As we are witnessing this horrible human suffering of an unprecedented level in our history, a paid agent of TPLF by the name Dawit Kebede, who has been installed among our ranks, has finally come out of his hiding. And he is laboring day and night throwing peppers into our eyes. He is going after ESAT pursuing a relentless campaign to distract, defame and discredit this great media outlet of ours at every turn and opportunity he gets.
As ESAT’s outreach in Ethiopia as well as around the world is spreading like wild fire, TPLF has learned that Jamming ESAT in not enough. And they are right. It is not working. So, TPLF has to do something. Buy someone with a media experience, however feeble, green and stupid he is, among us. Boom! Dawit Kebede of Awramba Times showed up in their radar screen. Hence the beginning of an infamous adventure of Dawit Kebede’s injection into the Diaspora as a TPLF agent declaring war on ESAT and by extension on those patriots who uphold ESAT’s cause for freedom and democracy in Ethiopia.
First of all, I am honored for being labelled as “the G7 propagandist” by this greenish and sheepish TPLF mole. Am I that good to deserve such an honor? No, I am not that good to be given such an honor. Rather, I am good at something else that I can proudly announce to the whole wide world. Do you know what it is? You guessed it. I am excellent at sniffing a TPLF rat a mile away. I can snif and flash out a TPLF little dog such as Dawit Kebede. I am a bull dog fighter that can bark and bite at the same time. Others can’t bite while they are barking. Or they have the opposite problem. They can’t bark while they are biting, if they can bite at all. I can do both.
Let alone a TPLF chuwawa like Dawit Kebede, with a combination of brain and bravado, I can handle his TPLF masters who installed Dawit Kebede in the Diaspora. There is a good reason why I and my friends have become sleepless and penniless in Seattle pursuing the enemy day and night. It sounds like bluffing until Dawit and all the TPLF dogs that are mushrooming in the Diaspora get a taste of our bite. Let me put it this way. TPLF has found its match in me. Not only I have the brain power to slice a TPLF camelion like Dawit into pieces, I can turn from a “G7 propagandist” into a bone-crashing and arm twisting bulldog fighter with a speed of light.
I am not in the business of civility and appeasing the enemy within. I leave that to the naive crew. I am dying inside day and night as great men and women like Andualem Arage, Eskinder Nega, and Reeyot Alemu and others are being tortured and tormented in TPLF prisons. My heart is bleeding for those little Amhara children who are dying of hunger after being thrown out into the wild by TPLF as we speak. For most of us, this is just bad news and numbers. That is all. But it should outrage us and compel us into an outrageous action including going after TPLF agents and moles like Dawit who are happily and comfortably doing their evil thing among us. We should have the brain to know the difference between intolerance, democracy, and going after an enemy. We should not confuse one with the other. After 20 years of engaging TPLF, we should be able to know an enemy right away when we see one.
Appeasing the enemy in the name of intolerance and “professional journalism” is out right naivete in the face such an alarming horror our people are subjected to even as we speak. I can see them in my mind if not with my eyes. I am not a disciple of naive democracy where I unrealistically fantasize about a democracy that does not exist. Freedom is burning in my heart. I want my freedom back before anything else. The rest of you can slice, dice, and analyze democracy. Good that you have time for that. I don’t. I am desperate and hungry for freedom. I don’t have time like you do. It looks like you are planning to live on earth forever. You don’t sound and look like you are in a hurry. I don’t know about you. For me,I want the simple freedom of going back to my country and sit with friends and have a cup of coffee in Arat Kilo. Don’t you? I don’t know about you. But I need to be free. And be free now.
Dawit first came to Seattle after he took his new mission of targeting ESAT. We all received him with respect and warm friendship. We invited him into a Chinese restaurant and fed him until his tummy got red and hot. We said cheers for our health while we clicked our glasses. Little that we know, this mole was cheering for our death. We were hugging and welcoming our killer. Can you imagine embracing and hugging your killer? This is how we greeted this mole who finally has stabbed us on our backs. What a bad dream!
Fast forward one year since then, we are looking at a mole that has successfully penetrated us. Fortunately, we have succeeded in flashing him out, thank God. There is a saying in our country that sounds perfect when expressed in Amharic that applies to Dawit. ‘አር ላይ ተቀምጦ ፈስ ሸተተኝ ብሎ ያወራል ወይም ያማርራል”. After being hired as a mole by an ethno-fascist and racist mafia group like TPLF, this traitor,Dawit, has the audacity to complain about ESAT and is working hard to discredit it, if he can.
What if we turn the tables on Dawit this time. This mole is not about “professional Journalism” as he has claimed so many times. He frequently uses the CPJ Award he received by mistake as a hammer to hit hard on ESAT. He also claims “professional journalism” which he uses to launch his campaign of slash and burn the democratic opposition and their leaders in the Diaspora. How professional is this TPLF mole himself? Can he tell us what he did with the $36, 000 he got from National Endowment for Democracy? May be this will tell us something about his “professional Journalism”? What did he do with all this money?
I hope this mole won’t deny it because we have the information. Here is the link:
Last but not least, I ask all of you patriots to drop your naivete, use your God given brains, put some steel in your backs and stop the rise of TPLF agents and moles in the Diaspora. The responsibility is totally on us. We have permitted TPLF and its agents to roam freely in our neighborhoods by our inaction and passivity. Do something about TPLF on a day to day bases. If you have money to spare, give it. If you have a brain, use it to dig TPLF’s grave. If you have time, go and throw an egg, the real I egg, at TPLF’s agents around you. If you shop in a TPLF store, stop it even it is cheaper. Boycott against all TPLF businesses including the money exchange businesses in your area. Go out and lobby to your senators and congressmen. Raise money generously to support our people who have been evicted and suffering on the streets in Bene Shangul and Gura Ferda. Women and children have nothing to eat. Go on a demonstration targeting TPLF spies wherever we live. Let us show them crime does not pay.
Forget a little mole like Dawit Kebede. Stop appeasing him. Get some respect for yourself to get some respect from the enemy. May be that is why they call us “Hadgi” and “Hodam”. If we had respect for ourselves, we wouldn’t have the stamina to let TPLF dogs roam freely among us. When TPLF moles and agents are boldly functioning and mushrooming among us, they will have more contempt and incentive to take even bolder steps against us.
This is not a time to sleep and slumber. It is time to act. Not in words but in deeds. Be impatient. Be restless. Be sleepless. Your people are suffering. Our comrades are being tortured and killed. Our country is being torn apart never to be the same. In the face of this kind of daunting horror, quit hugging and appeasing the enemy within. Go to work. You don’t live forever. Rise and save your country.
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