The notorious and corrupt ethnic Apartheid regime of Woyane ruling Ethiopia is pushing every button of Ethiopians. If any Ethiopian has iota of doubt that Woyane is anything but a violet, corrupt and stupid regime in cover of Ethnic Federalism and development, they need to get their head checked. The time has come for all Ethiopians with out exception to burry the ethnic Apartheid regime and move on to better alternative sooner than later. Ignorance of that reality or making up off the wall noises to divert the issue isn’t going to be an excuse anymore. It only proves as a desperate attempt to preserve something proven to be rotten or the goodies it provides for those that are willing to stoop at its level.
‘Stupid is as stupid does’ is an expression that demonstrates the action of one’s stupidity. It also extends to one’s imagination in thinking her/his stupidity can outsmart the rest. Such mindset further makes stupidity a virtue for those that live in a bubble of the Apartheid system.
Unlike anytime, Woyane and its entourage of messengers-of-death and corruption are testing the limits of all Ethiopians. Surprisingly, the stooges still couldn’t figure out their stupidity is beyond anything we have seen in modern times; with the exception of a few brutal tyrannies in Africa and the Middle East. Tyranny is its own worst enemy because it congregates stupid people. Then again, tyranny wouldn’t survive without them.
Therefore, it is not unusual for Woyane to assemble violent, corrupt and stupid individuals incapable of rational thinking. It seems, the messengers’ stupidity is getting out of hand and overwhelmed even the top warlord of the ethnic Apartheid regime that unleashes them to terrorize and robe the people with impunity. It appears the warlords are trying to restrain the same messengers of death and corruption they unleashed and used to get Woyane where it is to cause havoc on the population.
The recently reported ethnic cleansing of Amharic speaking Ethiopians from Western and Southern Region and the atrocity inflected on Ethiopians of the Muslim faith are some of the indication the Apartheid regime is running out of option to stay alive. In the name of development and fighting terrorism, Woyane is hoping against hope to cover up its corruption and atrocities to extend its rule one day at a time. It is a tragic reminder of how far Woyane is willing to go to incriminate the people of Tigray it claims to represent just because… it wants to continue its illegitimate rule and corruption in their name.
Few weeks ago, in unprecedented futility to hoodwink the public again, the Woyane ethnic Warlords that pause as Ethiopian People Federal Democratic Republic (EPFDR) completed their latest drama on the party’s ninth general assembly conference.
The circus with the same notorious TPLF’s ethnic warlords and their junior partners dressed up like clowns was an attempt to sell the public the next phase of Woyane’s strategy to lie its way out of its crimes and stay alive. Azeb Mesfin, the widow of the late tyrant Melse Zenawi and known as the queen of corruption was also part of the acting crew defending her late husband and partner in crime that died a destitute man with no bank account in his name, according to her. Was she attempting to make us believe there are some innocent ethnic warlords in the Woyane family or is it a sign some of the warlords going to bit the dust to save face? Regardless, her act was hilarious for those that knew the man as mastermind of Woyane’s corruption, but, for the blind Woyane supporters that are led by a blind man they may see selfless visionary leader to believe her.
When her recital wasn’t enough, the notorious ethnic warlord and President of the so called Tigray Region chastised his junior ethnic warlord; claiming his ‘Region’s development’ is due to good governance of his leadership instead of TPLF’s daylight robbery of the nation in the name of the hostages held in the Region he was appointed to subjugate. Before we know it, the shameless TPLF Warlord is going to say robbing the nation’s resources and collecting donation around the world to damp it in the Tigray Region is the visionary leadership of the late Melse Zenawi’s new Developmental State theory. Let’s face it; the late tyrant was good making his clueless stooges feel good about themselves in believing robbery is development. We must agree he wasn’t an ordinary tyrant we are used to in Africa.
The gathering of the clowns that make and break the law believe they can manufacture a drama and show it on the only television they control and to go on in their business of corruption and atrocity. Sadly to say, it worked before, and the collection of blind stooges and apologists go along with it and pretend they are living a life worth living on the expenses of Ethiopians.
Imagine what the hapless ethnic warlords are telling us. Apparently, they still couldn’t make up their mind who gave them the mandate to rule Ethiopia? They use to say, and still do; Ethiopia is TPLF’s war trophy willing to suck her dry until some one forces them to surrender. Another time, they told us Woyane is an elected government by 99.64% of the popular votes, thus, legitimate regime to rule. When that doesn’t work, they came up with yet another lam excuse; growing the economy by double digit entitles them to rule for eternity. When noting works and desperation set-in; fighting terrorism or bashing their favorite brand enemy, the Amahars comes in handy to justify their criminal rule. When everything is bleak; there are always the ‘extreme Diasporas’ that ‘hate Tigrians’ to cry about.
Fortunately, noting seems to work for the ethnic warlords except terrorizing and robbing Ethiopians in to silence with their death squad. Woyane warlords are like an obsessed man going ballistic for being rejected by a woman he saw and loved insight; terrorizing her to be with him or… else. In politics, that kind obsession to be loved by terror turns in to ugly episode like we see with Woyane’s out of control behavior. Civilized politicians take rejection with a grain of salt and move on to do better next time around, but not Woyane warlords. Instead, they lie to themselves and the public with straight face the entire population loves them and go out terrorizing the people to force love them or… else. It is the ultimate ugliness of uncivilized regime that is willing to kill when rejected by popular demand.
At the meantime, more revelation surfaced to show Woyane’s love for the late Fascist regime than Ethiopian rulers that humiliated it. By jailing patriotic Ethiopian that protested against Fascism that cost us millions of our people’s lives the shameless warlord showed their true color. Not one TPLF warlords came out in protest of Fascism nor Woyane officially or unofficially oppose when Rodolfo Graziani, the butcher of Ethiopia is honored in Italy while warlords goes out of their way to manufacture lies to dishonor legendry Ethiopian leaders and war heroes that buried Fascism for good to inspire the independence movements of the entire Africa and beyond. Nor we have heard anything from Woyane stooges and apologist protesting against honoring the Fascist warlord. The last and only time stooges were protesting was against Egypt for the rights of Ethiopia to use the Nile water in front of the White House in Washington DC. Indecently, the Italian construction company Salini is given an exclusive contract to build the Grand Dam as well as others in partnership with Woyane. Talk about selling the country in a hand basket.
Before we know it, Woyane is going to rewrite history; praising Graziani as a great and visionary leader of Ethiopia that grew the economy by double digit and built roads in the honor of Zenawi Asers, the father of the late tyrant that served Rodolfo Graziani. Better yet, his statue would come in handy on the African Union Headquarter as Woyane gift for Africans. As shameful as it may sound, noting is impossible under Woyane.
This is the newest low for Woyane even its stanch stooges can’t swallow the degenerated behavior of the regime they love to death. Once again, it proved for one and all, Ethiopia has been under the rule of Fascist sympathizers unhappy Ethiopians buried their hero for good.
Can this be the prove needed that would break the back of the collection of Woyane stooges that are hell-bent to defend the ethnic Apartheid and Fascist loving regime tooth and nail? Ethiopians can’t wait to hear from Woyane stooges and apologist that are afraid to come out of their hiding to tell us why their beloved regime flirting with the long buried Fascist regime? Most importantly, why are they associating the people of Tigray with Fascist loving Apartheid regime? More question, no answer.
The good news is Ethiopians from all walks of life are finally coming together to burry the rogue and Fascist sympathizer Woyane regime for good. The sign is on the wall when we see the nervous Woyane stooges running like mad dogs biting every Ethiopian. The Warlords are feeling the pain of the Apartheid system they set up coming to bit them. The apologists; after they buried the ethnic warlord extraordinary with drama full of crocodile tears are wondering what they got themselves in flirting with an ethnic Apartheid regime for this long.
Unlike many, I am a firm believer Woyane from the get go came out to destroy the people of Ethiopia via Tigray by faking to represent them. Already it damaged their image associating them as Ethiopian haters, corruptible, collaborators of treason and atrocities while branding them as lover of the notorious tyrant Melse Zenawi. If that isn’t an insult to the people Ethiopia in general and Tigrians in particular that supposedly elected the notorious TPLF as their sole representative we don’t know what it is.
Woyane cadres that amassed and laundered millions of dollars robbing Ethiopians is good example of how far Woyane will go to incriminate the people of Tigray. If we think about it, no one is public enemy # 1 than the messengers of the Apartheid regime bribed to destroy the people of Tigray’s image against their country. After all, tyrants come in all shapes and forms and go but, their willing massagers-of-death and corruption are the one that execute the crimes as the tool the regime as they did serving Fascist. Therefore, Ethiopians should look no further than the willing Apartheid regime’s cadres that are causing havoc on behalf of TPLF.
Our problem is everybody is struggling for its own as hyphenated ethnic, religious, region…group as the Apartheid Woyane wanted us. Without knowing it we helped Woyane to institute the Apartheid system that is foreign to Ethiopians just like Fascist Italy attempted and failed. Like father like son the late Melse Zenawi happened to be the mastermind of the whole Apartheid system. Talk about visionary leader, it is more the blind leading the blind.
The few exceptions that fight for united and democratic Ethiopia are smeared as the old establishment by none other than Woyane just like Fascist Italy did. Any one party or group that divide Ethiopians by religion, ethnicity, region is doing the Woyane bidding to undermine the people from coming together to end the Apartheid regime sooner; as our people did with the Fascist regime then.
The struggle of Ethiopians of Muslim faith is an example of Ethiopiawinet at its best and at its worst. At best, because Ethiopiawinet is in the blood of every Ethiopian; contrary to what the Apartheid regime of Woyane and rogue groups wanted us to believe. In our history no one group tolerated when any of our people assaulted by a rogue regime or anyone else, especially foreigners. For that, Woyane with questionable identity will pay dearly in the coming years. Likewise, contrary to what the rogue Woyane regime want us to believe Ethiopians of the Muslim faith practice true Islam and their love for country remains the center of their religion as proven again and again to the envy of the world. In fact, Ethiopians must teach the essence of Islam for the rest of the world than the other way around; as Woyane and its Godless massagers are attempting to do through their Godless cadres. Therefore, Ethiopians at best as Ethiopians regardless of where, when how.
At worst, unlike our tradition and history Ethiopians struggle should never be separately. We failed to close rank when it comes protecting our country and people first and open the door for the rogue regime and the like to break us apart to the point of asking permission to practice our Ethiopian religions and to celebrate our Ethiopiawinet. This blunder cost us a lot and contributed to institute the Apartheid system Woyane set up so that we see each other as enemy; segregated according to TPLF design. Our collective struggle to remain independent people was reduced by a rogue group that claims to represent the people of Tigray, a black eye in our history and on the people of Tigray. As the Ethiopian Imam from Canada put it ‘there is no religion without our country’.
The truth is Ethiopians must never ask the illegitimate Apartheid regime or anyone else to give us something that doesn’t belong to them. Our collective demand must be one and only one; surrender to the people’s will. Peaceful or violent, Woyane must and will surrender to the people will. So far our division; pandering to ethnic peddlers, political prostitutes and economic scavengers left our people venerable for Woyane and the like to run over us.
To achieve victory, the only thing we need to do is come together as proud Ethiopians once again and demand surrender for democratic rule. Whoever is on the way from bringing us together is the enemy of our people.
The self declared minority Apartheid regime and its scavengers’ worst fear is Ethiopians coming together. Therefore, making dramas to divide by instigating ethnic, religious and economic conflicts and diversion are the tool in its arsenal. Everything it did and does since its inception is against Ethiopians from coming together. Therefore, we will be fools to take Woyane’s led when it breaks us apart with propaganda, bribes and favor to use us as Weapon of Mass Distraction on our people. When we remain silent or celebrate the suffering of our people just because… they are not from our ethnic group and religion or region we are no better than Woyane itself.
Let us not drag our feet to extend the misery of our people under an Apartheid system that already caused so much pain and suffering to our people. We must come together to make anyone that harm our people and country pay the ultimate price for treachery.
Ethiopians will win; let the Woyane stooges know there is no choice but to surrender
Unlike anytime, Woyane and its entourage of messengers-of-death and corruption are testing the limits of all Ethiopians. Surprisingly, the stooges still couldn’t figure out their stupidity is beyond anything we have seen in modern times; with the exception of a few brutal tyrannies in Africa and the Middle East. Tyranny is its own worst enemy because it congregates stupid people. Then again, tyranny wouldn’t survive without them.
Therefore, it is not unusual for Woyane to assemble violent, corrupt and stupid individuals incapable of rational thinking. It seems, the messengers’ stupidity is getting out of hand and overwhelmed even the top warlord of the ethnic Apartheid regime that unleashes them to terrorize and robe the people with impunity. It appears the warlords are trying to restrain the same messengers of death and corruption they unleashed and used to get Woyane where it is to cause havoc on the population.
The recently reported ethnic cleansing of Amharic speaking Ethiopians from Western and Southern Region and the atrocity inflected on Ethiopians of the Muslim faith are some of the indication the Apartheid regime is running out of option to stay alive. In the name of development and fighting terrorism, Woyane is hoping against hope to cover up its corruption and atrocities to extend its rule one day at a time. It is a tragic reminder of how far Woyane is willing to go to incriminate the people of Tigray it claims to represent just because… it wants to continue its illegitimate rule and corruption in their name.
Few weeks ago, in unprecedented futility to hoodwink the public again, the Woyane ethnic Warlords that pause as Ethiopian People Federal Democratic Republic (EPFDR) completed their latest drama on the party’s ninth general assembly conference.
The circus with the same notorious TPLF’s ethnic warlords and their junior partners dressed up like clowns was an attempt to sell the public the next phase of Woyane’s strategy to lie its way out of its crimes and stay alive. Azeb Mesfin, the widow of the late tyrant Melse Zenawi and known as the queen of corruption was also part of the acting crew defending her late husband and partner in crime that died a destitute man with no bank account in his name, according to her. Was she attempting to make us believe there are some innocent ethnic warlords in the Woyane family or is it a sign some of the warlords going to bit the dust to save face? Regardless, her act was hilarious for those that knew the man as mastermind of Woyane’s corruption, but, for the blind Woyane supporters that are led by a blind man they may see selfless visionary leader to believe her.
When her recital wasn’t enough, the notorious ethnic warlord and President of the so called Tigray Region chastised his junior ethnic warlord; claiming his ‘Region’s development’ is due to good governance of his leadership instead of TPLF’s daylight robbery of the nation in the name of the hostages held in the Region he was appointed to subjugate. Before we know it, the shameless TPLF Warlord is going to say robbing the nation’s resources and collecting donation around the world to damp it in the Tigray Region is the visionary leadership of the late Melse Zenawi’s new Developmental State theory. Let’s face it; the late tyrant was good making his clueless stooges feel good about themselves in believing robbery is development. We must agree he wasn’t an ordinary tyrant we are used to in Africa.
The gathering of the clowns that make and break the law believe they can manufacture a drama and show it on the only television they control and to go on in their business of corruption and atrocity. Sadly to say, it worked before, and the collection of blind stooges and apologists go along with it and pretend they are living a life worth living on the expenses of Ethiopians.
Imagine what the hapless ethnic warlords are telling us. Apparently, they still couldn’t make up their mind who gave them the mandate to rule Ethiopia? They use to say, and still do; Ethiopia is TPLF’s war trophy willing to suck her dry until some one forces them to surrender. Another time, they told us Woyane is an elected government by 99.64% of the popular votes, thus, legitimate regime to rule. When that doesn’t work, they came up with yet another lam excuse; growing the economy by double digit entitles them to rule for eternity. When noting works and desperation set-in; fighting terrorism or bashing their favorite brand enemy, the Amahars comes in handy to justify their criminal rule. When everything is bleak; there are always the ‘extreme Diasporas’ that ‘hate Tigrians’ to cry about.
Fortunately, noting seems to work for the ethnic warlords except terrorizing and robbing Ethiopians in to silence with their death squad. Woyane warlords are like an obsessed man going ballistic for being rejected by a woman he saw and loved insight; terrorizing her to be with him or… else. In politics, that kind obsession to be loved by terror turns in to ugly episode like we see with Woyane’s out of control behavior. Civilized politicians take rejection with a grain of salt and move on to do better next time around, but not Woyane warlords. Instead, they lie to themselves and the public with straight face the entire population loves them and go out terrorizing the people to force love them or… else. It is the ultimate ugliness of uncivilized regime that is willing to kill when rejected by popular demand.
At the meantime, more revelation surfaced to show Woyane’s love for the late Fascist regime than Ethiopian rulers that humiliated it. By jailing patriotic Ethiopian that protested against Fascism that cost us millions of our people’s lives the shameless warlord showed their true color. Not one TPLF warlords came out in protest of Fascism nor Woyane officially or unofficially oppose when Rodolfo Graziani, the butcher of Ethiopia is honored in Italy while warlords goes out of their way to manufacture lies to dishonor legendry Ethiopian leaders and war heroes that buried Fascism for good to inspire the independence movements of the entire Africa and beyond. Nor we have heard anything from Woyane stooges and apologist protesting against honoring the Fascist warlord. The last and only time stooges were protesting was against Egypt for the rights of Ethiopia to use the Nile water in front of the White House in Washington DC. Indecently, the Italian construction company Salini is given an exclusive contract to build the Grand Dam as well as others in partnership with Woyane. Talk about selling the country in a hand basket.
Before we know it, Woyane is going to rewrite history; praising Graziani as a great and visionary leader of Ethiopia that grew the economy by double digit and built roads in the honor of Zenawi Asers, the father of the late tyrant that served Rodolfo Graziani. Better yet, his statue would come in handy on the African Union Headquarter as Woyane gift for Africans. As shameful as it may sound, noting is impossible under Woyane.
This is the newest low for Woyane even its stanch stooges can’t swallow the degenerated behavior of the regime they love to death. Once again, it proved for one and all, Ethiopia has been under the rule of Fascist sympathizers unhappy Ethiopians buried their hero for good.
Can this be the prove needed that would break the back of the collection of Woyane stooges that are hell-bent to defend the ethnic Apartheid and Fascist loving regime tooth and nail? Ethiopians can’t wait to hear from Woyane stooges and apologist that are afraid to come out of their hiding to tell us why their beloved regime flirting with the long buried Fascist regime? Most importantly, why are they associating the people of Tigray with Fascist loving Apartheid regime? More question, no answer.
The good news is Ethiopians from all walks of life are finally coming together to burry the rogue and Fascist sympathizer Woyane regime for good. The sign is on the wall when we see the nervous Woyane stooges running like mad dogs biting every Ethiopian. The Warlords are feeling the pain of the Apartheid system they set up coming to bit them. The apologists; after they buried the ethnic warlord extraordinary with drama full of crocodile tears are wondering what they got themselves in flirting with an ethnic Apartheid regime for this long.
Unlike many, I am a firm believer Woyane from the get go came out to destroy the people of Ethiopia via Tigray by faking to represent them. Already it damaged their image associating them as Ethiopian haters, corruptible, collaborators of treason and atrocities while branding them as lover of the notorious tyrant Melse Zenawi. If that isn’t an insult to the people Ethiopia in general and Tigrians in particular that supposedly elected the notorious TPLF as their sole representative we don’t know what it is.
Woyane cadres that amassed and laundered millions of dollars robbing Ethiopians is good example of how far Woyane will go to incriminate the people of Tigray. If we think about it, no one is public enemy # 1 than the messengers of the Apartheid regime bribed to destroy the people of Tigray’s image against their country. After all, tyrants come in all shapes and forms and go but, their willing massagers-of-death and corruption are the one that execute the crimes as the tool the regime as they did serving Fascist. Therefore, Ethiopians should look no further than the willing Apartheid regime’s cadres that are causing havoc on behalf of TPLF.
Our problem is everybody is struggling for its own as hyphenated ethnic, religious, region…group as the Apartheid Woyane wanted us. Without knowing it we helped Woyane to institute the Apartheid system that is foreign to Ethiopians just like Fascist Italy attempted and failed. Like father like son the late Melse Zenawi happened to be the mastermind of the whole Apartheid system. Talk about visionary leader, it is more the blind leading the blind.
The few exceptions that fight for united and democratic Ethiopia are smeared as the old establishment by none other than Woyane just like Fascist Italy did. Any one party or group that divide Ethiopians by religion, ethnicity, region is doing the Woyane bidding to undermine the people from coming together to end the Apartheid regime sooner; as our people did with the Fascist regime then.
The struggle of Ethiopians of Muslim faith is an example of Ethiopiawinet at its best and at its worst. At best, because Ethiopiawinet is in the blood of every Ethiopian; contrary to what the Apartheid regime of Woyane and rogue groups wanted us to believe. In our history no one group tolerated when any of our people assaulted by a rogue regime or anyone else, especially foreigners. For that, Woyane with questionable identity will pay dearly in the coming years. Likewise, contrary to what the rogue Woyane regime want us to believe Ethiopians of the Muslim faith practice true Islam and their love for country remains the center of their religion as proven again and again to the envy of the world. In fact, Ethiopians must teach the essence of Islam for the rest of the world than the other way around; as Woyane and its Godless massagers are attempting to do through their Godless cadres. Therefore, Ethiopians at best as Ethiopians regardless of where, when how.
At worst, unlike our tradition and history Ethiopians struggle should never be separately. We failed to close rank when it comes protecting our country and people first and open the door for the rogue regime and the like to break us apart to the point of asking permission to practice our Ethiopian religions and to celebrate our Ethiopiawinet. This blunder cost us a lot and contributed to institute the Apartheid system Woyane set up so that we see each other as enemy; segregated according to TPLF design. Our collective struggle to remain independent people was reduced by a rogue group that claims to represent the people of Tigray, a black eye in our history and on the people of Tigray. As the Ethiopian Imam from Canada put it ‘there is no religion without our country’.
The truth is Ethiopians must never ask the illegitimate Apartheid regime or anyone else to give us something that doesn’t belong to them. Our collective demand must be one and only one; surrender to the people’s will. Peaceful or violent, Woyane must and will surrender to the people will. So far our division; pandering to ethnic peddlers, political prostitutes and economic scavengers left our people venerable for Woyane and the like to run over us.
To achieve victory, the only thing we need to do is come together as proud Ethiopians once again and demand surrender for democratic rule. Whoever is on the way from bringing us together is the enemy of our people.
The self declared minority Apartheid regime and its scavengers’ worst fear is Ethiopians coming together. Therefore, making dramas to divide by instigating ethnic, religious and economic conflicts and diversion are the tool in its arsenal. Everything it did and does since its inception is against Ethiopians from coming together. Therefore, we will be fools to take Woyane’s led when it breaks us apart with propaganda, bribes and favor to use us as Weapon of Mass Distraction on our people. When we remain silent or celebrate the suffering of our people just because… they are not from our ethnic group and religion or region we are no better than Woyane itself.
Let us not drag our feet to extend the misery of our people under an Apartheid system that already caused so much pain and suffering to our people. We must come together to make anyone that harm our people and country pay the ultimate price for treachery.
Ethiopians will win; let the Woyane stooges know there is no choice but to surrender
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