Saturday, May 11, 2013

Open Letter to Dr. Teodros Adhanom


Ethiopian National Transitional Council
In your interview yesterday with a radio station that broadcasts around the Washington Metro area (click here to listen), you stated that the Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC)’s questioning of the legality of the TPLF/EPRDF regime’s bond sale in several countries around the world for the so called “Hedase” Dam on the Blue Nile (Abay) river was anti-development and against the national interest of Ethiopian.Ethiopian National Transitional Council
ENTC does not expect anything less from a dictatorial regime that throws its critics into jail accusing them of terrorism. However the Council was bemused and disconcerted by the naked attempt from the regime to ship abroad the illegal and deceitful acts that it practices in Ethiopia.
Dr. Adhanom: even though it is nothing new for you and your partners to label all those who question TPLF/EPRDF as Anti-development, Anti-Ethiopia, terrorist, etc, we would like you to be aware that in countries where the rule of law is supreme, anyone can raise any legal and valid question. In fact, those who raise any legal questions have the full force of justice behind them and are not considered the guilty party.
With this in mind, if you are confident of yourself and your organization’s activities, what is there to fear? In fact, justice, that you have deprived from our fellow Ethiopians, will set you free!
In your schizophrenic interview, on one hand you present TPLF/EPRDF as an angel that would accept criticism of its mistakes. On the other hand, you paint anyone that questions TPLF/EPRDF as the enemy of Ethiopia. Please listen to your own interview and analyze your own contradictions.
Those that follow Ethiopian politics know that TPLF/EPRDF often uses political gimmicks and propaganda to paint those that raise the question of legality and transparency with a seemingly nationalistic brush of Anti-Ethiopianism. However in this case, you have inadvertently acknowledged the fundamental issues that ENTC has raised. The basic questions that the National Council has raised are:
1. Does the TPLF/EPRDF Embassy in the United States have the legal license that any commodity broker gets from the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) to operate legally?
2. If the Embassy has the license, has it ensured the SEC that American Citizens will not be swindled out of their investments and that the Embassy will not engage in a scam to defraud the public?
3. What has happened to the money that was obtained from the bond sale?
We are following up with the authorities that deal with these matters, and we will let the public know of the results.
In addition to the above questions, our conclusion as Ethiopians who have lived through 22 years of exploitation of Ethiopian resources through several schemes concocted by TPLF/EPRDF is that, the Bond Sale is déjà vu all over again. Therefore, we called on our fellow Ethiopians to boycott the Bond Sale and demonstrate against its promoters.
Ethiopians in several countries have carried slogans such as “Respect for Freedom and Rights prior to Bond Sales”, “Cease unjust expulsion of People from their lands and ethnic cleansing” and “Freedom for Prisoners of Conscience”. These protestors are not against the development of Ethiopia and its national interests. These Ethiopians have no confidence in TPLF/EPRDF, as they see the regime to be an ethno-centric, corrupt and unlawful. If people in Ethiopia were given back for a few hours of their God given right of freedom of expression, they would say the same things.
Unfortunately, the “choices” they have are to “donate” their monthly salary to the Dam Bond.
To all our fellow Ethiopians:
ENTC is a popular political institution that strongly believes in the fact that this decaying regime needs to be removed and replaced by an All-inclusive Transitional Government. The Council believes that Ethiopians need to prepare themselves for transition through an all-inclusive national dialogue and consultative discussion. All democratic forces struggling for change, individuals and patriotic Ethiopians, and all others that have a stake in our country Ethiopia, need to get together and discuss about a democratic transition process. It is only then that Ethiopians would rise up and take to the streets to demand their rights that have been taken away from them for decades.
Through the motto, “United Struggle for shared victory”, ENTC has called for an All-inclusive National Dialogue and Consultative Discussion on July 2nd to July 5th in the Washington DC metro area. At this conference, all democratic forces based in Ethiopia and abroad, religious institutions, women and youth organizations, noted individuals and scholars, mass media and international institutions have been invited. In addition, we would like to state that those organizations, groups and individual Ethiopians that love their country but have not received invitations, can register here.
Long Live our country Ethiopia!
Ethiopian National Transitional Council Leadership

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