of the people and accept its faith. The sooner that reality sinks in the head of the Professor or all of us the better everyone will be. Therefore, what is ‘comfortable’ to the Professor or any other that believes cosmetic change to the rotten TPLF’s Ethnic Federalism would preserve the self declared minority tyranny and mitigate the illegitimacy and the crimes of the regime against the people of Ethiopia is pipedream.
The best the Professor and his elk should ask for is how to live with democracy in their chosen ethnic region if they believe their ethnicity defines their Ethiopiawient. But, what they can’t do is recruit worthless individuals from one ethnic group or another of their liking to undermine Ethiopians that rightly consider the regime illegitimate or attempt to define Ethiopians by our ethnicity to suite Woyane under fake Ethnic Federalism. Moreover, as one of the drafter of the failed TPLF/EPDRF Ethnic Federal constitution, the Professor should be the last person to argue ‘breaking political barrier and taboos’ and attempt to salvage the regime. It is better left to other Ethiopians that have noting to do with TPLF or any other party that caused havoc on the people of Ethiopia. After all, we hope the Professor is aware of the concept of Conflict of Interest. We can’t be the judge, the jury and the prosecutor of what we do and expect to have creditability.
Only delusional individuals and groups believe their own illusion to make something out of nothing. The falsification of history to undermine Ethiopiawinet might have served the short term political and economical end of TPLF and its associates but, it would be wise to tell the truth now or never. The more one skirt the truth to cover up for TPLF and its deviant agenda the more s/he will be responsible for the crimes against the people of Ethiopia.
In conclusion, Ethiopians showed our extreme tolerance for the most egregious crime against our people and nation by Woyane and associates. What Woyane and its apologist doesn’t seem to understand is Ethiopians survived Woyane’s onslaught with honor. Can Woyane survive Ethiopians unity and our demand for democracy?
Instigating conflicts among Ethiopians may have worked to get Woyane where it is now or to prolong its rule but, it wouldn’t stop Ethiopians from coming together after Woyane. If Ethiopians from all walks of life coming together as one people and one nation frightens Woyane and its stooges they might as well renounce their nationality and look for a place that accommodate their deviant behavior. After all, historically Ethiopians always came together when their survival is in question by foreign enemy. Woyane would be the first domestic enemy to find out our survival doesn’t distinguish domestic from foreign enemy.
As the brave Ethiopian journalist Esknder Nega said the truth will prevails, so Ethiopia.
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