“He either miscalculated a failure of judgement or he underestimated the churchgoers of Reese Adbarat, London”.
“Having never had any modern education in theology and mental vision too, he has now lost his bodily sight, asilly coxcomb, farcifying himself as a beastly priest/leader, with nothing more human about him than his guttering eyelids”. He is a creator of wicked plans and schemes and a self-made man who worships his creator: himself. Truly too, he is not at all a normal church leader too, but a broken down peddler, a notorious liar and disturber of the public mind. His supporters are hard-core thugs bent on destruction. They are indeed nothing more than original baboons in foreign animal zoos looking & communicating as intelligent as human-beings: specimen to have been at the head of our church.
by Dr G Bekele, 12 April 2013 – London, England
The troubled Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church of St Mary of London Debre Tsion, that was meant to preach the true Gospel of God and also provide spiritual services to the Orthodox Christians and of the practice of Ethiopian Orthodox religion, further provide Christian counseling, encouraging the community, teaching the young religious education, promoting understanding and harmony within our community, the society and in general, supporting humanitarian and disaster relief in our beloved country Ethiopia and all around the world has unbelievably, embarrassingly and annoyingly too, turned out to be the very few shameless Woyanes’, their TPLF recruits’ and some rude children’s ugly private circus.
Why? The emotionally unbalanced sick Priest who was and still is unable to control his temper, his desire and urge for power and money and also his blinded, brainwashed idiots and screaming woyane bimbos has gone bonkers in a country where medication and hospital treatments are virtually free. Perhaps he had no close friends and or family and relatives to help him seek medical help before he sadly lost his marbles and faculties. This was a Priest who Wondimu Mekonnen eloquently described in his recent article, saying he was not that bad until now. But years ago, Aba Girma Kebede was rewarded with a higher Priesthood position by the new TPLF Patriarch: Dagmawi Aba Diablos, after he went to Jerusalem to be ascribed to a higher rank in the Orthodox Tewahdo religion by the then Aba Mathias (The New TPLF Patriarch) and is now alleged to be a TPLF Agent not only to return the favour he received in Jerusalem, but also to be appointed as a Bishop at a high cost of making most Ethiopian Christians cry and making us a laughing stoke with his brainwashed and underage teenagers whose defence knowledge has been only screaming and the elders too barking with his other few Mindless Disciples like Qes Dawit, Qes Abate, Mengesha, illegally named trustee: ex-Deacon Dawit, his wife Meseret & Mergeta Alemayehu, who all seemed to have worshiped a sinful priest than the Almighty God?
The sudden running away of Aba Girma: with the keys of the Reese Adbarat London Debre Tsion Church, has made it too difficult to
mitigate the Negative Effects of the Church’s Conflict. This sold-out and the temperamental Macho Priest who deliberately created those devious dramas to betray the church members who helped him in many ways and the churchgoers who did so much to buy the Church after 38 years of an uphill struggle? I know lots, though I was refrained from taking sides and moreover too, from going to the church as often as I used to do weekly in the past. Yes, I was, as some including Getachew Beshahwured recently explained, one of those few Ethiopians who built the foundation those years ago and since then too, I did my utmost to help own our latest church. However after I viewed and listened to the recent tearful mediation attempt, God bless him, by Qes Birhanu and Aba Girma’s shameful and unchristian rejection, I could not at all just sit in front of my PC, to see our church set on fire and burning into ashes or given away to the TPLF Patriarch and his politically-minded and racist cronies. Frankly speaking, I have never seen or heard a priest and moreover too, an appointed Church Leader to dare to lock and close the church service at any time let alone during an Ethiopians fasting period when the church and the teachings were needed with all the blessings. Shocking!
His motives and intention was only to deprive Christian believers most of whom are old and frail that did not enjoy good health as
well? How could this same priest and also a Church Leader bury his head like an Ostrich that hidden itself in the sand too, ignore when his fellow priest Qes Birhanu gently confronted him in front of the church, appealed to him to return to his senses, to talk peace to the Christians he and his few weak followers divided, to reunite all God’s lost sheep? I could hopelessly see when many Christians on both sides were saddened and wept. Shamefully and very sadly too, most of the hardened outlaws, the very arrogant, too stubborn, unbelievably reckless and ruthless priest’s side stood there like rabbits that saw car headlights in fear or anger? I wondered what they really and truly felt when their faultless and righteous Aba Girma went to the corner of the church and wrapped his face to hiding himself from the cameras not to say ‘May peace prevail’ and then open the church. He also looked frightened to face the power of Jesus Christ’s Cross held by Qes Birhanu and its big consequences against cursed sinners.
It’s beautiful really and truly, when the congregational system was and is humming along as was in our church for a very long time, and when everyone loved each other with all sorts of ups and downs, disappointments and there was peace among the fellowship of Christians. But sometimes [that system], hits a pothole and the damage it caused are now witnessed with so much embarrassment to most of us, our culture & our beloved country that was once renowned to be the first home of Orthodox Christianity where also Islam followers seek shelter and built their first Mosque in Tigrai. Internal church conflict is no longer a new phenomenon. Modern church culture is terribly suffering from an identity crisis. Controversial social issues in the secular arena, dirty and devious anti-Ethiopian politics have found their ways into religious communities and stimulated debates. Battle lines are drawn between the pulpit and the pews when those issues are not received the same ways. And unfortunately, though all means and methods were tried, our church was and still is ill-equipped to handle our conflicts all because few priests interpreted the church dogmas incorrectly and refused modernisation for the love of money and power alone which was and is the root cause of evil. All the Aba Girma and his few disciples could think was and is to gain full power to control the church assets, as caretakers of the TPLF.
This tactic had been tried before, when most of the woyane cadres/agents were lurking in our church like poisoned rats.
Aba Girma Kebede who seemed to want to act the late notorious Girma Kebede of the Derg Qebele official, (one wonders why he changed his real name Grum to Girma too), his Yes Men and Eshi Abatachin Women wanted to continue to live in the long past, hence they thought they were outsmarted by some individuals of good faith, a higher education, wealth of experiences at higher levels and all are in many different professions as well. Change and improvement of the church administration and handling of all its affairs in civilised and legal ways has become a bitter taste and is frightening to them also because it is now fully understood that they were not in our church to genuinely serve us and God in the true Christian ways but to fill their bellies, load their big pockets and enjoy all the good perks, the handsome salaries while also and may be too, claiming DHSS benefits and earning other incomes on the rear sides, secretly? These and why he changed his name if without proper channel must be investigated too? How and why did he come to UK too?
Besides that it is alleged that they have planned to transfer the ownership of the church to the TPLF Patriarch who appointed him and promised him the rank of Bishop. Unlike our church, other churches are looking for the most efficient and effective means of restoring peace and religion. But Power struggle between Church Leaders like ours against the will of the members is by no means modern at all. Churchgoers consistently debated who holds the driving force behind the direction of a church, and more specifically, what is taught from the pulpit on a weekly basis too? And how on earth a priest dictates too?
These common tussles have grown more difficult really, to resolve conflict of differences because Aba Girma: the now cursed & rejected church leader wants to control everything and consider himself as a judge, jury even after his contract expired and he lose a vote of confidence. He now acts like a Devil Obsessed Absolute Monarch who can ban or suspend Christian members and other churchgoers if challenged in civilized ways, totally forgetting that priest’s job was and is purely spiritual to teach the Holy Bible not hire security men by wasting public monies to stop believers coming into the church to meet and pray to their God. Priests’ job was not and is not to count cash collected from the churchgoers, or do the petty cash either or to get involved with income and expenditure, do the church’s budget or carry out accounting and finance duties like me who is a Chartered Accountant among others. Some of the now increased difficulty was and still is the bad result of the Ethiopian regime’s involvement in Orthodox religion not postmodernism, but their desire to destroy the Orthodox religion and the ethnic cleansing of the Amharas and the
Oromos from the face of this planet earth that they have tried over the last twenty two years.
By God Almighty, they can’t succeed in million/billion years and we must not allow them to succeed till we all go to our grave yards? Never and ever! Ethiopian brethren and fellow Christians of all ages, the Bible teaches for all Christians to “speak the same thing” so that there will be unity in the body of Christ (1 Cor. 1:10). The only way such unity is possible is, for Christians to focus on the common ground of Christ and His Word. That is, we need to “say what the Word says and do” always, to let the Word speak for itself and not try to promote divisive opinions about it like this cursed and rejected Aba Girma. In scripture too, we see that Paul instructed Timothy to “Preach The Word,” not his opinions (2 Tim. 4:2) as Aba Girma Kebede mistakenly seemed to have forgotten to teach the
Bible from his heart but done all the wicked things for at least the past one year. An experienced preacher like Aba Girma Kebede was intended to be a delivery boy of God’s message, not a silly commentator of the message. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job (1 John 2:27). Very sad!
Coming to terms with the fact, everyone is human hence will fail you at some time or another. Even the priest and the Patriarch make mistakes. The only one you can trust entirely without fail is God and God alone but this priest who has a big ego and chips on his shoulders foolishly thought that he was wiser and also godlier than God Himself and that he was and still is righteous and immune to and from criticisms. As Qes Birhanu directly remarked last Sunday, Aba Girma was only concerned for his earthly life and flesh not his soul and the wonderful heaven he preached us to inherit after this temporary life on this earth? Hence realizing that any human can fall short, the degree of trust we place in people must be limited and will depend on their past and recent track record. The more we get to know a person’s character and the history of their behaviour; we’ll be able to determine how trustworthy they are. This is one of the reasons why the scriptures tell us to get to know our Priests and Spiritual Leaders whether they are foreign, came out of Ethiopia through Bole and or Bale and whether their past Godly lifestyle, personality and trustworthiness, can be trusted. And their leadership too, were tested and proved before we appoint them on their claims alone. Also, we urge you brethren, to recognize those who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you. (1 Thes. 5:12).
Aba Girma Kebede, with humiliation and repentance, you must seek God’s forgiveness for this horrible act of irresponsibility he recklessly and ruthlessly committed to hurt most Christians. If he had some decency left in him and repents of his sin, will God forgive him? Absolutely? Should the church love and forgive him too? Yes, none of us are like Aba? And what if he continued to be arrogant, stubborn and defiant warmonger as he now is, but withdraws his unfounded allegations against individuals, also groups and peacefully accepts his removal from his recent position as the leader of the church (though his contract has expired), but would then like to volunteer to assist others and future priests? Why not, this is of course, the house of worship for many weak and strong Christians?
Do we trust him in future too? Absolutely not! It would be unthinkable to put a person in the driver’s seat that has shown such bad negligence and irresponsibility. Certainly, we may love to forgive him as all Christians should always do, but because of this man’s poor track record for the past several months or a year, we could not risk our church, the lives of our elders and the innocent children if every time he lost an argument switches of the church lights to let us sit in the dark church hall and let people scream in fear as was last time? But given a long period of an entire sobriety, the full body immersion in any blessed Ethiopian Reputable Tsebel, coupled with traditional Ethiopian medicines, a spiritual help by a vicar, revoke his devious plans to serve Aba Mathias & Co; this once productive priest may be able to prove to us that he may again be a very reliable and trustworthy priest?
It is remarkable to consider that the Apostle Paul, the great author of scripture openly confessed that he was not perfect. Like us, he experienced struggles in his flesh to do the right things. If one of the leading authors of scripture and apostles of the early church admitted to this, it should not seem too strange if we find our priests and other brothers and sisters in our church struggling with imperfections too? One of the jobs of the church ministry is to help perfect the saints like a spiritual hospital, where people go to get well. Instead of resenting persons in the church for their flaws, be thankful they’re there trying to grow in Christ to get better and for priests to help others get healed. Learn to love and accept people for what they are; they’re not any more perfect than you are. Just as it has been said of beauty, imperfection is in the eye of the beholder too? I guess, I am right!
A person with a very negative attitude can find fault wherever they wish. In contrast, the person with a positive outlook can always find the good and beauty in things. The well-adjusted person in the church should seek out the good and encouraging things as the Bible teaches (Phil. 4:8). Let’s all have a humble and meek attitude like Christ (Matt. 11:29, Rom. 12:3). Being an obnoxious, arrogant and stubborn will set you up for a fall like this unwise and shrewd priest. A Priest like Aba Girma who we all thought was chosen by God does not need to promote himself, campaign or strive to attain an appointment or be on elected position to lead the church and to fully control all affairs of the church he has been selfishly fighting for, tooth and nail. God is the architect and the one who puts persons in such positions, and unless He does it, stay away from it. Lift up the Lord in all that you say and all you do. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but he who seeks the Glory of the one who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him” (John 7:18).
The Holy Bible also teaches us Christians to avoid an attitude of competition which creates conflict in a unity. A competitive attitude compares self with others, and strives to rise above that comparison (2 Cor. 10:12). The philosophy of Christianity therefore is not to try to outdo one another, but to submit to and lift up one another (Eph. 5:21). We are even told to prefer our brother above ourselves and be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly and sisterly love, in and honour giving preference to one another (Rom. 12:10). Competition between the church and Christians is divisive and contrary to the faith. And if the priest divides the Christians for his end game or to fulfil his devious ambition, it would be cruel and sinful. Remember folks, that love and forgiveness is granted unconditionally.
But trust must be earned. Trust is the acquired confidence in a person’s actions that was and is lacked by Tarzan: our Church Leader previously known and called or addressed as Aba Girma Kebede and his few opportunist puppets: so-called junior priests. We certainly can, and should trust persons who show trustworthy behaviour, but because men have potential for failures, we should never put an infallible sense of trust in anyone but God.
We should not at all expect to receive preferential treatment or to get our way about everything. The Bible teaches that favouritism is wrong, and the church will try to make decisions and do things in the best interest of the whole congregation, not just a certain few fools as Aba Girma now doing the total opposite of that. As that of Abba Girma too, avoid the foolish trap of presuming that your opinions are always divinely inspired or are indisputable and also don’t try to press your opinions or personal agenda up on others.
Sometimes, persons like the sinner Aba Girma strongly feel that all their ideas come from God. They may attempt to add clout to their suggestions or complaints by saying God told me so therefore we are 200% right. Indeed, God does speak to His children, but you will not be the exclusive source through which God reveals himself in a matter like that of our church. If your opinions really come from God, the Bible says that others will bear witness with it, especially His priests and church leaders. You won’t even have to invoke God’s name they’ll be able to tell if your ideas came from Him. But as now proved, Aba Girma’s interpretations of the talked about “Qenona, Dogma, Qale-Awad” and others did not come from God but being used to confuse fools and the illiterates. Hence Aba Girma & Co; be cautious; and lest you find yourself using His name very falsely, as it is really a very dangerous thing. Priests are His representatives in His ordained chain of command, and if He wants to get something across to His church, He’ll bear witness with the persons in charge. If not, know that the church has no good shepherd but a false prophet like Aba Girma.
Christians will definitely avoid a lot of problems if they will just commit themselves to an unconditional love for their brethren or fellow human beings. The practice of loving the brethren, all the brethren, not just the lovable ones keeps us from stumbling. Never forget that Jesus takes personally how we entreat our Christian brothers and sisters. When we love even the least of our brethren, Jesus accepts that love toward Himself (Matt. 25:40). You cannot love the Lord any more than you love the least in the body of Christ. If someone says, I love God, and hate his brother like this wicked priest, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? So, how can a priest who called his congressional: his mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and his children every time he started his weekly sermon, then switch of the light in its entirety and call the police every time members complained about important issues concerning the church? And then locks the church doors, stick a Notice and then start going to the police station, the solicitor office while at the same time refusing to meet up with his opponents to try to find amicable solutions? I was wondering, where did the money come from to do all that destruction and as Qes Birhanu implied propaganda too? Are they paid their monthly salaries as well, while they have been gallivanting around places but all sick? How on earth if he was in his right mind, chose to tell off hard working, productive and faithful members and Christians not to step their foot in the church vicinity again? Who did he think he was really, and was he really the real priest to do all that, unless otherwise, he was on some kind of illegal substances? God have mercy on him and us all. Let’s be quick to forgive and don’t hold bad grudges like Aba Girma showed.
I say this too, because unforgiving and bitterness is one of the greatest reasons why people get hurt in the church and probably the greatest cause of apostasy falling away in disgrace. If you refuse to forgive and repent like Aba Girma and his disciples did last Sunday in day light, it will prevent God’s forgiveness of your sins and could keep you out of Heaven. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Matt. 6:14-15). Aba Girma must have known that in every sermon from the Bible, when through him God has had something to say to all of us. Be open therefore, to whatever the Mighty Lord would have to say, willing to accept His correction or guidance. Defensiveness like our priest was and still is usually a sign of resistance to conviction. It is my prayer that these principles will help and encourage you all in your relationship with the church. And moreover too, for Aba Girma to play victim’s card for a year and more too recently for his own greedy desires and faults, and then to threaten the real victims in an attempt to jump the gun seemed to me that he was thinking that he lives in Ethiopia where the TPLF is judge & jury to illegally punish us all who made constructive criticisms. Aba Girma, I would not expect you to listen to me too, but if you been embarrassed to admit your mistakes that you were caught red-handed for, or even got injured there or have merely strayed away by some, I urge you to seek God’s grace to forgive those who may have hurt you, apologise to churchgoers and return to the fellowship of God’s people.
As challenging as it may seem sometimes, the church is Christ’s plan for His people, and it is there that He will develop and mature you into a fully equipped disciple of His kingdom away from your bully attitude Aba? Brethren, such priests and barking deacons like Deacon Biniam, are killing our Orthodox religion as a result of which many are going to other churches and joining different religions too? Some have begun to say, that church isn’t for everyone anymore, and even those with a pure heart, a decent morale, and good intentions think like that. They say there is another place where we belong, under the title ‘Spiritual, not Religious’ or ‘Christian, but not Churchgoer’.
Some people, who felt connected to something greater in a spiritual sense or God, chose not to be affiliated with any particular brand of denominations or church on the market. I found myself almost residing with such religious people at heart. Many of us have tried our best, frequenting several churches to find a “right fit”, only to become increasingly apprehensive of the church conflicts created by our bad priests who divided us and intent on destroying our very popular church if one suggests that it should be administered democratically? In fact, it always seemed to get worse the more we try to make church fit us all. In the process too, we even lost a little faith every time we see what it means to be Christian? It also makes me wonder how following God begins with and depends on a church. Some would say if you don’t go to the church, you must not believe in anything of the spiritual or religious nature. I say, ‘that’s too bad’ and I’m here to expose the truth of why people have lost church, but sometimes not God. I hope my message inspires those who can’t find the right church for them or can’t go or don’t want to go, can still believe and communicate with God. It took me years of giving up on church before I realized that I don’t have to go to church to have God in my life at all. Nobody is less of a person for not going to the church. But these ways of thinking has always been around the churchgoers.
Some priests like Aba Girma Kebede consider the title: Church Leader and or Overseer as the Highest and Everlasting Command to have his hand in everything. He feels it his duty to be involved in every decision for the church. Not only is this exhausting for the priest, who finds himself in every committee meeting, it’s also hampering certain others from using their natural gifts in the church. That was and is why they are elected by members.
A priest can of course oversee and delegate at the same time. In addition, the biblical model of a plurality of other elders, elected members along with deacons appointed to assist the priest and elders precludes the priest from being a “One-Man Dictatorial Show”.
For the priest to seek command to “rule” the church is sometimes taken to extremes as well. A priest’s official responsibility is to fully manage the church along with the elders, elected members and his focus should be primarily spiritual: matters such as edifying believers and equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12) are a priest’s main concern not all other things that Aba Girma Kebede wanted to control single handily with the help of his close confidants and some teenagers. We have heard of priests like this bad guy who really and truly seemed more dictatorial than some dictators in Ethiopia. Such selfish and greedy men, it seems to me, simply desire control and is not fit to govern the church of God (3 John 9-10). I would not trust him at all for a small whelk and or a corner kiosk, let alone a big and expensive church like ours. First Peter 5:3 also contains a wonderful description of a balanced pastoral ministry: “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock”. The priest’s authority is not something to be “lorded over” the church; rather, a priest is to be an example of truth, love and godliness for God’s flock to follow. (1 Timothy 4:12.). But Aba Girma…..? Sad!
A priest is “the steward of God” (Titus 1:7), and he is answerable to God for his leadership in the church. But was Aba Girma Kebede aka Aba Girum before he came to this country in mysterious circumstances, a good priest if he locks the church for weeks and come and wonder on and around the side of the church as a burglar, if he only silently watches when spoiled and rude teenagers becomes foul-mouthed to elders, (those little, disruptive and undisciplined kids should have been sent to youth correction or rehab), if he failed to be a role-model for the flock and divides Christians, if he is that arrogant and is stubborn?
And if he has been economical with the truth, if he recklessly made spiritual damages upon many people during fasting, and moreover too, if he made the churchgoers cry to make them a laughing stock for passer-by’s around the church every Sundays, that has been so embarrassing and degrading to all Ethiopians including his supporters who must now have regretted blindly joining his wrong camp but then of course lacked strong guts to make U-turns to be on the safe side of the law of the land. We must challenge them. With that said, there is still the problem that scandals did occur among those claiming to be true Christians. A very prominent Christian leader like Aba Girma, have been exposed for committing unforgivable sins as witnessed. Why does this occur? There are at least three primary explanations one of which is those claiming to be Christians are unbelieving charlatans, and our church leader allowed his position to result in his personal pride and Satan and his demons more aggressively attacked and tempted other Christians because they know that a scandal involving the church leader have created devastating results, on both Christians and the church. Such church leaders who are caught in scandals like the present one are unredeemed charlatans and false prophets. Jesus warned, “Watch out for false prophets, they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves and by their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:15-20). False prophets pretend to be Godly men and women and appear to be solid church leaders. However, their bad scandals eventually reveal them to be the opposite of what they claimed to be. In this, they follow the example of Satan as Aba Girma clearly did. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an Angel of light as was Aba Girma seen by some trusting fools.
It is not surprising, if his brainwashed followers masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Very Sad indeed!!
As the late Margaret Thatcher remarked on winning the 1979 election: Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error; may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope. And I may add this too: If Aba Girma, his deafened, blinded and brainwashed supporters were Good Samaritans & True Christians, I urge them in the name of God the forgiver, the redeemer and saver to open our own worshiping place: the Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion of London without further delays so that all those cruelly betrayed, illegally deprived and suffered folks through heavy rain and snow for weeks for no fault of theirs but only the priests who refused to negotiate and rejected every peaceful means by moving and changing the goal posts to suit their devious purposes. But I am confident of the need of the people of God for I know it all and do it all and my way or the highway Priests to open the church doors and allow the people to meet their God. Our church belongs to all Christians who invested in it and all others who wanted to use it as a worshiping place and not Aba Girma’s private property which he bought using his own money and expertise at all. Enough is enough!! Otherwise, as Aba’s devious plans have failed to date, all future attempts to destroy the unity of the oppressed Ethiopian people who could not be able to live in their own country in fear of persecution and our church would fail in future too? We have always been well aware that our enemies and Ethiopian enemies are in our midst to spy on us, to divide us using the Hod Amlaku Bandas or traitors, to destroy our hard-earned church or snatch it away from us as they did but failed on many occasions? God has always been with us all and He would ever be until you the distracters, church and Ethiopia destroyers, the worst bland blinds, the bloody vain, the self-important morons and the emotionally incontinent and incompetent sods and bunch of rascals and pigmies who strived to be not church preachers and elders but only Masters: the essence of TPLF’s rotten ideology are well humiliated and badly defeated once again. Yes, we would fight on, fight on to win!
Brethren, may I also have the opportunity to say to you all that, “Not only as a symbol of your and their greatness, but as the voice for the invincible Christians and and uncompromising conscience of the human race at a time of danger to the religion and dignity of mankind, created in the image of God, it was not only the liberty and honour of your people and church you are trying to save. Your words and your deeds are indelibly will be engraved in the annals of humanity”. Fight evil forces, unite and lead, and be a hatch blow to the Woyane’s and devious plans. Let’s get rid of this church disturber too?
Aba Girma or Ato Girum,
You are leaving your job it creates such a space, It will be a real weighty problem to fill your place. You are wished all success without strain or stress, May you go to hell as downward you press? … So long Aba? We shall not miss you!
*A Must View Shocking Clip of The Recent Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion London Church Gathering
*Another Must Read Recent Article in Solidarity of the Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion London
*PS: May Aba Girma Kebede previously known as Aba Grum Kebede urgently return to, the Reese Adbarat London Debre Tsion Church please to kindly conduct a Fithat on Mrs Margaret Thatcher who died few days ago, told us to also happily doing for the late Woyane Patriarch Aba Diablos the 1st? Abew endalut, ketsedequ ayiqer yingalelu biye new?
Ayimeslewotm Aba Girma? I advise him to change his name again, to Debre-Betbt, if he joins TPLF’S Selassie church in London too? Last, I sincerely & wholeheartedly hope Aba Girma would dare to ban me from our church as well?
Brethren, Unite & Fight to Save Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion London Church From The Organised and Disguised TPLF/Woyane Wolves That is After Our Church and Money!
Aba Girma Kebede
The troubled Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church of St Mary of London Debre Tsion, that was meant to preach the true Gospel of God and also provide spiritual services to the Orthodox Christians and of the practice of Ethiopian Orthodox religion, further provide Christian counseling, encouraging the community, teaching the young religious education, promoting understanding and harmony within our community, the society and in general, supporting humanitarian and disaster relief in our beloved country Ethiopia and all around the world has unbelievably, embarrassingly and annoyingly too, turned out to be the very few shameless Woyanes’, their TPLF recruits’ and some rude children’s ugly private circus.
The sudden running away of Aba Girma: with the keys of the Reese Adbarat London Debre Tsion Church, has made it too difficult to
mitigate the Negative Effects of the Church’s Conflict. This sold-out and the temperamental Macho Priest who deliberately created those devious dramas to betray the church members who helped him in many ways and the churchgoers who did so much to buy the Church after 38 years of an uphill struggle? I know lots, though I was refrained from taking sides and moreover too, from going to the church as often as I used to do weekly in the past. Yes, I was, as some including Getachew Beshahwured recently explained, one of those few Ethiopians who built the foundation those years ago and since then too, I did my utmost to help own our latest church. However after I viewed and listened to the recent tearful mediation attempt, God bless him, by Qes Birhanu and Aba Girma’s shameful and unchristian rejection, I could not at all just sit in front of my PC, to see our church set on fire and burning into ashes or given away to the TPLF Patriarch and his politically-minded and racist cronies. Frankly speaking, I have never seen or heard a priest and moreover too, an appointed Church Leader to dare to lock and close the church service at any time let alone during an Ethiopians fasting period when the church and the teachings were needed with all the blessings. Shocking!
His motives and intention was only to deprive Christian believers most of whom are old and frail that did not enjoy good health as
It’s beautiful really and truly, when the congregational system was and is humming along as was in our church for a very long time, and when everyone loved each other with all sorts of ups and downs, disappointments and there was peace among the fellowship of Christians. But sometimes [that system], hits a pothole and the damage it caused are now witnessed with so much embarrassment to most of us, our culture & our beloved country that was once renowned to be the first home of Orthodox Christianity where also Islam followers seek shelter and built their first Mosque in Tigrai. Internal church conflict is no longer a new phenomenon. Modern church culture is terribly suffering from an identity crisis. Controversial social issues in the secular arena, dirty and devious anti-Ethiopian politics have found their ways into religious communities and stimulated debates. Battle lines are drawn between the pulpit and the pews when those issues are not received the same ways. And unfortunately, though all means and methods were tried, our church was and still is ill-equipped to handle our conflicts all because few priests interpreted the church dogmas incorrectly and refused modernisation for the love of money and power alone which was and is the root cause of evil. All the Aba Girma and his few disciples could think was and is to gain full power to control the church assets, as caretakers of the TPLF.
This tactic had been tried before, when most of the woyane cadres/agents were lurking in our church like poisoned rats.
Aba Girma Kebede who seemed to want to act the late notorious Girma Kebede of the Derg Qebele official, (one wonders why he changed his real name Grum to Girma too), his Yes Men and Eshi Abatachin Women wanted to continue to live in the long past, hence they thought they were outsmarted by some individuals of good faith, a higher education, wealth of experiences at higher levels and all are in many different professions as well. Change and improvement of the church administration and handling of all its affairs in civilised and legal ways has become a bitter taste and is frightening to them also because it is now fully understood that they were not in our church to genuinely serve us and God in the true Christian ways but to fill their bellies, load their big pockets and enjoy all the good perks, the handsome salaries while also and may be too, claiming DHSS benefits and earning other incomes on the rear sides, secretly? These and why he changed his name if without proper channel must be investigated too? How and why did he come to UK too?
Besides that it is alleged that they have planned to transfer the ownership of the church to the TPLF Patriarch who appointed him and promised him the rank of Bishop. Unlike our church, other churches are looking for the most efficient and effective means of restoring peace and religion. But Power struggle between Church Leaders like ours against the will of the members is by no means modern at all. Churchgoers consistently debated who holds the driving force behind the direction of a church, and more specifically, what is taught from the pulpit on a weekly basis too? And how on earth a priest dictates too?
These common tussles have grown more difficult really, to resolve conflict of differences because Aba Girma: the now cursed & rejected church leader wants to control everything and consider himself as a judge, jury even after his contract expired and he lose a vote of confidence. He now acts like a Devil Obsessed Absolute Monarch who can ban or suspend Christian members and other churchgoers if challenged in civilized ways, totally forgetting that priest’s job was and is purely spiritual to teach the Holy Bible not hire security men by wasting public monies to stop believers coming into the church to meet and pray to their God. Priests’ job was not and is not to count cash collected from the churchgoers, or do the petty cash either or to get involved with income and expenditure, do the church’s budget or carry out accounting and finance duties like me who is a Chartered Accountant among others. Some of the now increased difficulty was and still is the bad result of the Ethiopian regime’s involvement in Orthodox religion not postmodernism, but their desire to destroy the Orthodox religion and the ethnic cleansing of the Amharas and the
Oromos from the face of this planet earth that they have tried over the last twenty two years.
By God Almighty, they can’t succeed in million/billion years and we must not allow them to succeed till we all go to our grave yards? Never and ever! Ethiopian brethren and fellow Christians of all ages, the Bible teaches for all Christians to “speak the same thing” so that there will be unity in the body of Christ (1 Cor. 1:10). The only way such unity is possible is, for Christians to focus on the common ground of Christ and His Word. That is, we need to “say what the Word says and do” always, to let the Word speak for itself and not try to promote divisive opinions about it like this cursed and rejected Aba Girma. In scripture too, we see that Paul instructed Timothy to “Preach The Word,” not his opinions (2 Tim. 4:2) as Aba Girma Kebede mistakenly seemed to have forgotten to teach the
Bible from his heart but done all the wicked things for at least the past one year. An experienced preacher like Aba Girma Kebede was intended to be a delivery boy of God’s message, not a silly commentator of the message. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job (1 John 2:27). Very sad!
Coming to terms with the fact, everyone is human hence will fail you at some time or another. Even the priest and the Patriarch make mistakes. The only one you can trust entirely without fail is God and God alone but this priest who has a big ego and chips on his shoulders foolishly thought that he was wiser and also godlier than God Himself and that he was and still is righteous and immune to and from criticisms. As Qes Birhanu directly remarked last Sunday, Aba Girma was only concerned for his earthly life and flesh not his soul and the wonderful heaven he preached us to inherit after this temporary life on this earth? Hence realizing that any human can fall short, the degree of trust we place in people must be limited and will depend on their past and recent track record. The more we get to know a person’s character and the history of their behaviour; we’ll be able to determine how trustworthy they are. This is one of the reasons why the scriptures tell us to get to know our Priests and Spiritual Leaders whether they are foreign, came out of Ethiopia through Bole and or Bale and whether their past Godly lifestyle, personality and trustworthiness, can be trusted. And their leadership too, were tested and proved before we appoint them on their claims alone. Also, we urge you brethren, to recognize those who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you. (1 Thes. 5:12).
Aba Girma Kebede, with humiliation and repentance, you must seek God’s forgiveness for this horrible act of irresponsibility he recklessly and ruthlessly committed to hurt most Christians. If he had some decency left in him and repents of his sin, will God forgive him? Absolutely? Should the church love and forgive him too? Yes, none of us are like Aba? And what if he continued to be arrogant, stubborn and defiant warmonger as he now is, but withdraws his unfounded allegations against individuals, also groups and peacefully accepts his removal from his recent position as the leader of the church (though his contract has expired), but would then like to volunteer to assist others and future priests? Why not, this is of course, the house of worship for many weak and strong Christians?
Do we trust him in future too? Absolutely not! It would be unthinkable to put a person in the driver’s seat that has shown such bad negligence and irresponsibility. Certainly, we may love to forgive him as all Christians should always do, but because of this man’s poor track record for the past several months or a year, we could not risk our church, the lives of our elders and the innocent children if every time he lost an argument switches of the church lights to let us sit in the dark church hall and let people scream in fear as was last time? But given a long period of an entire sobriety, the full body immersion in any blessed Ethiopian Reputable Tsebel, coupled with traditional Ethiopian medicines, a spiritual help by a vicar, revoke his devious plans to serve Aba Mathias & Co; this once productive priest may be able to prove to us that he may again be a very reliable and trustworthy priest?
It is remarkable to consider that the Apostle Paul, the great author of scripture openly confessed that he was not perfect. Like us, he experienced struggles in his flesh to do the right things. If one of the leading authors of scripture and apostles of the early church admitted to this, it should not seem too strange if we find our priests and other brothers and sisters in our church struggling with imperfections too? One of the jobs of the church ministry is to help perfect the saints like a spiritual hospital, where people go to get well. Instead of resenting persons in the church for their flaws, be thankful they’re there trying to grow in Christ to get better and for priests to help others get healed. Learn to love and accept people for what they are; they’re not any more perfect than you are. Just as it has been said of beauty, imperfection is in the eye of the beholder too? I guess, I am right!
A person with a very negative attitude can find fault wherever they wish. In contrast, the person with a positive outlook can always find the good and beauty in things. The well-adjusted person in the church should seek out the good and encouraging things as the Bible teaches (Phil. 4:8). Let’s all have a humble and meek attitude like Christ (Matt. 11:29, Rom. 12:3). Being an obnoxious, arrogant and stubborn will set you up for a fall like this unwise and shrewd priest. A Priest like Aba Girma who we all thought was chosen by God does not need to promote himself, campaign or strive to attain an appointment or be on elected position to lead the church and to fully control all affairs of the church he has been selfishly fighting for, tooth and nail. God is the architect and the one who puts persons in such positions, and unless He does it, stay away from it. Lift up the Lord in all that you say and all you do. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but he who seeks the Glory of the one who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him” (John 7:18).
The Holy Bible also teaches us Christians to avoid an attitude of competition which creates conflict in a unity. A competitive attitude compares self with others, and strives to rise above that comparison (2 Cor. 10:12). The philosophy of Christianity therefore is not to try to outdo one another, but to submit to and lift up one another (Eph. 5:21). We are even told to prefer our brother above ourselves and be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly and sisterly love, in and honour giving preference to one another (Rom. 12:10). Competition between the church and Christians is divisive and contrary to the faith. And if the priest divides the Christians for his end game or to fulfil his devious ambition, it would be cruel and sinful. Remember folks, that love and forgiveness is granted unconditionally.
But trust must be earned. Trust is the acquired confidence in a person’s actions that was and is lacked by Tarzan: our Church Leader previously known and called or addressed as Aba Girma Kebede and his few opportunist puppets: so-called junior priests. We certainly can, and should trust persons who show trustworthy behaviour, but because men have potential for failures, we should never put an infallible sense of trust in anyone but God.
We should not at all expect to receive preferential treatment or to get our way about everything. The Bible teaches that favouritism is wrong, and the church will try to make decisions and do things in the best interest of the whole congregation, not just a certain few fools as Aba Girma now doing the total opposite of that. As that of Abba Girma too, avoid the foolish trap of presuming that your opinions are always divinely inspired or are indisputable and also don’t try to press your opinions or personal agenda up on others.
Sometimes, persons like the sinner Aba Girma strongly feel that all their ideas come from God. They may attempt to add clout to their suggestions or complaints by saying God told me so therefore we are 200% right. Indeed, God does speak to His children, but you will not be the exclusive source through which God reveals himself in a matter like that of our church. If your opinions really come from God, the Bible says that others will bear witness with it, especially His priests and church leaders. You won’t even have to invoke God’s name they’ll be able to tell if your ideas came from Him. But as now proved, Aba Girma’s interpretations of the talked about “Qenona, Dogma, Qale-Awad” and others did not come from God but being used to confuse fools and the illiterates. Hence Aba Girma & Co; be cautious; and lest you find yourself using His name very falsely, as it is really a very dangerous thing. Priests are His representatives in His ordained chain of command, and if He wants to get something across to His church, He’ll bear witness with the persons in charge. If not, know that the church has no good shepherd but a false prophet like Aba Girma.
Christians will definitely avoid a lot of problems if they will just commit themselves to an unconditional love for their brethren or fellow human beings. The practice of loving the brethren, all the brethren, not just the lovable ones keeps us from stumbling. Never forget that Jesus takes personally how we entreat our Christian brothers and sisters. When we love even the least of our brethren, Jesus accepts that love toward Himself (Matt. 25:40). You cannot love the Lord any more than you love the least in the body of Christ. If someone says, I love God, and hate his brother like this wicked priest, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? So, how can a priest who called his congressional: his mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and his children every time he started his weekly sermon, then switch of the light in its entirety and call the police every time members complained about important issues concerning the church? And then locks the church doors, stick a Notice and then start going to the police station, the solicitor office while at the same time refusing to meet up with his opponents to try to find amicable solutions? I was wondering, where did the money come from to do all that destruction and as Qes Birhanu implied propaganda too? Are they paid their monthly salaries as well, while they have been gallivanting around places but all sick? How on earth if he was in his right mind, chose to tell off hard working, productive and faithful members and Christians not to step their foot in the church vicinity again? Who did he think he was really, and was he really the real priest to do all that, unless otherwise, he was on some kind of illegal substances? God have mercy on him and us all. Let’s be quick to forgive and don’t hold bad grudges like Aba Girma showed.
I say this too, because unforgiving and bitterness is one of the greatest reasons why people get hurt in the church and probably the greatest cause of apostasy falling away in disgrace. If you refuse to forgive and repent like Aba Girma and his disciples did last Sunday in day light, it will prevent God’s forgiveness of your sins and could keep you out of Heaven. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Matt. 6:14-15). Aba Girma must have known that in every sermon from the Bible, when through him God has had something to say to all of us. Be open therefore, to whatever the Mighty Lord would have to say, willing to accept His correction or guidance. Defensiveness like our priest was and still is usually a sign of resistance to conviction. It is my prayer that these principles will help and encourage you all in your relationship with the church. And moreover too, for Aba Girma to play victim’s card for a year and more too recently for his own greedy desires and faults, and then to threaten the real victims in an attempt to jump the gun seemed to me that he was thinking that he lives in Ethiopia where the TPLF is judge & jury to illegally punish us all who made constructive criticisms. Aba Girma, I would not expect you to listen to me too, but if you been embarrassed to admit your mistakes that you were caught red-handed for, or even got injured there or have merely strayed away by some, I urge you to seek God’s grace to forgive those who may have hurt you, apologise to churchgoers and return to the fellowship of God’s people.
As challenging as it may seem sometimes, the church is Christ’s plan for His people, and it is there that He will develop and mature you into a fully equipped disciple of His kingdom away from your bully attitude Aba? Brethren, such priests and barking deacons like Deacon Biniam, are killing our Orthodox religion as a result of which many are going to other churches and joining different religions too? Some have begun to say, that church isn’t for everyone anymore, and even those with a pure heart, a decent morale, and good intentions think like that. They say there is another place where we belong, under the title ‘Spiritual, not Religious’ or ‘Christian, but not Churchgoer’.
Some people, who felt connected to something greater in a spiritual sense or God, chose not to be affiliated with any particular brand of denominations or church on the market. I found myself almost residing with such religious people at heart. Many of us have tried our best, frequenting several churches to find a “right fit”, only to become increasingly apprehensive of the church conflicts created by our bad priests who divided us and intent on destroying our very popular church if one suggests that it should be administered democratically? In fact, it always seemed to get worse the more we try to make church fit us all. In the process too, we even lost a little faith every time we see what it means to be Christian? It also makes me wonder how following God begins with and depends on a church. Some would say if you don’t go to the church, you must not believe in anything of the spiritual or religious nature. I say, ‘that’s too bad’ and I’m here to expose the truth of why people have lost church, but sometimes not God. I hope my message inspires those who can’t find the right church for them or can’t go or don’t want to go, can still believe and communicate with God. It took me years of giving up on church before I realized that I don’t have to go to church to have God in my life at all. Nobody is less of a person for not going to the church. But these ways of thinking has always been around the churchgoers.
Some priests like Aba Girma Kebede consider the title: Church Leader and or Overseer as the Highest and Everlasting Command to have his hand in everything. He feels it his duty to be involved in every decision for the church. Not only is this exhausting for the priest, who finds himself in every committee meeting, it’s also hampering certain others from using their natural gifts in the church. That was and is why they are elected by members.
A priest can of course oversee and delegate at the same time. In addition, the biblical model of a plurality of other elders, elected members along with deacons appointed to assist the priest and elders precludes the priest from being a “One-Man Dictatorial Show”.
For the priest to seek command to “rule” the church is sometimes taken to extremes as well. A priest’s official responsibility is to fully manage the church along with the elders, elected members and his focus should be primarily spiritual: matters such as edifying believers and equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12) are a priest’s main concern not all other things that Aba Girma Kebede wanted to control single handily with the help of his close confidants and some teenagers. We have heard of priests like this bad guy who really and truly seemed more dictatorial than some dictators in Ethiopia. Such selfish and greedy men, it seems to me, simply desire control and is not fit to govern the church of God (3 John 9-10). I would not trust him at all for a small whelk and or a corner kiosk, let alone a big and expensive church like ours. First Peter 5:3 also contains a wonderful description of a balanced pastoral ministry: “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock”. The priest’s authority is not something to be “lorded over” the church; rather, a priest is to be an example of truth, love and godliness for God’s flock to follow. (1 Timothy 4:12.). But Aba Girma…..? Sad!
A priest is “the steward of God” (Titus 1:7), and he is answerable to God for his leadership in the church. But was Aba Girma Kebede aka Aba Girum before he came to this country in mysterious circumstances, a good priest if he locks the church for weeks and come and wonder on and around the side of the church as a burglar, if he only silently watches when spoiled and rude teenagers becomes foul-mouthed to elders, (those little, disruptive and undisciplined kids should have been sent to youth correction or rehab), if he failed to be a role-model for the flock and divides Christians, if he is that arrogant and is stubborn?
And if he has been economical with the truth, if he recklessly made spiritual damages upon many people during fasting, and moreover too, if he made the churchgoers cry to make them a laughing stock for passer-by’s around the church every Sundays, that has been so embarrassing and degrading to all Ethiopians including his supporters who must now have regretted blindly joining his wrong camp but then of course lacked strong guts to make U-turns to be on the safe side of the law of the land. We must challenge them. With that said, there is still the problem that scandals did occur among those claiming to be true Christians. A very prominent Christian leader like Aba Girma, have been exposed for committing unforgivable sins as witnessed. Why does this occur? There are at least three primary explanations one of which is those claiming to be Christians are unbelieving charlatans, and our church leader allowed his position to result in his personal pride and Satan and his demons more aggressively attacked and tempted other Christians because they know that a scandal involving the church leader have created devastating results, on both Christians and the church. Such church leaders who are caught in scandals like the present one are unredeemed charlatans and false prophets. Jesus warned, “Watch out for false prophets, they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves and by their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:15-20). False prophets pretend to be Godly men and women and appear to be solid church leaders. However, their bad scandals eventually reveal them to be the opposite of what they claimed to be. In this, they follow the example of Satan as Aba Girma clearly did. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an Angel of light as was Aba Girma seen by some trusting fools.
It is not surprising, if his brainwashed followers masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Very Sad indeed!!
As the late Margaret Thatcher remarked on winning the 1979 election: Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error; may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope. And I may add this too: If Aba Girma, his deafened, blinded and brainwashed supporters were Good Samaritans & True Christians, I urge them in the name of God the forgiver, the redeemer and saver to open our own worshiping place: the Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion of London without further delays so that all those cruelly betrayed, illegally deprived and suffered folks through heavy rain and snow for weeks for no fault of theirs but only the priests who refused to negotiate and rejected every peaceful means by moving and changing the goal posts to suit their devious purposes. But I am confident of the need of the people of God for I know it all and do it all and my way or the highway Priests to open the church doors and allow the people to meet their God. Our church belongs to all Christians who invested in it and all others who wanted to use it as a worshiping place and not Aba Girma’s private property which he bought using his own money and expertise at all. Enough is enough!! Otherwise, as Aba’s devious plans have failed to date, all future attempts to destroy the unity of the oppressed Ethiopian people who could not be able to live in their own country in fear of persecution and our church would fail in future too? We have always been well aware that our enemies and Ethiopian enemies are in our midst to spy on us, to divide us using the Hod Amlaku Bandas or traitors, to destroy our hard-earned church or snatch it away from us as they did but failed on many occasions? God has always been with us all and He would ever be until you the distracters, church and Ethiopia destroyers, the worst bland blinds, the bloody vain, the self-important morons and the emotionally incontinent and incompetent sods and bunch of rascals and pigmies who strived to be not church preachers and elders but only Masters: the essence of TPLF’s rotten ideology are well humiliated and badly defeated once again. Yes, we would fight on, fight on to win!
Brethren, may I also have the opportunity to say to you all that, “Not only as a symbol of your and their greatness, but as the voice for the invincible Christians and and uncompromising conscience of the human race at a time of danger to the religion and dignity of mankind, created in the image of God, it was not only the liberty and honour of your people and church you are trying to save. Your words and your deeds are indelibly will be engraved in the annals of humanity”. Fight evil forces, unite and lead, and be a hatch blow to the Woyane’s and devious plans. Let’s get rid of this church disturber too?
Aba Girma or Ato Girum,
You are leaving your job it creates such a space, It will be a real weighty problem to fill your place. You are wished all success without strain or stress, May you go to hell as downward you press? … So long Aba? We shall not miss you!
*A Must View Shocking Clip of The Recent Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion London Church Gathering
*Another Must Read Recent Article in Solidarity of the Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion London
*PS: May Aba Girma Kebede previously known as Aba Grum Kebede urgently return to, the Reese Adbarat London Debre Tsion Church please to kindly conduct a Fithat on Mrs Margaret Thatcher who died few days ago, told us to also happily doing for the late Woyane Patriarch Aba Diablos the 1st? Abew endalut, ketsedequ ayiqer yingalelu biye new?
Ayimeslewotm Aba Girma? I advise him to change his name again, to Debre-Betbt, if he joins TPLF’S Selassie church in London too? Last, I sincerely & wholeheartedly hope Aba Girma would dare to ban me from our church as well?
Brethren, Unite & Fight to Save Reese Adbarat Debre Tsion London Church From The Organised and Disguised TPLF/Woyane Wolves That is After Our Church and Money!
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